Home Post 2036-chapter-25



What Ji Ran didn’t know was that in another part of the city, the same plot was unexpectedly unfolding.

As Shen Zhi pushed open the door to his home, a vase suddenly flew diagonally from the living room. If he hadn’t sidestepped, the vase would have smashed against his head.

“You still know how to come back?”

Shen Ji Ming stood by the sofa, his face full of annoyance.

Shen Zhi looked at the other person, his eyes landing on his face. His eyes moved slightly, but he couldn’t suppress the disgust.

This face, somewhat similar to his own—a face that anyone would guess indicated a father-son relationship at first sight—filled him with extreme aversion.

After casually changing his shoes, Shen Zhi slowly walked up to Shen Ji Ming.

Seeing that he still had this lazy appearance, Shen Ji Ming became even more infuriated, pointing at his nose and saying, “You’ve disgraced me time and time again. I donated air conditioners to your school just to see you come home ranking last every time?”

“It seems like I don’t need to tell you; you already know,” Shen Zhi said as he put the backpack on his shoulder onto the single-person sofa, gently lifting the corners of his mouth. “Sorry, this is just my level. You should know that.”

Shen Ji Ming, infuriated to the extreme, calmed down. He said, “Are you going to keep fooling around until you graduate from high school? Do you know that if you want to apply to top foreign universities, your current transcript is nothing but a pile of crap?”

“What kind of ridiculous expectations do you still have for me?” Shen Zhi coldly looked at him.

Shen Ji Ming’s neck thickened as he roared, “You’re my son. Is it wrong for me to have expectations for you?”

Shen Zhi, as if hearing a massive joke, is his son?

But he didn’t even know who his father was until he was ten years old.

Now he was supposed to act out a deep father-son relationship with him. Wasn’t that ridiculous enough?

Looking at Shen Zhi’s cold and mocking eyes, Shen Ji Ming, though guilty in his heart, still maintained the imposing appearance of a father. “Let me tell you, Shen Zhi, if you continue like this, have you thought about your future in the Shen family?”

“Is it my future in the Shen family, or is it your future in the Shen family?” Shen Zhi raised an eyebrow, revealing a mocking smile.

Shen Ji Ming’s face first turned red with anger and then gradually lost some of its color. He glared at Shen Zhi and sneered, “Do you think our futures aren’t tied together? Shen Zhi, make it clear that the fact that you are my son will never change.”

The two stared at each other in silence, as if trying to completely overpower each other in terms of momentum. However, Shen Zhi was no longer the weak and helpless youth of the past; he had surpassed Shen Ji Ming and no longer needed to look up to this man.

Finally, Shen Ji Ming, as if venting his anger, didn’t say anything more and left, turning around.

A loud slamming of the door echoed from the entrance, a ‘bang’ sound, as if breaking a string inside Shen Zhi’s mind.

Time suddenly flashed back to many years ago.

It was shortly after he had arrived at the Shen family. He had won a gold prize in a math competition, and Shen Ji Ming organized a grand celebration for him.

At the banquet, Shen Zhi’s identity as Shen Ji Ming’s son was officially recognized.

At that time, he remembered his grandmother’s words: “Don’t cause trouble for others when you come to the Shen family.”

So, he had been very obedient.

“Shen Ji Ming is quite attentive to this son. He even threw such a big celebration for winning a math competition.”

“It’s because this child has won the favor of Old Master Shen; otherwise, how can a illegitimate child be worthy?”

“Why did Old Master Shen take a liking to him?” Someone curiously asked.

“Look at what kind of celebration this is. It’s a celebration for his son’s winning a math gold prize. Do you think anyone can just win a gold prize? It’s said that Shen Dong’s son has extremely high intelligence. Didn’t Shen Dong take him to participate in that Mensa Club test a while ago?”

Someone didn’t believe it. “Just because he’s smart?”

The informant sneered, “Otherwise, why? The three sons of the Shen family in this generation are all directors now. Since there hasn’t been a clear winner among the sons, they continue to compete through their grandchildren. Whoever has a promising child will gain favor in front of the old man. Otherwise, do you think the lady of the house inside could swallow her pride and bring this illegitimate child home, introducing him so grandly?”

Soon, another person curiously said, “What about this child’s biological mother? Did she also disappear without a trace?”

“What is disappearing without a trace? She went crazy a long time ago. Why do you think Madam Shen dared to let this illegitimate child into the house? It’s because the birth mother lost her threat.”

Clearly, this person was well-informed about the Shen family affairs, and the crowd chatted excitedly.

No one noticed the young man behind the bushes, holding a plate of cake and quietly eating. He was dressed in a dark blue striped suit, custom-made, and although it was expensive, he didn’t care about getting it dirty, sitting directly on the ground.

At this moment, Shen Zhi, without the current aura of hostility between his eyebrows, tightly gripped the fork in his hand.

Until someone behind him sighed, “So, I’m saying, women need to understand themselves. The biological mother of this illegitimate child was said to be a beautiful female student from a prestigious university. In the end, she believed in the rich man and Cinderella story, and she ended up like this. What’s the use of giving birth to this child? In the end, she became a bargaining chip for men to vie for family property.”

Finally, the silver fork in Shen Zhi’s hand forcefully plunged into the muddy ground beside him.

A person like him was destined to be a mistake from birth.

Ji Ran came out of the bathroom, her hair already half-dried by the hairdryer, black and thick, gently hanging over her shoulders. When she reached the bedroom, she heard the sound of rain tapping on the window.

It wasn’t very heavy; it must have just started.

Ji Ran was about to turn off the lights when the phone placed on the desk suddenly vibrated. She glanced down and saw an unfamiliar number on the caller ID.

She quietly stared at the phone but didn’t reach out to answer it. The phone continued to vibrate after the first round stopped, starting again after a few seconds.

Although she hadn’t saved this number, Ji Ran seemed to have a premonition in her heart. She knew who it was.

Finally, when the phone rang again, she hesitated, picked up the phone, and answered.

At first, there was silence on the other end until Ji Ran softly said, “Hello.”

Shen Zhi stood in the living room of his own house, looking out at the dark sky and the drifting rain that occasionally tapped on the window, forming long streams.

He didn’t know why but suddenly felt like calling her, wanting to hear her voice, and more so, wanting to see her.

Even though he knew she was distant from him, he couldn’t restrain the desire in his heart.

Thinking of her brought waves of pain, fine and lingering, unable to dissipate for a long time.

Suppressing his voice, Shen Zhi said, “It’s me. Suddenly, I miss you.”

Even though they had seen each other at school just tonight, he still wanted to see her.

Ji Ran’s cheeks reddened. Outside the window, a continuous, fine rain tapped on the bed. In her ears was the suppressed voice of the young man, making her earlobes turn red.

Ji Ran knew she couldn’t continue like this. She felt she had to make things clear to him.

She whispered, “Shen Zhi, we’re still young, and in the future, we’ll meet more people…”

“Do you think I’m just acting on impulse?” Shen Zhi suddenly interrupted her.

Ji Ran didn’t know what to say. She could only say, “It’s my problem. I don’t want to consider this issue for now. So, I’m sorry.”

Shen Zhi whispered, “Do you dislike me, or do you dislike someone like me?”

His voice was somewhat heavy. He, as a person, was a mistake from birth; it was his destiny. Knowing that she was so bright and pure, he still wanted to approach her, disregarding the mud all around him.

Perhaps the deeper you fall into darkness, the more you yearn for brightness.

He just wanted her.

Finally, Shen Zhi whispered, “I can come to see you and tell you in person.”

Most importantly, he wanted to see her.

Ji Ran didn’t know what had happened to him. He sounded different tonight, and she asked in a low voice, “Have you been drinking?”

She knew Shen Zhi’s family was quite lenient, but what she didn’t know was that Shen Zhi always lived alone.

There were no family members.

Ji Ran said softly, “It’s raining outside. Go to bed early. You still have school tomorrow.”

So she was about to hang up the phone.

“Ji Ran, can you wait for me?” Shen Zhi’s voice was particularly persistent.

Ji Ran sighed, hung up the phone, and soon turned off the lights and went to bed. Outside the window, the fine rain of early autumn seemed to have never stopped.

At midnight, when the heavy rain pattered on the window, Ji Ran turned over and opened her eyes drowsily. She reached out to the desk, intending to check the time.

She was afraid it would be dark due to the rain, and even in the morning, it would be pitch black.

But as she touched the phone, it suddenly vibrated.

Ji Ran’s hand stopped. Initially sleepy-eyed, she suddenly felt as if a bucket of water had been poured into her head, making her clear-headed for a moment.

It wasn’t until Ji Ran brought the phone to her eyes that she saw the time—2:35 in the morning.

There was also a text message.

“It’s a bit cold, Ji Ran.”

Ji Ran looked at the text message that had just come in, feeling a bit bewildered.

He couldn’t really be outside her door, could he?

Ji Ran got up from the bed and stood at the window of her bedroom, looking towards the front gate of the villa. However, it was pitch black, and she couldn’t see anyone.

He couldn’t really be outside, could he?

Ji Ran thought it was unlikely, but she still hesitated a bit.

Finally, she replied to the text message: “Are you at your own home?”

But just a few seconds after she replied, her phone vibrated again, this time with a call.

She looked at the still unsaved phone number, and her heart raced.

It wasn’t until she answered the call that she didn’t speak, and the person on the other end chuckled lightly. “Are you heartless? I said I’m coming to find you, and you actually ask if I’m at home?”

His speech was slow, but there was a slight tremor in his voice.

It was the kind of tremor that only occurred when it was exceptionally cold.

Shen Zhi: “I originally wanted to go to your house, but this villa area is large, and I don’t know which one is your home.”

She listened to the sound of rain on his side, which was very clear, as if he were standing outside.

Ji Ran bit her lip. “Where are you? Why don’t you go home?”

“I want to see you,” Shen Zhi said with a light laugh, but even though he was laughing, she could hear the determination in his tone.

She hadn’t expected him to really wait for her into the middle of the night.

Ji Ran hardened her heart and said, “Shen Zhi, I really need to sleep. Let’s meet at school tomorrow as if nothing happened.”

“I’m in the pavilion in your residential area. I can’t find you,” he said in a light voice.

Suddenly, a sense of panic surged in Ji Ran’s heart, so she hung up the phone.

As she walked slowly from the window to the bedside, she lifted the quilt, and the warmth still lingered inside. At this moment, she should get into bed and sleep quietly.

By tomorrow, as if nothing had happened, she would go to school.

There was still the sound of raindrops hitting the glass on the windowsill. Compared to the drizzle before she fell asleep, the rain seemed to be much heavier now. When she stood by the window and looked out just now, the entire sky seemed to be covered by a curtain of rain.

It was raining heavily outside.

And she didn’t know how long Shen Zhi had been waiting; perhaps he would wait even longer.

In the end, she slowly stood up, walked to the door, gently pushed open the door, and, along the stairs, went down to the entrance, where she took an umbrella.

As she held the umbrella and opened the front door, a cold wind seemed to blow over her.

There was a chilling sensation, as if it wanted to seep into her bones.

Even though it was just past October and the weather was cold in the early morning and late evening, coupled with the heavy rain tonight, Ji Ran, dressed in thin pajamas, felt like she could hardly take a step forward.

Step-by-step, she moved forward. The villa area was large, and as for the pavilion Shen Zhi mentioned, she only had a vague impression.

In the deep night, after searching for a long time, she finally found the pavilion. In the deep night, the lights in the garden were still shining diligently.

Under the dim light, the octagonal pavilion, like a leaky house in the rainy night, had rain falling on all four sides.

Shen Zhi sat in one corner of the pavilion, especially quiet.

As Ji Ran walked towards him step by step, the young man, with his head slightly lowered, finally looked up slowly. He was wearing a black waterproof sports jacket, which was now covered with water droplets, and his black hair had long been wet.

He looked quite disheveled.

But when he looked up at Ji Ran, the ink-black eyes seemed to bloom with a different brilliance.

This time, Ji Ran was truly a bit annoyed. She said, “Is there something that  can’t wait until tomorrow at school?”

Shen Zhi slowly stood up. As he moved, rainwater cascaded down his clothes. When he stood in front of Ji Ran, he lowered his gaze, observing her. She was wearing pajamas—a light pink long-sleeved top and long pants. The hand holding the umbrella revealed a short, fair wrist, delicate and barely filling a grasp.

Shen Zhi murmured, “Did you get scolded?”

Ji Ran froze, lifting her head to look at him, puzzled.

Shen Zhi then slowly continued, “Did you get scolded when you got home with these exam results?”

Ji Ran opened her mouth, wondering if he had crossed half the city, and waited for hours just to ask her this question.

But as she looked at his sincere expression, she unexpectedly spoke reproachfully.

So, he just wanted to know if she had been scolded because of these exam results?

Finally, she looked at him helplessly. “Being the last in the grade, do you have time to care if others get scolded for their scores?”

A bitter taste lingered in her heart, and she really didn’t know what else to say.

Shen Zhi chuckled softly. “Have you been avoiding me because I ranked last in the grade?”

Ji Ran sighed softly and said, “Shen Zhi, you really should go home.”

She could feel his body trembling slightly, likely from being outside for too long—an involuntary reaction to the cold.

But before she could finish speaking, Shen Zhi stepped forward, gently gripping her shoulders. His fingers were very cold, even through her pajamas.

However, the words he spoke were passionate and intense.

Leaning close to her ear, he whispered, “Ranran, can I become the person you like?”

Ji Ran hadn’t reacted yet, but Shen Zhi’s slightly lowered lips were getting closer. The heavy rain outside the pavilion covered the sound of the world.

Finally, on a cold, rainy night, his lips brushed past hers.

Warm and soft, Shen Zhi’s body, stiff from the cold, seemed to thaw in an instant.

In that moment, Shen Zhi felt like his heart was melting.


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