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Chapter 7

When the steward found the person, it was already a day later.

The little troublemaker curled up in the corner; his emaciated hands, like chicken claws, were holding a hard bun and gnawing on it.

Originally thought to be a rosy-cheeked child, he unexpectedly turned out to be an ugly monster who hated dogs and could be violent and harmful.

If it weren’t for the commotion caused by the young master of the Xue family, the old steward would probably have to take a big detour to find him.

“The Lord’s token is in your hands?”

The little troublemaker was stunned, looked up, and found that the person was talking to him.

…The Lord’s token?

This person is from the Lord’s mansion!

Judging by his expression, he wasn’t here to accuse him.

Could it be—

The little troublemaker’s dull and lifeless pupils burst into two dazzling beams.

He quickly took out the wooden plaque from his chest and handed it over.

The old steward did not take it.

The servant behind him took it and wiped it with his sleeve before handing it to him.

The light in the eyes of the little troublemaker disappeared in the blink of an eye; his pupils were slightly lowered, concealing his emotions.

Although the old steward was a shrewd old man, the little troublemaker still saw the disgust towards himself in his eyes.

No one liked him.

He was dirty and smelly, a freak, and everyone wished he would die so as not to stain their eyes.

“You, come with me; the Lord wants to see you,” the old steward said.

When the little troublemaker raised his eyes again, his expression had become cautious. Like all humble ants, a little favor could make them abandon their dignity.

In this way, the little troublemaker entered the Lord’s mansion.

Before he could observe the place of aristocratic life, he was thrown into a large wooden tub.

The tub was filled with hot water.

—Incredibly luxurious hot water for many commoners.

Behind him, a servant used a pot brush to scrub the mud off his skin back and forth.

It hurt a lot, but the little troublemaker didn’t utter a word.

He stared blankly at the opposite wall, and that intact right eye looked surprisingly beautiful after washing away the dirt.

The pupil was pitch-black, like obsidian just immersed in water.

The eyelashes were dense and curled, trembling slightly, like butterfly wings.

Unfortunately, no matter how beautiful, it was still a butterfly with broken wings, an anomaly.

The servant scrubbing his back felt resentful, vigorously scraping the scar-ridden skin with the brush and muttering with a sour tone, “I really don’t understand; how can an ugly freak like you receive the Lord’s favor…”

The Lord was famous for his beauty, and if someone looked ugly, they could only do the most lowly and menial tasks.

But he had nothing to complain about. Who told him he didn’t have a handsome face to serve in front of the Lord?

But why this ugly freak?

So ugly that one would want to vomit at a glance, and yet the Lord actually wanted to see him?

The little troublemaker remained silent, enduring the insults.

After cleaning up, the little troublemaker put on a clean garment.

It was cotton, very warm.

He revealed his first smile since entering the mansion.

However, with the dirt gone from his face, the facial tumors on the little troublemaker looked even more grotesque and ugly.

His smile gave people a creepy feeling.

The guide servant shivered, feeling both fearful and disgusted.


At this point, Nan Yuan already knew about the child’s plight.

However, she felt no emotional fluctuations.

In a world where the strong were respected, the weak were treated as such.

Xiaotang, rubbing her eyes with her small paws, said tearfully, “So pitiful, Yuan Yuan, you must take good care of him. According to the treasure left to me by my dad, raising a child can best stimulate a person’s compassion. If Yuan Yuan can raise this child well and treat him like a real mother, your heart will surely become kinder and kinder; becoming a saint is just around the corner! Then Yuan Yuan’s saintly light can shine all over the earth, and by then, the power of faith will definitely be abundant.”

Hearing this little ball of fluff talking about being a saint in such a cute voice, Nan Yuan had a momentary urge to hit the creature.

“Yuan Yuan, why aren’t you saying anything? Is my suggestion not good? Aren’t you happy to have more godsons soon? My parents were so happy when they had me.”

Nan Yuan:…

So foolish.

Xiaotang’s dad looked somewhat unintelligent, and Xiaotang herself seemed even more foolish.

No, not’seemed’; she was indeed foolish.

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