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Episode 6: Separation and Reunion with the Fiancée ~SIDE STORY- OZ~

Oz was fed up with walking the already-decided path as the next Duke.

The maids and butlers didn’t scold him; they praised everything he did.

“Well done, Master Oswald!”

“This ensures a secure future.”

There, he felt the emptiness of the eyes of adults filled with expectations and the feeling that no one truly saw him.

Fortunately, Oz’s parents doted on him and loved him.

Feeling a semblance of normal love, Oz appreciated it and believed he was happy.

However, something, somewhere, felt lacking—

At that moment, he heard about the engagement with Fiene.

“The other party is the daughter of Count Rainer, Miss Fiene.”

“Understood, I will follow Father’s instructions.”

Oz had met Fiene only once before, during the usual tea party between their families.

(If I remember correctly, she was a young child of about four. Those emerald-colored eyes suited her, but she seemed somewhat quiet.)

That’s what Oz thought, but at the same time, he sensed something amiss.

(Somehow, she seemed lonely…)

She was a strange child, exuding a lonely atmosphere just like him—


As part of the engagement formalities, Oz was in the reception room with his father.

When his father and the countess were absent, leaving Fiene and Oz alone, he felt obligated to initiate a conversation due to being older.

“I’m glad we could meet again, Fiene.”


“From now on, let’s get along.”

“Nice to meet you.”

Her slight bow while holding the hem of her dress seemed strangely awkward.

Upon closer inspection, Fiene’s hands were thin, her nails worn out, and she seemed a bit unsteady on her feet.

While observing her over tea, Oz noticed many aspects that didn’t fit the image of a countess’s daughter.

“I’ll come to visit you every week from now on.”

“Thank you.”

For now, he decided to come every week and observe his fiancee’s condition.

Perhaps he instinctively felt worried—

“If being engaged is difficult at first, you can think of me as your big brother.”

“…Big brother?”

“Yeah, just think of me as someone you can talk to about things you like or dislike.”

She was four years old, and he was ten, so he initially tried to be an older brother.

If someone told him to see this young girl as his fiancee, he still saw her as a sister.

Unexpectedly, Fiene asked him a surprising question.

“Are you lonely?”


“I’m sorry. It’s nothing.”

“No, it’s okay. I’m not lonely because you’re here.”

Honestly, Oz felt a bit flustered.

He felt like this small girl in front of him could see through his heart.

At first, he felt a little scared of this sharp girl—

However, as Oz got to know Fiene, his feelings inside gradually changed.


She began to smile happily, and he was already captivated by her innocent demeanor.

She was fascinating to watch.


“What is it?”

“Are we friends, Oz?”

He hesitated a little in his response.

(Friends… but can we be? We can talk about being engaged later.)

Fiene seemed to look forward to seeing Oz every week, bursting into the room with a loud noise and taking a seat next to him, holding his hand.


That was his initial impression.

However, he later realized that this faint feeling of happiness was probably the beginning of his feelings of love.

He wanted to be with her.

to stay by her side.

He wished for that.

Until the day he heard that she had died—

“I want to see her. I want you to let me see her once more—”

With only that wish in his heart, Oz spent ten years searching for Fiene and finally reunited with her.

(Oh, beloved Fiene…)

He tightly held Fiene’s hands in front of him—

[One-word Corner]

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