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Chapter 22
At once, the situation was chaotic, with laughter resounding continuously.
“Hahaha, what are you doing, Lin Yi? Are you crazy? Why are you falling forward?”
“Zhang Man, why are you kneeling down, hahaha…”
“Yang Yu, do you think you’re giving birth? Hurry up and fall already; stop dawdling.”
“Oh~ shredded pork, you jump, I jump.”
“My sister, I’m not asking you to dance. Come on down!”
“For real, we’ve been holding it up for ages, shredded pork! Hurry up and fall!”
“Son, please, daddy is begging you, hurry up and fall!”
“Oh, no, unless you call me ‘daddy’ again, like you used to.”
“Is that okay? Good son?”
“You big-headed ghost! Hurry up and fall for me!”
“Alright, alright, falling, falling, falling…”
After so many days of military training, this group of kids finally relaxed like this for the first time, laughing and joking around.
Zhang Jiuling suddenly sighed. It seemed that he had really trained them too hard.
“Hahaha, I’m falling, Lulu, I’m falling.”
“Boss, boss, I’m falling, boss, hahaha.”
“Jiaojiao, why are you so light? There’s barely any meat on you.”
Glancing over, he saw that girl pulling someone, happily bouncing around like a child.
With her eyes curved, revealing a set of small white teeth and two dimples at the corners of her mouth, her smile was extremely radiant and charming.
Zhang Jiuling’s lips curled slightly. Was she really that happy? Her lips almost reached the sky with her smile.
Around Class 1, other classes were still training, with various marching drills and running, looking utterly exhausted.
Watching them play so happily, laughing loudly, each of them receiving envy-filled glances.
That’s someone else’s instructor…
In the back of Class 1, the plump instructor from Class 13 saw his students looking around, their eyes seemingly ready to fly away, and scolded,
“What are you looking at? Stand properly, stand properly.”
“Hurry up, hurry up, fifty arm-swing exercises.”
“Ah, it’s arm-swing exercises again.”
A quick-witted boy retorted.
The plump instructor glared.
“Keep talking, you with the big mouth!”
“Say it again a hundred times!”
“Quickly, everyone, arm-swing exercises.”
“One, two!”
“One, two, one…”
The laughter behind him continued incessantly. The plump instructor took off his hat, wiped his hair, squinted his eyes, and glanced in the direction of Class 1.
“How strange; isn’t that the class of the living King of Hell?”
“They’re actually playing games?”
Since returning from Maple Leaf Lake training, additional night training has been added to the daily routine of military training. Afternoon training wasn’t the end; they had to continue after dinner.
On the nighttime military training ground, without the scorching heat of the daytime sun, it was cool and quiet. Occasionally, a gentle breeze blew, and the chirping of cicadas was heard, making it exceptionally comfortable.
“Come on, military boxing!”
“Every move, combat ready!”
“Come on, come on, let’s not do the continuous movements first. Let’s break down this move.”
“Stand straight; don’t move around.”
“Everyone, attention, march! Go!”
“One, two, one, two, one.”
On the brightly lit military training ground, military training was still in full swing. At night, the main focus was on teaching military boxing, and most classes had already learned a lot.
Originally, Li Jiao’s class was also learning military boxing, but then there was a little incident. What kind of incident? She silently cast sympathetic glances towards the front of the formation, where four boys stood stiffly, with their heads held high and chests puffed out, but a bit stiff. Their expressions were a mix of wanting to cry, fear, and nervousness.
Beside them, Zhang Jiuling looked on lightly, his gaze cold, revealing no emotions.
One of the boys glanced cautiously at him and met his icy gaze, instantly freezing like a statue. His expression was agonized, his mouth downturned, and he was on the verge of tears.
Here’s what happened: Their class was practicing military boxing as usual, and everyone was doing fine. Perhaps because Zhang Jiuling allowed them to play games in the afternoon, some of them felt that the instructor had become lenient and started slacking off.
Boys being boys, Zhang Jiuling instructed two of them to practice military boxing together, helping each other correct their movements.
As a result, these four boys didn’t train properly; they were laughing and joking around, and one chubby boy even fell into the nearby flowerbed.
Then, the next moment, they were pulled out of the lineup by Zhang Jiuling.
The current mood of the four boys was one of regret, deep regret. Who gave them the courage to cause trouble under the nose of the king of hell?
“Hey, how do you think the instructor will punish them?”
“I doubt it. I think they might have to run three thousand meters.”
“They’re really asking for trouble, what were Huang Yuan and the others thinking?”
“Sigh… let’s observe a moment of silence for them.”
Hearing the quiet discussion among their classmates in the formation, the faces of the boys turned even paler.
They knew they were in the wrong, they knew it, Instructor.
The four boys stood at the front of the formation, clearly showing signs of wrongdoing. Students from other classes couldn’t help but glance at them a few more times.
After a while, Zhang Jiuling spoke, his voice somewhat chilly, blending with the cool night breeze, making it chilling.
“The first one, the third one, turn left.”
With this sudden command, everyone hadn’t quite grasped the situation yet. They just saw the first and third boys among the four turn left and face the boys behind them.
It was really embarrassing, the four boys staring at each other in pairs.
Several of them couldn’t help but lower their heads, feeling embarrassed.
At this moment, Zhang Jiuling spoke again.
“Raise your heads, look at each other.”
The boys had to reluctantly lift their heads again, extremely unwillingly locking eyes with each other, gazing deeply into each other’s eyes.
All four of them shuddered in unison. Eww, it’s so disgusting.
Class 1’s students felt the same way, all lowering their heads, stifling laughter as they whispered to each other.
“So much homoeroticism.”
“I feel like I’m witnessing true love.”
“Two couples are born.”
Even Li Jiao couldn’t hold it in anymore, lowering her head, biting her lip tightly, her shoulders shaking uncontrollably, and tears almost streaming down her face.
This punishment was really something else.
But little did they know, this wasn’t the end.
After making them stare at each other, Zhang Jiuling then instructed two boys to go to the flowerbed and pick two pieces of dog-tail grass.
“Instructor, we’ve got them.”
The two boys obediently held the picked dog-tail grass, waiting for the instructor’s command.
“Go back to your positions.”
“Yes, sir.”
The two boys obediently returned to their punished position, then heard Zhang Jiuling continue.
“Use the dog-tail grass to scratch each other’s faces. No moving around, no laughing.”
“Otherwise, you’ll have to run five thousand meters.”
“Uh, what?”
The two boys holding the dogtail grass turned their heads in surprise to look at Zhang Jiuling. Seeing his calm expression, they realized he wasn’t going to repeat himself.
Immediately, they felt embarrassed, knowing full well that the instructor never joked around.
Sorry, buddy.
The two boys followed instructions, using the dogtail grass to tickle each other’s faces. The soft grass bristles lightly brushed across their cheeks, causing an itchy sensation. Some instinctively wanted to move but then remembered the consequence of running five thousand meters if they did, so they endured it.
With faces turning red, teeth clenched, they gritted their teeth and endured.
As it turned out, most of the boys performed quite well.
The chubby boy named Huang Yuan. The dogtail grass was still a good arm’s length away from him, yet he jumped up abruptly.
Then he fell to the ground, his chubby body rolling on the ground like a wriggling caterpillar.
“I can’t take it anymore, Instructor, I can’t take it.”
“Hahaha, it’s too itchy, hahaha—”
“I can’t take it anymore, hahaha…”
Among the crowd, a cheeky boy picked up the next line.
“A man shouldn’t say, ‘I can’t take it.'”
Now, the whole class couldn’t hold back anymore, bursting into laughter.
“That’s right, Huang Yuan, how old are you? Can’t handle it?”
“Hahaha, Fatty, you won’t find a wife in the future, haha—”
Huang Yuan didn’t care about all that. After wriggling his chubby body a few times, he crawled to Zhang Jiuling’s side and hugged his leg tightly. With boldness in the face of death, he wiped his eyes, tears streaming down his face.
“Instructor, I really messed up. Please don’t make me run five thousand meters.”
“I messed up, Instructor. With my physique, if I run five thousand meters, I’ll really drop dead on the spot.”
“Instructor, I’m the only child in my family, Instructor. My family relies on me to marry and continue the family line, Instructor.”
“I really can’t run five thousand meters, Instructor! Instructor, ahhh—”
“And, I can do it, I can do it, ahhh—”
Initially, people felt sympathetic towards him, but the last few statements caused another wave of laughter to erupt from the crowd.
After the laughter subsided, everyone actually felt quite nervous and couldn’t help but sweat for Huang Yuan.
Oh my goodness, how bold is Huang Yuan, actually daring to hug the instructor’s leg?!
Isn’t he afraid that the cold face king of hell would just kick him away directly?!
As everyone worried for Huang Yuan, Zhang Jiuling lowered his head, furrowing his brows slightly. He looked at the chubby boy hugging his leg, opened his mouth wide, and let out a miserable cry like a slaughtered pig.
Everyone stared at the two of them closely, afraid that Zhang Jiuling would kick the person next to him directly into the artificial lake.
Amidst all the attention, Zhang Jiuling calmly uttered a sentence.
“In the future, don’t trample on flowers and plants.”
The whole Class 1 collectively tilted their heads, displaying large question marks on their faces.
Huang Yuan’s pig-like wailing abruptly stopped, he swallowed hard, almost choking.
After a few seconds of being stunned, he hurriedly assured,
“Okay, Instructor, I will never trample on flowers and plants again.”
“I will always remember your teachings!”
“I’ll go recite the Great Compassion Mantra for the flowers and plants I just flattened right now, I’ll go now!”
With that, the chubby boy pushed himself up from the ground and dashed towards the nearby flowerbed, panting heavily. Then, he joined his hands together and sincerely recited the Great Compassion Mantra for the flowers and plants.
Witnessed by the entire Class 1: ??????
The instructor punished them just because they trampled on flowers and plants?
Instructor, do you really care so much about flowers and plants?
Huh?? Suddenly, I feel like I’ve discovered something.
Let’s imagine, the stern instructor is actually soft-hearted, extremely compassionate, and deeply saddened when he sees others trampling on flowers and plants.
Oh no, little flowers, you suffered so much, I will definitely seek justice for you!
Hmm… everyone is chilled by their own imagination. Oh my, the scene is so beautiful.
“Hey, Jiaojiao, could it be that the instructor is actually a kind-hearted boy deep down?”
Su linlin leaned against Li Jiao and looked at Zhang Jiuling ahead.
Not hearing any response, Su linlin turned her head, only to see Li Jiao covering her mouth, tears shimmering in her eyes, looking extremely moved.
“Wow, the instructor is indeed handsome and kind-hearted.”

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