Home Post 1976-chapter-1


The first thing that Ruan Chacha* felt was soreness, her whole body was sore and she felt like she had no strength. It was extremely uncomfortable.

When she finally gathered herself and struggled to open her eyes, all she could see was a luxurious ceiling, this was … a hospital??

What kind of hospital is this high class?

Ruan Chacha’s body was so sore that she wanted to stretch her legs, but the moment she moved her leg, it hurt her so much that her small face went pale.

“Ah …” It really hurt too much, she couldn’t help but moan, she wasn’t going to be a cripple, right?


Without waiting for her to feel better, a cold mechanical voice suddenly sounded in her brain …


“Currently starting up the Green Tea* system, finding host number 250* … system binding complete.”

Then there were a series of beeping sounds, which was really strange.

Ruan Chacha: ?! What … what was this? Her face was completely stupefied.

“You are currently in the “Overbearing Boss Sweetheart Wife” novel, and the female lead has already appeared. Please level up your green tea score and finish the system’s mission.” The cold mechanical voice answered Ruan Chacha as if it could hear what she was thinking.

Ruan Chacha’s scalp went numb, overbearing boss? Sweet wife? Green tea system? Finish a mission?

Forgive her, her brain had already stopped working.

Ruan Chacha continued to be dumbfounded for a while and the voice in her brain didn’t speak again.

Overbearing Boss and Sweetheart Wife? That sounded really familiar, like a really old novel that she read ages ago? When she had a bit of free time, she’d read random novels.

Ruan Chacha then remembered, she really did read such a book, but now she had transmigrated into that book?

No way!!

Ruan Chacha’s face scrunched up and suddenly thought, what if she was the female lead?

Wouldn’t that be the best?

Green tea system’s cold mechanical voice was like ice cold water poured over Ruan Chacha’s head, like from head to toe, as if to tell her to stop dreaming.

“Host number 250, you are the female side character Ruan Chacha.”


Ruan Chacha’s smallest little hope fizzled out and shattered.


Ruan Chacha? That’s right, how did she forget that there was a side character with the exact same name.

Except in the original novel, the side character was someone who was extremely brash and easily riled up, had a princess disease*, but she was really pretty and her family background was pretty good too.

In the original novel, the female side character had actually gotten married to the male lead, apparently the male lead’s grandfather really liked her so he threatened the male lead with his life if he didn’t marry her.

So the two people married and the male lead who absolutely hated the female side character, suddenly became sweet and obedient once the female lead appeared, but without losing his overbearing nature.

The female side character was so mad that she got someone to kidnap the female lead but each and every time, she’d fail because the male lead would rescue the female lead each time.

Not only would she fail in kidnapping her, the male and female lead would also get closer and closer with each kidnapping attempt.

In the end, the very last time she tried to kidnap the female lead and get people to gang r*pe her, at the very crucial moment, the male lead appeared and ended up saving her.

The male lead wasn’t a good person to begin with and with the female side character constantly trying to hurt the woman he loved the most, he finally went through with an underhanded method to make the female side character disappear.

As to whether the female side character actually died, no one knows.

At the end of the story, the male and female lead lived happily ever after together.

Ruan Chacha, at the time she read the novel, couldn’t help but roast the novel, so much dog blood, so contrived!

It made her get goosebumps but she was the person to not drop a novel in the middle of reading so she forced herself to finish the whole novel.

“I’m done for …” Ruan Chacha didn’t even have to think to know that her ending would be terrible.

Wu wu wu … how could she be so pitiful!!

She only just died and now she had to die again!!

Just as Ruan Chacha was about to have a breakdown, the green tea system sounded again, just as Ruan Chacha thought the system would comfort her.

“Side character Ruan Chacha, in the original novel died by dismemberment, and before she died, was tortured for an extremely long period of time.” As always, the green tea system was cold and emotionless.

Ruan Chacha: …. I *****!

So much for comforting her? Was the system scared she didn’t want to k*ll herself already?

“Just let me die, I can’t live any more.” This old woman won’t do it, who cares if I die now, anything would be better than having to live through the original novel’s ending.


But the green tea system didn’t reply to her, “The green tea system can help you, as long as you reach a green tea score of 1,000 points, then you’ll be able to change your ending. So hurry up and become a green tea.”

Ruan Chacha didn’t care any more, she’d rather die, “I already said I’m not going to do it. You made me come here and you didn’t even ask for my permission and now you’re telling me to do this and do that?”

“Within 24 hours, if you haven’t reached 5 green tea points, you’ll be electrically shocked once as a punishment. Each mission has parts, could the host please finish as soon as possible.” The emotionless green tea system finished and then disappeared.

No matter how much Ruan Chacha screamed and shouted, there was no response. “So much for the green tea system? You’re so straightforward, even a straight man isn’t as straight as you are and isn’t as cold and heartless as you are!”

Ruan Chacha huffed and thumped her bed.

This kind of evasiveness, dodging her questions and then suddenly disappearing really made her super frustrated and uncomfortable.

The green tea system heard Ruan Chacha shout but didn’t appear.

This host number 250 really didn’t seem that smart, the green tea system signed and then went into deep sleep, letting Ruan Chacha do whatever she liked.

The Ruan Chacha who was being thought of as not that smart, thumped her bed some more to let out her frustrations.

When she thought of how the original character ended, she was absolutely terrified.

This dog male lead was too crappy, after all, being married for a day means a hundred days of grace for a married couple.

Even if they never shared a bed, there was no need to be this ruthless right?

Even though the female side character was really wrong, but you could just take her life as punishment, was there really a need for a long period of torture? Dismemberment?

Was this something that a person could do?

Ruan Chacha rubbed her arms, she couldn’t help but feel her body going cold.

Don’t think about it, don’t think about it, what if you tried hard to get those green tea points?

Maybe there’s a way out?

And then if it doesn’t work out, she can always end things on her terms.

Ruan Chacha silently cheered herself on and just as she lifted her blanket, she felt her body get chilly.

The door suddenly opened.

A man in an all black tailored suit with a cold face, who looked restrained and emotionless, looked at Ruan Chacha with undisguised disgust.

Even from such a distance, Ruan Chacha could clearly see how much he hated the original character.

Ruan Chacha didn’t even have time to react before a clear screen appeared in front of her eyes …

“Gender: Male, Name: Du Mohan*, this is the current novel’s male lead, do you want to seduce/target this character to be your partner?”

There was no sound, only words appearing on the clear screen.

Ruan Chacha couldn’t nod her head or shake her head. The dog male lead was staring right at her.

What if a single nod made it seem like she was trying to seduce him?

After all, this was a person with late stage overbearing boss cancer, she really couldn’t afford to provoke him right now.

“Do you want to seduce/target him as your partner?” The characters disappeared and then appeared again.

Ruan Chacha’s body stiffened. Seduce him! As a partner! She wanted to humiliate him! Him!

“Beep! Locked in the green tea target as: Du Mohan, green tea score: 0”.

Ruan Chacha looked at the floating words and suddenly felt a bit good.

Who told him to treat her so ruthlessly!

Even if she didn’t continue to do awful and terrible things, the novel’s plot line probably wouldn’t be able to change and she’d still end up dying horrifically for one reason or another.

Even now, just because she’s married to Du Mohan, there’s no way she could have a good ending with this identity.

Du Mohan … Ruan Chacha suddenly felt disgusted by this name, it really was such a melodramatic novel, really contrived.

“Get down here.” After speaking, the door slammed so hard Ruan Chacha nearly jumped out of bed.


Who the hell would like this kind of guy!

And to force yourself to go up to him?

If I didn’t bloody take a knife to him, that would be polite of me!

Ruan Chacha angrily grumbled to herself and then lowered her head and saw how revealing her clothes were.

She looked down to see her revealing sleepwear and then took a quick look at her bandaged calf.

Ruan Chacha: “…..” This original character was really brave. She was already basically crippled and still didn’t forget to seduce Du Mohan. She really was a real woman .

Leaning heavily on her crutches to limp over to the wardrobe, she changed into something a bit more proper and then wandered outside.

Once she left the room, Ruan Chacha’s eyes lit up.

This was a whole mansion, it really fitting to be the house of a rich family within a novel.

The servants saw Ruan Chacha and all suddenly became reserved, greeting her, “Madam.”

Afterwards, they stood there on the spot, as if scared of Ruan Chacha.

No one offered to help Ruan Chacha down the stairs and she didn’t know if it was because they didn’t dare to help her or what.

But Ruan Chacha didn’t care, she slowly made her way downstairs.

If she wanted to get some green tea points, she’d have to get close to the male lead, even if she didn’t want to see him ever again.

She still had to finish her mission right?



TL note:


1 Ruan Chacha = her name is 阮茶茶, her surname is Ruan and her first name is Cha cha (tea tea).
2 Green tea = slang for ‘green tea b*tch’ which is derogatory for a girl who looks innocent but secretly, is conniving and not like what she appears to be at all
3 250 in chinese is slang for someone who’s dumb
4 Princess disease = someone who acts like a princess, wants to be spoiled and is narcissistic but isn’t a princess
5 Du Mohan = the male lead’s name is actually DuGu MoHan (独孤漠寒) Dugu = lone/lonely, MoHan cold desert – one of the running gags is that this novel is really generic and basic so even the male lead’s name is this generic cold and lonesome name that’s also dumb sounding, like no normal person would have this name. I can’t take this name seriously and some Chinese reviews were saying that they almost quit this novel because the male lead’s name was so dumb but they were glad they kept reading!!

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