Home Post 2089-chapter-7


Episode 7: The Eating Bust

“Where am I…?”

Even as Viola looked around, there was nothing conspicuous other than the corridor, doors, and the bust staring at her. The footsteps pursuing her had ceased, but there was no sign or marker to guide her back to the assigned room. Even if she wanted to ask someone, the surroundings were deserted and eerily silent.

Unable to return on her own, Viola decided to search for someone who could help her find her way. She walked to the end of the corridor where the bust was and looked to the right – a long corridor. Looking to the left – another long corridor, of course.

It was at the point where Viola sighed deeply that she noticed something peculiar.

The bust’s eyes met hers.

Certainly, Viola had moved. However, the gaze remained fixed straight on Viola. Keeping eye contact with the bust, Viola moved sideways. Once she was out of the bust’s line of sight, she breathed out, closed her eyes lightly, and pressed her fingers to her forehead. It seemed she was tired, and understandably so. Being chased like that was a first for her.

When she opened her eyes again, Viola realized the bust was still staring at her.

“Uh, what is this?”

However, this was the Demon King’s castle. Oddities like this might be expected.

Viola approached slowly and spoke to the bust in a small voice, “Nice to meet you… um, what should I call you?”

No response.

The curly hair made of stone outlines the face and the lifeless eyes within. It unmistakably looked like stone from any angle, and Viola began to wonder if the events before were just a dream.

“Sorry, Mr. Bust? Can you tell me the way?”


Slightly, the eyes of the bust moved in Viola’s direction.

She suppressed a startled sound. It seemed, for the time being, that the bust in front of her held no hostility.

Taking deep breaths and calming herself, Viola tilted her head slightly.

The eye contact wasn’t quite right. Rather than looking directly at Viola, the bust seemed more focused on that aspect – her…

“Um, is it, perhaps, my breakfast?”

Following the gaze of the bust, Viola asked, and the bust vibrated slightly.

“Is that a yes?”

Again, a vibration.

It seemed the bust in front of her was genuinely interested in Viola’s breakfast. Leaving aside the question of whether a stone statue could eat, the immediate problem was that Viola had very little breakfast left.

If she gave some to the bust, there would be only a small portion left for Viola. But without knowing the way back, she was in a situation where she had no choice.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Viola tore off about half of the bread and meat and cautiously approached the bust’s mouth.

At that moment, the bust’s eyes closed. Perplexed, Viola stood frozen, and the bust closed its eyes several times.

“Does this mean I should close my eyes too?”


“I guess it can’t be helped. But if I give you this, you have to tell me the way, alright?”

After confirming the bust’s vibration, Viola closed her eyes.

In that moment, a strange sensation rushed through her fingertips. A gentle feeling, as if being enveloped in something. When Viola opened her eyes again, the bread in her hand had completely disappeared.

“You ate it… right? Hey, I gave it to you. As promised, guide me to my room!”

However, the bust remained motionless. The white eyeballs slid smoothly, capturing the remaining bread in Viola’s hand.

“You weren’t planning to eat all of this, were you!? Mr. Bust, that’s a bit greedy, isn’t it? I’m not that presumptuous.”

The bust remained still. Despite being a mere stone, its upward gaze seemed oddly resentful.

“If I give you this, will you really show me the way?”

In this situation, Viola closed her eyes with a somewhat resigned expression.

Confirming that the bread had disappeared from her hand, when Viola opened her eyes again, she doubted what she saw.

tiled floor, walls painted with plaster. The projecting window was an elegant arch with a pointed tip, and beside it was a familiar and splendid fireplace with a four-leaf ornament window at the top.

Without a doubt, it was Viola’s assigned room.


Even Viola, in her surprise, came to a halt.

It was undoubtedly a type of teleportation magic, but it was too advanced. When teleportation magic of this kind was activated without the consent of the one being transported, accidents were highly likely to occur. It would be difficult for an ordinary person to move Viola without her noticing.

“As expected of the Demon King’s castle…”

Even the nearby bust seemed to possess vast magical power and technology.

“But how did that bust know the location of my room?”

Viola had moved here a few days ago. Could the bust, which couldn’t move from the hallway, really know the position of Viola’s room?

However, there was no point in thinking about it. After all, the entity was a bust that ate breakfast.

“Wait, my breakfast.”

Looking down at her empty hands, Viola slumped her shoulders weakly.

But being disheartened wouldn’t solve anything. The next problem, lunch, remained.

Inside the castle walls, there were some weeds growing, and among them, there might be one or two edible items.

When she was first guided to her room, Viola only barely learned the location of the entrance. As long as she doesn’t leave the castle walls, there should be no particular problem.

Viola checked the simple travel gear she had piled up in the corner of the room and opened the heavy door with both hands.

“Still, this is a terrible field…”

Fundamentally, Viola was a traveling cook. When dealing with reconnaissance units, camping was common, and it was impractical to carry a large amount of food each time. Not only would it be cumbersome, but encountering beasts would also become much more likely.

That’s why Viola generally procures food locally. It was common to gather wild plants and herbs or hunt animals and catch fish that were available in the area. So, she wasn’t expecting ingredients like those on the market.

“This is, well…”

Overgrown weeds covered the area, barely recognizable as a field. These weeds were tenacious. Even though they were inedible, they ruined anything that was edible. Viola’s natural enemy

Nevertheless, getting rid of them was a familiar task. Viola closed her eyes quietly, focusing her consciousness on the magical power circulating within her.

She wanted to use fire-attribute magic. For that, she needed to extract high-purity fire attribute magic from the mixed magical power within her body.

little by little, like threading a needle. No incantation was necessary. She released the gathered magic power all at once.

With a sizzling sound, heat scorched her cheeks. When she opened her eyes, the weeds had turned into ashes.


Glancing back at the field, Viola carefully observed the planted vegetables.

Among them, she found some of Sharon’s fruit, and Viola’s face lit up. This item, obtainable only in the area where demons lived, was a highly valuable commodity in human countries. Sharon’s oil had a pleasant taste and was one of the highest-quality oils with a unique fragrance.

Glossy green fruits were what she wanted to pick, but unfortunately, there were no bags or anything of the sort.

Viola glanced around discreetly.

As far as she could see, it looked like a forest, but it was probably not too deep. If she entered the forest, it would likely become the precipitous cliffs she had encountered earlier. There was no one around.

“Well, it’s fine.”

Viola lifted her skirt and held it up. Gathering the hem with one hand, she created a makeshift bag. On the other hand, she plucked Sharon’s fruit and threw them in one after another. In addition, she picked any nearby plants that seemed useful.

Harvesting was enjoyable. Once she started, she couldn’t stop.

And, after about three hours,

Viola, having exhausted the plants to the point that they wouldn’t all fit in her skirt, kicked open the door to the kitchen with a bright smile.


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