Home Post 1947-chapter-14



Shen Zhi lowered his gaze to the palm of his hand, where a big white rabbit milk candy lay. Suddenly, it felt as if his memory had been pulled back to a long time ago, and the rich scent of milk candy in his memory seemed never to have dissipated.

“Trying to cheer me up?” After a long pause, he said it with a low chuckle.

Ji Ran blinked her eyes, hesitated for a moment, and then said, “Thank you for helping me find my school nametag.”

She knew her school nametag should have been left on the mountain, but she didn’t expect Shen Zhi to actually find it for her.

Earlier, she had bought candy in the school’s small supermarket, and she remembered that when she was a child, the only thing that Pei Yuan used to cheer her up was milk candy. As she grew older, Pei Yuan became stricter with her, not only in terms of academics but also in her daily life; everything had to go through her strict scrutiny.

Even the consumption of milk candy was regulated by her.

Occasionally, when she behaved well, Pei Yuan would personally give her one.

When she was a child, what she looked forward to the most was receiving a piece of candy from Pei Yuan when she received an award certificate or a trophy. At that time, she would be genuinely happy from the bottom of her heart.

As she grew older, she realized that Pei Yuan’s way of raising her was no different from how animals were trained in a circus.

If she did something wrong, she would be scolded, but if she did something right, she would be rewarded with candy.

Suddenly, Ji Ran had a vague memory of treating someone else the same way, rewarding him with big white rabbit milk candy and telling him it was the best thing in the world.

But she was beginning to forget that person.

In the afternoon, there was a physical education class during free activity time, and Wen Qianxia asked Ji Ran about her father being a driver.

Wen Qianxia showed her the posts from the online forum.

“I don’t know who started spreading this; it’s really boring,” Wen Qianxia said in frustration.

Ji Ran stared at her phone in silence, with a possible suspect in mind, but she didn’t think Jiang Yi was so foolish as to spread a lie that would be easily exposed.

Still, she asked, “Qianxia, can you find out who first spread this rumor?”

“Sure.” Wen Qianxia nodded and patted her chest.

When it was time to gather after class, Shen Zhi and his friends hadn’t returned. The gym teacher didn’t ask, so he quickly dismissed them back to their classrooms.

There weren’t many people in the activity building at this time; it only got lively during evening self-study sessions.

When Xu Yihang led a person into the toilet, he patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, “Don’t be afraid; don’t be afraid; let’s just chat.”

When the boy saw Shen Zhi smoking in the restroom, his legs went weak.

This scene was too classic, and the big shot had an imposing aura. Would he even make it out of this restroom alive today?

The boy lowered his head and said in a low voice, “Brother Zhi, I didn’t bring any money with me today…”

The others were taken aback for a moment, then burst into laughter.

Even Shen Zhi, who had a stern face, seemed on the verge of laughing.

Shen Zhi needed money from someone. They didn’t know, but Xia Jiangming and the others who had always been with him knew very well that this guy had no shortage of money.

They had never seen Shen Zhi  so much as blink when spending money.

“Give me your phone,” Shen Zhi said coldly.

The boy didn’t understand, but he obediently handed over his phone with both hands. Shen Zhi took it, opened the gallery, and scrolled through it. Sure enough, he found several photos of Ji Ran, and not just one.

His brows furrowed more and more, and he finally looked up at the other person, saying, “Are you a pervert?”

You actually took so many photos without permission.

The boy was completely baffled, and it wasn’t until he realized what was happening that he immediately waved his hands and said, “Brother Zhi, I didn’t mean to; I just happened to see Ji Ran, and I thought she was really, really beautiful.”

His voice grew softer as he spoke.

Xu Yihang shook his head disapprovingly on the side. “Brother, you’re really out of line. Taking pictures just because you think someone is beautiful”

“I just thought she should be the school flower of our school, and I wanted to post it on the forum for everyone to evaluate,” the boy said in a very low voice.

Shen Zhi felt that the school’s management was too lax; these students didn’t focus on their studies and were constantly up to no good.

What good would it do to have a school flower? Would it win you an award?

It was just a bunch of nonsense.

Shen Zhi chuckled and admitted that he didn’t know about the school’s selection. In fact, he was the acknowledged school grass (handsome guy) of their school, but nobody dared to post his pictures on the forum.

“Delete them all, and don’t you dare take pictures without permission again,” Shen Zhi warned, twirling the phone between his fingers with a sardonic smile.

The boy nodded vigorously. “I won’t, I won’t, Brother Zhi; I promise there won’t be a next time.”

Shen Zhi added his own number to the boy’s QQ after transferring all the photos of Ji Ran from the boy’s phone to his own, and then deleted his number.

Finally, he deleted the photos from the boy’s phone.

After completing these tasks, Shen Zhi tossed the phone back to the boy, cast a disdainful glance, and said, “Remember, there won’t be a next time.”

The boy didn’t expect the school’s famous big shot to be so easy to talk to. He nodded in agreement, seeing no reason to disagree.

After Shen Zhi left, he walked down the street and took out his phone, looking at the photos one after another with great care. When Xia Jiangming, who was beside him, noticed that he was staring at the photos, he couldn’t help but ask in curiosity, “Brother Zhi, what are you looking at?”

He leaned over, wanting to see too, but Shen Zhi held the phone in his palm to block his view.

“No,” he said lightly.

This belonged to him, and no one else could see it.

That evening, Ji Ran stayed in her room the whole time. She was about to go to bed when she felt thirsty and decided to go out to get some water. However, as soon as she opened the door, she saw Jiang Yi sneaking out of her wardrobe.

Although Ji Ran had never brought any belongings with her when she first arrived, Pei Yuan later sent over a lot of her things. When the items arrived, not even Jiang Liqi, let alone Jiang Yi, could believe that this young girl had so many clothes.

Ji Qingli and Pei Yuan were far from being ideal parents, but Ji Ran was a legitimate young lady. She remembered receiving diamonds as a gift on her first birthday, and even at a very young age, she had a Chanel bag specially tailored for her.

Therefore, there was a wardrobe dedicated to her in this house.

In fact, Jiang Yi had considered living the life of a young lady, but with her mother’s simple lifestyle, there was no way she would allow her to be extravagant.

Ji Ran quietly closed the door and waited until she heard the sound of Jiang Yi closing her own door.

After a while, she opened the door again.

Ji Ran sneaked into her wardrobe. Except for the first day when her clothes were sent over, she had never been in here. Since she usually wore her school uniform at 4th Middle School, she only got to wear her own clothes on weekends.

So Ji Ran took a few pieces of clothing from the wardrobe in her room. She hadn’t touched any of the clothes in the wardrobe.

Once inside the wardrobe, Ji Ran looked around at the clothes. She had a good memory, and even though there were many clothes here, she could remember where most of them should be.

Moreover, since Jiang Yi wore her school uniform to school every day, she probably hadn’t touched her own clothes.

Ji Ran went to check the jewelry in the middle cabinet and realized that a Chanel pearl bracelet was actually missing.

She immediately sneered.

As expected.

The next day at school, Ji Ran casually observed Jiang Yi. She noticed that her neck and wrists were completely bare, and she wasn’t wearing any jewelry.

Ji Ran didn’t react until they were in school.

During the morning exercise, she asked Wen Qianxia, “Do you know Jiang Yi?”

Wen Qianxia widened her eyes and said with a surprised expression, “Ran Ran, how did you know I was going to ask you about Jiang Yi? Let me tell you, it’s because she’s been telling everyone that you’re her driver’s daughter, and that’s why these rumors are spreading.”

This matter was spoken about by Jiang Yi in front of others, so it was easy to inquire about.

Wen Qianxia noticed Ji Ran’s silence and said softly, “I heard that this Jiang Yi is a rich and beautiful girl, and the girls in her class say that she wears and uses very expensive things.”

“What is she wearing?” Ji Ran asked with a smirk.

Unexpectedly, Wen Qianxia actually took out her phone and flipped through the pictures, showing them to Ji Ran. “These were sent to me by a classmate from Class Twelve. She said that Jiang Yi wore a pair of shoes that cost over 8,000 yuan to school yesterday.”

When Ji Ran saw the photos, she couldn’t help but laugh.

The white pearl sandals that Jiang Yi was wearing on her feet belonged to her. However, Ji Ran felt that the brand logo on the shoes was too conspicuous, so she didn’t want to wear them to school and appear too ostentatious.

For school, she usually wore sneakers, like Adidas or Nike.

She clearly remembered that Jiang Yi didn’t wear these shoes to school yesterday. Jiang Yi probably hid the shoes in her bag and changed into them when she got to school.

Ji Ran was thoroughly amused by her shameless vanity.

“By the way, isn’t it Xu Yihang’s birthday this weekend? I heard that he invited a lot of people last year, and he’ll probably have a big celebration this year too. Jiang Yi has been telling others that she’s determined to outshine Xue Yirou this time. I guess she’ll wear an extremely expensive dress that day.”

Wen Qianxia shared some information she had gathered secretly with Ji Ran.

Ji Ran gave her a glance, surprised that she had learned so much in just one night. She then patted Wen Qianxia’s shoulder and said, “Have you thought about what major you want to study in college?”

Wen Qianxia widened her eyes and asked, “Ran Ran, do you have any suggestions?”

Although she didn’t understand why Ji Ran suddenly brought this up, she was still very interested.

Ji Ran replied seriously, “I suggest you study intelligence special operations. It will allow you to fully utilize your talents.”

Wen Qianxia: “…”

These days, Jiang Yi has been making a fuss at home, demanding that Jiang Liqi buy her a dress. Jiang Liqi felt that the dress was expensive and unnecessary, so she had no intention of buying it for Jiang Yi.

In reality, Ji Qingli didn’t care about Jiang Liqi’s spending. He had enough money not to be stingy like this.

However, Jiang Liqi was anxious and wanted to maintain her image of being a money-averse innocent flower in Ji Qingli’s eyes.

Unexpectedly, one evening, an angry Jiang Yi came downstairs and suddenly found that in the living room, the housekeeper,Aunt Zhao, was holding a beautiful chiffon formal gown.

Jiang Yi rushed over and asked with excitement, “Did Mom buy this for me?”

This gown had a particularly girly style, with a chiffon material that gave it a floating and ethereal feeling. Jiang Yi could even imagine how it would look on her when she wore it, with the skirt flowing as she moved.

She instantly fell in love with this dress.

Aunt Zhao looked at her in surprise and then said softly, “Miss Yi, did Madam buy you a dress too?”

To distinguish between the two young girls, the maid directly addressed Ji Ran as “Miss,” but she called Jiang Yi “Miss Yi.” Miss Jiang seemed a bit too unfamiliar.

However, even though Jiang Yi had a different title, their respective positions in the household were clear.

Aunt Zhao saw that Jiang Yi had been staring at the dress and couldn’t help but feel a little distressed. She said, “This is Miss’s dress. She said someone would send it over and asked me to hang it in the wardrobe.”

It was Ji Ran again.

Jiang Yi was on the verge of going crazy. Why couldn’t she convince her mom to buy a dress while Ji Ran could have whatever she wanted? She knew Ji Ran was Ji Qingli’s biological daughter, but her mother was now Madam Ji.

If Ji Ran had it, she should have it too.

Ji Ran’s wardrobe was her biggest desire, with so many beautiful clothes, pretty shoes, and jewelry. She wanted them too, but her mom had always told her to be patient and wait.

Jiang Yi bit her lip and watched as Aunt Zhao hung the formal gown in the wardrobe upstairs.

Ji Ran had set a trap for Jiang Yi on purpose, she admitted. But as long as Jiang Yi didn’t covet her things, she wouldn’t have any impact on Jiang Yi.

But if she did…

Ji Ran reached out and lightly touched the formal gown.

She had said it before: No one could touch her things without consequences.

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