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Chapter 51-Part 2

Jiang Liqi said, “You feel that Ji Ran kicked you out, not letting you come back to live, so you want to settle the score with her, even if it means venting your anger.”

Her words hit Jiang Yi’s thoughts perfectly.

She indeed felt that Ji Ran was being too harsh and completely intolerant of her. She didn’t want to let it go like this and wanted to find trouble with Ji Ran.

Jiang Liqi continued, “This time, you took the initiative to provoke her, and you handed her the opportunity to frame you. Although I don’t want to say this, Ji Ran is smarter than you.”

When two kids are together, it’s easy to draw comparisons.

If Ji Ran weren’t Pei Yuan’s daughter, Jiang Liqi might not be able to resist liking such a girl. She was pure and sweet-looking, not to mention her academic achievements; her intelligence was evident.

Jiang Liqi believed Jiang Yi’s words that Ji Ran had broken things in the room herself. However, Ji Qingli saw Jiang Yi in Ji Ran’s room and instinctively assumed that Jiang Yi had come to cause trouble, venting her frustration by breaking things.

Normally, if Jiang Liqi praised Ji Ran and belittled Jiang Yi, it would surely drive Jiang Yi crazy. But this time, she remained silent, quietly listening.

“I was too anxious,” Jiang Liqi sighed. She shouldn’t have hastily brought Jiang Yi back when she was pregnant. It was indeed a well-known case of ulterior motives.

She continued, “Tomorrow, I’ll have someone find you an apartment near the school. Don’t worry; you won’t be wronged this time. I’ll arrange for a maid to take care of your life.”

“Xiao Yi, Mom doesn’t not want to live with you. It’s just that the situation doesn’t allow us to make decisions right now. Don’t worry; as long as there’s an opportunity, I’ll definitely bring you back. Don’t feel aggrieved. Think about those classmates who live in the dormitories. Some of them don’t even see their parents once a month.”

At this point, Jiang Liqi could only make a quick decision.

Fortunately, this time Jiang Yi also understood the situation and didn’t make trouble unreasonably.

On Monday, when going to school, the weather suddenly cooled down by several degrees. When Ji Ran went out in the morning, Aunt Zhao gave her a scarf and gloves to wear.

Her face was particularly small. With the scarf around her neck, her cheeks looked even more delicate.

When she got on the bus, several boys, who also seemed to be high school students, kept staring at her.

When she arrived at the school gate, there weren’t many students yet. As the weather turned colder, more and more students were arriving late, which angered the headmaster so much that he personally stood at the gate, catching latecomers for several days.

Ji Ran adjusted her scarf and breathed out a faint white mist.

The students who lived on campus arrived particularly early in Class 8. Some were secretly eating bread at their desks. After Ji Ran sat down, she put her backpack in the desk hole and glanced at the empty seat next to her.

Although no one was there yet, she inexplicably felt a sense of joy.

It seemed that just the thought of the person sitting beside her made her particularly happy.

As Ji Ran was lost in thought, suddenly the crisp sound of someone tapping on the desktop startled her. When she turned around, Shen Zhi was lazily standing in the aisle with a single shoulder bag.

She was surprised. She hadn’t expected him to arrive at school so early.

Normally, this big shot would only arrive at the classroom precisely on time, neither a second early nor a second late. But now, half of the students in the classroom are still missing.

“How come you’re here so early?” Ji Ran made way for him to pass.

Shen Zhi placed his bag on the desk, turned around, and leisurely sized her up with a somewhat provocative look in his eyes. Finally, he raised his eyebrows and asked in a low voice, “What were you looking at just now?”

Ji Ran smiled. “Do I have to report to you about what I was looking at?”

“Just looking around…” Shen Zhi repeated these four words softly.

Until he lowered his voice and said, “Were you really not thinking about me?”

Even though Ji Ran endured, her ears still felt a bit warm. She pursed her lips, ignored him, and turned to take out her English book, placing it on the desk.

Although Ji Ran didn’t speak, Shen Zhi leaned back in his chair and silently smiled.

After he returned home yesterday, he was in a state of not wanting to do anything because his mind was filled with thoughts of her.

She sat on the Ferris wheel and softly said to him, “Shen Zhi, can you wait for me?”

This sentence was like hitting the replay button automatically, echoing in his mind over and over again.

He could.

She wouldn’t know his patience for her, but it would last a lifetime.

Even though he was only seventeen now, a lifetime for him was so certain.

Gradually, the sounds of classmates studying filled the classroom. Some were memorizing English words, while others were reciting the classical Chinese text assigned by the teacher earlier.

Ji Ran was originally reading the article in her English textbook until she heard the deep voice of the boy beside her.

“I’ve been thinking about you.”




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