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Title: The Great Archmage Noah

The Kingdom of Tilier was a country known for its outstanding magical technology.

Magic, encompassing both sorcery and spells, was at the forefront of their advancements.

Noah Stein, the leading mage of the Royal Institute of Magic in the capital city of Magnus, also known as the Magic Tower, was a distinguished figure.

The Great Archmage Noah was summoned to the palace’s salon by Prince Edmond, the second prince, his classmate from the Royal Mage Academy, and a close friend.

“Noah, if you continue without a fiancĂ©e, your reputation will continue to decline,” Edmond, sitting on the sofa, said with a serious expression, looking at Noah across the table.

“Your Highness, there’s no need to worry. I don’t care about it at all,” Noah replied with his hood pulled low. Due to certain reasons, he was allowed to keep his identity hidden even in front of the royal family and on official occasions.

“You are a contributor to the magical research of this country’s department. It’s not an exaggeration to say that the prosperity of this country is thanks to the magical tools and potions you developed. People are saying all sorts of things about you. Doesn’t it bother you?” Edmond asked.

“I’ve been through worse. I don’t mind,” Noah replied calmly.

“Is Jurgen the source of the bad rumors?”

Jurgen Norm, like Noah, was a fellow student at the Mage Academy and currently works with Noah at the Magic Tower.

The Magic Tower, the only royal magical research institution in the country, was an organization of elites. Noah, being successful at a young age, faced jealousy, and there were always those who tried to hinder his progress. Jurgen Norm, in particular, had viewed Noah as a rival since their student days.

However, despite their rivalry, Noah’s genius in both magic and sorcery far surpassed Jurgen’s abilities. In their academy days, Noah was always at the top, Edmond was second, and Jurgen was consistently in third place or lower.

Currently, at the Magic Tower, Noah always stood above Jurgen, which was a source of dissatisfaction for Jurgen. He constantly schemed to pull Noah down, using various tactics.

“It seems so. However, more than that, I am fed up with the noise in the capital,” Noah, who had received an award for his magical research about half a year ago, said. Since then, he has been receiving numerous marriage proposals and visits from noble families bringing their eligible daughters. Politely rejecting them led to rumors spreading in the city.

“So, why not marry a high-ranking girl with strong magical abilities? It would solve everything,” Edmond suggested.

“I appreciate your concern, Your Highness, but I have no intention of doing so. I cannot focus on my research in the capital, so I plan to return to my duchy,” Noah declared, surprising Edmond.

“You don’t mean to quit the Magic Tower and seclude yourself in the borderlands, do you?” Edmond asked.

“I have no intention of quitting. I’m just relocating my research base,” Noah explained calmly.

“It takes a month to get from the capital to your duchy. What if there’s an emergency?” Edmond said, concerned.

“I have created a teleportation device using magic circles to travel between the Magic Tower and my territory. In case of an emergency, I can fly back, so please rest assured,” Noah explained matter-of-factly.

“What? You mean long-distance travel using magic circles is possible now?” Edmond asked.

“Only for those with a high amount of magical power is precise control necessary. I can transport two or three people at a time, but usage is limited to twice a day. Afterward, the magic circles cannot be used for several days to prevent magical power depletion. However, it won’t affect my magical research,” Noah stated firmly.

“If you find it difficult to work in the capital, let me know. I could even step in and crush those opposing you at the Magic Tower. They are hindering your research, right? Just that would make your work easier,” Edmond suggested, half seriously.

“I appreciate your sentiment, but they are not easy opponents. They would likely scapegoat someone and be done with it. If necessary for my research, I can always commute to my research lab at the Magic Tower. I have accumulated a vast amount of research data and rare materials over the years,” Noah said.

Edmond sighed deeply at Noah’s words.

“Understood. However, if it becomes too difficult to work, tell me. Also, Noah, do you really have no intention of marrying anyone? The prestigious ducal bloodline will end like this,” Edmond said.

“There’s no need for me to inherit the family title. There are distant relatives who can take over,” Noah replied casually.

“Your distant relatives are merchants, aren’t they? They lack magical power significantly, and they don’t have the aptitude for research. Marry a girl with magical abilities and continue the bloodline,” Edmond urged seriously.

“I don’t want to stay in the mansion in the capital, being chased by noblewomen and their families blinded by wealth. Besides, as soon as they see my face, they either scream or faint. On top of that, if I reject a marriage proposal, rumors will be spread about me. Honestly, it’s a nuisance.

I apologize, but I have no intention of getting married. Well, there probably isn’t any woman sincerely wanting to marry me anyway,” Noah said in a tone that seemed genuinely indifferent.

“It might be a good idea to return to your territory for a change of pace. Well… in exchange for agreeing to your request, would you accompany me tonight?” Edmond suggested.

“Huh?” Noah seemed unenthusiastic.

“Sometimes a change of scenery is good, don’t you think?” Edmond thought Noah might benefit from meeting new people.

A few days later, rumors began to circulate that Noah had left the Magic Tower.

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