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Chapter 24-Part 2

In Jiang Xiurun’s view, Cao Xi was simply brainless! Although Cao Xi’s lack of intelligence was something she had known from her previous life, Otherwise, she wouldn’t have lost every battle against Tian Ying.

But if she wanted to show off her extensive network and curry favor with the Emperor and Empress, this wasn’t the way to do it!

With the Crown Prince injured this time, there was suspicion that Emperor Duanqing might be involved. And now Cao Xi brought all those bottles and jars rewarded by the Emperor to treat the Crown Prince… Wouldn’t Feng Liwu, with his suspicious nature, be disgusted?

Finding an excuse to scold her away by saying her scent was unpleasant was already giving her face, considering the Empress’s presence!

Thinking about this, Jiang Xiurun’s expression also faltered slightly, feeling that Cao Xi’s position as the Crown Princess Consort might be in jeopardy.

In her previous life, when the Crown Prince was seriously injured and controlled by the Emperor, it was a case of desperate measures. Marrying Cao Xi was a way to consolidate his power.

But in this life, although the Crown Prince was also injured, it was just a minor injury, and he would be able to attend court in a few days. The struggle between father and son had just begun. If Feng Liwu thought Cao Xi was foolish and couldn’t distinguish between friend and foe, he might be greatly disappointed and seek another candidate for the Crown Princess Consort…

Jiang Xiurun tried to put herself in Feng Liwu’s shoes and carefully considered the remaining candidates. She felt that Tian Ying was the only one who could handle this position.

Tian Ying came from the Han state. Although she didn’t have the same close relationship with the Empress as Cao Xi did, the daughter offered by the Emperor of Han was also outstanding.

Strictly speaking, Tian Ying’s talent, beauty, and intelligence far surpassed Cao Xi’s. Although Han State’s strength was not as strong as Yan State’s, it was not a weak country either.

It’s just unclear how Feng Liwu would feel about it.

After playing Cupid for a while, Jiang Xiurun stopped thinking about it. After all, no matter who became the Crown Princess Consort, she would still be equally accommodating. Let Feng Liwu figure it out himself.

But unlike Jiang Xiurun’s laziness and cunning, the other officials in the mansion were not.

When it was time to administer medicine to the Crown Prince again, as soon as she entered the study, she saw the three officials who had accompanied the Crown Prince to the hunting grounds kneeling on the mats, earnestly advising the Crown Prince to accept Cao Xi as the Crown Princess Consort.

One of them, a young official named Gongsun Wu Yan, was eloquently presenting the pros and cons to Feng Liwu with a solemn expression.

Jiang Xiurun quietly entered and kneeled down in front of him to administer the medicine while the attendants helped Feng Liwu change his clothes.

Feng Liwu, who had been absentmindedly listening to Gongsun Wu Yan’s endless words, was staring at the neck of the young man kneeling in front of him.

Perhaps feeling tired of listening, he suddenly interrupted the official’s speech and turned to Jiang Xiurun, saying, “What do you think about this matter?”

Jiang Xiurun was focused on administering the medicine, so when Feng Liwu spoke, she didn’t immediately react. It wasn’t until Feng Liwu called her name that she put down the medicine bottle in her hand and said, “Although Yan State is powerful and can assist Your Highness, the journey is farther compared to Han State. As the saying goes, distant water cannot quench immediate thirst. In my opinion, it’s better to choose a Crown Princess Consort from a closer family, which would be more beneficial to Your Highness…”

Feng Liwu, who had been silent throughout the officials’ suggestions just now, nodded slightly after hearing Jiang Xiurun’s words.

Jiang Xiurun continued, “However, when selecting a Crown Princess, it should not be limited to just one person. If the selection of the Crown Princess Consort is settled, it will also be beneficial to the Crown Prince. How about hosting a banquet and inviting all the beautiful ladies to the mansion, allowing the Crown Prince to carefully select which would be more leisurely?”

Feng Liwu nodded again, then turned to the other officials and said, “The selection of the Crown Princess Consort needs to be carefully considered. The mansion has never hosted a decent banquet. In a few days, we will hold one and invite several candidates for the Crown Princess Consort to evaluate their virtues.”

This statement clearly adopted Jiang Xiurun’s suggestion, no longer considering Cao Xi’s intentions from Yan State.

The several officials had never liked Young Master Jiang, the latecomer among them, and now Feng Liwu obviously looked at this young man with more favor again. How could they be satisfied with this internally?

Therefore, when Jiang Xiurun finished administering the medicine and was accompanied by several officials, someone sarcastically challenged, “Although you hold the title of Crown Prince’s tutor, you only deal with the daily chores of administering medicine and caring for food. How is this any different from the servants in the mansion? While we are providing advice to the Crown Prince, you are just blindly obstructing us. What’s your intention?”

The person who said this was named Li Quan, the old man who had been constantly farting after accompanying the Crown Prince on his inspection.

This person’s speech was as smelly as his farts.

Jiang Xiurun didn’t even bother to look at him. She just lifted her chin slightly and said, “Since we are all officials, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. As for whose opinion to adopt, it’s naturally up to His Highness. If you don’t want others to oppose your opinion, it’s simple. Just report it to the Crown Prince and disperse the officials, leaving only you. Wouldn’t that be better?”

Without waiting for Li Quan to retort, she continued, “The Crown Prince is generous and doesn’t trouble the officials much. Most of us were raised in the mansion, enjoying food and drink without doing much. I have some knowledge of medicine and diet, so I’m willing to contribute and repay His Highness. How does that make me a servant in your eyes? Are you suggesting that, like you, who sit idle all day, eat and drink their fill, and fart in the courtyard, that’s the demeanor of a gentleman?”

“You…” Li Quan was angered by Young Master Jiang’s sharp words, and he glared at her. Among the officials, he was respected to some extent due to his age, but he didn’t expect Young Master Jiang to be so ruthless in her words, which naturally made him blush with anger.

Jiang Xiurun felt that the jealousy among colleagues was even worse than that among the women in the inner courtyard, and because of the conflict of interests, it was difficult to reconcile. Rather than swallowing their pride, it was better to give them a slap in the face from the beginning, to make it clear that she was not to be trifled with, and to avoid being invited to bathe together with them again!

On the side, Gongsun Wu Yan quickly intervened, trying to mediate: “Young Master Jiang is also considering the Crown Prince’s interests. Although everyone’s opinions may differ, they are all loyal at heart. Since we are all in the same mansion, we should be more tolerant of each other…”



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