Home Post 1962-chapter-1



The spring breeze gently swirled, and the faint fragrance hung in the air.

It was early spring in March, and most passersby had yet to shed their warm cotton robes. However, the man standing in the Forgotten Guest Pavilion was already dressed in a white spring robe, making it hard for anyone not to notice him.

“Your Highness, it’s almost noon, and our troops are ready. We’re waiting for your orders to enter the city.”

The man in black outside the pavilion spoke while his gaze remained fixed on the man inside the pavilion, who stood with his hands folded. The man inside the pavilion wore a clean white robe with no hint of impurity.

“What about those old men? They’ve been surprisingly quiet today.”

The man inside the pavilion spoke softly, so softly that if it weren’t for the extraordinary hearing of the man in black behind him, it would have been difficult to hear.

“The nobles must have understood Your Highness’s intentions. They’ve been resting in the carriage all day, and no one has come out.”

The words of the man in black seemed reasonable, but the man in the pavilion smiled. He nodded and seemed to recall something. Suddenly, he turned around, and with a burst of strength, he lifted a pile of fallen leaves, startling the man in black standing outside the pavilion.

Outside the city, the envoy from the Song Kingdom’s procession was camped, waiting to enter the city after noon. No one knew what plans Song Yushu had in mind or why he had chosen this particular hour. Meanwhile, in a teahouse within the city, the atmosphere was lively due to the discussions about him.

“Today, let’s talk about the eldest grandson of the Emperor of the Song Kingdom! It is said that he is well-versed in both ancient and current knowledge, a master of literature and military strategy, and stands out among all the imperial princes of the Song Kingdom! It’s been said that when he was just sixteen years old, he accompanied the Song Kingdom’s General of the Valiant Cavalry on an expedition to the Qitian Kingdom. He fought until he was covered in blood without taking even half a rest. In a critical moment, he even tore through the enemy with his bare hands. Tsk, that scene was truly bloody…”

Inside the teahouse, the storyteller hit the gong with a “bang”, beginning his tale, and he was fervently describing the legitimate eldest grandson of the Song Kingdom. However, little did he know that one young lady in the audience had turned pale, her body trembling slightly. Her already frail figure seemed even more fragile at that moment.

“Han Xiao, do you… do you think, if this Song Yushu were to return… could I still be okay?”

Cheng Nanyu raised her head slightly, looking at the maid standing beside her, her words coming out somewhat stuttered. The girl referred to as Han Xiao gazed at her mistress, who was clearly not feeling well and was about to say something, but before she could utter a sound, she was startled by the sudden sound of the gong, and all words froze in her throat.

“Furthermore, this legitimate eldest grandson’s identity is extraordinary. He is the son of Princess Qingyang of our Jing Kingdom, who is the current Emperor’s sister, and the deceased legitimate eldest son of the Song Kingdom’s Emperor, Song Yunli. He was raised in the Song Kingdom from a young age. Now, Princess Qingyang is longing for her son, so she has invited this legitimate eldest grandson to stay in Jing for a while…”

As for the legitimate eldest grandson from the Song Kingdom, there were various versions of his story circulating outside, but the one described by the storyteller was just one of them. Yet, how many people truly knew the real situation? Cheng Nanyu touched her chest, silently counting the different versions she had heard. She told herself not to be afraid.

After all, in a nominal sense, she was also Song Yushu’s sister. He wouldn’t really harm her, would he? Besides, she hadn’t done anything to provoke him, had she? It was just that one time when she bit him…

But the key was that time…

“Princess, it’s… it’s alright. With the princess here, just be careful when you approach the young master.”

Han Xiao reached out and gently patted her mistress’s back, each touch light and reassuring. Cheng Nanyu gradually began to relax; she didn’t seem as nervous as she had been just moments ago. However, this state didn’t last long before she received a firm pat on her back.

“I say, Ah Yu, what are you doing here? If Aunt knows, she’ll start lecturing you again!”

Cheng Nanyu didn’t turn around, but the tone and strength of that grip were unmistakably from Cheng Lingdong.

“Lingdong, you scared me! Why are you using such a strong force?”

“I’m telling you, cut down on the chatter.”

Cheng Lingdong hiked up her skirt, sat down without ceremony, and nonchalantly grabbed a handful of melon seeds from the plate in front of her. She started cracking them open with a leisurely and carefree demeanor, not at all like a pampered princess from the palace.

“Ah Yu, what are you afraid of? He’s your older brother, not an enemy.”

Cheng Lingdong seemed completely unconcerned about their impending cousin’s arrival and thought Cheng Nanyu was making too much fuss.

“Haven’t you heard? Song Yushu is known to tear people apart with his bare hands, and he has a violent temper. It’s said that a maidservant in his household was punished severely just because the tea she served was too hot. I heard she was beaten so badly that she was covered in blood and flesh! Not to mention the trouble I caused him when I was younger. You don’t know, but back then…”

Her words came to a halt halfway, and just as Cheng Lingdong was about to inquire about the rest of the story, a nearby gentleman beat her to it.

“What’s all this about, you two ladies? There are even more outrageous stories!”

The gentleman had apparently only heard the first half of Cheng Nanyu’s statement. He rolled up his sleeves, dragged his chair closer to their table, looked around cautiously, and continued.

“It’s said that this legitimate eldest grandson’s subordinates are ruthless, even when dealing with women and children. But, unfortunately, he has a handsome appearance and is quite popular in the Song Kingdom. We don’t know what to expect when he returns this time.”

Cheng Lingdong glanced at the enthusiastic gentleman who was talking about Song Yushu. She paid no mind to these rumors about Song Yushu. After all, no matter how formidable someone might be, they are still just a person. Could he really be as ruthless and bloodthirsty as they said? However, looking at Cheng Nanyu beside her and Han Xiao standing nearby, she felt quite frustrated.

These two silly girls were taking it too seriously.

“Anyway, no matter what, considering the time, your older brother should be arriving in the capital soon. It’s too late to be scared now. You should go back and prepare to welcome him!”

When it came to Cheng Nanyu, Cheng Lingdong was the type to enjoy watching the excitement and not mind the consequences. At this moment, she knew that Song Yushu would be coming, but instead of helping with preparations, she advised her sister to return.

“You know, what if I don’t show up?”

Cheng Nanyu was well aware that the Song Kingdom’s procession would be arriving in the capital this afternoon, which was why she had purposely stayed away, trying to avoid her mother’s attempts to involve her in welcoming her older brother.

“Nothing much would happen. You would get scolded by Aunt and reprimanded by the Empress in the palace for being immature, and your Father and Emperor might give you a lecture during dinner. However… the Empress Dowager should probably protect you, but it’s only a likelihood, not a certainty.”

Cheng Lingdong’s words effectively dispelled Cheng Nanyu’s idea of escaping right before the crucial moment. She had been raised by Princess Qingyang from a young age, bore the imperial surname ‘Cheng,’ and had grown up in the palace with the princes and princesses under the protection of the Emperor, Empress, and Empress Dowager. Because of this, she couldn’t afford to be too willful or immature. As Song Yushu was her older brother, even if they had only met once, she had to go today without any hesitation.

The two of them were speaking vigorously, and there was a startled “bang” from the storyteller. Instantly, everyone stopped in their tracks, gazing attentively at the entrance.

“For today, we will conclude here. To know what happens next, stay tuned for the next time!”

After the storyteller’s announcement, the crowd dispersed, as everyone knew that the teahouse’s tradition was to end the storytelling session at noon. Cheng Nanyu and Cheng Lingdong, both regular patrons, were well aware of this, but knowing it was one thing, accepting it was another.

Noon marked something significant: it meant that the envoys from the Song Kingdom were about to enter the city.

While other customers around them had already gotten up and started heading outside, the two sisters remained seated, not moving. Suddenly, a figure pushed against the flow of people and entered, standing there. Han Xiao, who was gazing intently, saw that it was the servant from Princess Qingyang’s mansion.

“Princess, Commandery Princess!”

The servant hurriedly made his way to the table where Cheng Nanyu and Cheng Lingdong were seated. Perhaps because he had rushed there, he was slightly out of breath. Han Xiao, upon seeing this, promptly poured a cup of tea for him, and after drinking it, he felt a bit better.

“Princess, Commandery Princess, the master has summoned both of you to return to the mansion. Our young master is about to enter the city.”

“Is Mother also going out to welcome him?”

The servant waved his hand, indicating that it wasn’t the case for Cheng Nanyu.

“No, after our young master enters the city, he will go directly to the palace to pay respects to His Majesty. Our master will also enter the palace and meet with our young master there. The reason for the princess’s return to the mansion is that our master is waiting at home and plans to bring the young master into the palace. Oh, our master also said that the princess should return to the palace earlier as well, not to delay the grand banquet.”

Cheng Lingdong immediately understood that her aunt was telling her to return to the palace obediently and avoid displeasing the Emperor. She didn’t have any objections. The prince from the Song Kingdom was Cheng Nanyu’s older brother, not hers, and she wasn’t averse to returning to the palace. However, not everyone might feel the same way.

“Lingdong, do you think I can still fake being sick at this point?”

Cheng Lingdong firmly shook her head, gave her a reassuring look, and stood up, waving her hand to indicate she was leaving.

“Ah Yu, enjoy the grand banquet!”

With that, she walked away without even turning her head, showing no intention of offering any advice to Cheng Nanyu.

“Miss, you’d better come back with the servant now. The master is waiting for you at home!”

The servant watched Cheng Nanyu, who seemed reluctant to return, with growing anxiety. If this troublesome young lady didn’t go back with him, how could he fulfill his duty?

“Can I not go back? I made an appointment with Miss Wang, the daughter of Minister Wang, to visit the Huiguo Temple together today!”

“Commandary princess, you don’t need to struggle. Miss Wang from Minister Wang’s house has probably already left her residence and is on her way to the imperial city.”

With the situation having progressed to this point, Cheng Nanyu had no choice but to accompany the household servant back. She was a bit timid and couldn’t resist the servant’s pleading expression or her mother’s admonitions. She could only go along and accept her fate.

As expected, just as the servant had said, her mother, Princess Qingyang, had been waiting for her in the main hall for quite some time. When she saw her daughter entering with the servant, she stood up, furrowing her brows, and walked over.

“How many times did I remind you yesterday? Your brother is coming to the capital today, and I told you to stay at home in the mansion. But what did you do? You went to listen to some storytellers so early in the morning! Are you determined to anger your mother? Both you and your brother are causing me so much worry!”

Princess Qingyang scolded while tears welled up in her eyes. Cheng Nanyu, frightened, quickly took out her handkerchief and gently wiped her mother’s tears.

“Mother, I apologize; I was wrong. I heard that the storyteller at Forgotten Guest Pavilion was going to tell stories about my brother today, so I went there to listen. I’ve only met my brother once, and I don’t have much of an impression of him. That’s why I wanted to learn more about him before I saw him… If you don’t like it, I won’t go there again in the future.”

No matter how rebellious she might act outside, in front of Princess Qingyang, Cheng Nanyu was always a well-behaved child who never displayed obstinacy.

Her words seemed to appease Princess Qingyang, who took the handkerchief from Cheng Nanyu, wiped her tears, and then handed the handkerchief to her maid.

“Alright, never mind; I was wrong to blame you. It’s getting late; you should hurry and get dressed. The clothes for today’s grand banquet are already prepared for you. Go and change quickly, and remember to be swift!”

Princess Qingyang was obviously in a hurry and was urged to be quicker. After listening to her mother’s words, Cheng Nanyu smiled, nodded in agreement, and then turned to face a more serious expression.

She just hoped that her brother would forget her completely when they met…



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