Home Post 1905-chapter-79


Jiang Nian found that writing historical novels was much more rigorous than writing scripts. It was boring, esoteric, and even more painful. She also sometimes wrote but could not continue. At these times, she would stop writing, and, since she did not want to be idle, she would go to Lvjiang Novel website to register and add chapters to a novel named “My Big Baby”. She also wrote a few more simple novels to relax.

Her first novel was a romance novel about two campus study gods who were not in line with each other and also secretly loved each other. Because the main characters were study gods, it was natural to do questions and bet on exams. Like this, the simple love story also became a test question bank, as revenge on those children who have time to read novels, and also predicted the composition of this year’s college entrance examination by the way. Anyway, she didn’t think about how good the novel would be. Occasionally writing a chapter and posting it was not much work.

Jiang Nian’s thoughts were still mostly on Great Song1; the only hope was that she wouldn’t shock the world too much when she exposed her cleverness through her writing.

Therefore, Jiang Nian did not expect that the novel would be as long as her Great Song. Even its ability to predict the composition of the college entrance examination caused many waves…


Jiang Nian and Huo Ling were engaged in her junior year. On that day, Jiang Nian was very happy, and everything was perfect, except that her grandparents and parents were crying so much that she was very distressed. But, her four grand front and back law protectors were gathered together again; Chen Yi specially returned from abroad, and Xu Lihai also travelled from C city. Grandpa Huo also naturally did not miss it. In addition, she received a lot of red envelopes, filling a large pocket which she poured out later on, unpacked them one by one, and stacked them neatly. Not to mention, there were the cards given by her mother and grandma, the card given by her in laws, as well as Huo Ling’s salary card…

What else was she working so hard for— just sit and eat and wait to die.

Jiang Nian once again thanked the God of Wealth for his blessing, thanked the gods for their kind love, and hoped they’d remember her in the next life!

Jiang Nian folded the small money and hid it all in the safe. The password was written down five or six times. Jiang Nian worked hard enough. Huo Ling was watching her moving things back and forth like a little hamster and shook his head helplessly.

“Niannian, stop it. Come and rest.”


Finally, she glanced at the safe. She trotted to the bed and said with a smile on Huo Ling’s chest, “Uncle Huo, I’m so happy today.”

Huo Ling laughed and pinched her cheek while saying, “Is it so happy to have so many red envelopes to unpack? Or is it so happy to be engaged to me?”

Jiang Nian looked at this topic seriously and thought for a while, saying, “Without the baby, no matter how much money I spend, there’s no taste. Money without a soul is not happiness! ”

Huo Ling raised an eyebrow: “Oh?”

Jiang Nian patted him: “Okay, baby, don’t bother pretending to make trouble. These things aren’t comparable.”

Cough! Huo Ling was a little dazed, and grabbed Jiang Nian’s chin directly: “Baby, what did you say? I didn’t hear?”

Jiang Nian quickly kissed him a few bites: “Uncle Huo, a spring night is worth a thousand words. Let’s have a good time…”

Huo Ling was dizzied by the itchy kiss on the corner of his mouth. At this time, he felt that he had become lightheaded, and there was only one Jiang Nian left in his mind. He held Jiang Nian to turn her over and pressed down on her. The red brocade was pulled down to his sturdy and lean waist. There were several scars on the wheat-colored chest. At this moment, he was pulsing muscles and sweating, full of wildness.

Jiang Nian only felt that she had more air intake and less air output and felt that she obviously didn’t make any effort. Why was she breathless?

Huo Ling pulled the soft Jiang Nian into his arms and looked down at the tears in the corner of the little girl’s eyes as she hummed because of his movements. The girl hummed into his shoulder for a long time. He laughed into her soft hair. The two lay down in the bedding again, and Huo Ling pulled the falling brocade upwards, covering each other tightly.

He touched her earlobe and cheek, only to feel that his cold heart was soft and messy.

Jiang Nian shook her head and had to bow her head like fate, sincerely saying, “Uncle Huo, you are too powerful. I’m so tired. Will we try again next time?”

“……………Ok, don’t talk!” 🙂

“Good baby.”

He was so fierce and so handsome. It was really a big baby that made people love and hate.


After Huo Ling and Jiang Nian got engaged, the days seemed not much different from before, except that the more he lived with Jiang Nian, the brighter he became. The first and second volumes of Great Song were finally completed by Jiang Nian in her senior year. Great Song had a total of five volumes, each of which was about 300,000 words. Jiang Nian spent three years writing only the first two volumes. She gave the manuscripts of one or two volumes to the few people she had consulted with him before to study the history of the Song Dynasty, hoping the old professors would read it and offer some criticism and guidance.

Several old teachers were a little surprised when they got the manuscript. Although they knew that Jiang Nian was writing a novel, but there was no movement in the past few years. Instead, the news that Jiang Nian was sick and recuperating at home spread to their ears from time to time. Whether it was in class or in the final exam, Jiang Nian’s results were not outstanding. The brilliance of genius she wore when she entered the school had long disappeared in those few years. Now she was just an ordinary student who did not have the slightest shadow of genius, so that they thought Jiang Nian had already given up.

Now they’d gotten the manuscripts of Great Song. It was really a surprise. Apart from the shock, they also wanted to see what kind of Great Song Jiang Nian would write.

Looking down the pages, the old professors’ attitudes slowly changed from being a light look to being serious and admiring.

They didn’t expect that Jiang Nian was so young, and her writing was so refined and easy-going. Not only the writing, but also the structure and content of the article were very well organized. The national, civil, and military conditions of Song, Liao, and Jin countries were all elaborated. Even more amazing, the article involved a large number of historical events, historical figures, war disputes, even palace cities, folk customs……It was obvious that the author was clever and spent a lot of energy to look at ancient books. Thus, a calm and thrilling story was born!

The old professors had planned to take a look at it casually. Who would have thought that they would not be able let go —even if they were eating and walking. Even if they had claimed to be proficient in Song history, they did not find any obvious errors.

After reading one or two volumes, they still weren’t satisfied, and even wanted to read the third and fourth volumes at once!

“No wonder Jiang Nian spent three years writing only two volumes.”

The old professors finished reading day and night, and finally had time to walk around the school. When they saw each other’s dark circles, they would smile unabashedly, and their evaluations of Jiang Nian were much higher. Jiang Nian was already weak and sick. It was not easy to balance her studies and hobbies under such difficulties. Not to mention that she completed it so well. With this effort, many students were incomparable.

At the same time, they sighed, they did not forget to make some notes while reading the book, and they also recommended Great Song to editor-in-chief Yang of the Imperial Art and Literature Publishing House.

The editor-in-chief Yang was shocked after reading it. Judging from his years of experience, this book would surely be popular. It may not be well known to everyone, but anyone who wanted to know Song history and understand Song history would definitely choose it! He was about to reach Jiang Nian’s contact information and meet to discuss the issue of co-publishing and sign a publishing contract. However, he was not in a hurry and the final draft had not yet been finalized. Jiang Nian made Another revision based on the opinions of the old professors, and that manuscript was handed over to editor-in-chief Yang.

After that, she didn’t need to worry about it. In this way, Jiang Nian would be able to prepare her graduation defense with peace of mind.

At the time of graduation, Jiang’s father and Jiang’s mother were also very concerned about whether she would graduate directly or continue to study. They don’t need Jiang Nian to go out to make money, and Jiang Nian’s body made her unable to go to work. It seemed good for her to continue to read? Graduate and get married first, Huo Ling would be busy with the army, and Jiang Nian wouldn’t be too idle with school. Wouldn’t it be right?

Jiang Nian thought and thought about it. Although she needed time to write a book, she also needed knowledge to fill her head. Uncle Huo was busy in military affairs and had little time at home. Rather than having nothing to do after graduation, it would be better to be busy. So, Jiang Nian applied for her school’s graduate exam.

……At this time, she regretted it a little. Blame her. She had been humiliated, cultivated for too long, pretended to be a mortal for too long, that the special genius channel was closed by her too! But it was okay; she could still get in with her own strength!

As for the graduation thesis and the defense, she naturally had to go all out. Her genius would finally come back!

In order to be able to show off her grandeur, Jiang Nian was full of spirits when she prepared her graduation thesis and, in order to save trouble, even the content of the graduation thesis was all about the Song culture, so everything was already at hand.

The only thing that was not so good was that Huo Ling had been away for a month. Last time she was given a message saying that he was going to work, and there was no news after that. This had been the case since their relationship began— appearing suddenly and disappearing completely.

But what made Jiang Nian happy was that Huo Ling proposed to her before the mission, and she agreed without reservation. Where could she find such a good man as uncle Huo? Of course, she had to hug him in her arms.

Huo Ling had already submitted a marriage report. Once it was approved, she would be Uncle Huo’s bride.

Because of the marriage problem, Huo Jiang and his family finally held a serious meeting, and Mrs. Zhang also knew why Grandpa Huo wanted to say that the Jiang family was good but spicy eyes! It was really spicy eyes; that golden light stabbed her, and she almost couldn’t open her eyes! She had wondered why a little girl like Jiang Nian would like to wear a Big Gold bracelet.

Because of the Jiang family’s passion and love for gold, and because Jiang Nian was a loyal slave to the Big Gold, the wedding they prepared was naturally not Western style. Everything came in Chinese style and was embroidered in pure gold. Since Jiang Nian and Huo Ling were engaged, Mrs. Jiang had prepared everything. Let alone, Mrs. Zhang had chosen a good wedding venue long ago, and the materials for Jiang Nian were also hidden in the box.2

Jiang Nian also made golden preparations to marry Uncle Huo as a bride.

However, Huo Ling did not return until the graduation defense was completed. It seemed that this time the task was significant. Jiang Nian heard from Uncle Huo once that he was going to protect someone, but no specifics since he could not disclose it.

Jiang Nian could only pray for her big baby to return safely.


And Jiang Nian at this time did not know that she was already onto her third round of fame!

It was still on the weekend, Jiang Nian heard from Jiang Xiaobao’s mouth. At that time, Jiang Xiaobao was lying on the sofa, brushing Weibo, and said with amazement, “This Big Baby is so powerful, she could compete with my sister. She has successfully predicted the composition of the college entrance examination for the third year in a row!”3

Huo Ping came out of the kitchen with fruit, casual and handsome. He turned over the sofa and sat next to Jiang Xiaobao, stretched his neck to look: “Is it right again? Why is this Big Baby so godlike?”

“Will it be someone from the Education Bureau rumored? ”

“This should not be possible. If it were, wouldn’t they have been really arrested early? And I haven’t heard any news in this area, certainly not.”

“…How could they be so powerful?”

When Jiang Nian and Xiao Tong came back together, they watched the two people gather together to watch the excitement, whispering and groaning, and from time to time they also made a sound of exclamation.

“What are you two talking about?”

Jiang Nian changed her shoes and put her bag on the sofa.

Xiao Tong also came together to look at the strangeness. Everyone had been together for the past few years. They’d eat together if they were free, and naturally became familiar.

“Huh, you guys are reading Big Baby?”

Huo Ping: “Have you heard of it?”

Xiao Tong nodded. Now, about 80% of them in this circle knew this Big Baby. Not for anything else, just because she*4 always bet correctly! In addition to language, there were many types of questions in other subjects. Not only was she accurate, she was accurate for three years. No one was comparable.

In fact, ‘My Big Baby’s story originally had niche fame and, because of her update, she received a lot of negative reviews and commented that she was not responsible, blah blah blah. But after the first college entrance examination, many candidates returned feedback saying that the knowledge points mentioned in the novel were used by the college entrance examination. Many people were surprised at the time, but many people said that they were hit by mistake, and naturally there was no trouble.

In this way, Learning to Advance still slowly updated. The second year of the college entrance examinations, more people came to see, thinking of taking the dead horse as a living horse doctor.5 When several test problems mentioned in the article really appeared on the exam, the Big Baby was really hot!

The first time could be said to be an accident, but could the second time be fake? When it came to the third time-that is, the end of the college entrance examination a few days ago, My Big Baby was even hotter. Although the questions of college entrance examinations in different places were different, they were all the same topics. Plus, she had successfully guessed five or six essay topics this year. She would have been popular if she managed to guess essay propositions from any province, let alone multiple of them. Wasn’t this awesome?

There may have been a suspicion that the blind cat encountered the dead mouse6, but somehow it encountered one anyway. And when she was demonized by netizens, the mysterious big baby was naturally insulted. It was a pity that there was no public speech by Big Baby. She only continued to write the novel, which had not been finished for three years, and the update was not regular. It was purely written and played.

As a result, many netizens had speculated about the identity of this big baby. Some said that she may be the person from the Education Bureau. Some said that she might have been a prophet who could see into the future. Still others said that she was a university study god……Anyway, all kinds of speculations were emerging. That is, no one could give an accurate answer.

Huo Ping also said, “When I know who this big baby is, I will go to her and let her tell me my fortune!”

Jiang Xiaobao also wanted to get his sister’s fortune told. Xiao Tong just wanted to ask a learning about his study experience.

Jiang Nian became more and more strange, and inexplicably familiar. She took Jiang Xiaobao’s mobile phone and looked at it twice. At first glance, she saw a very familiar text in the screenshot novel and the name Big Baby on all sides, and the comments of the netizens below.

【The little sister who studies hard】: “Woo, I want to say, being a fan of big baby is really too happy. I wrote a few of the essays predicted by my baby. I almost jumped with excitement when I saw the topic of the composition in the examination room. This composition can at least give me a few points! Thank you, big baby, I really love you, oh, oh!”

【The little brother who studies hard】: “I am from City S. The composition was not guessed, but the historical focus is right. I got politics, and I was so excited when I saw the exam questions!

【I also have to study hard today】: “Me too, me too. I believe that big baby will live forever…”

【Junzi came from his hometown】: “After reading so many comments, is it only me who is curious about who big baby is? She can bet on the exam questions; the results will certainly be very good. Maybe she is a famous university bully? I heard that there are hackers who want to find her IP to check who she is, but unfortunately, they didn’t find it, but their computers were hacked instead. I think the other party must be very powerful!”

【The male god I want to go to you】: “It seems that big baby is not only a master of learning, but also a computer master! Friends, see if there is such a great god around you!”

【Oops】: “Big baby, please let me be your little baby, okay? I promise to be very obedient and obedient. I can clean the kitchen and clean the house and warm the bed!”7


Anyway, all kinds of speculations were emerging, and many even said that big baby may be the secret master of blah blah blah serving the country.

In fact, they didn’t find the IP not because she was a computer expert, but that Huo Ling was too vigilant in his precautions, so he played around with things a lot, and Jiang Nian’s computer naturally had a higher security level.

Jiang Nian was really pleasantly surprised. She didn’t expect a novel she wrote to relax her mind would benefit society.

She was such a genius!?!!

Jiang Xiaobao looked at his sister holding his mobile phone, and looked surprised and happy, as if there was a little ecstasy, he inexplicably remembered that his sister likes to call his brother-in-law “baby”………Was it his brother-in-law?!

“Sister, do you know this big baby?”

In this way, Huo Ping and Xiao Tong looked at her with surprise and a little doubt: “Do you know who it is?”

“Know, not only I know, you also know!”

Jiang Nian felt that she was eight meters tall at the moment, and there must have been a gleam of wisdom on her head. She raised her chest and said, “Far from the horizon, close to the eyes, it’s just a matter of talent!”

Jiang Xiaobao: “………?” “?”

Little fellow table: “…………????? “8

Huo Ping: “…………!!!!!! “

………What kind of demon s this sick seedling?


It had been a month since she last logged in to Lvjiang. When Jiang Nian logged in today, she really saw several text messages from the editors, saying that they hoped to have a contact with her. She had received similar ones before and closed it after replying that she wouldn’t sign a contract. After that, she didn’t pay attention. Every time she logged on to the background and posted a comment, she would glance at her messages, and of course she didn’t spend too long looking at them. Great Song took too much of her thought and energy.

At the moment, her collection had surged, and her comments were refreshed every few seconds.

Jiang Xiaobao and Huo Ping all looked dumbfounded at Xiao Tong, and their expressions were ever-changing for a while, which was rather difficult to say.

Where could they think that this big baby was actually Jiang Nian?! What exactly did she think of, writing online novels about studying? And this name ‘big baby’ was really tacky…

Jiang Nian disagreed: “Your language reading ability is too poor. How good ‘big baby’ is, perfectly expressing that my heart belongs to big baby – uncle Huo! ”

Vomit —

Huo Ping’s tooth ached: “So what are you going to do now? Announce your identity?”

Jiang Xiaobao said, “Sister, many people are now guessing who you are. If they know it, they will be surprised.”

Xiao Tong’s mouth flattened. Compared with Jiang Nian, she really did not work hard! She obviously had a better body and more time, but besides studying, Jiang Nian was still writing books, and even reviewed the knowledge points of high school……she was really too wasteful! QAQ

Jiang Nian looked at them and shook her head: “Of course, this thing can’t be said.”

Jiang Xiaobao wondered, “Why?”

Huo Ping thought this was good. If it were announced, Jiang Nian would definitely be affected by those media. Interviewing was annoying, and it’s likely the students would come to see the strangeness. It would only bring trouble to Jiang Nian.

Jiang Nian smiled and squinted: “Because I want to be a legend, ah. I am now a legendary genius!”


Jiang Nian had great ambitions: “You don’t know— maybe I will become China’s top ten unsolved mysteries in the future. How can I be corroded by the small achievements in front of me?!”


Jiang Nian was very happy. After all, there were not many people farsighted like her

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