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Chapter 27-Part 2

When the time comes, she will use the excuse of going to meet the princess halfway with her elder brother. There might be some unexpected incidents on the way; after all, the world is not very peaceful, and bandits often appear.

After she and her elder brother “die,” everything will be as if nothing happened. The envoys from Bo State need not worry, as they must have received Shen Yong’s instructions beforehand not to reveal their secrets.

By then, she and her elder brother will also have new identities, settling in another country without concerning themselves with right or wrong.

The reason for persuading her elder brother is also simple. Just say that her secret is about to be discovered by the crown prince, and her brother will surely agree to fake their deaths in order to protect her.

With these thoughts in mind, Jiang Xiurun let out a long sigh and decided to wake up earlier tomorrow. The renovation project at the Prince’s Mansion is enormous, with countless hidden treasures waiting for her to take. Making a little extra money is always a good thing.

With these thoughts in mind, she snuggled into her blanket, stretched lazily, and fell into a peaceful sleep. In her dreams, she was laughing with her brother on a hill covered in flowers.

The news of the renovation of the Prince’s Mansion quickly spread throughout the city of Luo’an.

Although the list of the prince’s consort has always been kept secret, the craftsmen who worked on the mansion made it clear—there was a residence where the walls were coated with pepper and the exterior was covered in sheep’s milk, obviously prepared for the royal wedding.

The house was beautifully renovated with exquisite materials. It was rumored that even the furniture was ordered anew, and even the cradle for the baby was made of ancient sandalwood.

With such meticulous preparations, could it be that the prince couldn’t wait to have his bride conceive? It seemed like he wanted to have children right after marrying her!

As the nobles gossiped, they were at the residence of the Grand Preceptor’s wife.

A group of noblewomen surrounded Han state princess Tian, flattering her all the way and casually mentioning the prince’s intentions towards the future princess. Marrying the prince would truly be enviable!

Tian Ying’s face was also full of pride. These days, with no word from the prince, she was also anxious, but fortunately, her uncle inquired and found out that the prince seemed to be interested in her. It seemed that he had secretly corresponded with her father as well.

Although the prince’s intentions were kept secret, the extensive renovation of the mansion and Jiang Xiurun’s inquiries about the prince’s preferences hinted at his affection for her. It was said that the fabric of the bed curtains in the bedroom was made of a rare silk from the state of Yan…

How could she not understand the implications of the young master Jiang’s hints?

At that moment, she was overwhelmed with joy, eagerly waiting for the prince to announce to the world that she would become the esteemed Princess of Great Qi.

But happiness in one household means sorrow in another.

While Tian Ying was being showered with attention, Cao Xi, who was once pursued by many, suddenly fell into despair.

Watching Tian Ying’s disdainful and triumphant smile cast her way, Cao Xi’s face turned blue and purple with anger.

No matter how good the feast was, Cao Xi couldn’t eat anymore. She simply left halfway and went to the palace to cry to her aunt.

Empress Wei had just returned from a hot bath in the Cleansing Pool in her palace, attended by the eunuch Mao Yunsheng.

It seemed that she had soaked herself too much just now. The empress walked with a weak and feeble demeanor, only supported by the chief eunuch, and collapsed onto the couch as limp as if she had no bones.

Eunuch Mao, being adept at serving, immediately removed the empress’s shoes and socks, massaging her feet gently.

Listening to Cao Xi’s tearful complaint through the thin veil, Empress Wei lazily responded, “Wu’er hasn’t spoken yet? Why panic? What about that, Tian Ying? What’s her character like?”

Cao Xi gritted her teeth and said, “She’s malicious and sharp-tongued, seems to have brought the licentious atmosphere of Han State’s water villages to Luo’an City. When she first entered the city, she enjoyed flirting with the literati and talents of Luo’an City at banquets…”

She had clashed with Tian Ying since the relay station, and now seeing this fox seducer trying to snatch her imperial cousin, she harbored an irreconcilable hatred towards her.

Empress Wei smiled faintly upon hearing this: “That’s good. I was afraid she’d be too virtuous. Wouldn’t it be unbelievable if we framed her? Since she likes gallants, I’ll arrange for one. For a woman with a tarnished reputation, let’s see how she settles in the fragrant pepper-scented chambers.”

As Cao Xi heard the empress’s casual words, her sobbing gradually stopped, and she hesitated, “Would that… be feasible?”

Empress Wei added, “I heard that at a recent banquet, two young men fought over her. Who were they?”

Cao Xi quickly replied, “One was General Qin Zhao, a close aide to the crown prince, and the other was Jiang Herun, a hostage from the state of Bo, recently recruited by the crown prince…”

Empress Wei, feeling the pressure on her feet from Mao’s massage, just wanted Cao Xi to leave quickly, so she interrupted her, saying, “Qin Zhao broke his leg and hasn’t left the mansion… As for that hostage, I’ll arrange something. You may leave now!”

Cao Xi’s face turned red, and she chuckled softly under the thin veil from the intermittent sensation on her feet. After hearing the empress’s words, she quickly got up and left.

Although she didn’t know what the empress had planned, she felt that, with her aunt’s help, Tian Ying was like a locust in autumn, unable to hop for many days!





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