Home Post 2032-chapter-1


I returned to the Gasstark family, my home, after leaving dorm life, and thereafter, I diligently engaged in socializing and building connections both inside and outside the school.

Making allies is crucial.

Utilizing knowledge gained from alternative routes in the game, I wholeheartedly contributed to the academy, increasing my allies. For example, I joined the understaffed student council as vice president, supporting its operations. I also assisted the nearly disbanded Petanque club, turning it into a top-tier team nationwide. (By the way, Petanque is quite a niche sport.)

Even with a hectic schedule at school and at home, I was thoroughly immersed in managing the estate, drilled by my brother…

My brother, while smiling gracefully, had a relentless way of pushing me forward. He would neatly stack balance sheets and consideration documents for irrigation sites until the weight of the paper alone could crush me. This person seemed more like an ice marquise than anything else. As we grew closer, I began to see his true sadistic nature.

Handling this demanding schedule, including queenly education, I might be quite the multitasker.

Furthermore, I didn’t neglect “asset-building.” In case I were to be disowned by the Gasstark family after breaking off the engagement, I needed to live as a commoner. I amassed wealth through the casino, where the techniques I honed in the mini-game “Casino Roulette” from the original app proved useful.

This romance app had incredibly fulfilling mini-games, such as casinos and rhythm games, offering various enjoyable extras.

In the mini-game “Casino Roulette,” there was a cheat: tapping the screen three times in rapid succession when the ball on the spinning wheel slightly slowed down would make it stop at the chosen spot. It was essentially a timing game. I tried tapping my fingers three times in this world, and the ball miraculously stopped where I bet. I easily accumulated wealth.

With all this, soon my second year was coming to an end.

While I was immersed in busyness, Crown Prince Judrich and Miss Isla seemed to be steadily nurturing their love.

Close friends informed me enthusiastically.

Crown Prince Judrich and Miss Isla openly displayed their affection throughout the school. Hugging on the rooftop, doing things in the sports storage room

“Lady Mireille does so much for all the students, yet the Crown Prince is just fooling around with that Baroness! The future of this country is in jeopardy.”

Alright, go ahead. If my reputation rises while they lower theirs on their own, that’s a very welcome development. In the game, overcoming obstacles brought Judrich and Isla closer, and their surroundings’ evaluations improved. Even without my involvement, if they indulge in public displays of affection and tarnish their reputation, it’s perfect.

If things continue like this, I might even be able to lead to a breakup between the Crown Prince and me, with the narrative that “Mireille has no flaws, and the Crown Prince is at fault.”

If that happens, I can actively pursue my favorite activities without hesitation, with the day I meet Noel as my emotional support, steadily accumulating “good deeds” day by day.

Well, then, it’s about time, isn’t it?

One day after school, I decided to put my “important plan” into action. I chose to make contact with Isla Donovan, the baroness whom I had been avoiding, for the first time since the promotion party.

In the crowded school cafe filled with students, I had called Isla.

“…Do you need something from me, Lady Mireille?”

With an anxious expression, Isla approached my waiting table. The petite figure of the beautiful girl, whose vulnerability stirred protective instincts, was shaking visibly.

She’s really trembling. To others, it might seem like a villainous antagonist tormenting a fragile female student.

――I’m glad I waited until the situation was set.

Wearing a sad expression, I spoke loudly enough for the surroundings to hear.

“Actually, there’s something I’ve wanted to apologize to you for…!”


“Yes. When we were first-year students, I made a complete mess of the bouquet you gave me, right? I’ve been reflecting on it, but I couldn’t gather the courage to apologize.”

I presented a small box that I had hidden under the table to Isla. It was beautifully wrapped, a gift of apology.

“Isla-sama, I sincerely apologize for that time. Please forgive my rudeness.”

A public apology for the flower bouquet incident Thanks to my accumulated goodwill and achievements, many people now have a favorable impression of me.

I hope I can put my past mistakes behind me with this…

However, Isla responded,

“H-How terrible…! Lady Mireille!”

With large, pink eyes moistening, she started shedding tears.

…Huh? Why is she crying?

“When I think about that time, I become so sad… To remind me of it now, you’re truly a cruel person! Those were flowers I chose with all my heart… and yet.”

Isla covered her face with both hands, sniffing and shaking her shoulders.

As she seemed about to say something, Isla suddenly raised her face. The moment she opened her lips—

“Mireille! Did you make Isla cry!? You scoundrel!”

Here comes Judrich. Even though I didn’t call him.

With a resounding confident stride, Crown Prince Judrich passed by my seat and, with an affectionate gesture, stood Isla up.

“You must have been scared, Isla. Responding to a summons from such a woman… you’re truly sincere.”

“Your Highness…!”

And now, the two of them stared at each other in front of everyone.

“Mireille, drop the transparent act. Pretending it’s an apology gift, you’re probably hiding a poisoned needle or something. You’re such a jealous and cunning woman.”

“That’s not true. This is just a piece of jewelry.”

“Isla doesn’t need your jewelry! I’m always ready to give her whatever she wants, anytime! Even in front of the public!”

He said it.

In front of everyone.

Despite not even sending birthday presents to his fiancée,

Yet readily splurging on his mistress.

“I won’t accept your apology act! In this ‘Flower Country,’ the Floren Kingdom, discarding flowers given to you is unforgivable. Remember this as the worst possible disrespect, akin to the founding myth. Regret your shallowness for the rest of your life.”

“Let’s go Isla.” The crown said this as he began to walk with Isla. Protecting her from the curious glances around, he confidently left the cafe.The Crown Prince is thick-skinned.

Making infidelity remarks in front of his fiancée and the public.

Well, shouldn’t we just settle this with the Crown Prince taking responsibility?

…But surely, the Crown Prince will try to spin it in the direction of ‘Mireille’s flaw.’

How troublesome.

The surrounding students glanced at me, left behind—sympathetic looks, curious looks.

(Well, too bad. The apology strategy failed.)

But well, even if I didn’t get acceptance, I did establish the established fact of an apology.

Apologizing in a crowded place and choosing the timing when popularity was gathering around me were calculated moves.

For now, let’s consider this good.

With a sigh, I stood up.

I can’t linger at school today because I have an important appointment.


Leaving the academy, I headed straight to Duke Meldel’s residence by carriage.

“Mireille-san, thank you for coming. Please make yourself comfortable.”

“Thank you, Lady Camilla.”

Lady Camilla, who turned 60, is the lady of the Duke Meldel’s family.

The Meldel family leads one of the three major factions, the ‘Conservative Glorious,’ and Lady Camilla also holds the position of ‘Dean of Education,’ overseeing various noble academies throughout the country. In other words, she’s a formidable woman.

Having lost her husband and with three sons, who should have succeeded the family, each meeting an unfortunate fate one after another, Lady Camilla, even at her age, still serves as the active head. By the way, her grandson, Robert, the next head, is currently only eight years old.

“Lady Camilla, if it’s alright with you, please have this. I would be pleased if it suits your taste.”

Today, I brought a special dried meat from the Gasstark territory as a souvenir.

“It’s good for anemia, so please have some.”

When I handed it to her, Lady Camilla said, “Oh, how delightful, Mireille-san,” and accepted it with a smile.

“The dietary therapy you taught me is very effective. Thanks to it, I haven’t had palpitations or dizziness recently.”

“I’m honored to be of help.”

Six months ago, at a social salon, I had my first contact with Lady Camilla. Her face was so pale that it couldn’t be concealed with makeup, and her fingernails were slightly curved. Unhidden fatigue was evident, and her breathing was a bit shallow.

So, I suspected that she might have anemia.

Although I don’t remember much about my past life, I feel like I worked in the caregiving field. Seeing her symptoms, it struck a chord with me.

Lady Camilla has anemia.

I subtly advised Lady Camilla on a diet and lifestyle effective for anemia.

In this world, medical science is still underdeveloped, and the illness of anemia is not known. So, I mentioned that the knowledge came from the literature of other countries.

Then, after six months, Lady Camilla has completely recovered, and now she treats me as a friend despite the age difference. It’s truly an honor.

Lady Camilla is a crucial character in this game.

Duchess Camilla Meldel is an essential figure for the happy ending of the Crown Prince’s route. In the summer vacation of the third year, the heroine, through adoption, rises from a baroness to a duchess in the Meldel family, realizing during the events that she is the granddaughter of Lady Camilla.

In the game, Isla volunteered at orphanages and hospitals during holidays and summer vacations. During a hospital volunteer event in the summer, she meets the hospitalized Duchess Camilla Meldel, who says, “When I look at you, I somehow remember my son.” As it turns out, Isla’s biological father was Lady Camilla’s eldest son, who fell in love with a common woman, leading to his disinheritance nearly twenty years ago.

Although the eldest son became a commoner and married the woman, he died in an accident at work on the day Isla was born. Isla’s mother, a live-in servant at the Donovan Baron’s residence, also died of an epidemic a few years later. The baron, feeling pity for the orphaned Isla, adopted her.

Isla, who rose as the heiress of the influential Meldel Duke family, graduates with the support of the Meldel family and becomes the Crown Prince’s consort after graduation.

Therefore, I decided to somewhat break the rise-to-prominence flag for Isla.

I haven’t committed any wrongdoing. I just made Lady Camilla healthy and eliminated the need for hospitalization.

“Thanks to you, Mireille-san, I can still be active. If only you were my daughter! If Robert, the heir, were born ten years earlier, I would have proposed him as your husband. But anyway, it’s complicated… You are the Crown Prince’s fiancée. It’s really unfortunate.”

…Haha. I chuckled and deflected the conversation.

I’m glad you’re doing well.

In this way, my life was generally going well.

It was going well, but…


“Mireille, you have a summons from Queen Consort. What on earth did you do?” My brother said this during dinner, and my enthusiasm plummeted.

A summons from the Queen Consort?

It seems like I’ve messed up something…

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