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Episode 4: Lettuce in Hand

Ignatz, silently eating lettuce, eventually opened his mouth in surprise.

Viola smiled proudly at the expected reaction.

“Delicious, isn’t it?”


Smirking, Viola approached Ignatz, peering at his frustrated expression.

“Come on, it’s delicious, right? A taste you’ve never experienced before?”

Though Ignatz stubbornly refused to speak, his continuously chewing mouth spoke volumes about his impressions. Occasionally, glances were thrown at the frying pan, making the message clear.

“That’s why I said the meals at the Demon King’s castle are terrible. If you let me use ingredients and the kitchen freely, you could have this every day, you know?”


Still, Viola averted her eyes from Ignatz, who didn’t say anything, and walked past Ignatz, who was standing there like a stone statue.

She doesn’t know where the Demon King lives, but it would be a good idea to ask somewhere. The worst-case scenario is feeding the demons that pass by.

Transferring the remaining sauce into a small bottle, Viola, lettuce in hand, strolled through the Demon King’s castle.

“What!? A human…!?”

“Hello there, demon. I want to meet the Demon King.”

A man, seemingly a guard, stood in the corridor with a raised spear. With greenish skin and eyes narrowed in a sleepy manner, he had a face distinct from humans yet oddly charming.

Viola confidently approached him, speaking with a smile. First impressions matter, after all.

“How did you enter the Demon King’s castle!?”

“Well, um…”

Recalling the events from last night, Viola vaguely smiled.

“Perhaps it’s better if you don’t ask…”

This Demon King’s castle stood atop a particularly high mountain, surrounded by cliffs. The location was not for ambiance but rather for defensive reasons.

Attacks from high ground were always potent, especially against climbing adversaries. The cliff that an ordinary human couldn’t possibly ascend was one reason why the human army, led by the king, struggled to besiege the castle.

Of course, Viola was just an ordinary human. Climbing walls was out of the question. She had no choice but to be carried by someone else. At that time, the ones present were Viola, the Demon King, Ignatz, and another close aide, Arnold.

“The Demon King’s hair is beautiful, isn’t it? So silky to the touch…”

As Viola reminisced, the man’s expression suddenly twitched.

“Enough! I haven’t heard anything!”

“Is that so? Well, anyway, where’s the Demon King’s room?”

“…What are you to the Demon King?”


Viola, when asked about her relationship with the Demon King, found it difficult to answer. It was certainly not a close relationship like a friend or lover. But she wasn’t entirely a stranger either; they were somewhat bound by fate.

After thinking for a while, Viola tilted her head and answered, “A shield?”


In the absence of a better description, Viola could only say “shield.” Viola’s fate was easily determined by the Demon King’s discretion, and she had a duty to protect him.

Therefore, besides a shield, she couldn’t think of a more fitting term.

“But wait, a shield doesn’t sound right.”


Although the man was no longer in Viola’s field of view, he attentively listened to her explanation.

“Even if I call myself a shield, honestly, I don’t think a hero can make it this far. And even if they did, I’m just an ordinary person. I don’t know if I could instinctively protect the Demon King. The Demon King probably understands that. So if I don’t have any value other than being a shield, the Demon King might whimsically decide to kill me.”

However, she insisted, “I still don’t want to die!”

“Uh, sure…”

Although completely overwhelmed, Viola remained unfazed. Staring into his eyes, she continued her impassioned speech.

“I have value here. But honestly, my skills as a healing magician are nothing special, and the only thing I’m good at is cooking. —That’s right!”

Viola’s eyes sparkled with her sudden idea.

“Why not seize the Demon King’s stomach?”

Sure enough, Viola, turning her gaze back to the man in front of her, wordlessly stuffed a piece of lettuce soaked in apple sauce into his mouth.

“Mph!? W-what are you—”

“How is it? Do you think demons would appreciate this?”

Silently observing the man munching away, Viola suddenly heard a loud voice that cut through the air. Following it, she also heard heavy footsteps.


“Ignatz! Can’t you be a bit quieter?! Are you planning to wake up the entire castle this early in the morning?”


“I’m right here! Are you planning to disturb the entire castle by banging around so early?”


Suddenly hearing a voice from behind, Viola turned around in surprise.

At that moment, a man stepped out of a room in the corridor.

With his silver hair neatly arranged, he ran his fingers nervously through his bangs, and behind his silver-framed glasses, his eyes shone brightly in green.

Despite wearing a perfect smile, his eyes were as cold as ice.

“Ignatz. I truly respect your diligent spirit for morning throat exercises.”

“Arnold! When you see this woman, you’ll react the same way!”

“Sir Arnold!”

The two stares pierced through Viola and the man with the lettuce in his mouth.

Namely, the woman who was smiling while stuffing lettuce into the man’s mouth and the man who was receiving it.

“Excuse me. What exactly are you doing?”

Bowing politely, Arnold aligned his gaze with Viola’s, wearing a perfect smile. Although she had seen his figure before, meeting him face-to-face for a conversation was a first.

Slightly wary, Viola spoke.

“It’s a morning snack.”

“To force things into the mouth of an unguarded person is your idea of a morning snack. Humans indeed have peculiar customs.”

“When you see someone you’ve just met, is it a demon’s etiquette to chase them around the castle while calling them ‘woman’? I’ve learned something new.”

Sarcastically responding to Viola’s remark, Arnold glared at Ignatz with a smile.

Seemingly aware of his own actions, Ignatz awkwardly averted his gaze, but Viola had already decided to leave. Not exactly evil, but not the type she wanted to get involved with.

Passing by Arnold, who was still standing there, Viola’s hand was suddenly grabbed.

Viola instinctively looked up at Arnold’s face. The strength in his grip was like a vice, revealing that despite his scholarly appearance, he was undoubtedly not human.

As if expressing his irritation, the silver wings on his back trembled.

“You still haven’t answered my question. What are you doing?”

“I told you, it’s a morning snack. I was planning to deliver it to the Demon King.”

Viola smiled as she spoke, but her eyes were not smiling.

Arnold’s silver wings stood up. Instinctively sensing danger, Arnold tried to retract his hand, but Viola was a step ahead.


She forcefully stuffed lettuce into his mouth. The man’s expression became a mix of anger and bewilderment, and Viola with both hands together, wore a pleasant smile.


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