Home Post 1898-chapter-72


Jiang Nian found out that Huo Ling was really a particularly attractive man. In the past, when he was wearing his usual clothes, he collected most of his sharp edge. Now, when he put on his military uniform, he was full of vigor and strength. As high and straight as pine and cypress, and as sharp as a sword without a sheath.

He was awe-inspiring, imposing and powerful enough to be unignored.

Every word and every command of his was calm and powerful, making people unconsciously surrender to him.

She took a look at the several classes that were training together on the playground. It really seemed that their class was the most obedient and performed the best. When standing in a military position, all of them stood tall and brave and spirited. Seeing even the girls were energetic, the boys still had a bit of a taste in their hearts. Before the military training, they (the girls) were still talking and saying, “I don’t want to, it’ll ruin my life. Save me, I’m going to die.”

When they got to the actual training, they were full of energy and anticipation.

Occasionally, they also discussed by Instructor Huo when they sat down and rested on the spot, saying that he looked handsome, had a good voice, and had a good figure. If blah blah blah, it would be even better! Girls who were more courageous would even go up to him to ask questions.

“How old are you, Instructor Huo?”

“Instructor Huo, do you have a girlfriend?”

“What kind of girls do you like, Instructor Huo?”

“Instructor Huo…”

Of course, Instructor Huo answered them seriously, “Train well. Don’t think about these crooked things.”

Naturally, there was a lot of mourning. Ouch.

Not only did Jiang Nian’s class, but even when other classes passed by, they wanted to glance at him. Huo Ling became the most popular one among the instructors. He was too outstanding; they couldn’t ignore him if they wanted to.

Overnight, Jiang Nian’s rivals rose; even her roommates Chen Chen and Jiang Yun whispered that Huo Ling was so handsome, and his figure was good. It must be very safe to be held by him.

“Ah, I guess Instructor Huo should have a girlfriend, if not a girlfriend then a girl he likes.”

“Why? I don’t think so.”

“You are stupid, we asked him if he has a girlfriend. At that time, he did not deny. This must be the case!”

Chen Chen was disappointed. “No, I still want to chase him.”

Jiang Yun said, “I heard that Instructor Huo was two bars and one star. How old is he- twenty-five, twenty-six? To get to this position you either have strength or have a family. Either way, it’s not an ordinary person.”

“Wow, so powerful?!”

“Anyway, regardless of whether the instructor Huo is powerful or not, I feel like his girlfriend must be very happy! And in these few days of military training, Instructor Huo takes care of Jiang Nian so much, and he will ask about her every so often. Although he looks cold, he is really gentle. You say yes, Jiang Nian.”

“I don’t know.”

Jiang Nian really didn’t know if she would be very happy being Huo Ling’s girlfriend, but she would soon be embraced and would be able to feel instructor Huo sturdy chest and experience that legendary sense of security, hey.

Because of her special circumstances, Jiang Nian would report every time she trained. After the training, Huo Ling would call her name and let her go to the shade next to the playground to rest. Every time, Jiang Nian would gain countless jealous and envious eyes, and some students said, “We are suffering and suffering next to you, you are watching us suffering and suffering beside you, do you have a conscience?”

Jiang Nian was puzzled: “I am also in military training, sitting under the tree and watching you train is already very strict military training for me.”

Oh, my word1, you can also say this!

Sitting in the shade of the trees to cool off, the handsome instructor kept approaching her warmly all the time, giving water this time, and sending her to the hospital next time. This was really tough military training. 🙂

This was to make them angry!

These days the weather was not very sultry, but it was not cool. Jiang Nian could still be fainted by the heat sitting in the shade. Although it was very hard, she thought that she would soon be with Instructor Huo, so she still tolerated. Without suffering hard, where could she hold the beauty!

But this time, Jiang Nian felt things were really wrong. That is, she had been hot for three days, but she had not been dizzy!

On the fourth day and the fifth day, she still persisted tenaciously.

This was surprising. Jiang Nian was surprised to find that the reason for this result was because she was too powerful, too clever, and took care of herself too well. It was the result of her struggle with destiny!

It seemed that not only was fate defeated by her genius thinking, but the god of gold was also moved by her sincere heart!

Jiang Nian was also mixed for a while, but who could be blamed? She could only blame her IQ for being too high.

She was sitting in the shade of the tree, holding her cheeks, but sadly looked at Huo Ling’s chest. The temptation of fate was really overwhelming.

Huo Ling could ignore everyone else’s eyes, but the gaze from behind him made him a little nervous.

Every time he turned back inadvertently, he could see Jiang Nian sitting there at a glance, shrunk into a very small ball, her cheeks like two apples, and her bright eyes looked at them as if yearning, looking a little bit alone.

He was soft in his heart and wanted to accompany her unconsciously.

“Stand for ten minutes in a military posture.”

Huo Ling’s mind moved, and, after a command, he walked directly to Jiang Nian. The closer he was, the better he could see the girl’s hot cheeks, and there were a few drops of sweat on the forehead and cheeks.

“How is it, is there any discomfort? Would you like to go to the infirmary for a break?”

This proposal was very exciting. The infirmary not only had air conditioning and hot water, but you could also sit and eat something by the way. Drinking some soup to replenish physical strength, fainted and someone would be there to immediately give first aid, that type of day sounded wonderful. But Jiang Nian was also a prescient girl and a scheming girl who coveted Instructor Huo’s chest…

Jiang Nian stood up and said seriously, “Thank you, Instructor Huo, then I will go to the hospital for a rest.”

Of course, she chose to save her life first. Nothing would happen if she didn’t have a life!

Huo Ling: “I will send you over.”

Jiang Nian was very moved: “Instructor Huo, you are so nice!”

Huo Ling looked at her grateful and bright eyes and coughed, very calm and serious: “Go. Call me if you feel uncomfortable.”

“Okay, you know.”

………This temptation of fate was really tempting. Jiang Nian looked at Huo Ling’s strong chest reluctantly and ruthlessly turned around and walked away.

This situation continued for a few more days, and Jiang Nian still didn’t faint. She never got near Instructor Huo’s chest. Let alone his chest, she didn’t even pull a small hand. But what could be done? Who made her a greedy genius? Her golden life must be protected, and the temptation of destiny should be drawn into her arms.

Jiang Nian wondered whether she had to take the initiative to send a hug; grappling was one of her strengths. For the temptation of destiny, it was possible to sacrifice a bit of ethics.

It wasn’t long since she decided to wait for a good opportunity to rush instructor Huo when training later.

Even when she had a video call with Dad Jiang at night, she was a little guilty, and she was also very sorry for her dad. After all, Huo Ling was a brother identified by Jiang’s father. Brother became son-in-law, Father Jiang who knew the truth would cry!

She could only say here in advance: Dad, I am sorry as your unfilial daughter! Huo Ling will come to apologize to you in the future!

Probably because it consumed her thoughts all day, this night she dreamed that Huo Ling came to Dad Jiang to say ‘sorry, dad’ cried and grabbed the ground, looking extremely pitiful. Jiang Nian was so distressed she woke up.

The next day, she happily sent her hug.

However, this time was really hard to find. Jiang Nian did not find a suitable opportunity from breakfast to lunch, because Instructor Huo was too popular. When not training, there would be many people standing around, both men and women, showing his Extraordinary charm! During training, she couldn’t get close at all. She found that she couldn’t even touch the tip of his clothes.

Jiang Nian shivered while crossing her arms, worthy of the temptation of destiny. Even her genius couldn’t fight destiny, and these ordinary mortals were certainly not destiny’s opponents!

Jiang Nian sighed, looked at the mortals sympathetically, and sat under the tree and got moldy.

Today’s weather also seemed to be particularly hot and, after standing for a while, the sweat came straight out. Huo Ling looked at the time and prepared to let them rest in five minutes. He was worried about Jiang Nian who had been training for eight days. Although she would take a rest once the order was sent, the weather was too sultry, the insects chirped, and they could bring up dust with every step forward. If it were Jiang Nian from before, she would have left already; how could her precious life be tortured……But she’d persisted for so long, and never complained about anything or asked him for privileges. He had to find an opportunity to let her go to the hospital for rest. It was hot today— he could let her go to rest in advance.

Suddenly, Chen Chen shouted, “Instructor, Jiang Nian fainted!”

She was also envious of Jiang Nian, fantasizing Jiang Nian’s position as her own. Where did she know that she looked over briefly, she saw Jiang Nian faint and fall to the ground? She was scared!

The students saw that Instructor Huo, who had never shown any reaction, change his face suddenly. He only gave a quick ‘rest in place’. His voice had not died down, the person had already gone out far away, and his pace was a little messy.

In Huo Ling’s memory, although Jiang Nian was fragile, she had always been tenacious. Even if she were sick, she would feel that she was full of vitality. But, now, she fell silently behind him, making him feel unprecedentedly afraid.

He looked at the petite figure lying on the ground, her eyes closed tightly, silently, and wished to reach her in one step!

The students watched as Huo Ling hugged Jiang Nian and soon disappeared from their field of vision. After being shocked, they started whispering because of the matter just now. They also said before that Jiang Nian said that she was participating in military training in the shade was exaggerated. Now looking at it, it was no exaggeration at all. After all, they watched Jiang Nian sitting next to them for a few days, but she still fainted while sitting? This body was really bad!

“It said in the news before that she had been sick for more than half a month after taking the entrance exam.”

“I heard she was sick after the college entrance examination, but I didn’t know she was as sick as that.”

“I wronged Jiang Nian. I apologize to Jiang Nian for distrusting her…”

Yes, who could think of her fainting like this?

Here, students were talking; there, Huo Ling was holding Jiang Nian running to the infirmary/ Jiang Nian just felt dizzy and like she was floating in the sky, like she was supported by a powerful palm. She opened her eyes and saw the man’s tight jaws and the sweat beads across his face; she could feel the man’s disorderly and strong heartbeat across the thin shirt.

“Uncle Huo…”

Huo Ling looked down at her, seeing her soft cheeks flushed more than before, and the sweat beads on her forehead cheeks. He tightened his arms and comforted, “Don’t be afraid, it’s fine.”

Jiang Nian smiled. A moment ago, she clearly was thinking about how to throw herself into his arms and what posture was most beautiful. How could she know that she was already in Huo Ling’s arms? It was an unexpected joy. She held his neck tightly— sure enough, these arms were very stable and very secure.

“What’s wrong with me?”

“It should be heatstroke.”


………Actually got heatstroke after she persisted for so long? What was the point of the bitterness and suffering she felt before? It was better to have fainted earlier. Jiang Nian felt the malice of fate! She sadly leaned on Huo Ling’s shoulder. Forget it. Now it was also a blessing due to misfortune; a little comfort to her.

When they got to the infirmary, the doctor sister took a look at her and finally determined that it was a mild heatstroke and nothing serious. She rested as much as possible then took some medicine. Jiang Nian drank a lot of hot water and took a rest. Finally, she felt a lot more comfortable.

Huo Ling sat by the bed and touched Jiang Nian’s forehead. Seeing that it was not as hot as before, he was relieved in his heart: “I have called Zhang Yan and let her pick you up. Don’t take part in the two days of military training, just rest at home. I ’ll tell your counselor.”

Jiang Nian nodded, and she also felt that she could go home to recuperate. After all, the man’s chest had been touched by her already.

She looked at Huo Ling and said, “Thank you, Uncle Huo. You saved me again today.”

Huo Ling didn’t want to care about Jiang Nian’s title to him. He disagreed and said, “Tell me in advance if you’re uncomfortable at any time.”

Jiang Nian thought for a while:” I don’t know, maybe it was too hot, and I was suddenly uncomfortable.”

Huo Ling frowned, he probably realized for the first time what it meant to be deep-rooted in love. He twitched his fingers and finally couldn’t help but caress the little girl’s long messy hair. His hands were very light, and his eyes were distressed. When his fingers slipped over her soft hair, it caused an itchy sensation.

Jiang Nian waved her hand and said, “You can rest assured, my glorious life has just begun, and I won’t fall here. This is all the torture of destiny. I will be more and more courageous and make destiny afraid of me! You go first; they are still waiting for you. Don’t worry about me— believe me, I will also overcome the disease and work hard to live! ”

Huo Ling:”…………”

Sister doctor who came in with the antiemetic drink: “………?????”

The doctor sister helplessly smiled and spoke gently, “Classmates, you are just suffering from heatstroke, nothing life-threatening. Don’t think about it.”

Jiang Nian said, “I know, sister. You don’t understand, for genius like me that even fate envies, even a little cold is a top priority! ”

The doctor sister twitched her lips. In fact, the little girl was very smart and clever, even though she had a bad brain. She handed the medicine to Huo Ling, “Let this classmate drink this bottle.”

After explaining the matter, she went out.

Huo Ling took it over, opened it, took out a bottle and inserted it a straw inside and handed it to Jiang Nian. “Drink it first.”

Jiang Nian sipped it all in two bites. She saw that Huo Ling didn’t have any intention to go, black eyes looking at her, without the coldness and gentleness of the past, but more dignified and serious.

“What’s the matter?”

Huo Ling didn’t have any matter to speak about; he was just distressed. This feeling affected even with his heart. He used to listen to Jiang Nian say these words and he could not help but want to laugh but, now, there was only distress. Let alone, this time Jiang Nian was suffering from illness under his care. He felt guilt in addition to his heartache, and increasingly felt there was too little time.

He suddenly raised his hand and pulled Jiang Nian into his arms, stroking her slender spine: “I will come to see you again at night.”

Jiang Nian leaned on his shoulder and raised her hand to hug him. After feeling his obvious stiffening, Jiang Nian said, “Okay.”

This hug was really warm.


Jiang Nian was actually a little uncomfortable, dizzy and had a headache, drinking a cup or cup of water was still thirsty, the toilet did not know how many times she ran, the whole person had little energy. Finally, finally, she tossed herself to sleep. After sleeping, she was awakened by the vibration of her mobile phone. She picked up the phone and saw a video call from her mother.

Since Jiang Nian came to the imperial capital to go to university, she would video chat with her family every day, chatting and reporting peace, which was almost the habit of their family.

Jiang Nian didn’t want to worry her family, but, if she didn’t pick up the video, her family would probably guess. She sat up and connected to the video.

There, Mother Jiang was not surprised, staring at the Jiang Nain for a long time before she look relieved, saying, “Xiao Huo gave us a call to say you had heatstroke. Do you feel better yet?”

Jiang Nian yawned, nodded: “Yes, much better after taking medicine.”

Jiang father’s also poked his head in, distressed, and said, “My daughter, ah, we said beforehand to let you rest at home and do not go to military training, and now you went and made yourself uncomfortable with heatstroke!”

Mom Jiang shot Father Jiang a slap: “Speak well!”

Dad Jiang: “Good girl, Dad is worried about you. I am almost heartbroken!”

Jiang Nian smiled: “I know, I have already asked for leave, and I will not go to the military training anymore. In fact, this time was also very good. I have persisted for a few days. It’s still useful for me to keep up my energy for several years! ”

Mama Jiang was also distressed and felt that her daughter seemed to have lost a lot of weight. When Huo Ling called today, she was almost worried to die. If she were more careful when she was pregnant, paid more attention, how could her Niannian be born to suffer so much? Let her live freely like an ordinary child……Now that the child was ill, she couldn’t even stay with her…

Thinking of this, Mama Jiang’s eyes reddened. Daddy Jiang patted his wife’s back, and Mama Jiang held back her tears and smiled, saying, “Niannian, get up and eat first. Sleep after eating.”

Jiang Nian smiled brilliantly: “Okay, I’m hungry too. I feel like I can eat two bowls of rice today!”

“Don’t eat too much, be careful not to choke.”

“Okay mother, daughter is very obedient and sensible.”


Mama Jiang chuckled, and urged a few words before hanging up the video. After hanging up, she wiped her tears, and Father Jiang handed her a tissue to accompany her. She sighed helplessly.

Father Jiang was also distressed. He didn’t dare to tell his parents about Jiang Nian’s heatstroke. He was afraid that they would be worried if they knew. Now, they were far away from the capital and they couldn’t do anything even if they worried. Fortunately, his good brother could help take care of her, and said that he took leave with Jiang Nian’s instructor, hoping she could rest for two days.

Jiang Nian had no appetite, but she also ate rice and soup very seriously, and drank a bowl of Chinese medicine half an hour after the meal. After all, she still had to fight fate. How could she do so without a good body?

When Huo Ling came over, Jiang Nian was walking in the room after eating. He was still wearing a military uniform. He just came over from training. His eyes swept on her: “Is it better?”

“Yes. Much better.”

He let out a sigh of relief.

The aunt had already returned home, and the little assistant came out and poured tea and brought fruit. Then she returned to the room consciously. Jiang Nian had already drunk water for a day. When she saw that the cup of water was full, she took small steps in the living room, walking back and forth. Huo Ling walked a few steps and looked down at the little girl’s lazy look.

Jiang Nian also looked up at him with a smile on her face. Late night was a good time to develop an affair!

Dad, I’m sorry.

She was wondering what to do, and whether she should aim for the sofa or on the ground. Pounce on the sofa, plop on the ground, it seemed that she has no pity for the beauty.

Huo Ling was also distracted. Jiang Nian’s sudden fainting made him realize that, with Jiang Nian’s poor health, time became the most precious thing for them. He still wanted to protect her and let her notice him slowly, but he also wanted to have more time to know and love her.

But confessing hastily didn’t seem to be a wise move. What if the little girl was scared?

So, he decided to speed up; he had to let Jiang Nian know that he did not want to be her uncle in three days, let Jiang Nian know that he liked her in five days, and he would confess in seven days.

Just when he made up his mind, Jiang Nian suddenly stopped, he stopped and looked down at her: “Huh?”

Jiang Nian also made up her mind. She stepped forward to the Huo Ling, hugged his waist and pushing him against the wall. Huo Ling prided himself on his strength but, at this moment, he felt as weak as cotton, and was easily suppressed by her!

Jiang Nian was lying on his chest, looking up at him with a serious expression: “Uncle Huo, for you, I can only be sorry for my dad!”

Huo Ling: “………?????”

Dad, forgive me for being an unfilial daughter!

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