Home Post 2437-chapter-21


Chapter 21

As she glanced over, her eyes couldn’t help but carry the resentment of a tragic death from a previous life.

Feng Liwu felt a prick from the gaze shot by this young man.

If it were any other time, he would have certainly disciplined this unruly youth. However, reflecting on the words he blurted out just now, they were indeed hurtful and seemed to insinuate a seductive intent behind the youth’s charm.

But any upright man couldn’t endure such words that wounded his self-esteem.

Upon further thought, he realized he had been too sharp just now. Young Master Jiang had been kneeling for half an hour; he must be fatigued. Feng Liwu said, “Come closer.”

Jiang Xiurun also felt that her gaze just now was too harsh, so she quickly restrained herself, lowered her head, and moved her numb knees towards the prince.

However, kneeling for too long had caused poor circulation in her legs. Any slight movement felt like an ant nibbling, making it unbearable. Without stabilizing herself properly, she almost tumbled onto the mat.

Feng Liwu reached out and supported the embarrassed Young Master Jiang.

Being so close, he couldn’t help but sense an indescribable fragrance assaulting his nostrils. Why would a man use such strong incense? No wonder it attracted the attention of people like Yang Jian and disrupted the decorum, causing even Qin Zhao to lose composure.

With these thoughts, he slightly loosened his grip but maintained a stern expression. He continued, “As the tutor of the Crown Prince, you represent the face of the prince’s residence. Today, when Yang Jian was disrespectful to you in the market, you could have loudly rebuked him, making him back down without involving Qin Zhao. Why create such a big controversy?”

In everything, if one thinks broadly, there are no insurmountable difficulties.

Jiang Xiurun consoled herself this way—winter hunting was approaching, the Crown Prince was bedridden, and the days of drinking medicinal soup three times a day were not far away. She didn’t have time to worry about trivial matters.

Thinking this way, with the dawn breaking in front, the anger stirred by Feng Liwu’s words earlier could be suppressed.

She adjusted her kneeling posture and humbly said, “Being in a small and remote country for a long time, I’ve been ignorant and uninformed. I didn’t know there were people with such habits in Luo’an City. I was too lenient with him. If he dares to cause trouble again, I will definitely rebuke him and will not disgrace the face of the prince’s residence.”

Feng Liwu squinted, feeling that the seemingly respectful words of this youth carried a hidden mockery of the improper customs and extravagance in Luo’an City.

However, the fragrance on her body was too strong. Feng Liwu didn’t want to smell it anymore and waved his hand, allowing her to leave.

As the young man was about to leave, he frowned and added, “Don’t use incense in the future. It gives me a headache!”

Jiang Xiurun remained silent, bowed, and left. After taking a few steps, she sniffed her collar. Where did the incense come from? It was just the scent of soap from yesterday’s bath!

Recently, it was apparent that the Crown Prince didn’t favor her. Jiang Xiurun decided not to wander idly in front of the Crown Prince before the winter hunt.

Speaking of which, the winter hunt in Great Qi had some interesting history.

It is said that the founding emperor of Great Qi once hunted a snow fox on a winter day. Seeing tears in the eyes of the snow fox, he couldn’t bear it and released it.

The snow fox was a celestial fox spirit. It appeared in dreams at night, claiming to repay the emperor. It asked him to send someone to the mountain the next day, where a giant wild boar would be seen near a withered tree. The emperor was instructed to shoot and kill the boar, and its enchanted skin could resist any blade or spear.

The emperor followed through, obtained the extraordinary armor, and, although hit by enemy arrows on the battlefield, narrowly escaped harm.

Since then, the day for hunting wild boars has been designated as Winter Hunt Day in Great Qi. There is a strict rule—any prey can be hunted, except for foxes. It is especially auspicious to hunt wild boars.

As the emperor goes on a hunting expedition, there are numerous elaborate rituals and ceremonies. Every royal official accompanying him must rise early.

Jiang Xiurun was awakened by Qian’er at an early hour.

(T/N: Qian’er is like a nickname for Bai Qian.)

Normally a heavy sleeper, she was shaken by Qian’er for quite some time before fully waking up.

Outside the window, it was pitch black, with the moon half-shaded. However, there were already sounds of servants moving about in the courtyard of the Crown Prince’s residence.

These servants were busy with their respective tasks—saddling horses, tying up swords, and preparing tents and food boxes. It was said that the prince’s own carriage was filled with supplies.

Those who could accompany the Crown Prince on the winter hunt were all trusted aides and attendants.

Apart from Jiang Xiurun, there were three other aides accompanying him.

Being a newcomer, Jiang Xiurun was not familiar with those three and didn’t bother to greet them, choosing to follow the Crown Prince at a distance.

After a simple wash, she didn’t join the Crown Prince in checking the supplies. Instead, she wore a thick fur cloak, held an earthware pot filled with hot water, and leaned against the warm stove in the doorway, eating sweet potatoes.

These were sweet potatoes that Qian’er had obtained from the kitchen yesterday. They had been buried in the warm ashes of the stove in the doorway before sleep, roasted just right after half a night. Peeling away the skin revealed golden, soft, slightly charred flesh. When eaten, it was hot, sweet, and tender.

Back when she worked in the laundry, it was impossible to use luxuries like a hand stove during the cold winter days. Upon hearing about her situation, her brother had someone buy three boxes of sweet potatoes for her. She would roast them, put them in her lap, and take them out to warm her hands and enjoy a bite during breaks from washing.

The sweet and tender taste was the greatest comfort during those trying days.

Jiang Xiurun was deeply engrossed in eating and was about to have a second one when she suddenly realized that the Crown Prince, accompanied by a group of people, had already passed by the doorway, preparing to leave.

Waking up at an early hour, even with breakfast prepared, will also make someone have no appetite. However, Feng Liwu didn’t expect this young man to have such a good appetite. Sitting by the warm stove in the doorway, sipping tea and eating sweet potatoes, he looked content.

This was indeed a person who knew how to take care of themselves.

Looking at the Crown Prince’s several aides behind him, who had just been running back and forth in the cold wind, they were left with a belly full of cold air. One elderly gentleman among them, unable to endure the cold, accidentally let out a few loud farts in front of everyone, causing an embarrassing situation.

Seeing this, the other aides felt irritated with Young Master Jiang. They thought Jiang Herun was still too young, only concerned with his own comfort without showing the demeanor of a servant. Did he really think of himself as a noble prince of the Bo state?

However, it seemed that the Crown Prince’s appetite was stimulated by the scent from the doorway. He calmly said to the young man, who quickly stood up, “Bring what you’re eating and give some to me for the carriage.”

Jiang Xiurun, upon hearing this, promptly wrapped the remaining roasted sweet potatoes in her own handwarmer and brought them to the Crown Prince’s carriage.

The convoy set off in the twilight, joining the ministers and the imperial carriage at the city gate.

Technically, Jiang Xiurun shouldn’t have been on the Crown Prince’s carriage. However, the Crown Prince mentioned that she happened to be on this journey, and he wanted her to examine the allocation of funds for the northwest disaster relief submitted by the Ministry of Revenue. This way, any discrepancies could be addressed and presented to the emperor for handling, preventing any delay in national affairs due to the winter hunt.

So, after handing over the sweet potatoes, she stayed on the Crown Prince’s carriage and began scrutinizing the documents and manipulating the abacus.

At this moment, the streets were dim and deserted, with only the muffled sounds of carriage wheels rolling over stone slabs. Inside the carriage, illuminated by the hanging lanterns, Jiang Xiurun adeptly manipulated the abacus.

In her past life, Qin Zhao had once remarked that her manner of using the abacus lacked the common air of market vendors; her delicate and graceful fingers seemed to play a charming melody like a celestial nymph.

However, such compliments, deliberately aimed at pleasing a woman, were not pleasant to hear.

But at this moment, Feng Liwu wasn’t eating sweet potatoes. Instead, he silently watched her fingers manipulating the abacus, making the onlookers uneasy and wondering what the Crown Prince found dissatisfactory.

She paused for a moment and respectfully said, “Your Highness, why haven’t you eaten? The eunuch has already tested the food with a silver needle. If you don’t eat it soon, it will get cold.”

Feng Liwu’s long lashes fluttered slightly. He frowned and looked at the slightly scorched sweet potatoes, asking, “How do you eat this?”

Jiang Xiurun suddenly realized that Feng Liwu had spent his childhood in the cold palace, enduring harsh treatment in terms of food and drink. Most likely, he had never eaten common food that ordinary people enjoyed.

So, she quickly set aside the abacus and attentively peeled the sweet potatoes for Feng Liwu, making up for her laziness after waking up.

Feng Liwu squinted slightly, watching her skillfully peel the sweet potatoes with elegantly shaped hands, presenting them before him.

For the remaining time, it was Young Master Jiang manipulating the abacus while Feng Liwu ate the sweet and soft sweet potatoes, seemingly still wanting more.

During this period, perhaps due to the appetizing sweet potatoes, the Crown Prince even asked if she had prepared other snacks.

In front of the discerning Crown Prince, Jiang Xiurun dared not hide anything and contributed her own snack bag.

Inside was beef jerky that Bai Ying had prepared for her when she returned to the Prince’s Mansion a few days ago.

Bai Ying’s skill in making beef jerky was exceptional. The smoked meat was rich in fragrance, with a reddish appearance and a satisfying chewiness.

Originally intended to be a snack for her on the way to the hunting grounds, it was now entirely presented to the Crown Prince.

After all, he seemed quite pitiful. Not knowing how he had been stabbed on the hunting grounds, it was better to let His Highness enjoy some good food to boost his energy. It could also be considered a small gesture of loyalty as an aide.

Speaking of it, in her previous life, the Crown Prince, who was like a voracious beast, making ruthless decisions and annexing neighboring countries without hesitation, was now just eighteen years old.

According to the seamstress in the mansion who made clothes, His Highness was still growing tall. His clothes needed adjustments frequently, explaining why he never seemed to have enough to eat.

At this moment, in the way he chewed his food, he appeared as a handsome and elegant young man, exuding a hint of adorable innocence…

However, this illusion faded away when he got off the carriage.

At the main gate, where the ministers were gathering to leave the city, there were officials waiting since early morning. The head of the Yang family in Luo’an, upon seeing the Crown Prince’s carriage arrive first, hurried over and bowed deeply, his voice trembling. “Your Highness, I have failed to educate the younger generation of our family properly. I request Your Highness to punish!”

Feng Liwu had just finished eating beef jerky, took the handkerchief handed over by the attendant, wiped his lips, and said, “Since it’s a lack of understanding on the part of the younger generation, why bother yourself?”

Feng Liwu spoke gently, not showing any intention of severe punishment. However, the head of the Yang family didn’t seem relieved. He gritted his teeth, tears in the corners of his eyes, and said, “It’s just that even though that scoundrel has a bad character, he is the legitimate grandson of our Yang family. The old madam treats him like her lifeblood. He has been arrested for three days now. Please, Your Highness, for the sake of the old servant’s loyalty, spare him…”

Jiang Xiurun, listening from behind, could clearly hear their conversation. It seemed that, after the recent incident in the marketplace, the Crown Prince had someone deal with Yang Jian from the Yang family.

Feng Liwu, hearing the clan leader’s plea, seemed to be moved. He then turned to Qin Zhao beside him and asked, “Where is Yang Jian being detained, and what is the charge against him?”

Qin Zhao hurriedly responded, “Yang Jian, due to frequent private dealings with Liu Pei, the hostage from Liang, once recommended him to Lord Li of the Ministry of Works. They colluded to smuggle high-quality iron for Liang…”

As soon as these words came out, the head of the Yang family was completely frightened.

He originally thought Yang Jian had offended the hostage staying in the Crown Prince’s mansion and had conflicts with Qin Zhao from the Qin family, leading to punishment from the usually appreciative Crown Prince. However, from Qin Zhao’s words, it was clear that Yang Jian had committed the crime of colluding with foreign countries!

But how could Yang Jian, a playboy, have the capability to commit such a serious offense? He often hung out with Liu Pei, enjoying life to the fullest!

But now, with the Crown Prince intending to pin the charge of colluding with foreign countries on Yang Jian, wouldn’t it implicate the entire clan if the situation escalated?

Seeing that the head of the Yang family felt the situation was dire, he dared not speak further and could only quickly wipe away his tears, expressing his disappointment with his disobedient son. He pleaded with the Crown Prince to make a fair judgment.

After the head of the Yang family left, Qin Zhao continued in a low voice, “Your Highness, about Yang Jian…”

“Since he is fond of men, leaving that part intact won’t contribute to the Yang family’s future. It’s better to abolish it and then release him. This way, he can live peacefully.” Feng Liwu’s eyes remained calm as he looked at Qin Zhao and continued in a mild tone, “Those gathered around me are all capable individuals. Therefore, I cannot tolerate any filthy matters. Qin Qing, do you understand?”

(T/N:Qing means high official position; noble)

Qin Zhao’s fist tightened slightly, and a faint, cold sweat appeared on his nose. He bowed and retreated without daring to look at Jiang Xiurun, who had been listening behind.

After Feng Liwu dealt with Qin Zhao, he turned to Jiang Xiurun, still speaking in a calm tone, and said, “Back then, when you blackened your eyebrows in front of the palace, you were determined to be a man and not follow the vulgar path. Keep that determination in mind; don’t forget your original intentions…”

Jiang Xiurun understood in her heart that, after the Crown Prince had dealt with the Yang family and Qin Zhao, it was now her turn to be targeted.

She even suspected that the Crown Prince might be the wild boar from the winter hunting legend, specifically targeting those with fox-like charm to avenge the fox spirit that betrayed and skinned it in a past life.

She dared not hesitate and quickly said, “If the Crown Prince finds my appearance displeasing, I can use charcoal to darken it every day…”

Feng Liwu didn’t look at her and said, “Your aura, can it be concealed with charcoal? As long as you are sincerely loyal to me, you will eventually become a distinguished minister of Great Qi, like Yi Yin and Jiang Shang, assisting the emperor. Anyone who dares to bully you will be severely punished!”

If Jiang Xiurun were a spirited young man, she might have been moved by Feng Liwu’s display of benevolence and humility. With such a caring heir, how could she not devote herself wholeheartedly!

Unfortunately, having experienced a whole life, she understood too well the extreme measures the Crown Prince was willing to take for the unification of the world. These thunderous methods were merely tactics to win people over. When they became useless, anyone, even those close to this prince, would be ruthlessly cast aside!

However, she couldn’t afford to miss the proper etiquette. She quickly expressed her gratitude for the Crown Prince’s kindness.

After a while, the imperial carriage also arrived. The ministers bowed one after another and then, according to their ranks, joined the procession heading towards the winter hunting grounds outside the city.

By now, Jiang Xiurun had finished calculating those amounts. Following the Crown Prince all the way, she was compensating for her laziness in the morning.

Most of those accompanying the royal carriage for the winter hunting were the dignitaries of Luo’an City. The foreign hostages were basically excluded, but a few female hostages followed their relatives in Luo’an.

The relationship between the Emperor and the Empress has not improved in recent years.. However, now that Empress Wei has relied on the Crown Prince to guard the harem, she no longer needs to use her charms like the other concubine. So, naturally, she doesn’t want to have flirtatious exchanges with the emperor or create beautiful stories between the emperor and empress.

However, winter hunting was a tradition of the ancestors, and the Empress naturally had to accompany the emperor. The Empress’s phoenix carriage was a four-layered vehicle wrapped in thick, tanned cowhide. The exterior wooden decorations were gilded and inlaid with seven-colored gemstones. The phoenix tail seemed to rise in the rising dawn, shining brightly.

After paying respects to the emperor with a few dry words, Feng Liwu then paid respects to the empress in her phoenix carriage.

As soon as she entered the carriage, warmth enveloped her. Although the Empress had spent many years in the cold palace, her skin had recovered its past fair and tender appearance due to years of care. However, the beauty of a woman fades with time, and the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes can’t be completely concealed by rouge and powder.

But fortunately, her son was outstanding. The last few years were like a dream. Although she occasionally thought of the past, most of the time the Empress had gradually forgotten the bitterness and desolation of those years.

After paying respects, Feng Liwu lifted his head slightly and glanced at the eunuch serving beside the Empress.

The eunuch, who appeared to be in his thirties, was Maoyun Sheng, the recently favored steward of the Taihe Palace. Unlike other eunuchs who gradually gained weight as they aged, Steward Maoyun had a muscular physique that made the eunuch’s robe appear sharp-edged.

He had just said something that made Empress Wei laugh. When Feng Liwu approached, the smile on the Empress’s face had not yet faded. Her cheeks were rosy, and her eyes sparkled with a subtle light.

It wasn’t until Feng Liwu paid his respects and raised his head that she gradually restrained her smile. Facing Feng Liwu, she said, “The Crown Prince has been too busy lately, and there hasn’t been time to pay respects to this empress. If it weren’t for the winter hunting, I don’t know when I would have had the chance to see Your Highness?”

Feng Liwu listened to his mother’s reproach and fell silent for a moment before saying, “It is my unfilial behavior for not regularly paying respects to Empress in the morning and evening. I will surely rectify this in the future…”

“Enough; if there’s nothing important, you don’t have to keep running to this palace. If you have some free time, go and accompany your cousin, Cao Xi. I don’t have many sisters; she’s your only aunt, and although she’s just a concubine, she has gained the love of the empeor of Yan. Cao Xi is the apple of the emperor Yan’s eye. If it weren’t for your aunt’s favor, she wouldn’t have been sent to Great Qi as a hostage.”

Having said this, the Empress took the water cup handed over by Steward Maoyun, took a sip of hot tea, and continued, “Crown Prince, don’t think that now that you have a stable position in the court, your younger brother… If he wants to cause trouble for us, with the support of Yan State after marrying Cao Xi, it will be beneficial for him! You have always been carefree about this palace’s affairs. You should have some plans in your heart regarding the rest… Alright, I haven’t had breakfast yet. Kneel and pay respects!”

The Empress seemed to forget that everyone had risen early, and she didn’t even ask Feng Liwu if he had eaten breakfast before letting him get off the carriage.

However, Feng Liwu was already accustomed to it. After all, even when his mother was in the cold palace, besides showing self-pity and cursing his father for being heartless, she repeatedly reminded him that if he were a man, he should be more assertive. Otherwise, he would suffer for nothing, raising useless waste.

As for daily life matters, since Feng Liwu was sensible, the elderly palace maids serving his mother took care of them. In such a situation, where everyone could not protect themselves and the ears were always filled with angry curses and resentment, the old palace maid’s care was merely done out of conscience and lacked meticulous patience.

Regarding the Empress’s casual attitude towards her son’s trivial matters, Feng Liwu had long been used to it.

When he got off the phoenix carriage, the biting cold air twirled around again, rushing toward his collar and making him feel uncomfortable with the sudden chill.

Jiang Xiurun had been waiting not far from the phoenix carriage for the Crown Prince to alight.

When she saw the Crown Prince descending, although his expression seemed ordinary, there was a layer of indescribable coldness in his eyes.

In fact, this was Feng Liwu’s usual demeanor.

When Jiang Xiurun heard the mixed laughter of male voices from the phoenix carriage again, she suddenly remembered a secret from her past life—after she was moved out of the Laundry Bureau, the Empress had once left the palace for a year of rest in the western suburbs.

In the luxurious mansions of Luo’an City, there were rumors that when the Empress left the palace, she was already visibly pregnant, and that year was actually spent giving birth to a child.

Although she occasionally thought about it, most of the time the Empress had gradually forgotten the bitterness and desolation of those years.







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