Home Post 2270-chapter-14


Chapter 14: Schemes and Counter-Schemes

Mie: “Do you have someone you like?”

When Feng Xiao sent out this sentence, he stared at the screen intently. Could it be that she likes him? The thought that this might be the affirmative answer made him unconsciously feel happy and elated.

The sudden joy and excitement puzzled Feng Xiao. Why would he anticipate her liking him?

Hua Di Wei Lao: “Hmm.”

Hua Di Wei Lao: “But it seems like he doesn’t like me.”

Mie: “How do you know that?”

Hua Di Wei Lao: “Today at school, I publicly said he’s my boyfriend, and he actually came over and asked me what was going on?”

Feng Xiao was stunned; she was indeed talking about him. She really likes him!

A tremendous joy surged up, and Feng Xiao couldn’t deceive himself anymore. After more than a month of being together, he had developed a fondness for this person.

Mie: “Isn’t that normal?”

Hua Di Wei Lao: “Normal my foot! Even after I confessed, he still comes and asks me what’s going on. Does he not like me?”

Mie: “…Confessions should be said in person, right?”

Hua Di Wei Lao: “Do you think if I spend money, he’ll like me?”

Other onlookers on the public screen: “…”

Sure, that’s very extravagant!

Mie: “Liking someone means treating them well, being patient, and telling them. What if he also likes you?”

Hua Di Wei Lao: “Ah, whatever, I’m going to bed. So annoying.”

Su Hua disconnected directly, holding her phone with a mischievous smile.

“Hahaha, did you see that? Feng Xiao also likes me. Now he shouldn’t like the female lead anymore. Is my mission almost complete?”

System 666 countered, “Host, even if he likes you, it doesn’t count as completing the mission. Only if he doesn’t turn dark can the task be considered completed.”

“Pfft, he already likes me. Whether he turns dark or not is up to me, right?” Su Hua lay on the bed, looking at the blank ceiling. Feng Xiao, that guy, still wanted to scheme against her, unaware that he was being counter-schemed.

Too young.

System: “…”

Host, do you think Feng Xiao is like a magical fairy that changes at your command?

“System, I’m in a good mood today. I’ll give you a name.”

“Is 666 not good enough?”

“It sounds terrible.”

“Then you come up with one.” The system couldn’t help but feel a bit excited. If the host was in a good mood, then its name should be good too.

Su Hua rubbed her chin and thought, “How about calling you De’er?”

“What does De’er mean?”

“It means someone who looks really good.” It means an idiot, Su Hua silently added in her mind.

The system rejoiced, “Really? That’s great! Thank you, host. From now on, I’ll be called De’er”

“Sure.” Su Hua nodded solemnly, but inside, she was holding back laughter.

“Hua Hua, why is the light still on? Go to sleep.”


Su Hua quickly turned off the lights. Since she started earning money, Shu Lan has become even more worried about her, always afraid that she would engage in illegal activities.

After quickly sending a good-night message to Feng Xiao on WeChat, Su Hua finally went to bed with peace of mind.

The next day.

Su Hua was stopped at the school gate by someone.

“What’s the matter?” Su Hua looked at Liang Jiaqi coldly.

Liang Jiaqi felt uneasy under Su Hua’s gaze; though frightened, she still asked, “I came to ask if the Qin Hua who treated the first-year students to ice cream yesterday is you?”

“No need to thank me.”

“What?” Liang Jiaqi was confused.

Su Hua looked at her and said matter-of-factly, “Aren’t you here to say thank you?”


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