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Chapter 60:The fact not found in the manga.

In the afternoon, when Rosa arrived at the store, construction was underway to create a new reception room.

Even in the small private room in the backyard, the sound of construction echoed, but it was bearable for a while.

Soon, a luxurious VIP room will be completed.

(Father, thank you for generously providing the money! And for the new workshop too!)

Rosa expressed her gratitude in her heart, feeling cheerful.

As Rosa started to work and opened the ledger, Ethan arrived.

“Sorry for the noise today. We’re currently in the middle of constructing the reception room,” Rosa said in a louder voice than usual.

“I see, indeed, this store doesn’t have a reception room,” Ethan replied without much concern.

“Yes, so what brings you here today? By the way, we have some prototypes ready. Would you like to take them home?” Rosa instructed her employee to bring the prototypes.

Ethan would try them out, give his feedback, and help refine the bath bombs.

“Thank you; I’ll take them home. Actually, I came here for another matter today.”

“Another matter? Do you have another order?” Rosa responded amiably, rubbing her hands together. After all, Ethan was a valued patron of Rozerian.

Moreover, he was a rare celebrity who didn’t complain even when ushered into Rosa’s shabby office, which had been neglected due to overspending on the store.

He would pay cash with a smile on the spot, making him the ideal customer.

“Well, it’s about the Moreau family,” Ethan said, recalling that he had previously asked Marpin to investigate the Moreau family.

(What, this isn’t a new order?)

“I hope it’s a good story.”

Rosa’s tension suddenly drops.

“It might not be such a pleasant story,” Ethan’s beautiful face clouded over.

“Isn’t it?”

(I knew it. The surroundings of the villainess are usually intense.)

“You know that Miss Moreau grew up in the common folk’s quarters, right?”

“Yes, it’s a famous story, so I’m aware.”

It was perfectly depicted, even in the manga. The story of a brave and beautiful mother and daughter.

“The issue is where Miss Moreau lived before being taken in by the Count’s family. She was from the same impoverished district as Jillian.”


Rosa was taken aback in surprised.

(But that wasn’t in the manga?)

However, upon closer thought, Jillian didn’t exist in the world of the manga. It was an event that occurred around Rosa, a supporting character.

“Do you mean to say there’s a connection between Jillian and Lady Ellen?”

Rosa frowned.

“It’s a small district in the capital. It wouldn’t be strange if they knew each other.”

Now, the possibility of the two becoming acquainted has emerged.

“Jillian knew that Moreau was the family Oliver Company was working for, or she realized it. Could she have threatened Ellen because of it?”

Rosa shook her head at Ethan’s opinion.

“Impossible? Even if she did threaten Ellen, who would have killed Jillian? It was originally an accident, wasn’t it? Why do you feel that way based on what evidence?”

She unintentionally took on a blaming tone towards Ethan.

It’s not like she particularly liked Ellen, but she was the heroine of the story.

In a romance manga like Cinderella’s story, there couldn’t possibly be such dreadful events happening behind the scenes, and even if they did, Rosa would be troubled by them.

After all, in her past life, she had spent so much money, somehow identifying herself with the brave protagonist and trembling with tears.

“Her hair ornament was squashed, right?”

Ethan pointed out gloomily.

Perhaps he himself wasn’t pleased with this idea.

“That’s… it might have bent when she fell into the river.”

“I don’t think it would squash like that. Maybe Jillian took it from her.”

“No way! I don’t want to think that way.”

Rosa immediately showed a rejection reaction.

But deep down, Rosa also felt that something was unnatural. She had been trying not to think about it until now.

“I understand your feelings, but… Miss Croitzer, please be careful around your surroundings.”

“What do you mean?”

(Is he trying to scare me? What’s going on now? Is he threatening me?)

“Jealousy can be a frightening thing.”

He said it with the same beautiful face but with a dull expression.

“Are you suggesting that our family is being envied because we’re wealthy?”

Even so, Rosa loved her current affluent environment. She pondered the extent of jealousy.

“It’s not your fault for being wealthy, but not everyone in the world thinks that way. Especially, don’t overlook minor changes happening within the household.”

“Huh? Are you saying not to trust the servants?”

Rosa was irritated by Ethan’s words.

After all, the servants of the Croitzer family were hardworking and amiable.

“Miss Croitzer, what I’m about to say might be upsetting, but listen carefully. Since I was a child, there have been several attempts on my life.”

There were depictions of such incidents in the manga, and there were indeed numerous rumors, so indirectly, she was aware.

However, Rosa was surprised that Ethan would mention such a thing.

“I can’t find words other than ‘I’m sorry to hear that’… Or rather, there are no words to express it.”

Ethan shook his head at Rosa’s words.

“I don’t seek words of comfort. It’s in the past. But I’ve noticed that before assassination attempts, there were often changes in the household staff, such as long-serving servants leaving or new ones coming in.”


Rosa was startled.

“Especially in a household like the Croitzer’s, where there are many servants. It’s wise to always be vigilant about your surroundings. That’s all I wanted to say. As someone observant like you, you’ll surely notice even minor changes.”

Rosa swallowed hard at Ethan’s words.

“I apologize for bringing up unpleasant topics. I’ll take my leave for today.”

With a slight flicker of his purple eyes, Ethan left, leaving these words behind.

(Please stop it already! Seriously, this is scary!)

Indeed, it was a perspective unfamiliar to Rosa.

Just after Ethan left, Helena arrived with a freshly brewed cup of tea.

“Has His Excellency already left?”

Helena appeared surprised.

Normally, conversations in the office could be overheard in the pantry, but with the ongoing construction, it seemed she hadn’t heard Rosa and Ethan’s conversation.

“Yes, unfortunately, it wasn’t an order for merchandise.”

Rosa hesitated on whether to discuss this matter with Helena.




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