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Chapter 19

As soon as she thought of the scene when she was told she was too fat by the Class 2 instructor back then, Li Jiao still felt indignant. She lay on her bed, her eyes wide open, looking like an angry little goldfish.

He’s the fat one, the fathead instructor.

She’s slim; she’s only 88 pounds, while that person must weigh over 100 pounds; he’s the fat one!

Ha, Li Jiao herself doesn’t even consider that; he’s over 100 pounds, and he’s probably over 1.8 meters tall.

“Jiao Jiao, get up; it’s time to go listen to the lecture.”


Li Jiao replied and quickly got up, put away her drawing board, got out of bed, and began to pack up her things to get ready to leave.

There was a safety knowledge lecture this afternoon, and they had to go listen to it. Li Jiao had been drawing all noon, and she didn’t even hear a sound when Zhang Yue woke up. Fortunately, someone called her.

After finishing packing, the three of them headed to the main auditorium.

On the way, there were all the freshmen wearing camouflage uniforms, apparently all going to listen to the lecture.

When they entered, it was crowded and chaotic.

A few people finally squeezed in and found their class seats. They were considered late; they sat down in the last row in the middle.

The entire auditorium was packed with people. The lecture hadn’t started yet, and everyone was busy playing with their phones, heads down.

On the big screen in front, in festive red fonts, a line of text was displayed: “New Student Safety Knowledge Lecture, Welcome Students and Instructors.”



The instructors were also attending this lecture.

Li Jiao suddenly sat up straight, looking around eagerly, feeling a little excited. Where are the instructors?

Right to the right of Li Jiao’s position, across an aisle, there were several rows of empty seats, with no one sitting there. It seemed like those seats were reserved for the instructors.

Li Jiao’s seat was about five or six people away from the aisle, and each seat was occupied.

Looking at the empty seats over there, Li Jiao bit her lip, feeling hesitant. She wanted to move over; it would be nice to see the instructor up close.

“Students, good afternoon, everyone.”

On stage, a student cadre held a microphone, smiling brightly.

“Our lecture is about to begin; please quickly find your seats and remain quiet.”

After saying that, he stepped down. The auditorium remained noisy.

Ah, it’s about to start?

Li Jiao turned her head slightly, and those several rows of seats were still empty; the instructors hadn’t arrived yet.

Could it be that they’re not coming?

Feeling disheartened, suddenly there was a continuous gust of cold wind behind her, as if many people were constantly passing by behind her.

Turning around, it was a sea of camouflaged military uniforms, one instructor after another, marching in a strong and orderly manner, like a relay.

Li Jiao quickly turned her body around, her small eyes scanning each passing instructor earnestly, not this one, not this one, not this one……

Where is the instructor, her instructor?

One by one, the group of instructors all passed by. Li Jiao still didn’t see any sign of Zhang Jiuling. Her previously joyful mood instantly plummeted, and her mouth was slightly downturned with a hint of disappointment.

Could it be that the instructor isn’t coming?

“Alright, students, quiet down.”

“Next, please welcome our speaker for today’s lecture, Director Shao from the Security Department, to give us this safety knowledge lecture.”

“Clap clap clap clap clap clap——”

Applause thundered like thunder. After a few seconds, the lecture began, and the entire auditorium quieted down.

“Hello, everyone, I am the speaker for this lecture, Director Shao from the Security Department. Next, I will be giving this safety knowledge lecture.”

Li Jiao’s mind wasn’t on the stage; her lips were pouted like a bottle of oil, the words “frustrated” almost written all over her face.

Why didn’t the instructor come…

At this moment, the side door of the lecture hall opened, emitting a sound.

The sound was not loud, it didn’t affect the crowd. However, Li Jiao, sitting in the last row, could hear it more clearly.

Subconsciously, she turned her head and saw the familiar figure, her eyes instantly lit up.

Zhang Jiuling was dressed in a cold-colored military uniform, his long legs and narrow waist accentuated by the attire. As he pushed the door and entered, the few steps he took seemed like a grand military parade in Tiananmen Square, with an excellent temperament, incredibly handsome!

When Li Jiao looked over, he had just opened the door. Upon entering, he didn’t glance around, as if other people were not worth his attention, he walked straight to the other side of the lecture hall, where the instructors were positioned.

The sound of his black military boots stepping on the ground was deep and steady, masking all surrounding noises.

In that moment, Li Jiao had a kind of illusion, borrowing a very cliché and cheesy phrase, she felt like her Prince had come to fetch her.

If she were to put it bluntly in modern terms, it would be more like, “Damn, my love is walking towards me!”

Li Jiao looked at him, and Zhang Jiuling’s pair of pitch-black phoenix eyes were slender and upward-sloping. At first glance, they were very charming and alluring peach blossom eyes.

However, beneath the handsome sword-like eyebrows, his eyes were filled with a cold and serious aura. He forcefully turned the originally charming eyes into a pair of icy abysses, sharp and intimidating.

One look from him could freeze you to death, and in the meantime, there was a bayonet piercing straight at you. By the time you reacted, you would have fallen to the ground like a stiff ice corpse, with a hollow cavity in your chest.

“Wow, so handsome~”

“Which class is this instructor from? He’s so damn handsome.”

“Oh my god, his looks are out of this world!”

“The series of other people’s instructors—another day where I don’t deserve it.”


The sound of Zhang Jiuling opening the door was heard even in the last row. So, it wasn’t just Li Jiao who saw him.

Hearing the words of the people around her, Li Jiao felt that Zhang Jiuling was like an irresponsible “bad boy,” unwittingly winning the hearts of many girls while remaining oblivious himself.

Simply put, he was just… too “bad.”

But, he was also just too handsome, ahhh—

As Zhang Jiuling walked over, his two long legs stopped right in front of Li Jiao, and his pitch-black eyes looked over, his expression indifferent.

When he had just entered, dozens of gazes were directed at him, but one of them was particularly intense. Even now, the little girl’s gaze was scorching, as if it could burn him alive.

Ha, the light in your eyes is too scorching, burning your Prince to death.

He tilted his head slightly, while the girl tilted hers back, her two little hands gripping the chair back, her eyes shining brightly, unwaveringly fixed on him.

With a smile on her lips, she revealed two dimples, smiling foolishly.


Zhang Jiuling raised an imperceptible eyebrow, somewhat surprised. This little girl wasn’t afraid of him anymore, and now she dared to look at him and smile?

In fact, Li Jiao wasn’t being brave at all; she was simply audacious!

Her smile was as bright as a flower, shining like a little sun as she gazed at Zhang Jiuling, infatuated.

“Instructor, you’ve just arrived.”


Zhang Jiuling responded with a tone that betrayed no change, still as cold as ever.

Glancing at her, the little girl smiled as brightly as the sun, cheerful. Zhang Jiuling’s gaze softened slightly, and he spoke, his voice half cool, half warm.

“Pay attention to the lecture.”

With that, he reached out and turned her head to face the front, towards the platform.

Li Jiao turned around, dazedly looking at the slightly bald Director Shao on the platform, who was speaking animatedly, his gestures lively, spittle flying.

“Students, safety is very important…………”

A few seconds later, Li Jiao snapped back to reality, turning her head again, only to find that Zhang Jiuling had already walked away and sat down in the instructors’ area, in the last row, next to the aisle.

Even among a group of instructors wearing the same attire, he stood out, sitting upright with a straight back. The contours of his profile were sharp and distinct, exuding a cold and handsome aura.

Van Gogh, can you tell me why he’s so handsome?

There were no lights in the audience area, and the overall atmosphere was somewhat dim. Sitting in the last row, Li Jiao rubbed her head, thinking about how Zhang Jiuling had just ruffled her hair, silently grinning like a cute fool.

Looking up at Zhang Jiuling, who was six seats and an aisle away from her, Li Jiao clenched her fists inwardly.

No, she needed to be closer to the instructor!

The instructor was only five or six people away from her, could she not go over?

Her love was within arm’s reach, could she just sit still?

Li Jiao, audacious and courageous, vowed silently, determinedly, nodding her head. She must get closer to the instructor, even if she had to crawl, she would crawl over!

“Excuse me, may we switch seats?”

“Sorry, I, um, have a stomachache, I need to go to the restroom.”

“Thank you, thank you.”

“Excuse me, may we switch seats?”


On the stage, Director Shao was fervently discussing safety education issues, his speech was filled with passion and fervor. It was as if he was saying, “In the high winds of August, roaring fiercely, they sweep the thatched roofs of my house three times over,” yet even that couldn’t stop his impassioned speech.

“Students, our safety education work is urgent, you must listen attentively……”

Looking at his appearance, it was as if he was about to jump on the table, holding a megaphone and passionately shouting, “Students, wake up, you cannot miss out on safety knowledge!”

The students in the audience, who were starting to feel drowsy, were instantly awakened by his occasional loud shouts.

One by one, they stretched their necks, eyes wide open, like a flock of startled geese.

What’s going on?

Ha, your charismatic Director Shao is delivering an impassioned speech online!

However, even with Director Shao’s enthusiastic speech, he couldn’t capture Li Jiao’s attention.

Like a slow-moving, diligent snail, she kept changing seats step by step, getting closer and closer to her goal.

“Excuse me, may we switch seats?”

“Thank you, thank you.”


Finally managing to switch seats from the middle, Li Jiao breathed a sigh of relief.

She swore that she had never worked this hard, even during physical education exams in the past.

Instructor, I’ve given my all for you!

Finally sitting on the aisle, Li Jiao sat up straight, her two little hands obediently placed on her knees, bouncing happily. Hehe, she was definitely one of the closest people to the instructor now.

They were all sitting in the last row, with just an aisle in between.

Hmm, if this were placed in a mythological story from ancient times, what would it be? Cowherd and Weaver Girl, haha, now they’re separated by a Milky Way aisle.

The little weaver Li Jiao turned her head slightly, her eyes sparkling, cautiously glancing at the person next to her, then quickly turning her head back, hehe, so handsome.

Glancing again, he is still so handsome.

She turned her little brain, her eyes constantly darting towards the person. Sneakily looking at them, then quickly retracting.

Just like a little paddle ball, turning the ball around, hitting the drumhead, then quickly pulling it back.

Zhang Jiuling was watching the speech on stage, not wearing his military cap. The handsome profile of his side face was exposed, like a perfectly sculpted masterpiece, with every detail perfected to the extreme, the short and clean sideburns, the high nose bridge, and the defined jawline.

The instructor is so handsome, hehe, glancing again, still so handsome.

One last glance, no no no, one more glance……

Looking again, and again, and again……

Another… this glance, Li Jiao froze, directly colliding with a pair of black as ink eyes, Zhang Jiuling turned to her, and in the somewhat dim environment, his pupils appeared even brighter, somewhat colder.

He silently watched her, furrowing his brows slightly, his eyes carrying a hint of inquiry.

As if saying, What mischief are you up to again?

“In… Instructor.”

Getting caught peeking and feeling embarrassed, Li Jiao felt like covering her face immediately, then turning into a lightning bolt, running out of the lecture hall.

Instructor, I wasn’t peeping at you, I wasn’t coveting your beauty, really!

Zhang Jiuling didn’t say anything, his cold, black as night eyes quietly watching her. The scrutinizing gaze made Li Jiao uneasy, her eyes darting around nervously.

Speaking of which, Zhang Jiuling was quite puzzled. He was just sitting there, attentively listening to the lecture. But there was always a sneaky little glance beside him, constantly peeking at him. Back and forth, repeatedly, almost twenty times.

It’s hard to pretend not to notice.

He really didn’t know what was going on in this girl’s head day by day?

If she’s not listening to the lecture, what’s she looking at him for? It’s not like safety knowledge is written on his face.

Zhang Jiuling remained silent, staring at her all the while, the cold aura becoming more pronounced. Li Jiao had a feeling as if her elementary school teacher had caught her not doing her homework!

What should she do? Should she say something to ease the awkwardness?

Instructor, I’m not looking at you, I’m just, just admiring your face.

I’m not peeping, I’m just, just simply… appreciating, ergh, what am I saying?

Oh no, what should I sayyyyyy…

“Sorry, classmate, could you please let us through?”










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