Home Post 1889-chapter-63


When Liu Yingying heard Jiang Nian’s words, the whole person was going crazy, like thunder on a sunny day, hitting her head fiercely! Didn’t they make a promise? How could she tell aunt about it? If this is known to her aunt, whether she could go out in the future would be a trivial matter. The key is that her uncle, grandfather, and grandmother would definitely know. What would they think of her then? Would they still trust her after knowing everything?

Liu Yingying was so upset that she didn’t know how many times she scolded Jiang Nian in her heart. She really could not keep a secret. She should not have believed her!

Mother Jiang originally thought that Liu Yingying would be fine after being reminded at the dinner table last night. Where did she know that her eldest niece didn’t take it to heart?

In fact, although Mother Jiang had some small opinions about Liu Yingying, she would not try to use others’ contempt to punish her. Moreover, Liu Yingying was also her eldest niece and Jiang Nian’s cousin. Perhaps she was young and didn’t know how serious things were and didn’t think there was much of a problem. She never considered whether it would be too much for Jiang Nian’s body. Like that, it was not so difficult to make some cognitive mistakes.

So, Mother Jiang didn’t tell her husband or in laws about Liu Yingying taking Jiang Nian and Jiang Xiaobao to eat hot pot secretly. She was afraid that she would make a big deal out of a simple mistake, which would affect her husband’s relationship with his sister and make Liu Yingying uncomfortable living in their home and affecting her college entrance examination. After all, the college entrance examination was a matter of life.

What’s more, Liu Yingying looked so sensible and considerate. She felt that, after clarifying the seriousness of the matter with her, Liu Yingying would never commit it again.

Therefore, after Liu Yingying came back from the holiday yesterday, she specifically said that Jiang Nian couldn’t eat a lot of food so their food was very light and hoped she could get used to it. Liu Yingying said with a smile at the time that it was fine to eat lighter. While watching TV in the living room, she reminded Liu Yingying that Jiang Nian’s body was very fragile, and it was easy to become uncomfortable. She’d miss class a week at a time and never stopped drinking Chinese medicine. Liu Yingying listened clearly at that time and promised she would take good care of her cousin. Why did she propose to eat barbecue today?

Fortunately, before she severely criticized her daughter and forbade her from hiding anything from her. So, this time, Jiang Nian was scared into telling her ahead of time!

Mrs. Jiang loved her daughter. When her family was poor, she was careful and meticulous with her daughter. She was completely in compliance with the doctor’s advice when eating. The whole family was frugal so they could buy supplements for her treatment. Could she be any worse now that they had money?

Mother Jiang already had an opinion on Liu Yingying. Even if she didn’t know that Jiang Nian could not eat barbecue, she was aware that Jiang Nian had been sick at home for a week. What did it mean to come back from the holiday and pull people out immediately? It seemed that she had to make it clear to Liu Yingying. She glanced at her daughter who was not satisfied: “The lesson from last time wasn’t enough? Still dare to go?”

Jiang Nian said, “I didn’t want to go. Cousin said I refused to go to the spring tour so I should at least go to eat barbecue, blowing the river wind and drinking beer. Even if I don’t taste it, since the cousin’s friends are also going together, it will be lively. Mom, I think that, although I might feel a little uncomfortable, I can bear it.”

Liu Yingying: “………!!!”

These were all things she said to attract Jiang Nian to go out with her, but she didn’t expect her to say it verbatim to her aunt. If Jiang Nian continued to speak, she would be finished!

In the end, Liu Yingying was several dozen years old and had a fast-enough reaction. She pressed down her pounding heart and panickily smiled and said, “Aunt, I actually have a party with my classmates. They said they want to eat barbecue. I think cousin is bored and suffocating at home and wanted to take her out to relax, so I mentioned it to cousin. If aunt is not at ease, cousin will take a rest at home.”

This was smart. She completely threw the pot to her so-called classmates.

Of course, Mrs. Jiang was not at ease and said, “Go on your own. Niannian is not in good health and will not go. Besides, she will not be able to eat on the barbecue so there’s no reason to go. I’m afraid she can’t control her mouth and gets herself into trouble.”

Liu Yingying made a sound and smiled from relief. It seemed that her aunt didn’t think too much.

Jiang Nian was unhappy: “Mom, I want to play with my cousin, don’t worry, I promise not to eat a bunch of barbecue!”

Jiang Mother stared at her daughter: “You can’t eat barbecue. Plus, your body is not suitable for going out now. Don’t think about it— if you can’t, you can’t. No discussion.”

Liu Yingying finally got Mother Jiang to overlook her role; how dare she move now? If her aunt found clues, then she wouldn’t be able to live in the Jiang family. This family was very close to Jiang Nian. She was obviously a sick seedling and a drag on the family; she didn’t understand how her grandfather and grandmother pampered Jiang Nian like this?

Mother Jiang said, “You said you were about to take the exam, and you missed a week’s class. Just read a book at home and don’t think about running around all day.”

Liu Yingying agreed, saying learning was important.

Jiang Nian said earnestly, “It doesn’t matter, my cousin has to take the college entrance examination and still goes out to play every week. I believe I can do it.”

Jiang’s mother gave Liu Yingying a suspicious glance, seems a bit strange?

Didn’t she come here to save time and study? How could she go out and play around in the community whenever she had time?

Liu Yingying: “………………!!!!!!”

(╯ ‵ □ ‘) ╯︵┻━┻

Was this Jiang Nian’s brain sick? Did she have any emotional intelligence? Didn’t she know some words couldn’t be said? What did this have to do with her not studying? What a poison!

Liu Yingying’s forehead was cold and sweating. Her response was just a simple sentence but because she had a guilty conscience, she found it difficult to breathe first: “I, I, it was my classmate who had something to look for me. I was not easy to refuse, there was no way to go……”

“Ding Dong, Ding Dong!”

Just then, the Jiang family doorbell rang.

Mother Jiang’s eyes fell upon Liu Yingying’s with scrutiny, then turned to see a big and a small standing at the door. The man’s face was firm and handsome, full of style, and cool as jade. There was a sharp sharpness hidden between the eyebrows, which made Mama Jiang’s heart pause. As for the child, she’d seen him before. Wasn’t it Jiang Xiaobao’s classmate Huo Ping?

What were they doing here? It wasn’t a secret that some people in this community were biased against their family. Mrs. Jiang certainly knew it, but she was happy to live her life and she didn’t bother to care about those people.

She set aside Liu Yingying’s question for a while and put down the watering can to open the door. As soon as the pressure on Liu Yingying left, she sighed with relief. She was really afraid that her aunt was stubborn and asked in the end. How could she explain it? Her aunt gave her the feeling that she didn’t trust her, and it was unlikely she’d be able to take Jiang Nian out in the future.

And Jiang Nian was always two points and one line, either school or home. How could she introduce her to Qi Bin?

Jiang Nian glanced at Liu Yingying and followed Mama Jiang to open the door because she also saw Huo Ping.

This was the first time Huo Ling had seen the Jiang Nian Huo Ping always mentioned. Jiang Nian in Huo Ping’s mouth was a greedy person who feared everything in life and death and especially loved her life. She had some strange distortions made people feel unreasonable when they heard, but still couldn’t find a reason to refute. She also often caused Huo Ping to be sulky and eat more as a result. These days, he had gained weight again.

The old man also liked to listen to Huo Ping talk about Jiang Nian. He felt Jiang Nian was an interesting person. How could a family who can teach such an interesting girl be the kind of tacky people spread by the outside world? The old man said he wanted a chance to meet the little girl, but Huo Ping said that he and Jiang Nian were enemies and it would never be possible to invite her to be a guest at home!

Huo Ling was also somewhat curious about this little girl. She could maintain an optimistic attitude despite being weak all year round. She didn’t avoid her illness but loved her life extremely. This contrast was very surprising.

So, when Huo Ping said he wanted to come to the Jiang family, he moved with his thoughts.

He also wanted to meet the cowardly Yangzi jie in Huo Ping’s mouth.

Meeting for the first time now, he found that Jiang Nian was a little different from the thin little girl he thought. Although she was delicate— she could even be said to be weak— and had a pallid complexion, she had a bright smile and a pair of smart eyes. When she laughed, the whole person appeared to be alive.

He looked down at her, really a contradictory little girl.

Huo Ping was a little handsome guy. Unlike Jiang Xiaobao, he looked white and clean. Because he was well raised, he had a little baby fat on his face, long eyelashes, and a pair of bright black eyes, looking lively and naughty.

Huo Ping just heard that the bad woman had bad ideas again. Seeing Mama Jiang came over, he said, holding the little gentleman’s shelf, “Auntie, I am Huo Ping, this is my cousin Huo Ling. We are here to look for Jiang Nian.”

He glanced at Jiang Nian, Jiang Nian laughed, and he hummed in his heart. The sick seedling actually laughed; he was afraid someone would be unlucky.

Huo Ling looked a little cold, but he was very polite: “Auntie, we apologize for the disturbance.”

Mama Jiang was quite surprised. Didn’t Huo Ping come to look for her little fatty? How to find Jiang Nian?

“Hello, don’t disturb, don’t disturb. Would you all come in and sit down?”

Jiang Nian looked at Huo Ling, glanced at the big box that Huo Ping was carrying hard, and then looked at Huo Ping with a smile. Huo Ping was laughing stiffly, staring at Jiang Nian secretly. He definitely did not come to apologize; he was here to tie off the relationship. He and Jiang Nian would not owe each other in the future. She walked her wooden bridge; he took his dirt road.

Huo Ping awkwardly handed the big box to Jiang’s mother: “Auntie, this is for Jiang Nian. Let her make up more. Every day she looks sickly, it’s very…pitiful.”

He wanted to say it was annoying but changed his mouth at the last minute.

Mother Jiang took it with a smile. She could see that Huo Ping was a little shy and embarrassed. It was not easy for a child to have this kind of heart. Besides, he also brought a cousin to accompany him to visit. She thanked in earnest, thinking about what to return in a moment while leading the rare young guests inside.

At this time, she had not called Liu Yingying. If it were in the past, she would definitely have called her together but, because of the blockage in her heart, she not only did not call her, she did not even look at her.

Jiang Nian naturally wouldn’t call her over either.

A group of people arrived at the living room.

Jiang Nian introduced very kindly, “Mom, this is one of the four grand front and back law protectors that I told you about, Huo Ping.”

Jiang Mama: “…???”

Huo Ping: “……!!!”

Huo Ling: “…………”

He was very calm and coughed twice in his fist to conceal the smiling mouth.

He found that Jiang Nian was really interesting. Real people were more interesting than legends. Although she was sick, she had a good spirit and was not gloomy like many people after a long illness but was cheerful and happy. Sometimes, her ideas would also leave people very……amazed?

Coming here to cure his boredom was really the right decision.

Liu Yingying was going to be shocked and mad. She didn’t expect that she would actually see Huo Ling here. Even if the man was a few years younger, his appearance remained unchanged, and his temperament remained unchanged. That fit body, cold and deep facial lines…It made him look masculine and sharp. Although he looked more immature at the moment, it couldn’t hide his powerful momentum.

How could Huo Ling come to the Jiang family? Didn’t he and Jiang Nian only meet each other when they were in college? What was going on now?

Liu Yingying did not know what went wrong. She clearly remembered the previous life when she asked how Jiang Nian and Huo Ling knew and how they were together. At that time, Jiang Nian made it clear that she was in university before meeting Huo Ling. When she had just entered the university to participate in military training, Huo Ling was her instructor at that time. Because Jiang Nian’s poor health, she fainted when he was teaching, and Huo Ling carried her to the infirmary. They became naturally familiar as he took care of her, and then they came together.

At that time, Liu Yingying was in her junior year, and secretly hated herself for not having Huo Ling as her instructor. If it were her, Huo Ling would definitely like her. What did Jiang Nian have? Her body wasn’t much and would only hinder people. How could Huo Ling look at Jiang Nian?

When she came back from the rebirth, she even thought about whether to repeat a few grades. At that time, if she met Huo Ling earlier than Jiang Nian, he would be her fate!

But what was going on now?

Did he see what happened just now?

Liu Yingying could not help thinking she should have revealed no flaws just now? Huo Ling came here for the first time, he should not know anything. Yes, he knew nothing.

…And Huo Ling appearing in advance— wasn’t this her chance?

Liu Yingying adjusted her thoughts. She couldn’t panic. It was better to see Huo Ling ahead of time. She didn’t have to wait another two years.

By the time Liu Yingying entered the living room, Mrs. Jiang had brought out tea and fruit cakes. Grandma Jiang also brought out some fresh corn she cooked. Grandpa Jiang knew that Jiang Nian had a friend coming home and brought gifts, pulling a few green vegetables and a few green onions from their vegetable garden. Unfortunately, the cucumber, pumpkin, and loofah he was growing hadn’t grown up. Otherwise, he would pick a few big bags of fresh vegetables. Fortunately, he returned to his hometown a few days ago and came back with a few nylon bags of vegetables, so he included some of those as well.

Grandpa Jiang originally wanted to raise some chickens and ducks, but the smell of chickens and ducks was too heavy to be raised in the family villa. He could only go back to the country once a week to buy a few native chickens to bring back to his granddaughter to stew soup. Although it was a little more troublesome, it was safe and nutritious.

When Grandpa Jiang put several nylon bags in the living room, Huo Ping was shocked. This upstart family was really powerful. Were all those bags really full of vegetables and fruits?

“They are all vegetables grown at home, without pesticides. You can take them back and eat with confidence. If you don’t have enough, you can take more. The vegetable garden behind me is very big.”

Grandma Jiang also brought a big watermelon out and stuffed it inside. These two old people sported thick gold chains, they were all glistening and shiny, and their clothes were plain and simple. Mother Jiang almost lost sight of it and felt slightly embarrassed. She knew the voices in the community that said the Jiang family was full of tacky upstarts. If even she knew, Huo Ling had probably heard about it.

She glanced at Huo Ling and saw that he was drinking from his teacup as usual and it didn’t seem to be dismissive, smiling and saying, ‘thank you, grandma and grandpa’. Huo Ping looked at his cousin and also felt he should respond ‘thank you, grandpa, grandma, and aunt’. It’s just…he didn’t know why but, when Huo Ping looked at the big bag of vegetables and fruits, he suddenly had the illusion that, if he was also an upstart, he would be very lucky. After all, an upstart wasn’t something just anyone could do……

The two brothers looked cute and pleasing. They were also the first children who came to visit their granddaughter. Grandpa Jiang and Grandma Jiang were even happier. They smiled until their eyes were invisible and their faces became chrysanthemums.

Liu Yingying endured the embarrassment, and then quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Then she couldn’t help looking for an opportunity to say a few words with Huo Ling. This was a rare chance. She hoped Huo Ling could remember her. She heard that he entered the army young and was a soldier. Should she express her affection for the soldiers and admire their selfless dedication?

Jiang Nian chewed the corn on the cob and saw Liu Yingying’s stubbornness in her eyes. She smiled and said, “Cousin, go upstairs and do your homework. We’ll just play by ourselves. After all, you came to save time to study.”

Liu Yingying’s dissatisfaction with Jiang Nian was getting deeper and deeper. Huo Ling was here, how could she leave?

“Don’t worry, I have read the book for the whole morning, so I want to take a break. I’ll just say a few words with my grandfather and grandmother and help a bit before going back. It won’t affect me.”

Jiang Nian made an ‘oh’, and looked at the smiling Huo Ping: “Huo law protector, do want to see my study, ah? I’m taking you to see where I study!”

Huo Ping law protector: “…………!!!!!!”

…………Your mother’s protector! And cousin, don’t hide it, don’t think I can’t hear you laughing! Huo Ling was also very surprised. When Jiang Nian shouted “Huo Law Protector”, he thought she was calling him and shocked himself.

Huo Ping was reluctant. Who is going to see your study! He clearly resisted in his heart, but his body was very obedient and stood up and followed Jiang Nian. Huo Ling naturally put down his teacup and followed upstairs. Liu Yingying froze for a moment and stood up and wanted to go, but she saw Jiang Nian turn and say, “Cousin, then accompany your grandparents. We’ll go upstairs to play.”

Liu Yingying: “…………”

She watched Huo Ling follow Jiang Nian to leave, not even glancing back. She didn’t say a word to Huo Ling. Jiang Nian never even introduced her cousin to Huo Ling, it was really too much! Not at all polite.

She squeezed her fist. She was really mad.

That was Huo Ling, the man she wanted in her dreams!

She bit her lip and became more and more determined to introduce Jiang Nian to Qi Bin. Fortunately, Jiang Nian was only fifteen years old. She was young and looked even smaller because of frailty. Huo Ling was already an adult man, he wouldn’t be interested in Jiang Nian? But it couldn’t be ruled out what kind of accidents could happen…

She was thinking wildly, the more she thought, the angrier. Jiang Nian really was the nemesis of her two lifetimes.

Just a sick seedling; see how long she could be proud.

Liu Yingying endured and tolerated, the anger and dissatisfaction in the eyes flashed away, and when finally calmed down. When she looked up again, she suddenly found that Mrs. Jiang was actually looking at her. After seeing her for a long time, Liu Yingying panicked, and her heartbeat almost stopped!

Mother Jiang said, “Yingying, let’s talk.”

She had been paying attention to Liu Yingying for a long time, and naturally saw the anger and resentment in her eyes, although she soon returned to the tenderness of the past, and it looked pitiful again and grieved again.

But Mother Jiang was very suspicious of Liu Yingying, and she was not deceived. The look in her eyes just now was not the gentle and wise niece she had known before, and the maliciousness was actually directed at her daughter? Mother Jiang didn’t understand why Liu Yingying hated her daughter so much, but she pretended to be a close cousin and secretly encouraged her daughter to touch those things that would hurt her body. What did that mean?

Was her family harsh? During Liu Yingying’s time at home, she was bought everything the Jiang children got, and she received the same amount of pocket money. She was also given more leeway as a third year and did not have to do any housework. Even all the clothes she took back were washed by Mother Jiang every weekend. She thought she’d done a good job as an aunt, but this girl actually wanted to hurt her daughter?

Mother Jiang was angry to the point that her heart hurt. Even if it were a prank between children, she could not tolerate such an uncertain factor staying beside her daughter.


Huo Ling entered a girl’s study for the first time. This was a real study; several large bookshelves were filled with books, the desks were littered with textbooks and reading racks, and computers. On the coffee table and chairs, there was a vase of lilies, and there were easels and artboards scattered in one corner.

Everything was fine. The walls were pink, the carpet was pink, even the desk bookshelves were pink, and there were many dolls scattered in the room…the room was full of girlishness.

Huo Ping still did not recover from the impact of “Huo Law Protector”, and he became more and more dissatisfied with Jiang Nian. Just now, he couldn’t say his mind with adults in the room, but he could say it now: “I tell you, I am not here today to apologize, don’t get me wrong.”

Jiang Nian nodded and said she knew.

Huo Ping again said, “Since you accepted my gift, we will be finished later. You are not allowed to threaten me anymore.”

Jiang Nian said: “I didn’t accept your gift, my mother accepted it.”

“…………Isn’t it things for you to eat?”

“It’s my mom’s thing after accepting. Of course, she loves me and will give it to me.”

“………” This was really irrefutable.

Huo Ping pursed his lips. Although she was a sick seedling, her brain turned quickly. It was definitely a wonderful thing among the thousands of miles. He glanced at his cousin, who stood in front of the bookshelf, seemingly reading some of the book titles. Jiang Nian said that she could read anything she wanted to. She was at home all year round because of illness and her family bought a lot of books for her at home, saying it was time to pass the time. Later, she became an upstart. Of course, there were no shortage of books and toys and the like, and her study room could not be filled.

Huo Ling took a copy of “Dream of Red Mansions” and looked back at her, his eyes cold, “Have you finished reading this book?”

Jiang Nian responded, “I finished reading it early.”

“Can you understand?”


Huo Ping hummed. “Dream of Red Mansions” was still difficult for him: “Are you trying to say that you are smart?”

Jiang Nian sighed: “Do you know why I’m sick?”


“Because I am a genius, God sees me as too smart and perfect and is jealous of me! There is no way, I can only bear the torture of fate.”


This was good, not only Huo Ping sprayed, even Huo Ling sprayed. He had never lost control like this. His brows jumped a few times!

……This little girl may really be a wonderful flower, right?

Although it was very strange, it couldn’t help but make people feel a little distressed. It really wasn’t easy for people who have been ill for a long time to be so optimistic.

Jiang Nian looked at Huo Ping and Huo Ling. She flattened her mouth and clenched her fists: “Don’t you believe it? I am a genius; I will fight against fate to the end!”

Huo Ping wanted to say that he certainly did not believe it. But Jiang Nian looked like this, and he couldn’t bear it anymore: “Then……Work hard.”

Huo Ling’s complexion was also a little softer: “I believe in you, definitely.”

Of course! After all, it was only after a few lifetimes of worshiping the God of Wealth that today’s life of happiness came. Of course, she cannot lose to fate!

Huo Ping couldn’t help but sympathize with her.


Huo Ling and Huo Ping returned home. Huo Ping looked a little sloppy, and had his head down, looking unhappy. The old man had come back after playing chess. He took a big fan in his hand and walked into the courtyard. Hearing that the aunt said that Huo Ping and Huo Ling went to the Jiang family with gifts, when they saw them back at the moment, he asked, “How is that little girl’s health?”

Huo Ping said in a sour tone, “Okay. It can be said that it’s very good.”

Huo Ling rubbed Huo Ping’s head, Huo Ping was upset and went to the house. The father shook his head helplessly and asked Huo Ling, “What’s wrong with him?”

Huo Ling said, “May be worried.”

“The little girl has a bad situation?”

“She looked okay, but the body is really poor. The Jiang family conditions don’t allow any improvement so, the situation is hard to say.”

Grandfather Huo touched his beard and said, “I’ll ask Dr. Wang to come over. He is the best at conditioning. Let him take a look at the little girl. Such a young age. Alas.”

Dr. Wang was the old man’s doctor. Although he had retired at home, he had been practicing medicine for decades and had considerable experience in difficult diseases. Although he no longer went on visits, because the relationship between the two had always been very good, he’d usually take a look at the old man. If the old man invited him, Dr. Wang would agree.


While eating at noon, Mrs. Jiang came to the study and asked Jiang Nian to go downstairs. Liu Yingying wasn’t at the dinner table. Jiang Xiaobao secretly ate a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs but was caught and had his hand slapped by Jiang Nian as she asked, “What about my cousin?”

Mrs. Jiang came out with the dish and said, “She already made an appointment with a friend. She won’t eat with us at noon or in the evening.”

Grandpa Jiang fanned the door with his straw hat: “Why is Yingying going out again? Isn’t she supposed to be studying?”

Grandpa Jiang and Grandma Jiang didn’t know that Liu Yingying wanted to pull Jiang Nian out again.

Mother Jiang said, “Yeah, she often goes out whenever she comes back and never seems to read at home. I’m still a little worried, but I’m an aunt and can’t say talk to her much, I can only persuade a few words. She doesn’t listen. I don’t know what to say, I’m afraid I ’ll hurt her self-esteem. Should I talk to Laichun?”

Mama Jiang also had selfishness. She talked with Liu Yingying and told her not to take Jiang Nian to eat hot pot or barbecue in the future. For things like that, the cold food can’t be touched. Liu Yingying promised very well. She also felt guilty and regretful, saying that she wouldn’t do it in the future. Originally, she just wanted to take her cousin to see it because her cousin had never experienced these. Looking at it was so distressing…

“Your distress will kill your cousin! Yingying, I thought you were a sensible girl, so I was assured that you would take Jiang Nian out, but what did you do?? Hot pot today, barbecue tomorrow, and even an amusement park? I am a mother; don’t you think I care about my daughter? Who in our family doesn’t care about Jiang Nian, but do we dare to let her touch those things?”

Liu Yingying cried on the spot, saying, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I tried to be kind but didn’t know I was doing bad things. I definitely don’t mean to hurt my cousin.”

She cried pitifully. Mama Jiang almost believed her, but she still remembered Liu Yingying’s look at Jiang Nian before, which made her feel scared.

She didn’t say anything, just let Liu Yingying stop doing this in the future and told her Jiang Nian would never go out with her again.

Liu Yingying naturally promised well, but the dissatisfaction in her heart had reached its peak. She hated Jiang Nian, and even hated her aunt who prevented her from approaching Huo Ling.

Of course, she still had to placate Qi Bin; this chess piece could not be thrown.

Fortunately, it was Monday, and Liu Yingying went to school. She hoped that things would have passed by time she returned at the end of the week. Then, her plan could continue to be implemented. Unfortunately, when she returned to the Jiang family, her uncle told her that she would no longer continue live in the Jiang family and would go back to her hometown in the county every week.

She was very surprised: “…Why, why?”

The first thing she thought of was that her aunt had plotted against her, otherwise it was Jiang Nian.

“Uncle, have I disturbed you?”

Dad Jiang said, “No, your mother said that letting you go back is so that you don’t have to go to the station to catch the bus in the future. I will have someone take you home so that you can get home within an hour.”

Liu Yingying was very surprised: “…………”

How could this happen?

She looked at Jiang Nian, who was wearing a clean white skirt, leaning on the sofa, and watching cartoons with Jiang Xiaobao again.

Jiang Nian glanced at her sideways, and then quickly returned her gaze, which was plain like seeing a stranger, which made Liu Yingying feel very unpleasant.

She bit her teeth and suddenly heard the sound of a doorbell from outside the door. Jiang Xiaobao happily ran to open the door. Liu Yingying held her fist in a trance, thinking of returning home. She was a thousand times unwilling to leave this big villa and go back to live in a small house. Moreover, her home was very crowded. The first floor was a supermarket and the living room on the second floor was full of goods. Plus, because she only lived at home a few days each week, they would inevitably put a few big boxes in her room every week. Just seeing it was annoying.

Because she was so annoyed, she didn’t pay attention to who came in. When she recovered, she discovered Huo Ling, Lao Huo, Huo Ping, and an unknown old gentleman were there. Even Chen Yi and Xu Lihai came.

……And their purpose was to come to see Jiang Nian specifically for treatment?

It was also a well-known old doctor that the Huo family personally went to invite?

Why did they all spoil Jiang Nian so much? Why?

Moreover, this family of glittering, shining gold and these upstarts; even she could barely look at them. Didn’t they find it obtrusive?

Liu Yingying suddenly raised a strong sense of powerlessness, as if, no matter what, she could not compare to Jiang Nian.

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