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Chapter 25: The New Lord


“Annie! How have you been?”

Running up to Eva as soon as she entered the mansion was Annie, Eva’s nanny’s daughter and childhood friend. The crybaby Annie was already in tears.

“I’m so glad to see you again.”

“I’m glad to see you too, Annie.”

Having secretly resigned themselves to the possibility that they might never meet again, the two clasped hands and rejoiced at their reunion.

“Annie, if you keep crying like that, the young lady won’t be able to rest. Come, would you kindly show us to the drawing room?”

“Yes, Miss Lily. Eva-sama, Lucas-sama, please follow me.”

With a tearful smile, Annie led Eva and the others to the drawing room.

“Welcome back, young lady.”

Arthur and Lily, who were seated on the sofa, bowed their heads to Eva, who was sitting across from them.

“Arthur-sama! Lily-sama! Please raise your heads!”

Eva exclaimed in a fluster.

“The other day, I received a message from the royal palace’s envoy to inherit the title of border lord.”

Having heard it from the queen, Eva nodded, and Arthur asked with a pained expression, “Are you truly okay with this, young lady?”

Ah, it all makes sense now.

Arthur was an upright and virtuous knight. As her cousin and head of the family, he had supported her father as the commander of the knights for a long time. Despite the circumstances, he was likely not pleased with the idea of inheriting the title instead of Eva, his cousin and daughter of the former head of the family.

“Yes, of course. I would be happy if Arthur-sama became the border lord.”

“Miss, if it’s alright with you, could you please explain the situation to us? We’ve heard some details, but… we’d like to know more.”

For Arthur and the people of the territory, the news of the execution of her uncle’s family must have been shocking.

“Yes, of course. Arthur should know.”

Eva straightened herself up and began to recount the accident involving her parents, as well as the crimes committed by her uncle and aunt and Count Burke. With Lucas supplementing from the perspective of the Dacian Empire, Eva was able to once again clarify what had happened.

“Young lady, I am truly sorry.”

After listening intently, both Arthur and Lily apologized to Eva once more as the conversation ended.

“There’s no need for both of you to apologize to me.”

“No, as the commander of the Border Lord Knights, I failed to notice the situation aiding the lord’s crimes. And I couldn’t prevent the accident involving Lord Klaus and Lady Elizabeth. I am unfit to be a knight commander.”

With a bowed head, Arthur expressed his regret with a pained voice.

“I heard from the subordinates who were interrogated that the former Border Lord took great care not to arouse suspicion from Mr.Arthur. They were quite cautious because if Mr.Arthur had noticed, the corruption would undoubtedly have been exposed. To keep the secret, it’s been said they had designated members guarding the carriages of the human trafficking organization passing through the territory.”

“Yes, those individuals voluntarily surrendered to the Royal Knights as soon as they learned about the incident.”

“I see.”

“They were all in financial need. Not for indulgence or leisure, but for serious matters like family illnesses. They were instructed not to inquire about the cargo, so they faithfully avoided paying attention to it. Since they were in financial distress, they willingly took on that job for extra pay. They were all crying and regretful for their involvement in serious crimes.”

Tears overflowed from Eva’s eyes.

“They weren’t bad people… but they couldn’t defy the lord’s orders…”

Lucas gently touched Eva’s hand.

“It’s okay. The Tifris King’s side should understand the circumstances. They shouldn’t impose severe punishment.”

“If that’s the case…”

After Eva’s voice trailed off, Arthur continued speaking.

“Butler Ian has retired. He too regrets his involvement due to not noticing anything.”

“Ian too…”

Eva had thought of Ian as a loyal retainer to her uncle. She had assumed he was aware of her uncle’s actions.

“It seems he was extremely cautious after Lord Klaus began to suspect him.”

Lucas’s words stirred up complicated emotions.

Did her parents’ deaths even have any meaning…?

“Ian’s resignation has been accepted by the steward who came from the palace. As for Lily’s relative, a person named Marcel will become the butler. I will introduce him to you later, Miss.”

Arthur straightened his posture and looked at Eva.

“I am Klaus-sama’s cousin, but I come from a branch family. I’ve always been studying and working behind the scenes to support the main family. I still believe that it’s only right for you, Miss, or your children to become the head of the household.”

“I don’t think so. Besides, it’s a royal decree. I have expectations that you, Arthur-sama, will become a good lord who considers the welfare of the people. And I would be happy if you took over. You’ve been following my father’s principles regarding the way of the knights.”

“But… what will happen to you, Miss?”

“I’ve decided to go to the Dacian Empire. I’ll visit my mother’s family.”

“Will you not return here anymore?”

Arthur glanced at Lucas for a moment.

“I’m not sure yet. Right now, I’m like a weed without roots.”

Lucas said he would create a place for me, but… whether I’ll be accepted there, whether I’ll feel like it’s my place—that’s another matter.

“Hey, Arthur-sama, I want you to become the border lord. And I would be even happier if we could build a relationship where you would accept me when I come back here.”

“Understood. I humbly accept. Eva-sama, please feel free to come back anytime. This is your hometown, your ancestral home.”

I thought I had no place, but it turns out there was one here too.

How many places can one create as a place to belong?

“Thank you. Please take care of the Stahl family.”

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