Home Post 2208-chapter-2-part-2


[2] -2: Game Heroine Side

… Disgusting.

Disgusting, disgusting, disgusting!!

Ever since becoming a second-year student, Mireille’s behavior has been suspicious and disgustingly creepy.

joining the student council and putting effort into club activities.

What happened?

Is it a bug or something?

And on top of that, Mireille stopped living in the dormitory and started commuting from her home, rendering encounters in the dormitory impossible.

(No way… Mireille not initiating anything is completely unexpected. If that girl doesn’t bully me, I won’t raise my intimacy with Lord Jud!)

In the game, Mireille always torments Isla in various ways, and each time, Lord Jud and friend characters come to the rescue, advancing the story.

In other words, Mireille is an essential stepping stone for my happy ending.

But the stepping stone is not doing its job as a stepping stone!

If she doesn’t come at me, then from here…!

I tried to approach Mireille voluntarily, but that didn’t go well either.

Mireille’s three followers interfere with a perfect combination.

Sophie Noelle, the daughter of the Marquis.

Claire Emerald is the daughter of the Earl.

Erin Cresdy, the daughter of the Earl.

These three are villainous noble daughters on different routes, and on the Crown Prince route, they join in bullying under Mireille. But for some reason, they never bully me.

When I try to get close to Mireille, they deliberately start talking to me, creating small talk to waste time, and during that time, Mireille goes somewhere else.

More like bodyguards than followers, it’s creepy.

In the game, they didn’t make such moves, right!?

Somehow, this world has started to go crazy everywhere.

At this rate, I might not be able to raise Lord Jud’s intimacy for real.

In my panic, I decided to directly appeal to Lord Jud.

“Lord Jud, I was bullied by Lady Mireille again… They say I’m nothing more than an adopted child of the baron’s family, just like a lowly commoner.”

Even though it wasn’t actually said, when I appealed with fake tears, Lord Jud believed me easily.

“That sounds exactly like something Mireille would say. Her attitude of looking down on those beneath her is unbearable.”

“Do you believe my story?”

“Of course.”

It seems that Lord Jud originally had a dislike for the composed Mireille. On the other hand, he called me an honest, good girl.

(…Huh!? Could it be that if I can approach Lord Jud skillfully, I can become close to him even without Mireille!?)

The in-game Isla was shy, so she rarely approached him herself.

But I intentionally pressed the right buttons and tried to make contact.

I already knew from the strategy guide that Lord Jud’s preference is a ‘pure girl who looks good in white.’

In other words, using obvious flattery or aggressively approaching is counterproductive.

If I act as a cute girl who is modest, sincere, makes an effort, and is easy to protect, it’s certain to fit his taste.

Moreover, Lord Jud’s inner self is unexpectedly fragile, with a strong inferiority complex.

Being with someone superior to him is tough, and he prefers situations where he can protect and lead.

not denying anything about him, an innocent and pure girl who feels respect and affection for everything about him.

It seems I have skillfully stimulated Lord Jud’s protective instincts.

“You’re the first woman like you I’ve ever met. Pure and warm, being with you brings peace to my heart. I want to keep looking at your smile forever…”

The Crown Prince route in the game was of high difficulty, but reality might be surprisingly easy!

Even without obstacles from Mireille, the romance with the Crown Prince progressed smoothly. Friends advised, “It’s better to give up on a love that is inappropriate for your status,” but of course, I ignored them. Even as friends left me one by one, I didn’t really care. Making friends, raising my status—everything was aimed at events with Lord Jud to increase intimacy.

Even without a complicated process, my relationship with him was going well. He is smarter than me, so if I learn from him, there’s no worry about repeating a year. He buys me anything if I ask, so I don’t need a part-time job or a casino.

If I focus on raising intimacy with Lord Jud, everything goes well.

I thoroughly enjoyed my sweet school life with him.

… One day, out of the blue, I received a summons from Mireille.

She wanted me to come to the school cafe after classes.

What is she plotting now? Lord Jud’s heart already belongs to me, so any interference is pointless.

What a foolish woman.

Feigning an anxious demeanor, I headed to the cafe where Mireille was waiting.

Of course, Lord Jud was secretly keeping an eye on us.

(I’ll show Lord Jud a decisive scene of Mireille committing misdeeds!)


“Isla-sama, I have something I’ve wanted to apologize to you for a long time…!”

Mireille’s purpose was to apologize.

She wanted me to forgive her for stepping on the flowers.

(Huh? Mireille apologizing? Why? Is she crazy? I won’t accept any apology like that!)

I absolutely won’t accept an apology. Lord Jud is watching, so I have to make it look like I’m being ‘bullied’ anyway!

“H-How cruel… How cruel, Lady Mireille!”

I spilled tears and trembled in my voice.

“When I think about that time, I feel so sad, so sad… Bringing it up now is truly terrible! The flowers I chose with all my heart…”

But still, why did Mireille’s personality change so much?

The current Mireille just looks like a plain coward.

Avoid me sneakily.

withdrawing from the romance with Lord Jud.

apologizing in a pitiful manner.

The formidable Mireille I thought she was has turned into a coward. I wonder if Mireille is also a reincarnated person?

With that in mind, it makes sense. Suddenly becoming timid might be an influence of her past personality.

Are you a reincarnated person? I was about to ask when I opened my lips —

“Mireille! Have you made Isla cry!?”

Lord Jud stepped in as if catching her at the scene of bullying, glaring at Mireille.

“Mireille, I won’t accept your pretend apology! In the ‘Flower Kingdom’ Floren Kingdom, it’s unforgivable to discard gifted flowers. Understand this as the worst possible disrespect, reminiscent of the founding mythology. Regret your shallowness for the rest of your life.”

Now, let’s go, Isla — Lord Jud whispered and left the cafe while still embracing my shoulders. I missed the chance to ask Mireille about being a reincarnated person, but well, it’s okay. There’s no need to be wary of the now-cowardly Mireille. Until the day of judgment, you can live quietly in regret.

After that, Mireille never approached us again, and Lord Jud and I enjoyed our sweet school life. I don’t think the intimacy can increase any further. We’ve gone as far as we can.

Lord Jud always says, “A woman as clear and virtuous as Isla is more suitable for the Crown Prince’s consort than someone as composed as Mireille, who can’t grasp the hearts of the common people.”

This life is a breeze, I thought, until that day when miscalculations occurred.

“…W-Why isn’t Duchess Meldel in the hospital!?”

third-year summer vacation. For the first time in my life, I volunteered at the charity hospital in the capital. However, the event of encountering the ‘Duchess Meldel in the hospital’ that should naturally occur if I assisted as a nursing aide didn’t happen.

She doesn’t seem to be hospitalized at all.

— What’s going on!?

Not being able to meet Duchess Meldel is bad. If I don’t meet her, I’ll remain a baroness.

In reality, my father is Powell, the disinherited eldest son of Duchess Meldel. In other words, I am the granddaughter of Duchess Meldel, and it was my fate to be recognized by her in this event and move my registry to the ducal family.

“Isn’t Duchess Meldel sick? Why isn’t she in the hospital!?”

When I asked the head nurse, she got furious.

“Spreading rumors of illness about a noble person is an outrageous act of disrespect. I won’t tolerate even jokes, understand!?”

She gave me a scary look.

What should I do?

Everything was going smoothly, but my life plan is going off track… And I’m about to graduate in six months.

Is it too late to make Duchess Meldel fall ill now? If I ask Lord Jud, will he do something like poisoning Duchess Meldel…? It could be a mild poison that causes a slight stomachache.

If I can make her hospitalized, I think I can trigger the event…

Lord Jud, concerned about my serious expression, asked, “What’s wrong, Isla?” It’s too risky to suddenly ask, “Please poison Duchess Meldel,” so I started with a safe conversation.

“We’ll graduate soon, won’t we? When I think that I won’t be able to be by your side anymore, I feel…”

“Don’t worry. I will make you my wife without fail.”

“But I’m from the Baron’s family; isn’t it mismatched for you?”

“No need to worry. I understand your social status and that you haven’t received queen education. But I will handle everything well. I’m also preparing to break off the engagement due to Mireille’s fault, and if it’s to make you my legal wife, I’ll do my best at anything.”

Whispering that, Lord Jud embraced my waist.

“No need to cry anymore. Leave everything to me.”


How capable is this person? I’m glad I chose Lord Jud.

As long as I focus on Lord Jud, everything will be fine — I believed without a doubt. However, one month before graduation, I encountered my ultimate favorite.

It was Mireld.

For some reason, the hidden character Mireld Gasstark was in the school.

— Why is Mireld here!?

In the game, he came to the school several times for ‘school inspection as the chief administrative officer.’ Is that the reason?

Mireld Gasstark, at just 23 years old, is the head of the influential Gasstark Marquisate, ranking first in the ‘Moderate Faction,’ one of the three major factions in the country. He serves as the top civil servant, the chief administrative officer, in the court, and above all, he has an outstanding appearance.

He was my ultimate favorite character.

Mireld’s refined beauty in real life made Lord Jud pale in comparison.

“Wait, is this the Mireld route!?”

Forgetting the manners of a young lady, I raised my voice.

To my surprise, Mireld, facing me, gently smiled.

“And you are?”

“I, I apologize. I am Isla Donovan, a third-year student at this academy and the daughter of Baron Donovan. Please forgive my impoliteness.”

“No need to worry. You’re Miss Isla Donovan. Bright and glamorous, like the flower of the Coral Nymph.”

My brain melted at his bewitching smile.

From the moment we met, Mireld is ‘kind’? What does that mean!? In the game, he was initially very tsundere, even colder than the Crown Prince, and 100% difficult. Is it because it’s right before graduation, and the starting intimacy is high?

“Would you like to talk for a bit?”


Is it still possible to switch to Mireld’s route now? Nervously, I walked with him to the deserted backyard.

“My sister is in the same year as you… She’s a strong-willed girl. I wonder if she has caused any trouble for her classmates. If there’s anything bothering you, could you tell me?”

This is my chance! In the game, Mireld deepened his connection with Aila after Mireille’s bullying. I’ll thoroughly bring Mireille down!

As I tearfully complained about various things, Milardo sincerely listened.

“Mireille said she didn’t need the flowers I gave her and threw them away…”

“…She threw away the flowers?”

Milardo furrowed his brows.

“That was a very rude thing my sister did. Let me apologize on her behalf. Can I make amends for her?”

Making a desperate appeal with a sorrowful expression—such a face is wonderful.

“I would also like to give you flowers.”


I would prefer jewelry over flowers, to be honest. But I should graciously accept and say, “Thank you.” After all, this is the ‘Flower Country,’ and the gift of flowers is sacred. Starting a love story with flowers might be charming.

“Can you tell me your recommended flower shop?”

“My recommendation?”

“Yeah. I’m not familiar with flower shops.”

“Really? That’s unexpected.”

It was surprising that Mireld, who seemed to have a lot of information about shops in the capital, was unfamiliar with flower shops. There should be plenty of women to give flowers to.

While thinking about that, a shadow suddenly fell in front of me. His arm was right next to my face. Leaning against the wall, he approached me closely—this is what they call ‘wall slam.’

“Unfortunately, I’ve never given flowers to a woman. I’ve never met a woman I wanted to ask for love. I think asking a lovely woman like you for advice would result in a better gift.”

Intoxicated by the citrus scent wafting from him, I recommended ‘Adams Floren,’ my favorite flower shop.

(Is this going to lead to sweet developments with Mireld…? But what about the romance with Lord Jud?)

While agonizing over that, Mireld never appeared in front of me again.

The promise to give flowers was never fulfilled.

What’s going on? Is it a bug?

Was it supposed to be a gift for graduation? If so, it’s terribly tacky.

Oh well, he’s unpredictable… Maybe he was planning to surprise me at an unexpected time.

But it’s too late for him to appear now. Realistically, compromising with the Crown Prince route seems safer…

Because of the awkward encounter, I’ve completely lost interest in Lord Jud.




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