Home Post 2072-chapter-12


Title 12: Debut of the Duchess

The day of the debut party for the Duchess has finally arrived.


“Yes, what is it, Lady Fiene?”

“I don’t know what to do. I’m nervous. Something might slip out.”

“Oh, come on! Ladies, don’t say such things!”

A familiar, high-pitched voice is heard from behind Fiine.

“Your Grace!”

“Call me Elsie~. I feel so old with that title… ”

“Understood, Lady Elsie…”

“Yes! Oh my! Fiene-chan, you’re so cute with that embarrassed look on your face!”

Once again, Fiene is embraced as if someone is pressing a large chest against her face. She can’t help but think, “Ah, I wish I had such a voluptuous chest.”

However, what surprises Oz even more is what he sees from his perspective. It’s only natural since his mother and wife are hugging each other when he suddenly enters the waiting room.

Since Fiene’s outfit emphasizes her chest, Oz discreetly looks away while announcing that the venue is ready.

“Now, today’s star is you, Fiene! Strut in with confidence!”


Escorted by Oz, Fiene leaves the waiting room and heads towards the lounge, where the event is taking place.

As Fiene appears at the venue, a loud cheer erupts. Descending the grand staircase in the lounge, Fiene gracefully nods to everyone.

Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, Oz raises his voice to make an announcement.

“As you know, she was originally my fiancĂ©e. Due to certain circumstances, she was entrusted to the church. However, I am proud to announce that she has officially become my wife.”

As these words resonate in the venue, cheers and congratulations for the couple fill the air. As Oz finishes his speech, Fiene, with a beautiful and elegant curtsey, greets the attendees.

The two look at each other, exchange smiles, and seem relieved.

“Now, Lady Fiene, were you raised in the church?”

“Yes, I had a little bit of divine power, so I lived as a novice saint there.”

“Well, that’s impressive!”

After discussing it with Oz and Elsie, they decided to present Fiene’s past as living as a “novice saint.” Revealing any mistreatment might turn the church against them. Considering the devout believers among the commoners, they took this approach.

However, there was one thing that couldn’t be hidden.

“But, Lady Fiene was rumored to be the Sinful Saint, right?”

“Oh, that’s the one who caused the fire in the chapel, right? Why would Lord Oswald marry someone like her…”

“She probably used some seduction trick.”

“I see, that makes sense.”

The conversation about Fiene, loud enough for her to hear, revolves around the rumors spreading in some circles. Despite the truth being due to Fiene’s best friend, she refrains from correcting them. While sipping on wine, she tries not to listen to the nobles’ conversations by biting her lip.

“I would appreciate it if you refrained from condemning my wife.”

Oz, who was conversing with other nobles, approaches those criticizing Fiene, uttering these words. His expression, dignified as the head of the house, conceals the anger at the insult to his wife.


The ones who were speaking ill of Fiene suddenly fell silent, avoiding eye contact with Oz. Approaching them, Oz declares sternly:

“The claim that Fiene is the culprit in the chapel fire is a lie. I swear it under the name of the House of Erze.”

“If Lord Erze says so…”

They make awkward nods and hastily leave. Oz then addresses the entire venue with a resounding voice.

“I announce on this occasion! Fiene is a beautiful woman with a pure heart. Swear it under the name of the House of Erze ! I can even swear to God! And I, captivated by her innocence, requested that she be my wife! I will dedicate everything to protecting her.”

With Oz making a public proposal again, Fiene blushes, feeling embarrassed, and takes small steps backward.

Oz, not allowing her to escape, puts his arm around her shoulder and provocatively plants a kiss on her cheek.

“You’re quite the charmer, my son.”

Elsie, observing from the top of the stairs, murmurs.


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