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Chapter 52-Part 1

His words were like a slowly melting candy in her heart, so sweet that they made the corners of her mouth involuntarily lift.

Even when it was time for morning self-study to end, Wen Qianxia turned to look at her, a little curious as she asked, “Ranran, why are you so happy today? Did something good happen?”

“Can you tell that I’m happy?” Ji Ran countered.

Wen Qianxia nodded, reaching out to lightly tug at the corner of Ji Ran’s mouth, whispering, “Your mouth is curved into a smile.”

“Oh,” Ji Ran nodded.

Wen Qianxia suddenly became interested, asking, “What’s the matter, after all?”

“Curious?” Ji Ran whispered.

Wen Qianxia immediately nodded, wearing an expression that urged Ji Ran to speak quickly. Just as she stared straight at Ji Ran, waiting eagerly, the girl across from her said calmly, “I’m not telling you.”

Wen Qianxia immediately reached out to tease her, but no matter how she teased Ji Ran, Ji Ran refused to speak.

Until Shen Zhi’s gaze turned coolly towards them.

Bullying someone in front of him.

Fortunately, Wen Qianxia was quite sharp-eyed; she quickly stopped, but she whispered softly, “Ranran, is your birthday coming soon?”

Ever since the last time Wen Qianxia had her birthday, Ji Ran had given her an especially expensive birthday gift, and she had been thinking about Ji Ran’s birthday ever since.

Ji Ran thought for a moment, then shook her head. “It’s still a ways off.”

It was at the end of this month, and when she was younger, she used to look forward to her birthday because her parents would throw her a big birthday party and invite lots and lots of people.

Later, as she grew older, she realized that her birthday party was just a place for Pei Yuan and Ji Qingli to network socially.

Many uncles and aunts gave her expensive birthday gifts, not simply because they liked her but because they wanted to please her parents.

After she matured, Ji Ran no longer had any expectations for her birthday.

After all, no expectations meant no disappointments.

Moreover, this year was the first year since Pei Yuan and Ji Qingli’s divorce. Before they divorced, her birthday always had to maintain the appearance of a harmonious couple.

Wen Qianxia whispered, “It’s okay; I’ll remember it for you.”

She said mysteriously, “When the time comes, I’ll definitely give you a special gift.”

Shen Zhi overheard their conversation, quietly spinning the pen between his fingertips. Indeed, his girlfriend’s birthday was coming soon.

Oh, she should be called his future girlfriend.

At the end of the first class, Mr. Qiao called Ji Ran out to the classroom door.

He whispered, “Ji Ran, you’ve prepared the speech this time, right?”

Ji Ran nodded.

Every Monday during the break between classes, the school would hold a weekly meeting, selecting a student representative to speak under the national flag. This time, it was because Mr.Qiao had chosen her.

Originally, Shen Zhi should have been the first in class, but Shen Zhi refused without thinking.

Ji Ran also wanted to refuse, but Mr.Qiao sighed at her, indicating that their homeroom teacher was under a lot of pressure; after all, this was a task given by the teaching director.

However, if she refused too, it didn’t matter; their homeroom teacher could bear the blame from the teaching director on their behalf.

Looking at the worried expressions of Mr. Qiao, Ji Ran suddenly felt that he was completely different from the gentle and easy-going homeroom teacher at the beginning of the school year.

He had learned to play the victim to make the students obedient.

But thinking about how Mr.Qiao had chosen to believe in Shen Zhi without hesitation when he was wrongly accused of cheating, Ji Ran felt that she should just obediently listen to the teacher and not make things difficult, right?

So, after taking on the task of speaking under the national flag, Ji Ran felt a bit like a virtuous wife helping her husband with social relationships.

Just as this thought emerged in her mind, she quickly shook her head to dispel it.

The break time in winter wasn’t as enticing, and when all the students finally lined up and entered the playground in order according to their classes, the entire playground buzzed with noise.

Because she had to give a speech later, Ji Ran didn’t enter the playground with her classmates but stood by the side with the national flag guard.

The school attached great importance to the flag-raising ceremony and even established a dedicated national flag guard.

Occasionally, during the evening after school, she would see the flag guard students training on the playground, marching in step. At this time, the students of the flag guard were still wearing down jackets, but underneath, they were dressed in neat military uniforms.

Although they stood straight, their eyes kept glancing over at Ji Ran’s direction.

“Is that the school’s beauty queen?” Finally, someone couldn’t hold back and whispered in the lineup.

His teammate beside him blinked.

Fortunately, the team captain at the front immediately reprimanded, “No talking or whispering; how many times have I told you?”

“Last check on your appearance.” When the captain said this, everyone quickly took off their jackets, revealing the slim and crisp military uniforms underneath.

These team members were carefully selected by the school, all of them over 1.8 meters tall.

Even their appearances were somewhat handsome.

As the scene gradually quieted down, accompanied by the stirring music, the national flag guard slowly entered. After the flag-raising ended, the host introduced today’s speaker.

Ji Ran took a deep breath, then slowly walked over after the host finished speaking.

She was also wearing the school uniform of No. 4 Middle School. Because she had a sweater underneath, but the uniform itself was loose-fitting, it didn’t look bulky.

Applause had already started, probably because they heard her name; the applause even seemed to have a lasting quality.

Suddenly, a loud shout came from somewhere in the crowd.

“Ji Ran.”

The teaching director, who had been standing by the playground, observing the situation, was so infuriated that he walked over directly. However, the voice could only determine a certain area, not a specific student.

There was also commotion in Class Eight’s lineup.

Xu Yihang lowered his voice and said, “Ji Ran’s popularity is no joke.”

You know what? They could hear the discussions from both adjacent classes standing here. They were at the back, surrounded by boys, and teenage boys during puberty loved to discuss pretty girls, especially a girl who could be called the school’s beauty queen.

“Wow, Ji Ran looks so beautiful like this.”

“Yeah, she looks amazing, even in the school uniform; unbelievable.”

“How can you guys see her face from here? It’s too far away.”

“Who’s like you, with your 500-degree myopia.”



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