Home Post 2068-chapter-8


Title 8: A Warm Meal

Fiene’s room tour lasted about an hour.

(Although Lin told me to rest because I looked tired, I ended up sleeping too much.)

Fiene had intended to rest for about an hour but ended up sleeping for three.

“Shall I change for dinner?”

“Huh, do I have to change every time for a meal?!”

“Milady likes dresses, so she often changes. Also, I have received a dress for Fiene-sama from Milady for tonight’s dinner.”


Fiene was in a state of mild confusion as things were so different from her usual life. However, the beautiful dress in front of her tempted Fine.

(I want to wear it… I want to try it on…)

In the end, she succumbed to the suggestion and wore the dress to head to dinner.

“I heard Milady is joining us tonight.”


Thinking it was just Oz and her, Fiene tensed up at Lin’s words. Suddenly, the dress she changed into felt heavier.

Arriving at a particularly large room, Lin bowed and urged Fiene to enter.

“Milady, Oz-sama, I have brought Fiene-sama.”

“Nice to meet you…”

Before the words “nice to meet you” were spoken, an incredibly large shock hit Fiene.

A few seconds later, she realized that she had been embraced by a woman taller than herself.

(Eh?! What? Who?! Ah, against my face, my chest is touching…)

“Mother, Fiene seems surprised.”

Oz’s words freed Fiene. The woman who had embraced her gently cupped Fiene’s cheeks in her palms and lifted her crimson lips.

“Welcome, Fiene-chan. I’m Elsie, Oz’s mom!”

“Please refrain from speaking like that.”

“But come on~ I’m a mom. It’s okay, isn’t it?!”


“Oh my! That dress suits you so well~!!!”

“I received it from Milady for tonight. Thank you.”

“It’s fine~ Cute girls should wear cute dresses! Right, Oz?”

Fiene looked at Oz, who seemed troubled with an indescribable expression while holding his head.

“Now, let’s have a delicious meal together!”


She replied a bit nervously, but Fiene was gently guided to her seat. Once everyone was seated, appetizers like salad, carpaccio, and soup were served.

(Amazing… I’ve never had a meal like this…)

“Now, please eat a lot!”

Saying so, Elsie elegantly started with the appetizer. But Fiene was faced with a more troublesome situation.

(I don’t know how to eat with a proper manners…)

Fiene hesitated for a while, not knowing what to do. Oz noticed her situation and kindly spoke up.

“Eat however you like.”


“Don’t worry about manners. Just eat a lot for now.”

Elsie also gently put down her knife and fork and spoke to Fine.



“Actually, I didn’t know anything about meals or bowing manners until I came to this mansion. The master of this mansion, this child’s father, was kind to me. He said to learn manners when I can, but for now, just eat however I like. That made me feel very relieved.”

“Is that so…”

“So, Fiene-chan, first, try to enjoy the delicious food. No one here will laugh at you for not having manners in this mansion.”

Moved by those words, Fiene nodded with trembling lips. She gently picked up a fork and tasted the salad vegetables, tears streaming down as she ate.

“It’s delicious…”

Fiene found the taste of vegetables and the flavor of the dressing to be fresh. Hungry as she was, she ate while shedding tears.

Seeing that, Oz and Elsie exchanged smiles.

And when dessert came, the room had become Fiene, Oz, Elsie, and Lin—four people.

The sound of the door closing with a click surprised Fiene, and she looked at Lin, who closed it.

“Fiene, it’s okay. We just want to talk alone for a bit.”


At that moment, Fiene felt a sudden change in the atmosphere.

(This feeling… the same as the presence I felt in the carriage…)

Thinking that, she glanced in the direction of the presence and saw Elsie with long fangs and red eyes.


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