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Chapter 3: Negotiations

When making preparations, Tang Xin took the opportunity to inquire with the butler and learned that the guards were all orphans who had been wandering outside for various reasons. They were taken in by the Tang family since childhood, and those with good genes were trained to become warriors, while those with good minds were sent to manage shops.

Upon their initial acceptance, the Tang family signed a fifty-year employment contract with them. If they dared to betray the Tang family, no matter which planet they escaped to, they would be hunted down by the Tang family, and the outcome would be extremely brutal. From the moment they agreed to stay with the Tang family, they were destined to shed blood and sweat for the family throughout their lives.

Once a member of the Tang family selected someone to be a guard, a transfer agreement would be arranged. Initially loyal to the Tang family, they would then become loyal to the individual. A fifty-year term was quite rare, equivalent to a lifelong contract.

The butler prepared the transfer contract, hesitated for a moment, and asked, “Does Miss Eight need to consider this?”

Tang Xin did not hesitate at all and answered with action, swiftly writing her name on the contract.

Seeing that the matter was settled, the butler stopped talking and brought up another matter: “What about the warehouse?”

“Tonight. I’ve been busy for a long time and am tired now. I want to go back to rest. I’ll find you later to pick things up.” With that, Tang Xin turned and left.

Yan Hao silently followed.

Watching Tang Xin’s departing figure, the butler sighed repeatedly.

Tang Xin walked non-stop all the way, heading straight to her room with apparent impatience.

Yan Hao’s face was solemn; he clenched his fist, and a word popped into his mind inexplicably: urgency…

Once inside the room, Tang Xin sat down on a chair and gestured to Yan Hao, “Close the door.”

Yan Hao remained cautious and closed the door but didn’t lock it tightly. In any situation, it would be convenient to rush out.

Tang Xin poured herself a cup of tea, thinking about how to broach the subject. As she lifted her head, she noticed Yan Hao standing near the door, looking surprised. “Why are you standing so far away?”

Yan Hao coldly uttered two words: “Avoid suspicion.”

“There are only two of us in the room. What suspicion is there to avoid?” Tang Xin wondered.

It’s precisely because there are only two people that it’s dangerous. Yan Hao stubbornly stayed in his place.

“Never mind, never mind.” Tang Xin was too lazy to drag on this topic. She was in a hurry to get back to her room for a serious matter.

“I won’t beat around the bush. Let’s be straight. I know your secret. Let’s make a deal. After leaving the Tang family, you protect my safety well; don’t have any other thoughts, and I’ll release you from your obligations ahead of time.”

“I don’t understand, Miss.” Yan Hao’s expression remained unchanged.

“Scented Lily, Banxia, Yao Cao…” Tang Xin rattled off seven or eight names of herbs in one breath, smiling as she asked, “Do you understand now?”

Cracks finally appeared on Yan Hao’s icy face.

Tang Xin took a sip of tea. Although the scent of medicine on Yan Hao was faint, it couldn’t escape her nose. If not for the different names of medicines in the two worlds, she could have listed all eighteen names from the prescription. Of the ones she mentioned, she had seen them in the warehouse, knowing their new names. The rest, she only knew their names from her previous world.

Yan Hao controlled his facial expression, maintained the ice block face, and continued to deny, “I don’t understand; please clarify, Miss.”

Tang Xin chuckled. At this point, are you still attempting to hide?

“What I mean is, you have an A-level gene, a Level 5 warrior. Because you used a formula to lower your cultivation by hiding your gene level, no one found out. But I noticed it. Do you understand now?” Tang Xin disregarded Yan Hao’s solemn face and continued speaking to herself.

Yan Hao, despite his serious face, began to evaluate the feasibility of killing, disposing of the body, and escaping. At the same time, he coldly said, “Why should I believe you? The Tang family has no credibility. Saying that people voluntarily join and sign contracts with the Tang family is just aimed at ordinary people. Those with better talents, willing or not, will be forced to sign contracts with a fingerprint.”

“Because I chose you.” Tang Xin was not afraid and analyzed calmly: “I signed a contract with you on behalf of the Tang family. As long as I want, I can terminate it at any time. I’ve read the contract. You entered the Tang family at six and are now twenty-six. In other words, you still have to serve the Tang family for thirty more years. Work for me sincerely for just three years, and after three years, I’ll grant you freedom. At that time, I’ll tell the Tang family that you died in battle, and you’ll be free from then on.”

Yan Hao couldn’t help but be tempted, but he remained cautious. “Why? A-level genes make up less than 5% of the population and are extremely rare. Why would you let me go?”

Tang Xin thought to herself, What’s A-level? In three years, with her reputation as the first pharmacist spreading, not to mention A-level, even S-level individuals would come running, crying, and begging her for a chance to work for her in exchange for potions. In her past life, she encountered such things many times.

Furthermore, once she formulated a self-defense powder, she wouldn’t need others to protect her; she could safeguard herself.

Choosing Yan Hao was simply because he was currently the best option. She needed time.

“You desire freedom, and for now, I need someone to wholeheartedly protect me.” Tang Xin carefully chose her words: “Although we’ve signed a contract, I’ve always liked to handle things with the utmost precision. I promise to set you free after three years. If anything happens, you must save me even at the cost of your life, because if I die, the contract will automatically revert to its pre-signed state.”

“You’re offering me significant benefits just to gain peace of mind?” It felt like a huge windfall from the sky, so immense that Yan Hao couldn’t help but suspect it was a trap.

Tang Xin replied matter-of-factly, “Because my life is valuable. If granting you freedom ensures my safety for the next three years, then this deal makes sense.”

“It’s very cost-effective,” Tang Xin concluded.

Yan Hao pondered for a long time but eventually agreed. If Tang Xin wanted to deceive him, she could have simply informed the Tang family of the truth; there was no need to risk a one-on-one conversation.

“The only problem is Tang Ning.” Tang Xin shifted the conversation with a hint of concern. “I suspect he knew about your genetic level long ago, which is why he prearranged you. However, fearing that revealing the truth might lead to someone snatching you away, he kept silent. But now that I’ve taken you, if he feels unwilling, he might run to our father.”

Yan Hao remained silent. It was hard for him to admit out loud that a man found him attractive. Only Tang Xin knew his true level by discerning the effects of the medicine.

As Tang Xin was deep in thought about countermeasures, the door suddenly burst open.

A person rushed in with a domineering air, shouting as soon as he entered, “Yan Hao, you’re mine. Don’t you dare go with her!”

Tang Xin rubbed her chin. Although she knew it was about recruiting talent, the words sounded quite bold and might easily be misunderstood.

Yan Hao nodded slightly. “Subordinate has seen Young Master.”

“How many times have I told you there is no need to be so polite with me?” The young man frowned, dissatisfied. “Just call me ‘Ning Yi’ directly.”

“Subordinates don’t dare.”

The distant and formal tone made the young man both angry and frustrated. He decided to change his approach.

“Tang Xin, Yan Hao were the ones I noticed first. Give him back to me, and I won’t hold it against you,” Ning Yi puffed up his cheeks.

The impolite brat dared to call her by name directly. Tang Xin shrugged. “He was the one I signed the contract with first. The contract is already done; you’re too late.”

“Then re-sign it. You can choose another guard,” Ning Yi said without hesitation.

Tang Xin felt a bit annoyed. Can’t people speak politely? He burst in like he had just been through a war. She wasn’t someone who paid attention to others’ moods; in fact, it was usually the other way around.

Feeling a bit irritated, Tang Xin’s tone became less friendly: “In the Tang family rules, there is no provision for re-signing. Besides, little kid, have you even reached adulthood?”

Tang Xin deliberately referred to him as a child, even though it was generally considered that eighteen years old was already adulthood. However, in the Tang family, one was only considered an adult upon leaving the family at twenty.

“You—” Tang Ning was utterly caught off guard by Tang Xin’s audacious speech, and for a moment, he was speechless.

“There’s no need to think about choosing someone if you’re not an adult. You don’t let others choose, and you can’t choose for yourself. It’s like hogging a toilet without using it, isn’t it?” Whenever she felt irritated, she would make sure the other person felt even more uncomfortable.

“Daring! How dare you speak to me like  this?”Tang Ning had always been pampered since childhood. Due to his high talent, most people believed he was the rightful heir to the family, so both openly and covertly, everyone sought to please him. Tang Ning had led a smooth life and had never been teased like this before.

“Little kid, what’s your status? The current head of the Tang family? Why wouldn’t I dare?” Tang Xin calmly drank her tea, deliberately provoking him by repeatedly calling him a little kid.

Furious, Tang Ning strode forward and knocked over the tea cup.

The cup shattered on the table, and some fragments bounced off. One piece happened to cut Tang Xin’s finger, and instantly, fresh blood oozed out.

Tang Xin saw the cut on her finger and the blood; her expression changed.

“Serves you right!” Tang Ning was delighted to see Tang Xin’s injured hand, completely unaware of her darkening expression.

Since childhood, Tang Xin has deeply understood a rule: if you don’t stand up for yourself, no one else will. If you endured silently, you would likely be bullied again next time. Retaliating immediately, regardless of success, made it clear to others that she was not to be trifled with. Before acting, she would always consider whether it was worth it.

After leaving home, the Tang family peers might secretly stab each other in the back, but at present, physical fights are strictly prohibited in the Tang family. Therefore, Tang Ning dared at most to knock over her tea cup, but he didn’t dare to directly attack her.

“You’re just a powerless guy. But with only second-level strength, you dare to compete with me for someone. Now you know how formidable I am, right?” Tang Ning boasted with a smug expression.

Tang Xin’s dark eyes revealed a hint of complexity. Everything Tang Ning said seemed to revolve around Yan Hao. Could it be that he really didn’t know about the genetic matter and was simply attracted to Yan Hao’s appearance?

After a moment, she walked up to Yan Hao, her right thumb and forefinger pinching his chin in a flirtatious manner.


Yan Hao knew that Tang Xin was deliberately provoking Tang Ning, maintaining his ice-cold expression, but he couldn’t control the shiver running down his spine.

Tang Ning, on the other hand, was completely dumbfounded.

“I’ve already signed the contract. You are now my personal bodyguard. Say ‘Master’ and let him hear it.”

“Master,” Yan Hao forced down the embarrassment and coldly uttered the two words.

“Tang Xin!” Tang Ning was a mix of shock and anger.

Ignoring him, Tang Xin casually stroked Yan Hao’s face, sighing, “Such a good-looking face; it’s a waste to only use it for fighting. Since you’re my personal bodyguard, you’ll be in charge of attending to me in bed as well. Let’s start by accompanying me to bed for a trial.”

Yan Hao pretended not to understand, asking seriously, “Do I need to address you as ‘Master’ while attending to you in bed?”

Tang Ning couldn’t take it any longer and left in anger, slamming the door loudly on his way out.

Tang Xin was immediately released. Yan Hao hummed lightly as she watched Tang Ning’s retreating figure: “You’re still a bit green if you want to compete with me.”

Yan Hao remained silent, silently lamenting his troubled future.

It was the second time in a single day. The first time she held his wrist without a word, warm breath sprayed on his wrist. The second time, without any explanation, she lifted his chin and teased him. How would he get through the days ahead?!

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