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Chapter 55-Part 3

【The Ambiguous Relationship Between Bigshot Shen and the School Belle】

【The Earth-shattering Confession on Christmas Eve at Fourth Middle School, Who Is the Mysterious Pursuer of the School Belle?】

【I’m just going to say it straight, that person must be Shen Zhi】

【Shen Zhi & Ji Ran, A Youthful Love Song】

Speaking of Shen Zhi, when he first started teaching, some colleagues with good relationships did warn him about the rich young master with poor grades and a bad temper, advising him to turn a blind eye to it.

However, after Mr.Qiao spent some time with Class 8, he found that Shen Zhi was not the kind of student rumored by the outside world.

Sure, his academics were a bit lacking, but he only slept in class and didn’t cause trouble. Moreover, he didn’t lead the students in the class to make trouble either. On the contrary, his presence had a calming effect on Class 8, like a big Buddha suppressing them.

As for Ji Ran, Mr.Qiao and the others thought she was an excellent student. In his opinion, she was just a little too beautiful and easily attracted attention.

The reason they were seated together initially was because everyone chose their own seats. Later, Mr.Qiao also suggested changing the seating arrangement for the entire class, but at that time, everyone was strongly against it.

In order to demonstrate his democracy and attentiveness to student opinions, Mr.Qiao put the matter of changing seats on hold.

After the mid-term exams came out, both Shen Zhi and Ji Ran scored over 700 points, just like exam maniacs.

Mr.Qiao never thought about separating the two.

While he was lost in thought, he saw a teacher in the office pouring water at the water dispenser, rubbing his waist uncomfortably and saying, “We work so hard here to earn a month’s salary, yet the money that we make is not as much as what a student would spend chasing a girl all night.”

“Teacher Wu, who are you talking about?” Another teacher heard this and raised his head curiously.

Teacher Wu smiled and said, “Isn’t it Shen Zhi from Class 8?”

At this moment, Mr.Qiao heard the words ‘Class 8’ and ‘Shen Zhi’ and lifted his head to look at Teacher Wu. He asked, “Teacher Wu, is there something wrong with Shen Zhi?”

Teacher Wu was actually the Class 6 homeroom teacher. She didn’t really have any complaints about Shen Zhi, but suddenly two students from Class 8 scored over 700 points, and recently, Mr.Qiao had been praised by the dean and school leaders too many times.

Not to mention that the other homeroom teachers couldn’t compete; even the homeroom teachers of Class 1 and Class 2 were not as prominent as him.

Class 8—well, they were just too conspicuous, attracting too much attention.

When Teacher Wu heard Mr.Qiao’s question, she immediately smiled and exaggeratedly said, “I say, Teacher Qiao, you must not know yet. Shen Zhi in your class, in order to pursue Ji Ran in your class, organized such a grand and lively event with fireworks and drones. These students really are wasteful. Parents pay money to send them to school; is it for them to fool around?”

In her words, there was a taste of reprimand.

Mr.Qiao didn’t say anything, but a teacher beside him spoke up, saying, “It might not necessarily be Shen Zhi. Besides, I noticed that Shen Zhi scored over 700 points in the midterm exam this time, which is a clear improvement compared to before.”

The matter of Shen Zhi scoring over 700 points was not only discussed among students privately but also among teachers.

A student couldn’t improve so drastically in a short period of time, but since the grades were earned by his own efforts, it indicated that he hadn’t taken exams seriously before.

So, many people envied and were jealous of Mr.Qiao and his class. Class 8 was originally considered a class no one wanted—a garbage class.

But now, they had a transfer student who scored over 700 points, and even students who used to be at the bottom could score over 700 points.

This year, there must be an outstanding teacher like Mr.Qiao.

The awards for outstanding homeroom teachers and such were probably a given.

Teacher Wu took the opportunity to deliberately say, “Can scores determine everything? Does that mean we should let these two students corrupt the school atmosphere just because of their scores? Teacher Qiao, I’m not trying to scare you, but you really need to manage this matter well.”

Mr.Qiao wasn’t intimidated by her, but he was somewhat worried deep down.

After all, these two students were indeed high-risk students, in the prime of their youth at sixteen or seventeen, and Mr.Qiao had experienced it too. Besides, it had only been about ten years since he graduated from high school.

He understood that naive and awkward feeling of youth very well.

So, after much thought, Mr.Qiao decided to have a good talk with them.

Originally, he wanted to talk to them one by one, but then he thought that this matter should be discussed openly. In case one of them really had feelings or if there was something between them, as a teacher, he should also take responsibility for helping them sort out such emotions.

Mr.Qiao had thought it through thoroughly. For the sake of their dignity, he deliberately chose a time when no other teachers were in the office and called them over.

It happened to be during evening self-study time, and the teachers on evening duty were all in the classrooms.

At this time, it was quiet and undisturbed, just the right time.

Ji Ran was diligently doing her homework in the classroom when Mr.Qiao arrived at the window next to their seats and lightly tapped on it. Initially, Ji Ran thought he was calling her.

Later, she realized he wasn’t just calling her, but also Shen Zhi.

As they walked out of the classroom one after the other, a buzzing sound filled the classroom, indicating that everyone probably guessed what was happening.

In a low voice, Wen Qianxia said, “Will Ran Ran and Big Boss have any problems?”

Her deskmate Fang Sha whispered, “I guess it’s definitely because of the Christmas incident. Our teacher Qiao has been quite patient. It’s surprising he’s only talking to them now.”

Wen Qianxia immediately worried, “Do you think they’ll change their seats?”

“Definitely. Think about it. Which class has boys and girls sitting together? It’s always boys with boys and girls with girls. It’s much easier for things to happen between boys and girls. Moreover, they’re such a handsome guy and a beautiful girl pairing. Even if there are no feelings, looking at such a good-looking face every day, wouldn’t you be moved?”

Wen Qianxia was stunned for a moment but nodded.

Yes, she would be.

When Ji Ran stood next to the teacher’s desk, she was surprisingly calm herself. In fact, Shen Zhi beside her was also quite composed, both wearing a particularly calm expression.

On the other hand, Mr.Qiao seemed to be still undecided on what to say or how to approach them, with a worried look on his face.

Luckily, there were no other teachers present in the office, or else this scene would have been quite comical.

The teacher conducting the conversation wore a troubled expression, as if unsure how to start.

The students being talked to remained calm and composed.

After a while, Mr.Qiao finally spoke up, saying, “I wanted to talk to you about the seating arrangements in our class. Usually, seats should be changed every half semester. Do you think it’s appropriate?”

Ji Ran didn’t say anything, but Shen Zhi beside her lowered his gaze slightly and said, “It’s appropriate.”

Mr.Qiao didn’t expect Shen Zhi to agree with him and was pleasantly surprised. “Right, since you both think it’s appropriate, then tonight…”


Suddenly, Shen Zhi spoke up again.

Mr.Qiao was going to say that since they both agreed, he would spend some time tonight rearranging the seating chart.

He looked up at Shen Zhi, feeling happy, and asked, “What is it?”

Shen Zhi said, “In other classes, the top student can choose their deskmate first, right? Can’t I do the same?”

Mr.Qiao knew about this. Indeed, some classes would allow the top student to choose their seat first.

Before Mr.Qiao could respond, Shen Zhi continued, “I chose Ji Ran as my deskmate because I feel like in our class, only the two of us have similar study habits.”

Upon hearing this, Mr.Qiao was speechless for a moment. Instead of rebutting his statement, he thought of the third-ranked student in Class 8. The third-ranked student had scored over 650 points in the last exam, a full fifty points lower than the first and second places.

At that moment, the third-ranked student, completely unaware of what was happening, sneezed loudly in the classroom.

Ji Ran was somewhat shocked by Shen Zhi’s statement. She probably anticipated what Mr.Qiao wanted to discuss with them, but she didn’t expect Shen Zhi to refuse to change seats for this reason.

This was undoubtedly telling the teacher, “The other students are too academically challenged for me. I can’t stand them.”


Classmate Shen, your reason for refusal is really outrageous.

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