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Chapter 42: It’s a strategy meeting.

“Yes, I’ll keep that in mind. Well, the night has grown late, so I’ll take my leave soon.”

As if declaring that the matter was settled, she was stopped by Ethan.

“Did Alex say anything to you today?”

Rosa hadn’t been specifically observing Alex’s movements today. There was no way to investigate the events at the Griffiths’ banquet as they were not depicted in the manga.

It was unclear whether he had met Ellen tonight.

“I was invited to dance but declined. It was after dancing three times in a row.”

“Oh, right. It was talked about. You and your siblings get along well, huh?”

He said it not sarcastically, but with a hint of envy. Rosa felt like she saw his loneliness.

There were rumors that Ethan had been almost assassinated several times from childhood to adolescence, and such depictions were also present in the manga.

So, that is why he empathizes with Alex’s situation, as it overlaps with his own…..Now, even Alex’s movements seemed suspicious.

By using Rosa to gain the support of the Croitzer family, it seemed like he wanted to ascend to the position of crown prince.

And even though Ethan has a lot of money and a large mansion, he lives alone.

Feeling sorry for Ethan, who seemed to have an unhappy family, Rosa expressed her true feelings.

“I don’t have anyone else besides my brother to dance with.”

Ethan had a momentary blank expression and then burst into laughter.

(I shouldn’t have said that! What’s with this person? Isn’t his character breaking down?)

The next morning, during teatime, an information exchange began in Rosa’s room with Helena and Hugh.

“To cut to the chase, we couldn’t find the source of the rumors. The reason is that there are too many rumors from various sources. Most of them were heard from gossip among servants, and there were also those who claimed to have heard it at a cafe in town.”

Helena looked troubled.

“At a cafe? That’s new information.”

Any fresh information would be welcome.

“Well, it’s in a state of hearsay. This is just my speculation, but the rumors might be spreading through the servants.”

Certainly, what Helena said made some sense.

“This is troublesome. Surprisingly difficult.”

Rosa was a bit more optimistic.

In her previous life, rumors were surprisingly easy to trace, but that was within the confines of a company or school. When it spread this widely, it seemed hard to narrow it down.

“What about Hugh?”

“I was able to hear a bit from Arnaud’s faction’s servant. According to him, he heard it from a tavern waitress.”

The keyword ‘tavern’ caught Rosa’s attention.

“Well, that’s impressive. By the way, His Excellency mentioned that there was a gentleman who heard it in a tavern.”

“However, when I asked about the location of that tavern, it seemed to be in a rather seedy area and not a place where nobles would frequent. So, I think it’s a different tavern from the one that gentleman visited.”

“What about the appearance of that waitress?”

“She had chestnut-colored hair and hazel eyes. However, he was drunk, so his memory isn’t certain.”

Rosa nodded at Hugh’s words.

“I see. There’s no progress in just talking here. So, let’s go to the scene and investigate to find that waitress!”

“Miss, it’s dangerous!”

Helena, unusually agitated, stepped in to stop her.

“If the young lady insists, I’ll protect you with my life,” Hugh said with a serious expression, furrowing his brow.

Even Rosa, with her strong-willed personality, couldn’t push through against the reactions of the two.

(So, there are places in the capital that are that dangerous.)

“Fine. We don’t need to risk our lives just to confirm the source of the rumors. I’ll give up on that.”

“In that case, do you have another plan?”

Helena’s eyes sparkled.

“Yes, well, there’s this thing called the Information Guild.”

As Rosa explained what she had heard from Ethan, Hugh seemed to be aware of its existence.

“Miss, I won’t stop you, but be cautious. The opponent is shrewd. Please be careful.”

With a sincere expression, Hugh cautioned Rosa.

“Understood. It’s settled, then. We’re departing right away.”

As Rosa declared firmly, both Helena and Hugh sighed simultaneously.



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