Home Post 2443-chapter-213


Chapter 213:The Male Lead Raises a Cat (29)

Opening her mouth to eat the shrimp handed to her by the other person, Shen Mubai blissfully squinted her eyes, looking extremely content.

However, the waiter, who casually glanced over, was shocked.

The group of students who had been paying attention to this side were also equally astonished. They widened their eyes, staring fixedly as the guy peeled the shrimp and fed it to the cat’s mouth, repeating the process several times. They then hesitantly exclaimed, “Um, am I seeing things correctly? Jiang Yiran seems to look very gentle.”

“You’re not mistaken; I’m not mistaken either. If he acts like this in front of other girls, I’m afraid the school gates would be trampled.”

“Um… I heard that Jiang Yiran has a cleanliness obsession.”

“Is that true? He doesn’t seem like it now, acting like this.”

“Um… can cats eat spicy crayfish? Will there be any problems if they eat too much?”

“I don’t know…”

“In my next life, can I be a cat? As long as the owner is as handsome as Jiang Yiran.”

They watched the harmonious scene nearby and began to deeply doubt life.

For Shen Mubai, a plate of crayfish only satisfied her cravings a little. Just when she was happily eating, Jiang Yiran glanced at her stomach, then stopped his actions and expressionlessly said, “It’s time to go back.”

Staring at the remaining crayfish on the plate, Shen Mubai almost cried.

This heartless and unreasonable cat litter officer!

No matter how she acted cute or pitiful, it was of no use. Jiang Yiran carried her and paid the bill to go home.

Unable to resist, she turned back and looked at the crayfish shop behind her, meowing towards her owner’s handsome face on her head as if accusing him.

Jiang Yiran glanced down at her, seemingly understanding, and calmly replied, “If you want to eat next time, be quiet.”

Shen Mubai kept quiet.

Back home, she was tossed into the bathtub and washed.

Drying her fur, Shen Mubai sat on the tatami mat, watching as Jiang Yiran went upstairs. She waited and waited, rolling around in boredom dozens of times, and he still hadn’t come down.

When she was about to fall asleep, he finally came down, wearing new home clothes, with his hair not completely dry. His gaze first swept over her, then went straight in the direction of the refrigerator.

It was then that Shen Mubai remembered that he hadn’t eaten dinner yet and felt a little guilty. She quickly jumped off the tatami mat, approached the man’s leg, rubbed against it, lifted her head, and her eyes were full of apology.

“Meow~” Sorry, I made you eat dinner so late.

Jiang Yiran paused slightly, his gaze on the cat snuggled against him, then bent down and rubbed her head.

Shen Mubai meowed happily and licked the back of his hand.

Jiang Yiran just had a simple bowl of noodles. After dinner, he, as usual, spent half an hour reading in the living room.

Shen Mubai obediently stayed by his side, quietly squinting.

When the male lead was about to go upstairs, Shen Mubai hesitated for a moment but still followed.

This was also a kind of testing attitude. If Jiang Yiran let her into his bedroom, it would prove that he had fully accepted her.

Soft paw pads stepped on the stairs to the second floor, and Shen Mubai followed behind. Thinking that the male lead hadn’t noticed, she meowed.

Jiang Yiran didn’t turn around, apparently knowing from the beginning.



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