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Chapter 7: I’m scared of my crush

Due to an injury, Rosa had nothing to do, and she found herself with plenty of free time. It was then that Ethan came for a check-up.

At first, he used to come almost every day, but recently, it had become every three days.

As usual, after the treatment, Ethan, unusually, opened his mouth.

‘Why did you reject Alex’s marriage proposal?’

It was a sudden question. Rosa was surprised, but for him, it seemed like something that had been bothering him a lot.

‘I don’t want to be pitied and proposed to for marriage.’

In reality, Rosa just didn’t want to be poisoned, but she said it in a way to maintain her image.

She thought that if she suddenly became meek, she might be suspected of scheming something.

‘Oh, you’re a proud young lady.’

Ethan said it in a tone devoid of emotion.

[Facially, he’s my crush. But dealing with him is difficult. I can’t quite figure out what he’s thinking.]

‘I don’t know what His Excellency the Duke thinks of me, but I won’t resort to cowardly tactics like using my injuries to force someone into marriage.’

Rosa said with a firm expression, and Ethan raised an eyebrow as if impressed.

“That’s a good idea.”

“It seems that gentlemen tend to run away when pursued earnestly, and I’ve been thinking lately that one doesn’t necessarily have to get married to be happy.”

Rosa expressed her theory from her past life.

Yes, she was a corporate slave, but as long as she had romance manga and a bath, she was happy.

In reality, when her friends got married, she felt a sense of urgency, but with enough money, she had no financial troubles, and she didn’t have to worry about the future.

In this life, she has more than enough money. Does she really need a husband?

Perhaps Rosa wanted to be Alex’s fiancée not out of love but because she wanted the brand of being a royal.

‘That’s an opinion unlike that of a noble young lady.’

Ethan tilted his head lightly.

He didn’t know the rich and happy life of a young lady with three meals and afternoon naps.

Men in this world are pitiful.

Among the high-ranking nobles, there are those who live a luxurious and elegant life, but there are also those like him who work like carriage horses due to their status.

And her money-loving father, likewise, worked happily.

In his case, making money was both a hobby and a practical benefit.

Rosa thought that if she couldn’t find a dear partner whom she could consider a husband, she would retreat to the villa on her territory and enjoy a NEET life.

Fortunately, this family has an older brother who is an excellent heir.

As long as her father doesn’t fall from grace, this house has the fortune that she doesn’t have to work for her whole life.

(That’s right. In this life, I’ll say goodbye to being used by others and a life of wearing out. And I have to think about countermeasures in case my father falls from grace. That’s important.)

Rosa smiled defiantly, breaking the fixed ideas of this life and recalling memories from her past life.

The lazy young lady’s life began, and a month passed.

During that time, flowers from Alex arrived every day, despite her declining them. And twice since then, he has come to visit for a short time.

And as usual, Ethan came to check the wound every three days.

“Your Excellency, the wound has almost healed, so there is no need to make house calls.”

Rosa says it amiably.

“I’ll be the one to decide that. Besides, at this rate, the scar will remain large.”

Ethan stated the fact in his usual unemotional tone.

“Such a thing can be easily hidden with hair and makeup, so there’s no problem.”

“Unfortunately, my employer is Lord Croitzer, not you.”

Ethan said to appease Rosa.

(It’s annoying. He seems to be monitoring me for the sake of Alex. But the wound has become much thinner, and he is skilled.)

“Lady Croitzer, I have the belief that people don’t change so easily.”

He continues to smile with an emotionless expression. It’s a bit scary due to his handsome face.

“Ho ho ho. That’s a stubborn thing. I like gentlemen with flexible thoughts.”

Although she decided to behave, she unintentionally fell for his provocation.

She wanted to come up with a follow-up, but she couldn’t find any words to cover it up.

“By the way, Miss Croitzer, there are always roses in your room.”

Ah, so that’s why he’s wary of me, she thought.

“I receive them as get-well gifts from Lord Alex.”

“I see.”

It’s not like she’s threatening Alex to send her flowers.

Even though she told him not to worry, Alex faithfully sent flowers.

Moreover, it’s a variety of roses that only bloom in the royal palace, so it’s immediately clear that they are from Alex.

Given Rosa’s actions so far, this might be another reason why Ethan is wary of her.

However, there’s no sin in the flowers, and she didn’t intend to throw them away.

Ethan is a skilled healer, and poisoning seems to be his specialty.

Being with him is too risky.

(Facially, he’s my crush… but being in danger of being poisoned, it’s still scary.)”

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