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Chapter 20

The panic over the secret being first discovered was soon evaporated by the misty water vapor.

Since arriving in the city of Luo’an, Jiang Xiurun couldn’t remember how long it had been since she had comfortably soaked in a wooden tub like this. Now, the delightful sensation of every pore stretching made her wish she could soak like this every day.

Bai Qian was very capable. She used spare sheets to make a new wrap, helped Jiang Xiurun unravel her hair, and carefully washed the long hair with soapberry.

When Jiang Xiurun emerged from the wooden tub, her cleansed skin radiated a rosy hue, and her jet-black long hair cascaded behind her like a graceful snow-covered slope. Even she felt a bit foolish for not recognizing such a delicate and charming woman earlier on.

However, she didn’t ask Jiang Xiurun why she had concealed herself like this. As a woman in such chaotic times, she understood how challenging it was.

The young master’s biological father could bear to send such a delicate daughter to a foreign land…

Looking at the bustling Bai Qian, who was busy washing and tidying up for her, Jiang Xiurun also felt a touch of emotion. Others might not know, but she knew that this seemingly plain-looking woman would achieve great things in the future.

Although her appearance disrupted Bai Qian’s original trajectory, when the time was right, she would introduce Bai Qian to Feng Liwu. She wouldn’t let this formidable female general be buried within the estate.

After the bath, with improved blood circulation, she slept exceptionally well that night. So much so that when she woke up the next morning, she had already missed breakfast.

The crown prince had already left for court according to the schedule. As the prince’s tutor, she had some free time, so she decided to go back and check on her brother.

Jiang Zhi had not gone out socializing in the past few days, focusing only on studying and preparing for exams. His temperament was naturally quiet, not inclined towards extravagance and noise. Devoting himself to his studies brought him great satisfaction.

After confirming that her brother was well, Jiang Xiurun felt relieved. Her brother concentrated on his studies, potentially gaining another skill for the future. As abandoned children without a country or a father, they had to rely on themselves. If her brother could realize this while studying, he wouldn’t end up going down the wrong path.

Seeing that it was past noon, she decided to return to the prince’s residence.

Although it was winter, the afternoon sunlight was still bright. Jiang Xiurun did not take the prince’s designated carriage but walked through the lively streets of Luo’an with Bai Qian.

Even though she had lived in this city for a long time in her past life, Jiang Xiurun had never strolled through the streets of the capital so leisurely. First, because Qin Zhao kept a close eye on her, never allowing her such freedom. Second, at that time, she was full of calculations, thinking she bore the fate of the country and her brother’s future on her shoulders—where was the leisure for such idle thoughts?

Now walking on the streets, she could truly wander like a carefree youth, stopping now and then to buy some snacks and stationery she liked.

Most importantly, she bought a considerable amount of high-quality medicinal herbs. Winter hunting might be pleasant for others, but for her, it was full of dangers. Carrying some medicinal herbs with her was necessary to be prepared for unforeseen circumstances.

Little did she know that her leisurely stroll on the streets made her a spectacle in the eyes of others.

Several sons of high-ranking officials who were leisurely strolling in the market recognized the new tutor of the crown prince.

Especially Yang Jian, the legitimate grandson of the prominent Yang family in Luo’an, took the lead. He walked briskly towards her, his face filled with excitement. “I’ve been thinking about you these past few days, and unexpectedly, I ran into you here.”

Ever since witnessing Jiang Herun’s eloquence in the debate with scholars near the academy, Yang Jian has been unable to forget her.

In his heart, the slender and eloquent youth was the most enchanting and irresistible. Since getting to know Jiang Xiurun, he wished he could instantly become close friends with her, sharing a bed and enjoying life together. Wouldn’t that be a joyous affair in life?

However, despite his several attempts to invite her,Young Master Jiang had rejected them all. Now, upon seeing her again, she had undergone a transformation and become the tutor of the Crown Prince, residing in the Prince’s residence.

Yang Jian, deeply infatuated with beautiful youths, suspected that others harbored similar feelings. He envied the Crown Prince for having such a youth by his side and also doubted the Crown Prince’s intentions. Could it be that the prince was also fond of such a companion?

This mixture of love and jealousy tormented him day and night. Today, encountering Jiang Xiurun in the market brought an indescribable delight.

Jiang Xiurun had long known the kind of person Yang Jian was, always maintaining a respectful distance. Now, as he approached her, she responded with a lukewarm attitude, returning the courtesy but refraining from further conversation.

Among the other sons of high-ranking officials, some who were close friends with Yang Jian noticed his eager behavior. Seeing Yang Jian’s excessive enthusiasm, it was apparent he was fickle and quickly bored with the old. Some of them, including a newcomer to the capital, Xu Shen, the only son of the Xu family in Jiangxi, were displeased.

The Xu family had strict traditions, but in the capital, with his father absent, Xu Shen enjoyed a certain level of freedom. Bonding with Yang Jian seemed like a perfect match, and unwittingly, he found himself involved in various indulgent activities.

Now that Yang Jian was so enthusiastic about this foreign hostage, where did that leave him? Upon hearing Yang Jian compliment the youth as the new tutor of the Crown Prince, Xu Shen couldn’t help but make a sarcastic comment: “He’s the Crown Prince’s tutor, accompanying the Prince every day. Where would he find the time to socialize with us idle people?”

Jiang Xiurun, annoyed by Yang Jian’s persistence, heard Xu Shen’s words and lifted her eyes to give him a profound look.

This is Qin Zhao’s future brother-in-law, the younger brother of the Xu family.

Qin Zhao’s legal wife, Lady Xu, had always been known for her scheming and conniving nature. It was rumored that she held great influence in political affairs and had caused some displeasure from the peak.

On the other hand, this younger brother-in-law was straightforward and had once come to her, cursing her as a bewitching enchantress and venting on behalf of his elder sister.

Unexpectedly, she had encountered him again so soon.

At that moment, the perplexing words Lady Xu spoke before her death flashed in her mind—she claimed she wasn’t well-behaved, intervened in political matters, and offended the top.

Who was the mastermind behind Lady Xu’s actions?

Initially, Jiang Xiurun suspected Feng Liwu.

However, now that she had spent time with Feng Liwu day and night, she realized something. The Crown Prince of Great Qi was like a sharp sword, never hidden, and once unsheathed, it would inevitably cause blood to splatter five steps away, terrifying people’s hearts!

If Feng Liwu wanted someone dead, he wouldn’t instruct Lady Xu, a well-behaved woman from the main residence, to engage in such underhanded and clandestine affairs.

Jiang Xiurun couldn’t figure out who was the true mastermind behind Lady Xu’s actions in her previous life.

In this life, if nothing had changed, Lady Xu would still marry Qin Zhao. However, Jiang Xiurun had no intention of getting involved with Qin Zhao in any way.

Thinking so, she was not in the mood to talk more with these idle young nobles. She politely excused herself, intending to leave.

However, Yang Jian, having finally caught someone, was unwilling to let go easily. He grabbed Jiang Xiurun’s sleeve, almost kneeling down, and tearfully begged her to visit his residence for a chat.

If this man had no shame, he would indeed be invincible.

Bai Qian, behind Jiang Xiurun, couldn’t stand this kind of annoying behavior. Just as she was about to lift her eight-inch foot, Yang Jian, like a kite with a broken string, flew up in an instant.

Jiang Xiurun looked up and saw that Qin Zhao had somehow arrived by her side, his expression dark. He said, “The Crown Prince’s tutor has already said he’s busy. Why are you causing such a commotion?”

Qin Zhao’s future brother-in-law, seeing his beloved person fall onto a nearby cloth stall, immediately became furious. He stared and cursed, “Who’s this brute? Do you know whom you’ve offended?”

Qin Zhao, with a raised eyebrow, thought, Who in the entire city doesn’t know Yang Jian, this guy who entered through the back door? As for this loudmouthed, provincial-sounding country bumpkin, he didn’t recognize him at all.

Today, he accompanied the Crown Prince for the early court session, and after that, the Crown Prince went to visit the newly arrived scholar in Luo’an City. He arranged for guards to stand by and, with nothing else to do, strolled around the inn. Unexpectedly, he saw Jiang Xiurun being harassed here.

Although the Yang family was prestigious compared to the Qin family, it was still lacking. Moreover, Yang Jian was openly causing trouble for the Crown Prince’s tutor in the street. As the chief guard of the Crown Prince’s residence, he is currently getting rid of the entanglements between the Yang Jian and a man. How could the head of the Yang family have the face to argue with him?

However, Xu Shen, an outsider, didn’t know who Qin Zhao was and thought that this rough man must be unaware of the esteemed status of Yang Jian, the legitimate grandson of the Yang family. Therefore, he started berating Qin Zhao.

When this young man cursed, he chose the most offensive words. Unfortunately, Qin Zhao was someone who preferred action over words. Before Xu Shen could finish his tirade, Qin Zhao delivered a swift slap, causing Xu Shen to fall to the ground. A tooth even flew out of his mouth, accompanied by a spatter of blood.

Jiang Xiurun, witnessing the family drama unfold, couldn’t help but find the situation amusing. Qin Zhao had knocked out his little brother-in-law’s tooth—what a dilemma! Unable to contain herself, she burst into laughter.

That charming smile captivated Qin Zhao’s eyes for a moment. In just one night, this woman seemed to have regained some purity. Normally, she showed a false facade, but unexpectedly, she also had such an enchanting smile.

Accompanying the Crown Prince on an official visit,he was wearing a casual outfit.

Qin Zhao paid little attention to the servants of Yang Jian and Xu Shen. Taking advantage of a distraction, they rushed towards Qin Zhao to protect their master loyally.

Qin Zhao didn’t care about these flashy moves. With a simple lift of his foot, he kicked one down, creating chaos on the street. It turned into a bustling scene of disorder.

At this moment, Feng Liwu walked out of the inn, observing the situation with a slight frown.

Yang Jian, who had just been knocked down, regained his senses. Seeing Feng Liwu standing not far away, he was frightened and quickly ordered his subordinates to kneel and pay respects to the Crown Prince.

Feng Liwu ignored him, beckoned Qin Zhao over, and, after understanding the situation, slowly turned his gaze towards Jiang Xiurun.

The street drama, once spread, would tarnish the faces of several prominent families in Luo’an City. Feng Liwu didn’t reprimand verbally, but a cold glance was enough to make people uneasy.

After Yang Jian and his entourage, looking quite disheveled, left after apologizing to the Crown Prince, Feng Liwu took Jiang Xiurun back to the Crown Prince’s residence.

Later, Jiang Xiurun kneeled in the Crown Prince’s study for a full half-hour.

After reviewing some documents, Feng Liwu slowly raised his head, scrutinizing her from top to bottom. He remarked, “Fortunately, you are not a woman; otherwise, you would be a calamitous enchantress, bringing harm to the world.”

Jiang Xiurun raised her head abruptly. She didn’t expect to hear the term “calamitous enchantress” again from the Crown Prince’s mouth in this lifetime.




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