Home Post 2057-chapter-27



When Ji Ran returned home, she didn’t expect the whole house to be in a mess. The sound of crying came from upstairs. Aunt Zhao and Aunt Qian stood downstairs, looking up at the building carefully.

“What’s wrong?” Ji Ran naturally heard that it was Jiang Yi who was crying upstairs.

Aunt Zhao saw her coming back and whispered, “Master is going to send Miss Jiang to live in the school.”

“What?” Ji Ran widened her eyes, obviously a little surprised.

She thought that Ji Qingli would solve the problems at home, just to comfort her. Unexpectedly, he acted so quickly that he wanted to send Jiang Yi directly to live at the school.

At this time, Jiang Liqi was coaxing Jiang Yi into the room, but no matter what she said, Jiang Yi wouldn’t listen.

She covered her ears with both hands and shouted, “If you let me go to school now, you’re letting me die. Who doesn’t laugh at school now? They all say behind my back that I’m a drag oil bottle and a fake lady.”

(T/N:drag oil bottle means underage children from a previous marriage.)

Since the incident of stealing the dress was exposed, Jiang Yi’s status not only fell sharply in the class, but also other students in the school laughed at her.

Originally, she was a member of the school’s dance club.

None of the girls on the dance team are from wealthy families. Jiang Yi was not prominent on the dance team when she was in her first year of high school. As a result, Jiang Liqi successfully became Mrs. Ji, and she also had a feeling of turning over.

Now there is no one on the dance team who wants to talk to her.

Jiang Yi feels worse than going to the grave every day.

Jiang Liqi sighed: “I said, Let you live in school; it is only temporary. When I get pregnant, I will immediately bring you back. Mom said it and will do it, okay?”

Jiang Yi suddenly raised her head and stared at her: “Pregnant, pregnant; you be realistic; how old are you? What if you can’t have a baby? Do I have to live outside all the time?”

Jiang Liqi was speechless at her words.

She shook her head and said, “No, Mom is not too old; it won’t happen.”

Jiang Liqi is only in her early forties now. She has also been to the hospital for a physical examination. The doctor said that her body is completely fine. As long as she works hard to prepare for pregnancy, she will definitely be able to have a child.

Jiang Yi is still crying, but Jiang Liqi really has no way.

Today, before Ji Qingli left home, he chatted with her for a while. Jiang Liqi saw that he didn’t look very good, thought he was because of the company’s affairs, and was about to comfort him.

As a result, Ji Qingli looked up at her and said, “Go to school and ask; arrange for Jiang Yi to live in school.”

Jiang Liqi was stiff all over, and her fingernails were even stuck in the sofa. She tried not to change her tone of voice, still using the slow and gentle voice that Ji Qingli liked the most.

He said that he liked her voice the most—always so gentle and slow, like a breeze in the spring.

Unlike his ex-wife, who is always so strong and powerful,

She said, “Why did you suddenly let Xiao Yi live in school? I know she did something wrong before, but she has been very well-behaved recently, and she has never left me since she was a child.”

Ji Qingli glanced at her and said softly, “Ji Ran’s grades have dropped too much.”

Jiang Liqi didn’t expect this to be the reason. Even when Jiang Yi stole the dress, Ji Qingli didn’t say much. She thought that Ji Qingli was being tolerant of Jiang Yi because of her. Now it seems that it is because Jiang Yi did not touch Ji Qingli’s bottom line.

Jiang Liqi tried to make her voice more pitiful: “Ji Ran’s grades have nothing to do with Xiao Yi. Jiang Yi has never disturbed Ji Ran’s studies. Maybe it’s Ji Ran herself.”

“You don’t understand at all.” Ji Qingli interrupted her impatiently.

He reached out and pulled his collar, even though he was already impatient on his face, but he still held back and said, “Ji Ran’s mother is my ex-wife. She values Ji Ran’s education very much. When Ji Ran was under her control, she never failed to get into the top three in her grade. But just recently, after she came to me, her test scores were less than half of what they used to be. If Pei Yuan knew about it, she would come straight to our house.”

Ji Qingli felt particularly unhappy when he thought that Pei Yuan might ridicule him.

Jiang Liqi gently touched her cheek, which was a little wet. So she quickly wiped her face and said softly, “Qingli, have you ever thought that maybe Ji Ran did it on purpose?”

Intentionally did poorly on the test.

They all knew Ji Ran’s scores. Even with a score of 22 in math, she could rely on 150 points in English. This is really abnormal, so Jiang Liqi suspected that Ji Ran did it on purpose to retaliate against Ji Qingli.

Ji Qingli looked at her and said, “The point is not whether she did it on purpose.”

It’s that she doesn’t like Jiang Yi.

Moreover, Jiang Yi did indeed provoke her. On this matter, Ji Qingli still stood by Ji Ran’s side. There is no reason for him to sacrifice his own daughter for a stepdaughter.

Moreover, Ji Qingli is also aware of Jiang Yi’s grades. Ji Ran and she live under the same roof, which is not good.

Jiang Liqi was trembling all over, but she couldn’t make trouble with Ji Qingli, couldn’t quarrel with him, and couldn’t even raise her voice. She is the honeysuckle that depends on Ji Qingli.

Ji Qingli doesn’t like strong people like Pei Yuan because Pei Yuan has the confidence to not care about whether he likes her or not.

But if Jiang Liqi leaves him, she is just an ordinary dance teacher and cannot maintain the current life of luxury.

Even in the matter of Jiang Yi living at home, she has no right to make a decision.

Jiang Liqi couldn’t help crying: “Qingli, I promised Jiang Yi before I got married that I couldn’t leave her no matter what. Now you suddenly let her live in school, and the child feels so sad.”

“It’s just living in school; I didn’t say not to let her come back; she can still live at home on weekends. So many children live in school now; do they have to die?” Ji Qingli was a little impatient.

Jiang Liqi wanted to say something.

But Ji Qingli had already raised his hand and said in a low voice, “That’s it; you talk to Jiang Yi.”

But before leaving, he whispered, “If she obediently goes to live in school, I will pay for her living expenses every month. She still wants to go to film school. At that time, I can also help her with the relationship.”

Jiang Liqi didn’t speak anymore.

If she continued to speak, she would not understand the situation.

Jiang Yi saw that Jiang Liqi had been silent, and she became even more angry. She shouted, “Mom, can’t you stop being so cowardly? You don’t even dare to fire the two maids at home. What’s the point of being Mrs. Ji?”

The last time Jiang Yi had a temper in the kitchen, she complained to Jiang Liqi when she came back.

But Jiang Liqi only asked her not to cause trouble recently.

Seeing that she was still yelling and screaming at this point, Jiang Liqi couldn’t help it anymore and said in a low voice, “Jiang Yi, it seems that I have indulged you too much and made you ignorant. Yes, it’s easy to fire two maids, but have you ever thought about how Uncle Ji will look at me when he knows? Doesn’t he think I have no tolerance?”

“And you—I told you not to provoke Ji Ran a long time ago, but you insisted on doing so. This time she just didn’t do well on a test, and Uncle Ji sent you to live at school. Fortunately, he still has a little bit of guilt towards you and promised me to arrange for you to go to

Jiang Liqi’s scolding made Jiang Yi sit still.

After a long time, she covered her face and cried out, “If you let me go to school now, you’re letting me die.”

“Okay, I promise, I will let you come back next semester.” Jiang Liqi knew it was difficult for her, so she said it softly.

Sure enough, on weekends, Jiang Liqi helped Jiang Yi handle the procedures for living in school.

Ji Qingli was quite satisfied with her speed. When Jiang Yi lived at home, Jiang Liqi was afraid that she would not dare give her money because she was careless. But this time Jiang Yi went to live in school. Ji Qingli felt guilty and gave her pocket money.

It is said that Jiang Yi’s monthly living expenses are several times those of others.

As for Ji Ran, she still went to school as usual, but now she would lock herself in her room and read books after school. After all, there was a reason to say that Jiang Yi affected her learning status before.

Now that Ji Qingli has directly driven Jiang Yi away, she really has no way to find any excuses.

Ji Ran’s first thing was to pick up mathematics. She took out the textbooks from the first year of high school to the third year of high school and flipped through them. Fortunately, some things, although forgotten for too long, were not so difficult to pick up again.

Moreover, she is particularly sensitive to numbers, and her favorite subject is mathematics.

Because she enjoys the feeling of crushing.

The time passed quickly. When November came, the weather gradually became cold. When she got up in the morning, it was still raining outside, and it was not small.

When she was leaving, Aunt Zhao whispered that she could let the driver send her to school today.

Ji Ran shook her head and walked to the bus stop with an umbrella.

When she arrived at school, most of the people in the car were from the Fourth Middle School, and everyone got off the car in a swarm. Ji Ran stood in front of the signboard, just raised her umbrella, and was ready to walk to the opposite school.

Unexpectedly, she caught a glimpse of the sidewalk next to her, and a person was struggling to push her tricycle.

Due to the accumulation of water, the tricycle was stuck in a puddle. Even if the aunt got off the tricycle and pulled hard forward, she couldn’t drag the tricycle at all.

People around her are in a hurry.

Ji Ran sighed, holding the umbrella. She walked over, her neck slightly tilted, gently clamped the umbrella handle, and then put her hands on the back of the tricycle, pushing hard.

The aunt saw it and immediately shouted, “Little student, the water here is deep; don’t wet your shoes.”

“It’s okay, Auntie; let’s work together.” Ji Ran shouted.

The aunt also didn’t dare to delay and quickly pulled the tricycle, but the things on her tricycle were too heavy. Even if Ji Ran worked hard, she still couldn’t push it.

Just when Ji Ran was about to throw away the umbrella and push the tricycle with all her strength, a pair of hands suddenly stretched out beside her.

“I’ll do it; you go back.” Shen Zhi didn’t even open the umbrella. He was wearing a black waterproof coat and a hat.

Ji Ran stood still, and Shen Zhi couldn’t help frowning. “You stand at the signboard over there; don’t get wet anymore.”

He lowered his head slightly, and Ji Ran’s shoes stepped on the water. This place was low-lying, and it was particularly easy to accumulate water when it rained. Her shoes looked almost soaked.

“Go.” Shen Zhi saw that she didn’t move and shouted again.

Ji Ran obediently walked to the signboard, watching Shen Zhi push the tricycle out of the water bit by bit, and then helped the aunt push it far away before letting go.

Before leaving, the aunt seemed to have said something to him.

Soon, Shen Zhi walked to Ji Ran’s side. He looked at her somewhat embarrassedly and asked, “Ji Ran, are you like this to everyone?”

Ji Ran was stunned, feeling inexplicable.

Shen Zhi stood in the rain, and the rain fell from him. He looked straight at Ji Ran: “If there is a wet kitten or puppy on the road now, would you hesitate to hold it in your arms?”

Ji Ran blinked.

She didn’t understand why Shen Zhi suddenly had such a nerve.

Finally, she watched Shen Zhi leave without looking back; his back was like a straight sword, with a sharpness that was isolated from the surroundings.

It exudes an indissoluble loneliness.


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