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Chapter 16: A Rare Evil Woman (Oliver’s perspective)

Once upon a time, there was a time when there was a black magician in the Kingdom of Distoria.

Oliver’s past life, under the name Vincent Luca Dirk, had an intriguing friend. It was in the corridor just outside the ballroom that Vincent approached her, wiping away tears hidden in the shadows of the pillars.

“What are you crying about? Were you treated as a villainess again?”

“I-I’m not crying at all! A rare evil woman like me wouldn’t cry, of course!”

“Then why? Why do you have so many magic potions hidden in that unnaturally ample bosom? Is it for the chance to help someone at tonight’s ball?”

“W-What are you looking at!? And I-I would never do such a thing! Only a girl who is gentle, calm, soft, and loved by everyone could be allowed to do something like that!”

The one blushing and vehemently arguing with clenched fists was Lauri, the black magician. It seemed black magicians hadn’t been seen in this world for hundreds of years.

Vincent was the second prince of this country.

His involvement with Lauri, the black magician, was purely work-related. Lauri, despite her flashy and somewhat intimidating appearance, was an incredibly powerful user of black magic. However, she was surprisingly sensitive and emotionally deep.

While those around them didn’t seem to notice the gap, for Vincent, Lauri was an intriguing presence.

He had scolded those who gave her judgmental looks several times. However, Lauri easily accepted that she was a disliked villainess and even played the part.

According to Vincent’s contracted spirit, Lala, she was an “incomprehensible woman.” Yet, once he got to know her a little, those traits seemed cute and endearing.

Today, Vincent smiled as he enjoyed her mysterious cuteness, while Lauri, with steam practically coming out of her head, scolded the passing, unknown daughter of a noble.

“What’s wrong with that dress?”

In a tone that didn’t betray her recent tears, Lauri addressed the young lady. The dress of the addressed lady was pale orange, the same color worn by the duchess, who had led a group of followers at the venue just a moment ago.


The addressed lady, spoken to by the villainess, shivered in fear, but Vincent quickly understood.

“I see. She was ousted from the circle of noble daughters for having the same dress color.”

Although the ball seemed glamorous and dazzling, it was, in reality, a place where all sorts of intrigues took place. This applied even to debutantes who had just entered high society.

Lauri seemed to have sensed it when she spoke. She took out a small vial from her bosom and handed it to the trembling lady.

“…Take this. Sprinkle it on your dress, and the color will change.”

“!? N-No, thank you very much!”

The young lady screamed with a pale face and hastily disappeared down the corridor.

In the corridor, only Vincent and Lauri remained.

“…It can’t be helped. I am a despised villainess and a black sorcerer.”

Lauri muttered so and stared straight ahead with determination. She was still only 18 years old. Despite putting up a strong front, tears began to well up in her eyes.


Lauri’s rapid blinking, as she stared into space to prevent herself from crying, increased. The moment Vincent thought tears would spill and overflow, he enveloped her in his arms.

In a posture that resembled lovers embracing, Lauri let out an unfamiliar, feeble scream.

“W-What are you doing…!?”

“You don’t want to be seen crying, right? People will pass by here again soon. If that’s the case, you can hide like this until the tears stop.”

“I-I’m not crying!”


If he loosened his embracing arms, the tear-streaked and blushing face of Lauri would be right in front of him. Her beautiful blue eyes showed various confusions, making her incredibly adorable.


Surprised by the impulse to bring his lips closer, Vincent hugged her again. Lauri continued to struggle in his arms.

“J-Just let go, please.”

“Once I’ve hugged you, my arms don’t want to let you go. What should I do?”

“!? What are you saying!? I-I’m a black magician! I can obliterate a dragon’s nest that could threaten the capital in three minutes! I know you’re pretty skilled in magic, but if I decide to, you won’t stand a chance! Do you want to be erased right here and now!?”

“You can’t do that.”

“!? I can! I-I…”

“I know.”


No answer came from the previously confident Lauri. Loosening his arms again and peering into her face, Vincent found her trembling and shedding tears. The small, stifled sobs that had been leaking out gradually turned into audible cries.

Vincent gently stroked her back and whispered in her ear.

“I know you better than anyone, and I want to know more.”

That was the beginning of their relationship in their past lives.



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