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Chapter 39-Part 1

Qi Xing hurried home and saw that the shop was empty, with no one around. The shelves were clean, and all the goods had been looted, which startled him.

Without caring about anything else, he desperately called out Qi Huan’s name, but no one answered.

After searching for a long time, when he finally saw his son in the room, anger and anxiety surged in his heart, his eyes went black, and he suddenly fell to the ground.

Tears slid from the corners of his eyes, and Qi Xing tightly covered his lips with his hands, not allowing himself to show any sign of weakness.

Exhausting all his strength, he slowly dragged his body out of the room.

He told himself that he couldn’t collapse; he had to avenge his son!

Qi Xing searched everywhere, and indeed, everyone had met their demise, except he couldn’t find Xu Jiahui.

“Damn it!”

Qi Xing swore to the sky that he would make Xu Jiahui pay with her life.

The news of the Qi family’s extermination quickly spread throughout the entire planet.

For a while, pedestrian traffic on the planet decreased sharply, with most people staying indoors, fearing encountering the crazed killer.

Tang Xin was too lazy to go out, choosing to stay at home and watch Yan Hao practice martial arts every day.

Every move and technique flowed effortlessly, with a natural grace that was indescribable.

As Tang Xin watched, she became infatuated. When she snapped out of it, she couldn’t help but despise herself.

“Ever since I got close to him, I’ve become more and more foolish. How did this happen? I used to be highly intelligent.”

She couldn’t help but be conflicted.

Yan Hao happened to overhear his master’s self-talk, paused in his movements, and a hint of helplessness appeared on his face.

He knew the old saying that women in love had lower IQs.

Once again, his master indirectly confessed to him.

How could a girl not be shy? Yan Hao wondered.

“Are you hungry? I’ll go cook.”

Tang Xin watched Yan Hao enter the kitchen, propping her chin up, feeling irritated. “Can’t I live without any attachments? Why do you have to be so good to me? It makes me unable to control myself, wanting to do foolish things.”

In just a few days, Qi Xing seemed to have aged decades. His hair was white, his eyes lifeless, and his face withered.

“I have only one request: capture Xu Jiahui and let me kill her with my own hands. After it’s done, I’m willing to serve you and even disclose all of the Qi family’s formulas to you.”

Qi Xing remained as calm as water, indifferent to using the formulas as bargaining chips, only desiring to kill Xu Jiahui.

The Qi family had already fallen, a fact that couldn’t be changed.

After hearing the news of the Qi family’s extermination, the staff at the branch stores were all in panic. Meanwhile, other families took the opportunity to poach employees, extending olive branches to them.

Without bothering with polite greetings, some left directly. Others, a bit more courteous, explained their unavoidable circumstances, insisting they had to leave.

Qi Xing grew tired of all sorts of excuses, so he decided to let them go freely.

What was the point of keeping them? Hoping for a comeback?

Qi Xing had no such thoughts.

His beloved wife was deceased, the Qi family business was ruined, and his only son no longer needed his care. What meaning was there for him to live?

The ones he cared for were no longer around, and he couldn’t find a reason to strive and struggle desperately.

Now, all he wanted was to seek revenge and find peace of mind to reunite with his wife and son.

However, with his own strength alone, he couldn’t possibly locate Xu Jiahui.

Without subordinates searching everywhere and reporting back to him, he was like a blind man.

So, Qi Xing decided to cooperate with Father Zhao.

As an exchange condition, he was willing to hand over the formulas and serve the Zhao family from then on.

Father Zhao grinned from ear to ear.

A fifth-level martial artist and a top-notch pharmacist voluntarily coming to join them? What was there to hesitate about?

Father Zhao laughed heartily, “Rest assured, Brother Qi. Xu Jiahui, that wicked woman, is ruthless. She must be eradicated. I will mobilize all my family’s strength to assist you in revenge.”

Once the revenge was accomplished, the Zhao family would gain a great ally out of nowhere. Then, taking over the Qi family’s pharmacy would only further boost their prosperity.

Thinking of this, Father Zhao couldn’t contain his joy, his eyes squinting into slits.

Qi Xing remained indifferent, calmly drinking his tea, seemingly unmoved by anything in the world.

The tragedy of the Qi family’s extermination continued to escalate, gaining more attention.

Lan Yin sat on a leather sofa, idly playing with a jade cup in his hand, occasionally glancing up at the people on the platform. Someone was passionately delivering a long speech, making him feel sleepy.

His father claimed that from now on, the Lan family would rely on him. He had to seize the opportunity while young, go out and see the world, gain experience, and then be sent to participate in various family union meetings.

Lan Yin scanned the surroundings. Except for the Yun family, the strongest one, almost all the families that mattered on the planet were present.

Each family sent representatives to speak, with similar content—everyone had weak relatives on the Huangsha Star. As long as Xu Jiahui remained at large, no one could live in peace.

Lan Yin couldn’t understand why everyone needed to reiterate the importance of this matter when everyone already knew. Shouldn’t they be thinking of solutions and assigning tasks to find Xu Jiahui as soon as possible? Or were they competing for eloquence?

Unfortunately, others didn’t share his thoughts.

Each family wanted to take the lead, to be the one in charge, so they could assign others to do the hard, dangerous work.

Lan Yin suddenly missed Zhao Min. If he were Zhao Min, with no attachments, he could boldly scold this bunch of people without worrying. Instead of sitting here waiting for the meeting to end,.

He couldn’t help but think that if the spaceships on the planet flew more frequently, perhaps Xu Jiahui would have been caught long ago once this bunch finished their squabbling.

After waiting for a long time, finally, the representatives of each family finished their speeches, and they entered the next phase—assigning tasks for each family to search a specific area for Xu Jiahui. Once she was found, she was to be killed without mercy.

As Lan Yin expected, endless wrangling, cursing, and shifting blame began.

Lan Yin felt attending the meeting was a waste of life. Hoping this bunch of people would catch Xu Jiahui was as futile as expecting a pig to climb a tree.

His only question now was when the meeting would end so he could leave.

Recently, Butler Su was feeling very melancholic.

After finally finding a seemingly skilled pharmacist, he accidentally offended her.

With valuable medicinal ingredients and a pharmacist of decent skill, yet his master continued to suffer from illness, unable to recover.

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