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Chapter 62:Something strange about the servant! ?

“Oh, Rosa. I heard you’ve been helping out too. It’s tough since so many people suddenly quit. We have to teach the new ones everything from scratch,” Philbert said tiredly.

“You understand clerical work, right? Help out over here too,” he added.

“I’m currently assisting Mother. It must be tough for her to be all alone now, right?” Rosa replied.

“I see. It must be tough over there too,” Philbert said, rubbing his temple wearily.

“Why did they quit suddenly? Wasn’t the pay good at the estate? Or did Father overwork them without breaks?” Rosa inquired.

“Don’t be ridiculous. You know our staff has been with us for a long time. It’s just that suddenly, with a string of misfortunes, people started quitting one after the other,” Philbert explained.

Rosa felt something artificial and shivered.

“So, how did you recruit new staff? It was sudden, yet they gathered quickly. Even though it was urgent, you checked their backgrounds, right?”

Her father looked surprised.

“What’s gotten into you, Rosa? You never showed interest in such matters before. There is no need to worry about their backgrounds. It was urgent, so I asked if there were any available at the palace,” he replied.

“Huh? Does the palace have such a system?” Rosa was taken aback.

“Oh yes, sometimes they lend us senior staff. For the junior ones, we had to rely on an intermediary. Normally, we would interview each one individually, but…” Father trailed off, looking troubled.

“I see. So, can we trust this intermediary?” Rosa asked.

“Oh yes, it’s a shop often recommended by noble families. Probably some of them are reliable. Oh, and the introductions for the senior staff were personally written by His Highness, Prince Alex,” Father added.

“What?” Rosa’s eyes widened.

Seeing her reaction, Father smiled knowingly.

“Don’t worry, Rosa. Even if they’re royalty, we don’t easily owe anyone favors. We properly compensated His Highness, Alex, as well,” he assured.

For the first time, Father seemed naive, and Rosa was confused.

After finishing their tea, Rosa’s mind raced as she walked through the corridor.

(Rosa, think. Why was the ducal family destroyed in the manga?)

Finally, she remembered.

“Ah! That’s right! It’s because they sold important national information to another country.”

That’s why the crime was severe.

(The one who accused them at the time was the Crown Prince, Alex. Could it be that the new staff fabricated evidence?)

After that, Rosa spent the day assisting her mother.

Even without Rosa, the shop could function as usual with the excellent Helena.

That evening, Rosa unusually wrote a letter to Ethan to inform him of the current situation at the Croitzer estate.

There was no one else besides him from whom she could borrow wisdom.

Then, Ethan immediately contacted her to come directly to the mansion.

The next day, after finishing breakfast, Rosa promptly headed to the Griffiths’ residence.

When the butler ushered her into the salon, Ethan soon appeared.

On the elegant tea table in front of her were fragrant tea and pastries neatly arranged, while Ethan sat on the opposite sofa.

“I apologize for barging in suddenly,” Rosa made a rare courteous greeting, but she seemed anxious.

“So, the letter mentioned that there had been a turnover of senior and junior staff,” she began.

“Yes, that’s right. It turned out as His Excellency said. Father mentioned that it’s fine regarding the senior staff because they were recommended by His Highness, Alex. As for the junior staff, he said they were arranged through an intermediary this time,” Rosa explained.

Ethan’s expression darkened upon hearing this.

“Alex… So, do you have the resumes of the senior staff?” he inquired.

“Yes, just to be sure, I transcribed them last night,” Rosa replied, though she was sleep-deprived, it wasn’t the time to dwell on it.

“Then I’ll take these. I’ll look into it,” Ethan said.

“Your Excellency, there’s another matter I’d like to discuss,” Rosa hesitated, which was unusual for her.

“What is it?” Ethan responded casually, which made Rosa feel more at ease.

“Um, I want to create a secret account,” she blurted out.

“What?” Ethan’s reaction wasn’t favorable, but Rosa couldn’t be deterred.

Rosa didn’t want to lose her elegant, ladylike lifestyle, and her family’s future depended on it after their downfall.

“Look! The Croitzer family is wealthy, so we’re always under scrutiny. So, just in case, I want to keep some assets in a place beyond the government’s reach. Do you know of anywhere?” Rosa asked.

Rosa believed that there was definitely a way out in this country.

(Because it existed in my previous life. XX Islands, XX Country, etc.)

Ethan sighed at Rosa’s determination.

“You’ve mentioned something similar before,” he said, after pondering for a moment, he eventually agreed to help her.





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