Home Post 2176-chapter-103-part1


Chapter 103

“The Jinjiang Main God System has successfully upgraded.”

“Congratulations to the host for completing the second-stage mission assessment, earning 100,000 points.”

“Version 2.0 of the Jinjiang Main God System, dedicated to serving you.”

Jiang Nian was awakened by the mechanical voice of 867. She turned over and sat up, yawning as she opened the system interface. Indeed, she saw a quiet 100,000 points lying inside. In the past, points were usually given in the tens or hundreds. Now, they were generously given in the tens of thousands. The last time the system was upgraded, she received only 10,000 points, but this time it was a direct 100,000.

She also checked the rebirth points, and indeed, they had changed from ten million to one million. It seemed that she would be able to earn enough rebirth points in no time.

Jiang Nian originally thought that rebirth was a distant goal, but now it seems to be within reach. However, during these hundreds of years of crossing, the memories of the true previous life became somewhat blurry. Nevertheless, she knew she had to go back.

Jiang Nian spent 9,000 points to draw thirty-star fruits. The power of these star fruits was indeed extraordinary. She felt an instant sensation of her originally elusive body, as if it had become tangible. She could feel the bone-chilling coldness of the space she was in, but it was just a moment… What if she really condensed into a tangible form?

These star fruits were powerful things for strengthening the soul. However, if she really wanted to condense into a tangible form, it would probably require more points than rebirth.

Jiang Nian also looked at the system mall. Several unfamiliar items appeared on the main panel, such as “Ghost for a Day” and “Beauty in Dreams.” Of course, the most important thing was not the items but, “867, what about my storage space? Did it really not come back with me?”

867: “The storage space has been reclaimed by the main god system.”

“Can you give it back to me?”

“According to the rules of the Jinjiang Main God System, it cannot be returned.”


When Jiang Nian woke up, the feeling of hopelessness in life still lingered in her heart. Just as she opened her eyes, she was faced with a large group of beautiful people—both men and women, dressed in various suits. The women wore low-cut evening gowns, adorned with sparkling jewelry, held high glasses, and engaged in lively conversations.

It was a banquet.

Jiang Nian was also one of them. She wore a red strapless fishtail skirt, standing outside the group, listening to her agent’s advice: “Mr. Meng will be here soon. He has always valued you. This time, you must seize the opportunity. As long as he is willing to help you, do you still worry about not having a chance? Jiang Nian, you know how bad your current reputation is. You can’t be as aloof as before. Now, those scripts and endorsements that used to come to you are all in Wang Jingjing’s hands. If you don’t have a backer, it will be difficult for you to turn things around!”

The agent spoke the truth. Half a month ago, Jiang Nian was still one of the rising Four Flowers, with a promising future. However, in just half a month, she became the first person to be shouted at to “get out of the entertainment industry.”

It all started with a video of the original Jiang Nian hitting someone, and the person being hit was Wang Jingjing.

At that time, the original Jiang Nian and Wang Jingjing were filming together for the drama “Love in the City.” Jiang Nian was the female lead, while Wang Jingjing was the supporting actress. They had a dispute, and in a fit of anger, the original Jiang Nian pushed Wang Jingjing down the stairs. Wang Jingjing suffered serious injuries, and the incident became widely known. The crew initially wanted to downplay it, but for some reason, the video of Jiang Nian pushing Wang Jingjing down the stairs spread online, drawing widespread attention.

Netizens flocked to Jiang Nian’s social media to criticize and insult her, demanding her exit from the entertainment industry. They also went to comfort and encourage Wang Jingjing, causing a disturbance at the set of “Love in the City.” Some even threw eggs, disrupting the normal filming process and openly boycotting the actress who committed such a heinous act!

By the time the company reacted, Jiang Nian’s reputation had been completely ruined, while Wang Jingjing had become a sensation. She ultimately replaced Jiang Nian as the female lead in “Love in the City” and took over Jiang Nian’s endorsements. Jiang Nian, disheartened, became a person everyone wanted to drive out.

As for the banquet today, it was arranged by Jiang Nian’s agent, who couldn’t bear to see her fall to such a low point. The agent specially found a golden thigh for her—the so-called Mr. Meng. He was a short and fat man in his fifties whose wife had recently been angered to death by him. However, because he was a well-known investor in the industry, despite his lecherous and morally corrupt nature, many people still wanted to ingratiate themselves with him.

Jiang Nian glanced at her agent, who was speaking earnestly for her own good, and asked, “Didn’t you say Director Liu was coming earlier? Are you taking me to meet him and have a chance to interview for his new movie?”

The agent advised earnestly, “Jiang Nian, you should see who dares to use you with your current reputation. But you are still my artist. I won’t easily give up on you in such difficult times. Of course, you also need to work hard. Whether you can seize this opportunity depends on you. Don’t forget that director Liu’s new movie has Mr. Meng as an investor! If you follow Mr. Meng, are you still afraid you won’t get a role?”

Jiang Nian sneered inwardly. The original host didn’t know, but Jiang Nian did. This agent had long been bought by Wang Jingjing. Whatever she said about being good for her was just a show. In reality, she wanted to see Jiang Nian fall into a deeper abyss, never to climb out again. After all, Mr. Meng was not only lecherous but also a man who liked to use sexual violence. How many women inside and outside the industry had been ravaged by him? By pushing Jiang Nian to Mr. Meng, the agent clearly had no good intentions and knew how many benefits she had received from Wang Jingjing.

In her previous life, the original host fell into the trap set by her agent and Wang Jingjing. She believed that the agent genuinely provided her with an audition opportunity, only to find out that it was a set-up for prostitution.

The original host immediately expressed her desire to leave, but the agent wouldn’t allow it. Coaxing her into a room under the pretense of offering kind advice, the agent secretly drugged her drink, pushed her onto Mr. Meng’s bed, recorded a video showing only her face during intimate activities, and released it online. The original host’s reputation was completely ruined.

What was even more terrifying was that when she told her boyfriend, Sun Xu, about her ordeal, she received neither his sympathy nor his understanding, nor did he stand up for her to reveal the truth.

Instead, he looked at her with disdain and contempt. It was only at this moment that the original host realized Sun Xu had long been colluding with Wang Jingjing. She had no idea that she had been manipulated.

The initial dispute with Wang Jingjing had been sparked by Wang Jingjing showing her intimate photos with Sun Xu.

Sun Xu, one of the rising young idols at the time, had developed a relationship with Jiang Nian due to their on-screen romance. They had secretly dated for six months, but due to their careers being on the rise, they hadn’t dared to tell anyone. After the incident with Wang Jingjing, the original Jiang Nian went to confront Sun Xu, questioning him about why he betrayed her.

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