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Chapter 55-Part 2

After all, it’s inconvenient to read without electricity.

When Mr.Qiao announced this news, everyone cheered again.

He raised his hand helplessly to quiet them down and whispered, “Hurry up and pack your bags and go home. Don’t be surprised if the school power comes back on before you even reach the school gate.”

So the students below packed their bags at the fastest speed while saying, “Teacher, don’t jinx it.”

Ji Ran also casually packed a few books to take home.

She and Shen Zhi walked out of the classroom one after the other, with Xia Jiangming and the others following behind.

When they all walked to the large square in front of the school’s comprehensive building, suddenly the lights on the top of the comprehensive building flickered a few times, and then most of the lights in the entire building’s offices turned on.

Even the huge red LED light of No. 4 Middle School lit up.

The students who were about to reach the school gate, the students still on the square, and those who had just come down from the teaching building all stood still for a few seconds.


A huge and desperate voice sounded, and then someone rushed towards the school gate.

Before Ji Ran could react, just as she was about to turn her head to look at Shen Zhi beside her, the young man standing next to her grabbed her hand and ran towards the school gate.

At this moment, amidst the noise and laughter, the crowd rushed crazily towards the school gate like a tide.

At this moment, it was also the brightest moment of their youth.

Perhaps it was precisely because of moments like this that youth was called youth.

Ji Ran didn’t calm down until she got home. So much had happened tonight that even lying in bed, she couldn’t calm down for a long time.

So when Wen Qianxia sent her a message, she saw it immediately.

Wen Qianxia messaged her on QQ.

She asked: [Ranran, are you asleep?]

Ji Ran: [No.]

Wen Qianxia didn’t expect Ji Ran to reply to her immediately, so she immediately perked up.

Then Ji Ran’s QQ kept vibrating continuously, showing Wen Qianxia’s unparalleled speed as a single for over a decade and her insatiable gossip heart.

【Do you know? The forum is exploding right now, and everyone is discussing tonight’s confession.】

【I’ve read many posts, although no one dares to say it, but many people guess it’s Shen Zhi.】

【I have to say, they’re pretty clever.】

Ji Ran glanced at her words, feeling indifferent.

After all, in Wen Qianxia’s mouth, the forum of No. 4 Middle School exploded every few days. It seemed like the students at No. 4 Middle School didn’t need to study, and the school’s 98% college acceptance rate was all based on gossip.

In her opinion, Wen Qianxia was exaggerating this time too.

She replied, intending to correct Wen Qianxia.

She said: 【This is a birthday wish.】

Because the real confession was made to her privately.

He said, ‘Thank you for appearing in his life’.

After Ji Ran went home, Shen Zhi didn’t go straight home as usual. Instead, he went to a small bar on Nanping Street. There weren’t many people there at the moment, but on stage, a short-haired girl in a white sweater and wool skirt was singing an English song with a low, soulful voice.

As Shen Zhi walked over, Ren Zhe was wiping a drone in his hand, his movements gentle—even gentler and more delicate than when he touched the girl.

“Not drinking?” Shen Zhi noticed there was only soda water on Ren Zhe’s table and asked softly.

Ren Zhe lowered his head, looking at the drone in his hand, and said in a subdued voice, “Out with my baby, not drinking.”

This thing was his lifeline.

If it weren’t for his solid friendship with Shen Zhi, he would never have taken it out to help with Shen Zhi’s confession. Now he turned to Shen Zhi and smiled. “So, did the little girl feel happy?”

Shen Zhi thought about the scene tonight. Actually, the school’s power outage was beyond his expectations, but unexpectedly, it seemed like even the heavens were helping him.

With the power outage, the entire teaching building was surrounded by darkness.

Only the fluorescent letters on the banner hanging under the drone were dazzling and visible to everyone.

Even in the thick night, Shen Zhi could still see the light in her eyes.

And her words in the morning.

The first snowfall—this time it was her turn to confess.

Ren Zhe picked up the plate of pistachios on the table and threw it directly at Shen Zhi, something that even Xia Jiangming and the others, who were so familiar with Shen Zhidan, wouldn’t do.

As for Ren Zhe, his friendship with him was indeed deep. When Shen Zhi first arrived in City B, the first opponent he encountered was Ren Zhe.

As a mathematical genius, he was bound to encounter other geniuses along the way.

Ren Zhe was the mathematical genius that Shen Zhi encountered and ruthlessly defeated. In a math competition, Ren Zhe was directly defeated by Shen Zhi.

But Ren Zhe wasn’t arrogant as a genius.

Instead, he regarded Shen Zhi as a worthy opponent, and over time, the opponent became a friend.

Ren Zhe entered college earlier than Shen Zhi. To be precise, he entered the junior class at the university when he was sixteen. It was Shen Zhi, his former opponent, who sank into decline and became a feared school bully along the way.

Ren Zhe looked at him and said, “Why are you laughing like that? Should this expression appear on Shen Zhi’s face?”

Shen Zhi half-sank into the sofa.

Even though he had been hit by Ren Zhe, he didn’t bother to move an inch. With his palm lightly against his head, he said calmly, “You don’t understand.”

Ren Zhe immediately showed a disgusted expression on his face. “They say women change their minds quickly, but I find men are the same.”

Speaking of which, this drone wasn’t his. It belonged to his mentor. It’s just that he secretly borrowed it. Luckily, nothing unexpected happened today; otherwise, he would probably have been beaten to death by his own mentor.

“What’s so good about dating? It’s better to study hard and contribute to the country early.”

Ren Zhe said this with a serious yet humorous tone.

It sounded particularly amusing.

Seeing him remain silent, Ren Zhe thought he had convinced him. As one of the teenage geniuses, Ren Zhe felt that Shen Zhi, a talented person, shouldn’t have fallen to the level of being a school bully.

This was indeed a bit unacceptable.

So he said earnestly, “Ah Zhi, think about it. You once won the math gold medal, and you had a place in the junior class. But now, are you willing to always be at the bottom of the class?”

It’s not that Ren Zhe looked down on the other students at No. 4 Middle School. He just felt that even if Shen Zhi closed his eyes during exams, he shouldn’t be the last one. The matters of the Shen family weren’t really a secret.

As Ren Zhe was passionately discussing and preparing to pull back the wayward teenager trapped in the mud, Shen Zhi turned to him and asked, “Have you ever been in love?”

Ren Zhe was actually taken aback by his question.

“Do you know what it feels like to be liked by someone?” Shen Zhi continued.

Ren Zhe: “…” He didn’t know.

But when he saw the look in Shen Zhi’s eyes—that “I knew you definitely wouldn’t know” expression—it was too piercing.

Ren Zhe couldn’t help but say, “I study hard to serve the country.”

Ren Zhe’s future direction was in the field of drones, the most advanced technology of which is currently in the United States. China was still in the nascent stage. Therefore, many high-tech professionals and reserves had a desire to surpass the United States.

It wasn’t surprising that Ren Zhe often talked about serving the country; it was just his mentor’s personality.

It can only be said that students turn out to be what their mentors teach them.

Seeing him stubbornly resisting, Shen Zhi couldn’t help but laugh lightly. His tone wasn’t heavy, but rather relaxed: “And do you know what it feels like to study with someone you like?”

Ren Zhe: “…” This time, he really didn’t know.

Just as Ren Zhe was about to erupt, Shen Zhi glanced at him indifferently. “Weren’t you not the first in your junior class?”

Ren Zhe was indeed a genius, the genuine kind that didn’t discount anything. But what was the junior class? It was a place where talented youths from all over the country gathered.

“You are a genius, and others are geniuses too. Everyone is used to being the first.”

Shen Zhi continued, “I am now the top student in the whole school.”

This statement was like pouring hot oil on a fire. Ren Zhe couldn’t sit still anymore and jumped up, saying, “My class was the junior class. If you have the ability, try it yourself.”

Shen Zhi still had that lazy look, lounging in the booth. He raised his head slightly and smiled, “Do you think I’m afraid of anyone?”

Ren Zhe suddenly froze.

Geniuses have their pride, and Ren Zhe was no exception. But being able to bow down to his greatest opponent and friend—maybe it was because of Shen Zhi’s fearless attitude from the beginning that completely convinced him.

Yes, who was Shen Zhi afraid of?

Although most teachers didn’t see the drone and fireworks celebration because they were in a meeting in the auditorium, they were not unaware of what was happening on the internet.

Especially some teachers who wanted to get close to the students and understand what they were thinking.

But these past two days, the entire internet has been discussing one thing: who was behind the romantic fireworks and drone confession on Christmas Day?

At first, nobody recognized the drone. Later, some people who knew about it recognized it, and gradually, everyone knew how precious that thing flying in the sky that day was.

Mr.Qiao was a young teacher, and it just so happened that he was the kind of class teacher who liked to read internet forums to get closer to his students.

But this time, he found it somewhat unsettling.

Because the whole forum was full of rumors about the students in his class…


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