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Chapter 110-Part 2

Jiang Nian was already busy with moving arrangements. She couldn’t keep staying in hotels, and she didn’t want Sun Xu, Sister Chen, Wang Jingjing, and others to bother her constantly. So she had to find a place where they couldn’t find her. Of course, she didn’t need to worry about finding a house; Jia Ping could handle it, and she even arranged a nanny car and an assistant for her.

After being silent for so long, Jiang Nian’s first job after returning was to shoot a promotional video for Xue Group.

Jiang Nian certainly didn’t think she secured this endorsement solely by herself or her company’s efforts. It was undoubtedly Xue Hang pulling strings for her behind the scenes. She must thank him properly! However, she now had too many negative thoughts about relying on Xue Hang’s favor; after all, Xue Hang had helped her several times and had taken great care of her, just like a gentle breeze. She couldn’t go against his intentions and betray him, right… That would be too ungrateful!

Jiang Nian couldn’t bring herself to do such a thing. She just sighed regretfully at this invisible golden thigh that she could see but not touch, then cheerfully went out.

This was Jiang Nian’s first appearance in public. Some media outlets that had caught wind of it were already waiting at the gate of Xue Group. The nanny car Jiang Nian was in was surrounded, but Jia Ping and the assistant escorted Jiang Nian out of the car, with Xue Group’s security guards following to maintain order.

Countless microphones and cameras were pointed at Jiang Nian.

“Jiang Nian, when did you discover the affair between Sun Xu and Wang Jingjing? Have you broken up with Sun Xu already?”

“Has Sun Xu tried to reconcile with you? Would you forgive Sun Xu? Have you seen Wang Jingjing’s apology video? How do you plan to respond?”

These people were not willing to let go of any news. While some questions were normal, there were also some with malicious intent. Jiang Nian couldn’t bear insults to her benefactor.

As she reached the entrance, she stopped. Her gaze swept over the man who had asked her the questions, and Jia Ping and the assistant also stopped, looking at her with confusion.

Jiang Nian didn’t say much; she only said, “I just had a failed relationship and was misled by some people. Should I let myself be ruined because of others’ mistakes, becoming neither a human nor a ghost? Or should I cower in a corner, crying and blaming everything on fate, just to prove that I’m not doing well, that I’m hurt, and that I’m in pain?”

“Sorry to disappoint you, but Jiang Nian will never fall.”

“And furthermore, I am very grateful to the person who continued to trust their own eyes and not be deceived by the villains when everyone misunderstood and insulted me. Mr. Xue helped me, and I am grateful to him, even more so because he is a true wise man. I appreciate his help, but what he helped with is the truth.”

“I hope you won’t bring unnecessary trouble to Mr. Xue. Otherwise, who will dare to speak the truth in the future? Thank you.”

With these words from Jiang Nian, the journalist who had asked the questions was momentarily speechless, his face turning red. He was at a loss for words for a moment.

After saying these words, Jiang Nian ignored the increasingly excited journalists and was escorted into the lobby of Xue Group by Jia Ping and others.

Jia Ping couldn’t help but look at Jiang Nian in a new light. With just a few words, she not only revealed her current mindset but also explained her relationship with Xue Hang clearly. With such a clear mind, it’s no wonder she could turn the tables in desperate situations and emerge victorious!

A person like this, with such resilience and such a mentality, as long as her acting skills were good enough, would definitely find her place in the entertainment industry.

Meanwhile, Xue Hang heard about Jiang Nian being surrounded at the entrance of Xue Group, but he actually saw Jiang Nian’s response online. Now, the video of Jiang Nian’s interview has once again topped the real-time trending list. The public unanimously praised her, even saying that this was the true nature of a woman. Did she have to suffer just for a scumbag? It wasn’t worth it at all!

For someone like Jiang Nian, who could swiftly deal with chaos and live better and more brilliantly, this was a fatal blow to the scumbag! What’s wrong with that? It was just too good! For a moment, Jiang Nian became the object of admiration for countless people.

Xue Hang saw Jiang Nian in the footage, dressed in pure white, with a beautiful face that still showed a hint of gentleness, but her words were strong and convincing, every word making people believe.

The assistant kept murmuring in his ear, “This Jiang Nian is really good, upright in character, but unfortunately has poor judgment, falling for a scumbag and almost ruining herself. She also didn’t say anything messy to the reporters that could have been misunderstood…”

The assistant’s words were absolutely sincere, as there were too many people trying to establish a connection with Xue Hang. Just a little bit of a connection could lead to stepping on his toes, but Jiang Nian abided by the rules, not saying anything ambiguous that could lead to misunderstandings about her relationship with Xue Hang, and even praised Xue Hang highly. Such people were truly rare.

Xue Hang sighed, wanting to say that Jiang Nian was not trying to cling to him. Obviously, she did want to, but after being politely rejected by him, she moved on to another love interest. Now, all that was left in her mind was the big gold!

… This was just too unyielding. He hadn’t explicitly rejected her; he just hinted at it, and she gave up without even thinking!

“Is Jiang Nian filming?”

“She’s filming.”

Xue Hang leaned back in his chair, turned slightly, stood up, and straightened his slightly disheveled shirt. “I’ll go take a look.”

When Xue Hang saw Jiang Nian, she was in the middle of filming. She was wearing a V-neck long dress with spaghetti straps, her slightly curled long hair cascading over her shoulders, and her makeup was exquisite to perfection. She had a smile on her face, exuding confidence and beauty in every move, completely different from the fragile woman seen in the previous footage.

After a set of shots were done, others finally noticed Xue Hang. Jia Ping and the others naturally went over to greet Xue Hang.

Jiang Nian also naturally saw Xue Hang. She smiled brightly, lifted her skirt, and walked over. However, she didn’t realize that her skirt was too long and got caught under a nearby chair. She didn’t notice, and when she pulled it, she stumbled with her high heels and almost fell!

Luckily, Xue Hang, who had been paying attention to her, quickly caught her!

He held her in his arms!

Jia Ping: …Were all the praises of Xue Hang before just lies???

Assistant: …Did he also misunderstand Jiang Nian???

The photographer and others didn’t find it surprising. What a move! Embrace by accident!

Xue Hang: “…………”

He was also annoyed because he heard Jiang Nian shouting in her heart: Oh no, I’m defiling the body of my benefactor!

Forgive me, forgive me! It’s really a sin! May the God of Wealth forgive my and not be too harsh on my fortune!!

Xue Hang: “…………!!!”



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