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Chapter 11

In no time at all, the prince arrived, indifferent to all creatures.

Dressed in a dark gold robe, his tall and slender figure accentuated his trim waist and broad shoulders.

Resembling his mother, Empress Liwu, with an air of nobility and a hint of arrogance, the prince possessed a demonic beauty. However, the coldness in his eyebrows prevented anyone from daring to imagine too much.

From the moment Princess Tian Ying saw the Crown Prince enter, her cheeks slowly flushed. The thought of marrying such a handsome man chosen by her father, the emperor, made her inner turmoil hard to quell.

Unfortunately, with many suitors and limited choices, someone else had caught her attention.

Cao Xi, the one who had a disagreement with her at the inn, unexpectedly arrived at the Duke’s residence with the company of the wife of the State Ceremonial Officer of Qi.

Upon hearing about the conflict between her husband’s niece and Cao Xi, the Duke’s wife, aware of Cao Xi’s impending visit, had instructed her to take the opportunity to apologize and resolve the tension.

After all, Cao Xi had the backing of the empress, and she was the preferred daughter-in-law. It wouldn’t be ideal if they were to coexist in the Crown Prince’s residence with too much animosity.

As Cao Xi entered with Feng Liwu, she shyly and timidly looked at the prince. Along with everyone else, she paid her respects.

The Qi Dynasty did not shy away from interactions between unmarried men and women. The so-called Qi’s Grand Ceremonial was a recent development over the past five or six years. The etiquette of small foreign countries was even more unconventional, with many young men and women freely associating without their parents’ knowledge. As long as it didn’t lead to unwanted consequences, most parents turned a blind eye.

Tian Ying was quite proactive in matters of love. When toasting Feng Liwu, her pinky intentionally brushed over the back of his hand. Her red lips were slightly pursed, and her teeth gently bit her lower lip, displaying a shy demeanor reminiscent of a blooming flower.

Cao Xi, watching from the side, could clearly see it, and the tension made the girl’s chin tremble slightly.

Last time, because Tian Ying intentionally pretended to faint in front of the audience, Cao Xi was rumored to be petty and narrow-minded, receiving a stern lecture from his own aunt, the empress.

This time, he came with the intention of restoring his reputation in public and maintaining a superficial politeness with Tian Ying.

After all, the Crown Prince recently expressed an interest in aligning with the state of Han, and there was more than one potential concubine in his residence. If she were to show jealousy, how could she maintain the demeanor of the rightful wife?

Once she secured the position of the Crown Prince’s consort, there would be time enough to deal with these lowly women behind closed doors!

However, being overly reserved wouldn’t earn Cao Xi the Crown Prince’s favorable attention. Feeling anxious, she intentionally and unintentionally approached Feng Liwu, hoping to catch his eye.

Feng Liwu, accustomed to women’s advances due to his noble status and handsome appearance, remained composed. Despite Tianying’s subtle gestures behind the scenes, he gracefully accepted them without reciprocating any suggestive gestures.

In his view, whether it was Tianying or Cao Xi, they were merely tools for him to gain influence over various states.

Women were foolish creatures, dependent on men for their existence. They chattered and made a fuss for trivial benefits, becoming arrogant when favored and complaining when not. If they couldn’t bear children, they were utterly useless!

Since these women willingly presented themselves, why bother wasting effort? Just wait for them to enter the residence and serve. Instead of playing useless tricks with them, it was better to use this opportunity to make connections with talented individuals.

After perfunctorily dealing with the two women, he engaged in conversation with a group of officials and a few rising stars.

Seeing the officials talk and being unable to join the conversation, Tian Ying felt a bit disheartened. When she looked up, she saw the young man from the State of Bo drinking and glancing in her direction.

The disappointment in her heart was instantly alleviated. It seemed that this young man had been watching her all this time, probably captivated by her beauty. Since she had nothing better to do, why not casually accept the admiration of an underling?

With this thought in mind, she walked toward the handsome young man.

Jiang Xiurun swore to the heavens that she was just here to watch the show.

In her previous life, at this time, she was washing clothes in the laundry room and crying every night with her hands frozen and cracked. How could she have the opportunity to witness the spectacle of two women vying for favor?

So she found a secluded corner, poured herself some wine, grabbed a plate of fresh fruit, and enjoyed the spectacle alone.

Feng Liwu seemed unfazed by the situation, adeptly handling the flattery from two women at the same time. As an outsider, Jiang Xiurun couldn’t help but wish she could set up a tent for them, pull up a big blanket, and let the thunder strike the ground.

Little did she know, as she enjoyed the spectacle, the Crown Prince lost interest. Meanwhile, Tian Ying took steps towards him, settling at his table. With a sidelong glance and a sly smile, she said, “Aren’t you the young master Jiang who engaged in a debate with scholars at the academy some days ago?”

Jiang Xiurun put down his wine glass and clasped his hands, saying, “Princess, you flatter me. It is indeed me.”

“My brother also advocates Confucianism, but unfortunately, he is not in the city of Luo’an. I can’t seek guidance from you on his behalf. If you have time, could you please visit my residence to discuss Confucian classics? I’d like my brother to appreciate your talents.”

Jiang Xiurun looked into Tian Ying’s eyes, filled with ambiguous waves, deeply regretting that he wasn’t truly a man; otherwise, he would have fallen for the bait, earning the Crown Prince a new competitor.

Regretfully, despite being a former demonic temptress in her past life, she couldn’t quite master Tianying’s carefree flirtation. Once she set her sights on a target, she could effortlessly pursue them and, even after securing their attention, casually flirt with others without a care in the world.

However, she found it difficult to endure such favors from a beauty. With a slight smile, she intended to politely decline the invitation.

Yet, this smile did not go unnoticed by someone with ulterior motives.

Qin Zhao, who had been observing the young man that he had “rewarded” with gold a few days ago, kept a close eye on him as the Crown Prince entered the hall.

His scrutiny paid off, as he noticed the young man extending courtesies to the woman presented to the Crown Prince by the Kingdom of Han!

Such audacity! Qin Zhao wondered if this young man had grown a backbone or if his appetite had become insatiable. Where did he think the Crown Prince’s dignity would end up?

With these thoughts in mind, he walked over and unexpectedly took a seat at the table of the young man, wearing a sly grin. “Young sir, what a refined atmosphere you have here. Are you here to enjoy a pleasant conversation with Lady Tian? Admiring Lady Tian’s grace and charm, perhaps?”

Tianying, aware that Qin Zhao was a close confidant of the Crown Prince, initially thought that engaging in banter with this young man wouldn’t be a big deal. However, if news of their conversation reached the Crown Prince’s ears, it wouldn’t bode well. She smiled, exchanged a few pleasantries, and promptly excused herself.

Once Tian Ying left, Qin Zhao glared coldly at Jiang Xiurun and whispered, “Sir, please be mindful of your actions. Not every woman is someone you can play around with!”

Jiang Xiurun, having no interest in engaging with Qin Zhao, stood up without saying a word and prepared to leave.

However, Qin Zhao couldn’t tolerate being ignored repeatedly by this young man from the state of Bo. Seeing him about to leave, he reached out and firmly grasped Jiang Xiurun’s slender wrist.

The grip didn’t seem too tight—were all men from Bo this tender and smooth? That section of the wrist felt truly weak and boneless, with skin even smoother and more delicate than a woman’s…

Jiang Xiurun tried to shake him off, but Qin Zhao held on tightly, his thumb sliding back and forth across her wrist.

In her previous life, Qin Zhao had accidentally knocked her down at the entrance of the laundry room. When he reached out to help her up, he had tightly held onto her wrist, just like this…

That vice-like grip on her wrist brought back all the nightmarish memories for Jiang Xiurun.

However, she couldn’t break free from Qin Zhao. Someone nearby, however, couldn’t stand by and watch any longer. Qian’er, the maid by Jiang Xiurun’s side, was not to be underestimated.

Seeing this person refusing to let go of her master’s hand, Qian’er reached out, seized Qin Zhao’s arm, and, with a swift movement, flipped the imposing General Qin Zhao to the ground as if shaking a ragdoll.

In theory, someone skilled in martial arts should be alert, but Qin Zhao had been indulging in Jiang Xiurun’s smooth skin and lost in his own world. Coupled with his disregard for the plain servant girl by the young master’s side, he didn’t notice in time and ended up falling flat on his face.

Qin Zhao, who was tall and imposing, made a loud crash as he hit the bluestone floor. The surrounding area fell into a momentary silence as all the guests turned their attention to the commotion.

Confused and embarrassed, Qin Zhao lay on the ground, looking up at Qian’er beside Jiang Xiurun with disbelief.

While wiping her wrist with a handkerchief, Jiang Herun calmly remarked, “I did remind General Qin earlier that the ground was slippery. How did he still manage to fall?”

Qin Zhao, seeing Jiang Herun’s pretentious behavior, finally snapped out of it. However, being toppled by a woman was a huge disgrace, and even if Young Master Jiang gave him a way out, he couldn’t accept it.

Springing to his feet, eyes blazing with anger, he charged towards Bai Qian, determined to settle the score.

Bai Qian, protecting her master, didn’t hesitate. Regardless of the fact that she was wearing a dress, she lifted her eight-inch foot and aimed a kick at Qin Zhao’s face.

The kick took a straightforward and unadorned route, relying solely on speed and force.

Although Qin Zhao sensed it this time and managed to tilt his head to avoid it, he didn’t anticipate that a woman in a dress could lift her foot so high. The speed was too fast, and he still got kicked in the face. His head tilted, and he stumbled backward several steps, solidly sitting on the ground once again.

This time, however, everyone around saw the entire process of Qin General being kicked in the face. They all stared in astonishment, mouths agape.

How could the dignified face of a proud man be so thoroughly humiliated? Qin Zhao’s anger was completely ignited. He charged towards the guards in the courtyard and drew his sword with a clang, ready to strike down this audacious woman.

At that moment, the cold voice of the Crown Prince echoed in the hall: “Stop!”

Although he didn’t know the details, Feng Liwu was aware that his subordinate Qin Zhao and the recently recruited Young Master Jiang weren’t getting along.

While internal conflicts among subordinates are not uncommon, they should not escalate to violence, especially not in front of an audience. Feng Liwu believed that internal disputes, while hindering each other’s progress, were part of the art of governing and utilizing talents.

However, resorting to violence in public was deemed too excessive.







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