Home Post 1906-chapter-80


Jiang Nian successfully got Capital University’s graduation certificate with the highest score. When the results came out, her classmates couldn’t help but be shocked. They all felt that Jiang Nian was not a person, and somehow sympathized with her. Because of her bad health, her talent must be hidden, and she could only be a genius occasionally.

After the graduation ceremony was held, the instructor who led them for four years led the classmates together to have a casual meal. After this meal, they would spread apart completely. Even if they wanted to gather together again, it would be difficult; maybe they could no longer meet.

Both Chen Chen and Jiang Yun were not locals. After graduating, they did not choose to continue their studies but chose to return to their respective developing cities.

When they thought about the distance, the joy of graduation also faded. They drank a few glasses of wine, sang a few songs, held their emotions for a night, and couldn’t bear but let their eyes redden when they waved goodbye in front of the hot pot restaurant.

Chen Chen and Jiang Yun drank a lot, holding Jiang Nian and crying for most of the night, chatting from the south to the north, chatting about the past and the future. They didn’t fall asleep until the day was about to dawn.


The next afternoon, Jiang Nian sent them to the airport.

Chen Chen’s eyes were red again when she was leaving: “It must be difficult for us to meet in the future. I don’t want to be separated from you, and, also, what if I want to eat the twice-cooked pork from a cafeteria?”

Jiang Nian patted her shoulder, saying, “It doesn’t matter; if you want to eat hot pot meat, I can take a picture for you. If it’s not that I can’t eat it, then I would help you eat it.”


Chen Chen really cried out.

Jiang Nian hurriedly coaxed: “Besides, I might be getting married. You will still be my bridesmaid. Won’t we meet again then?”

Jiang Yun patted Chen Chen whose head was buried on her shoulder and said, “Is the wedding time fixed?”

Jiang Nian shook her head: “It’s not yet, but we’re looking for a day, and I’ll tell you when I’m sure.”

Jiang Yun nodded and asked, “Has your hubby yet to come back?”

Jiang Nian was also worried. Although Huo Ling often disappeared for a long time, it was only this time that made her particularly worried. Although her heroine aura was stuck at sixty, she was really not in a hurry, because she must have died earlier than Huo Ling. Before she died, she would absolutely have her desperate broken love. Wouldn’t it be good that way?

But she also knew how much destiny liked to tease her. If something unexpected happened in the middle……

Jiang Nian didn’t expect her hunch to soon become true. After sending Chen Chen and Jiang Yun away, Jiang Nian originally planned to go home and write a chapter of “Learning to Advance”, to give back to her believers. After all, the homepage of ” Learning to Advance ” had become a pilgrimage site for students of all walks of life.

But her thoughts moved, and she suddenly asked her life assistant Zhang Yan to send her to the Huo house.

It was also because she went suddenly, when she first arrived at Huo’s house, she saw Ms. Zhang who had no tears on her face eyes red from crying.

Jiang Nian groaned inwardly. The secret genius was not good enough. Her fate was constantly tossing her, and now even hurt her Uncle Huo!

“Auntie, Huo Ling, he’s back?”


Ms. Zhang rubbed her eyes and grinned reluctantly, “I was watching TV and crying. Huo Ling hasn’t returned yet, don’t think about it. What brings you here today? Are you free? Have your classmates sent away?”

Jiang Nian paused, looking serious and serious: “Auntie, I’m so smart, don’t lie to me. No matter what happened to Huo Ling, I think he needs me to accompany him, and I want to accompany him too.”

Ms. Zhang Ding definitely looked at Jiang Nian for a while, rubbing her forehead and inviting her sit down beside her and helplessly said, “I have discussed with your mother that I will not tell you about this. We are afraid that you will be hurt and hurt your body too much. I didn’t want to hide from you deliberately. I just wanted to wait for some time before telling you.”

Jiang Nian sat next to Ms. Zhang and took her hand and said, “Aunt, I’m not so vulnerable. Do not worry.”

Jiang Nian realized that Huo Ling had actually been back for five days. He was transferred to the hospital, but, in the past five days, his condition had been very unstable. It was said that there was an accident while protecting a leader. He was shot in his shoulder and both thighs. Although he was rescued in time, the brain was deprived of oxygen due to excessive blood loss.

Ms. Zhang was afraid that Jiang Nian would be out of control and hurriedly said, “Don’t worry, the situation has stabilized. As long as he can wake up…”

“I know, aunt. I know.”

Jiang Nian shook hands and found her Cold sweat already.

When Jiang Nian saw her family’s Uncle Huo, the man was lying on the hospital bed and wearing a respirator, with an infusion needle inserted on the back of his hand.

The man who was once tall and straight, like a tall cypress, was lying on the hospital bed at the moment, and the whole person was a little thin.

Huo Ying looked at her with red eyes, and immediately looked at her mother. When Ms. Zhang nodded to her, Huo Ying got up and patted Jiang Nian on the shoulder, whispering, “You are here. You accompany Xiao Ling.”

Jiang Nian nodded quietly, huh.

Huo Ying and Ms. Zhang left the ward, and the two sat outside the door for a while. Ms. Zhang called Jiang Nian’s mother and told her the matter. Jiang Nian’s mother had been in the capital for several days, originally to discuss Jiang Nian and Huo Ling’s marriage, but did not expect such an accident to happen.


Jiang Nian sat by the bed. She touched the man’s stubborn chin. Every time he woke up before, he would always use his chin to scratch her face. Such a calm and reserved person, only at that time would show some childishness.

She also said that he was naive and silly.1

With red eyes, she held Huo Ling’s hand and said, “Baby, please wake up. I will treat you well in the future.”


Huo Ling certainly wouldn’t wake up because of Jiang Nian’s words. After that, he slept again for several days.

Jiang Nian came every day, and sometimes would meet the elders or older siblings of Huo Ling. They came to see the couple quietly, and left quietly, all with regret in their eyes.

However, Huo Ling needed to recuperate, and later refused all guests.

Every time Huo Ying went to the hospital, she always saw Jiang Nian. After graduating, Jiang Nian began to prepare for the postgraduate examination. Most of her free time was spent with Huo Ling.

Huo Ling was actually worried about Jiang Nian. How bad Jiang Nian’s health was in the past few years was obvious to all.

“Jiang Nian, you go back to rest. You don’t have to come here every day.”

“I’m also idle at home, and it’s fine to come a little more. I talk more with Uncle Huo, don’t you think he might wake up sooner? I think I can wake him up!”

Huo Ying smiled, and her eyes were red.

When Huo Ping came, he went to the bathroom and cried a few times. Jiang Xiaobao said that he was like that because he was drunk. This kind of emotion could only be vented in private; all they could do was secretly hide and cry.

Jiang Nian was also very sad. She would feel bad at the thought that her baby was suffering because of her, but she didn’t want to cry because she would not bow her fate.

Huo Ling was also reluctant to leave her; she always believed this.

Mother Jiang talked to her. With Huo Ling like this, she was afraid that this marriage would be extended.

Jiang Nian froze for a while, and said, “The wedding will be held on August 17th. That day is Qixi.2 Huo Ling will definitely be reluctant not to participate in our wedding.”

Mama Jiang’s eyes were red, and she secretly wiped her tears. Her daughter was born and suffered hardships, and the hardships haven’t been less. In the past few years, she had become better. She was about to get married, but she encountered this again. Her daughter’s life was full of suffering!

“Niannian, you think clearly, did you really decide?” Mama Jiang said, “I know you like Xiao Huo. Xiao Huo is a good boy. Your decision will not be stopped by your mother, but you have to think clearly. The doctor said that Xiao Huo had little chance of waking up. If……Mom doesn’t want to watch you suffer!”

“Mom, don’t worry, Huo Ling decided to be with me, he certainly knew he would suffer a lot. After all, I am so troublesome with so many things, but he is willing. Now he is just asleep. I only need to wait for him to wake up. In that sense, he still loses. And I believe Huo Ling will definitely wake up! ”

Mama Jiang was very sad, and she nodded for a long while: “Yes, Xiao Huo will definitely wake up.”

Jiang’s father was too worried to eat. When he knew that Huo Ling was in trouble, he secretly went to the Imperial Capital to see, and he was afraid of Jiang Nian seeing him and being too sad. Obviously, his daughter and Huo Ling were such good people, but they had encountered so many twists and turns. The Gods hadn’t opened their eyes. Grandpa and Grandma Jiang did not miss a chance to burn incense and pray; wherever a disaster occurred, they gave copious donations, just wanting to give some karma to their children and grandchildren. Where would they know………Oh……

Now, not only the Huo family was bleak, the Jiang family was the same. Everyone wanted to live a better life. How could they know that this would happen?

Especially after hearing that Jiang Nian had set the wedding date on August 17, their hearts were even more unpleasant. When they thought about it, they felt sad and distressed. They couldn’t eat any more. Dad Jiang was already chubby and wanted to exercise and lose weight. This was a blessing due to misfortune; he even lost a few pounds.

Ms. Zhang and Mr. Huo were speechless after listening to it. Ms. Zhang also wanted to talk to Jiang Nian. No one would like this to happen, but they didn’t want Jiang Nian to make a rash decision at the moment. After all, it was a life-long decision…


“What should you do then?”

Jiang Nian understood Ms. Zhang’s concerns, but she must marry. Her baby was so good that she would never give up on him. So, her attitude was very firm. Ms. Zhang cried again, and she more and more agreed that Jiang Nian was a strong and brave girl.

A strong man like Grandpa Huo had also been much older in the recent period.

In fact, the wedding was almost ready. Now, they just had to write the invitations and notify the guests to come to the wedding.

The invitation was written by Huo Ling’s father and grandfather personally. The two of them held a brush and wrote each stroke carefully, one word at a time. Even Huo Qi and Huo Ying were busy looking for dresses and souvenirs, and also arranged the wedding room. With this comparison, Jiang Nian became the idlest one. She simply took the book to the hospital. Sometimes she would sit and think. Sometimes she would shout ‘Baby!’, or ‘Uncle Huo!’, or “Huo Ling!” abruptly, but he never responded. sometimes she would deliberately not go; she felt that if she did not go to see Huo Ling, he would surely think she had an accident and jump out of bed!

She fought wisely with Huo Ling for a long time, but unfortunately, the other party was firm in stance and refused to admit defeat.

Jiang Nian put Huo Ling’s crimes in a small book, waiting for him to wake up to settle the accounts one by one. If it were not clear, she would not call him baby anymore. It was really sad to treat a big genius in this way.

Although he kept lying down like this, she was very worried.

Huo Ling’s things couldn’t be concealed. There were many rumors in the outside world. Some people watched the excitement, and some people shook their heads with regret. Some said that Huo Ling was poor, and some felt that he and Jiang Nian, the poor people gathered together, and inevitably made those who saw it sad enough to cry.

On the day Jiang Nian and Huo Ling got married, all the close friends and relatives were present.

They didn’t do much, they only invited close relatives and friends to hold a lively wedding.

Jiang Nian dressed herself up very beautifully. She was dazzling and dazzling. She felt sad that Huo Ling couldn’t see her so beautiful. When she’d tell him later, he would cry and regret to death. She was different. Today’s Huo Ling was very handsome. Not only did she watch him, she kissed him!

But at the moment when the aisle actually appeared in front of her, she looked at her familiar father, mother, grandpa, grandma, brother, and Chen Tong3, Jiang Yun, Zhang Xing, and Xiao Tong, and even her four grand front and back law protectors, she was somewhat nervous. After all, she would add the title of married woman in front of her reputation as a genius!

Jiang Nian took a breath and pushed Huo Ling in the wheelchair to walk forward. Suddenly, she felt a hand holding her hand! She was stupid for a while and saw that Mrs. Zhang sitting in front stood up with her mouth covered, and Grandpa Huo gazed dazedly!

There were cries of excitement all around, accompanied by a pleasant laughter and exclamations of surprise.4 Everyone gathered around.

Jiang Nian lowered her head sharply, seeing the man squeeze her hand harder.

Jiang Nian was proud. Look, she knew that her big baby must not be willing to miss her so beautiful.

She may have missed the only chance to make Huo Ling cry.


“Mm, baby husband! You finally woke up!”


Jiang Nian gently shook the hand she and Huo Ling held, somewhat happy at the thought that fate must be crying again.

The moment Huo Ling woke up, her heroine aura finally broke through sixty.

Her baby suffered on her behalf— she would pamper him well in the future.

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