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Chapter 34: Why don’t we get along? (1)

Rosa chose a gathering where only the factions of her own Croitzer family didn’t dominate.

“Hey, Rosa. I don’t know what you’re thinking, but why did you choose a gathering where our faction isn’t well represented? Even if the bath bomb sales are doing well, it seems difficult to promote them in this crowd, doesn’t it?”

As Phibert, who came as an escort, pointed out,.

Two-thirds of the people in the venue are not from the Croitzer family faction but are from the neutral faction and the Duke Arnaud faction supporting the first prince, creating a strong sense of being out of place.

By the way, in terms of family status, the Arnaud family is higher than the Croitzer family, but in reality, the Croitzer family is older, has a history, and is financially powerful.

However, there is currently no visible friction between the Croitzer and Arnaud factions, and it is generally a peaceful situation.

In other words, if Rosa were to chase after Alex and become engaged as she did before remembering her past life, this balance could be disrupted, and open hostility between the factions could become a real possibility.

Of course, there is no such description in the original work because Rosa is a supporting mob character who exits in the first chapter.

(Really, mobs have so little information. Maybe she was poisoned by someone in the Arnaud faction.)

Realizing this, Rosa thought being kicked by a horse for the first time was a good thing.

Thanks to the memories of her past life, her corporate slave mentality awakened, her resistance to provocations developed, and she became smarter.

For now, Rosa has classified the people in the Arnaud family faction as members of poisoner Group B.

Of course, Ethan is still inseparable from the first poisoner. And he is also a scheduled VIP guest for the ‘Rozerian.’

While the Croitzer family has many allies, they also have a fair share of enemies.

“Miss Rosa!”

When she heard the voice, she turned around to find her reliable companions, Poppy, Lila, and Emma.

Rosa had been chatting happily, as usual, in a lukewarm manner.

(Ha! This is no different from the usual gatherings. Today, I came to investigate the source of the rumors. I will jump out of this situation and survive!)

With a firm determination, Rosa stood up and immediately began her actions.

“Well, what happened, Miss Rosa?”

Lila asked with surprise as Rosa suddenly stood up. Meanwhile, Rosa confirmed her target.

“Excuse me, everyone. Ho ho ho.”

Rosa smiled gracefully, fanning herself with a fan.

Everyone thought Rosa was heading to the restroom and cheerfully saw her off.

However, today’s Rosa is a bit different. She sharpens her eyes and locks on to her target.

She elegantly heads towards her prey.

“Juliet-sama! It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”

It’s the opposite pattern from the previous mounting, and the outcome of the previous mounting is also apparent.

“Wow! L-Lady Rosa, it’s been a while.”

With Rosa’s sudden appearance, Juliet let out an uncharacteristic scream, likely inevitable.

Last time, Rosa had treated Juliet harshly, catching her off guard.

However, Juliet quickly regained her composure and faced Rosa.

“I came to talk to you today. Shall we go to the snack corner over there, just the two of us?”

Rosa pointed to a corner of the venue.

“Well, isn’t that a bit forceful? I’m here with my friends right now…”

Then Juliet noticed that her entourage was keeping their distance from her.

Her entourage is quite heartless.

“What? What’s wrong with your friends?”

Rosa smiled and tilted her head.

Later, Rosa led Juliet, who had been distanced from her entourage, to a table set up in a corner of the venue.

For Juliet, who was making a strained face, Rosa handed her the fruit water she received from the server for the time being.

“Well, don’t be so nervous.”

Smiling, Rosa sipped the fruit water.

“So, what brings you here to see me?”

Despite being intimidated by Rosa, Juliet put on a bold front and took a sip of the fruit water.

“I actually have something I want you to try.”

“W-What is it?”

Juliet tensed up.

To obtain information from Juliet, Rosa had prepared something under the table.

“It’s a present.”


Rosa pulled out a wrapped box from the table.

“This is a new bath bomb.”

“W-Why, why me?”

Juliet’s eyes widened.

Until recently, they were rivals, but seeing her reaction now, it’s quite genuine.

She seems to be the type of person who is not good at hiding things.

That’s why she confronted Rosa directly. Therefore, there is no reason for her to be the source of the rumors when she is so straightforward.

In the first place, the Ips family is a weather-vane neutral faction and is not in conflict with the Croitzer family.

“It’s a sign of reconciliation. When you think about it, do we really need to be at odds?”

Juliet directs a suspicious gaze at Rosa.

Rosa decided to press a little further.

“Firstly, I haven’t attended any social gatherings or tea parties with gentlemen recently, and I haven’t been pursuing Prince Alex.”

Juliet opened her eyes wide at Rosa’s straightforward words.

Would she be satisfied with this explanation?


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