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Volume 1 (Human World): Chapter 1

Since who knows what year, Shang Gu’s hobby of strolling around the mortal realm for leisure has disappeared. By the time Shang Gu realized it, she had been leisurely enjoying herself in her star-picking pavilion for about ten years, watching the stars fall and sink.

Yue Mi knew about this matter.

She had a decent hobby of collecting treasures, so she would often wander into the Gu Palace and bring back some good stuff to her mansion. Shang Gu couldn’t be bothered to argue with her, turning a blind eye as if she hadn’t seen anything, until Yue Mi set her sights on the Flowerless Wine.

As the name suggests, Flowerless Wine is brewed from the fruits of the Flowerless Tree. This tree is both proud and difficult to serve. It bears fruit once every fifty thousand years, and the wine it produces can even intoxicate the true gods if they drink too much. It’s extremely rare and truly a treasure.

Yue Mi loved good wine. For several years, she had been pestering the Flowerless God for Flowerless Fruits, but she was always sent away by the stubborn old god with his walking stick until the tenth year. She stormed into the old god’s cave, snatched his cane, and used it as firewood. Only then did the Flowerless God start lamenting with tears and snot.

“Oh, my Yue Mi, Shang Gu the True God, has guards and extracts its essence every year; if you have the ability, don’t show off in front of me, a minor god. Go cause trouble at the Gu Palace! Don’t say I can’t keep it; I’ve been guarding my own doorstep for over ten years, and not a single fruit pit has been left behind…”

With resentment, Yue Mi, who was unbeatable in the god realm, stormed into Gu Palace.

She was bold, sneaking around the treasure pavillion and the wine brewery in the palace, but she couldn’t find a single fruit pit. Not only did she alarm the palace guards, but she was also brought before Shang Gu herself.

“Do you have no shame? Stealing is one thing, but stealing so blatantly? And getting caught by the guards on top of that,” Shang Gu said, holding a teacup with an air of divinity.

Yue Mi rolled her eyes and chuckled twice. “As if I’m any worse than you? The Flowerless God hasn’t dropped a single Flowerless Fruit in ten years, and you have the nerve to talk?”

Shang Gu squinted her eyes, understanding. “You want Flowerless Wine?”

“Friendship of over a hundred thousand years, can I have a few jars?”

Yue Mi sat upright, trying to leverage their relationship.


Shang Gu refused without hesitation and began to usher Yue Mi away.

“I’ve only brewed ten jars in ten years. Don’t even think about it.”

“What’s the point of coming here if you’re not hosting a wedding banquet?”

Yue Mi is as mischievous as a monkey.

Noticing Shang Gu’s absent-mindedness, her eyes drifting towards the Peach Abyss Forest, she had a sudden realization and dashed towards Shang Gu.

“What were you just looking at?”

Shang Gu raised a meaningful eyebrow. “What do you think?”

Yue Mi drew in a sharp breath, her hand trembling as she pointed towards the Peach Abyss Forest.

“It can’t be what I think, can it?”

Bai Jue loved good wine, especially Flowerless, which was well-known throughout the realm.

“It’s exactly what you think,”

Shang Gu’s voice said it at just the right moment.

Yue Mi was momentarily confused but then realized that she had inadvertently played a part in this good deed.

Ten years ago, on her birthday, feeling kind-hearted, she took Shang Gu to witness the scene.

Shang Gu had left without a word, and she thought nothing would come of it. She had even felt sorry for Bai Jue for a few days, assuming it was a lost cause. She hadn’t expected Shang Gu to take it to heart like this.

Feeling somewhat betrayed as a matchmaker herself, Yue Mi exploded, “You two always sat together so politely, almost like a model True God couple, but you hid it so well!”

Shang Gu gave the mischievous goddess a sideways glance, pointing towards the Peach Abyss Forest. “Why are you angry? You knew before him.”

Yue Mi froze, turned around, and was quite disbelieving. “He didn’t know?”

“No, he didn’t.”

“You’ve delivered your wine to him?”

“I have, every year.”

“Is he really stupid?”

Flowerless Wine was a true treasure, requiring immense divine energy even for a true god to brew, let alone preserve.

“When I sent someone to deliver it, I said it was a gift from Zhiyang. He didn’t know it was brewed by me.”

Yue Mi was puzzled and probed Shang Gu’s forehead.

“Are you stupid? Loving someone quietly for over ten years, doing so much, why didn’t you tell him?”

Shang Gu shook her head solemnly. “It’s still not enough.”

She looked in the direction of the Peach Abyss Forest, where Bai Jue, the True God in white, sat leaning against a tree, his black hair and handsome face unparalleled across the six realms.

“It’s still not enough,” Shang Gu repeated, then turned her head.

“Just ten years. How could I dare to go to him and return his thousands of years of waiting?”

Yue Mi glanced at Bai Jue and understood the meaning behind Shang Gu’s words.

To have poured out all one’s love for tens of thousands of years to someone like that, even for a figure as mighty in the god realms as Shang Gu, upon realizing it, there would be unease and apprehension.

Truly, it’s a deep affection… perhaps even more than that… Yue Mi looked at Shang Gu, her eyes softening.

They truly were a pair of clueless ones; she was so worried about her friends.

Yue Mi didn’t obtain Flowerless Wine, but she left the Gu Palace with a smile.

Half a month later, a minor disturbance erupted in the mortal realm. As per usual, the Lord of the Heavenly Realm, Huang Hun, reported the matter, and Yue Mi, who was responsible for the three realms’ military affairs, saw the report.

She acted decisively, sending a letter to Bai Jue, suggesting that, as the esteemed True God, he should inspect the ongoing military affairs in the mortal realm.

Bai Jue, who had ignored worldly matters for thirty thousand years, paid no heed to Yue Mi’s meddling.

Little did he know that Yue Mi’s letters would come like snowflakes three times a day, filling the entire god realm with curiosity, assuming chaos in the three realms and the collapse of the mortal world.

Overwhelmed by the nuisance, Bai Jue found a quiet morning and quietly descended to the mortal realm.

Since he had descended to the mortal realm, Bai Jue, with his temperament, would never make the trip for nothing. Transforming into a mortal, he journeyed eastward, heading towards the capital city. Along the way, he witnessed the joys of mortal life, finding solace in them.

Half a month later, he arrived at Chang’an, just in time for the Lantern Festival, where the mortal realm was adorned with lanterns and jubilation filled the air.

While the god realm also had its lively days, being the esteemed True God he was and with his aloof nature, nobody dared to be presumptuous in his presence, making the past few tens of thousands of years rather dull.

Suddenly, amidst the liveliness of the mortal realm, he couldn’t help but shake his head and chuckle softly.

“No wonder so many have been reluctant to return home for hundreds or even thousands of years. It turns out they’ve been enchanted by the mortal world.”

After completing his inspection of the mortal realm and witnessing the festivities, Bai Jue thought he could depart. However, before he could speak, the crowd ahead erupted with lively chatter and laughter, accompanied by a familiar and domineering voice.

“Innkeeper, if you lose again today, these ten casks of the Nu’Er Hong wine will all be mine. Don’t you dare play tricks. The entire populace of Chang’an is watching!”

Bai Jue’s calm and unruffled eyes rippled with emotion. He strode forward with his hands behind his back, his robes billowing, forcefully carving a path through the crowd until he reached the forefront.

Standing before a tavern, a tall young man with phoenix-like eyes stood with hands behind his back, exuding an arrogant air. It was none other than Shang Gu, disguised as a man.

Accustomed to seeing her in her divine robes, this attire was a rare sight indeed.

Bai Jue would never admit it, but just now, as a true God, he almost released a divine energy to clear the way and catch a glimpse of the person he had been longing to see.

Since Yue Mi’s birthday celebration ten years ago and Shang Gu’s return to the ancient god realm, they had occasionally crossed paths, but always with other gods present, and they had never had a chance to be alone together.

Although it was noisy here, after all, it was the mortal realm.

Within the crowd was a small tavern named Qin Chu, adorned with a flag bearing the inscription “A Hundred Years of Inheritance.”

The tavern was not large in size, but the aroma of wine inside was intoxicating.

Especially notable were the ten casks of dusty Nu’Er Hong wine in front of the tavern; even Bai Jue couldn’t resist taking a whiff.

Listening carefully to the words of the people around him, he finally understood the reason for the excitement in this place.

During the lantern festivities, coinciding with the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Qin Chu Tavern, the owner brought out ten casks of Nu’Er Hong wine passed down from ancestors and set up a ten-day challenge.

They announced that any wine establishment in the Central Plains could bring their own wine to compete. As long as it could rival the Nu’Er wine from the Qin Chu Tavern, they could take away a cask.

However, on the day the challenge was set, a young man dressed in gold colored clothing appeared in Chang’an. With a divine appearance, he came daily, bearing various types of wine, unheard of yet capable of rivaling these ten casks of Nu’Er Hong wine.

Within a few days, the fame of the young man in gold colored clothing spread, even reaching the palace. Today was the final day, and the people of Chang’an had long been waiting eagerly.

In nearby teahouses and towers, many aristocrats’ and officials’ children gathered, and even members of the royal family came to watch the excitement.

As expected, when the time arrived, the young man in gold colored clothing arrived with his wine. The nobles in the teahouse were not ordinary people; they noticed the air of the young man resembling the literati of the Wei and Jin dynasties.

Intrigued, they thought he must come from a prestigious family and were eager to make his acquaintance. They sent people to inquire about the young man’s background.

In front of the Qin Chu Tavern, after tasting the wine for nine days straight, the owner was also deeply impressed by the young man. Though he heard the young man’s boastful words, he still smiled and said, “Young sir, if you have good wine, feel free to bring it out. The Qin Chu Tavern has stood for a hundred years. If we lose, we will sincerely accept it.”

After speaking, he eagerly looked at the wine jar in the young man’s hand, almost stepping forward to open it himself.

Bai Jue, on the other side, was also curious. Although it was the mortal realm, the ten casks of Nu’Er wine from the Qin Chu Tavern were no less than the god realm’s rare wines, surpassing even half of his cellar. Shang Gu would never find as many good wines to compete with it.

Even if she did, after nine days, it would be difficult to find a rare wine that could surpass the Nu’Er Hong wine of Qin Chu Tavern.

With Bai Jue’s expertise in wine, if he said he didn’t have it, then he truly didn’t have it.

Under the streetlights, the young man in Jin-style clothing glanced at the wine jar in his hand, a rare hint of regret in his eyes. Five thousand years of cultivation, and now it was given away to the people of this city.

He stretched out his arm, and the wine jar flew into the sky. The seal on the jar opened, and the entire jar of wine formed a vortex in the air before landing securely in the young man’s arms. It was just a brief moment, but the aroma of the wine filled the streets, intoxicating everyone.

As the aroma of the wine wafted over and the people appeared intoxicated, Bai Jue was taken aback.

It turned out to be Flowerless Wine.

Flowerless fruit was extremely rare in the god realm, and for the past ten years, it had been taken by Zhiyang to brew wine and sent to his palace. How could Shang Gu have it?

“Innkeeper, taste this! My wine is called Flowerless. Perhaps it can surpass your Nu’Er Hong?”

Shang Gu pushed forward, presenting the Flowerless Wine to the owner of the Qin Chu Tavern with boldness.

The tavern owner was always pleased with good wine and had been craving Flowerless Wine for a long time. He was overjoyed and was about to take the wine when he remembered something and asked, “I’ve heard of some past events. Can you clarify, young sir?”

“What’s the matter?”

“Ten years ago, it was the Zhao family in the west; nine years ago, the Bai family in the south of Jin; six years ago, the Hu family in the north of the desert; and three years ago, the Liu family in the Central Plains. They were all challenged to a wine duel by a newcomer and were all defeated. Dare I ask if the young sir is from one of these prominent families?”

Over the past ten years, the prominent wine-making families of the dynasty, including the Qin Chu Tavern, have all been thoroughly defeated by newcomers. Judging by the young man’s age, he couldn’t be the one, but he must have some connection.

Upon hearing this, the surrounding people gasped in shock, looking at the young man in gold colored clothing with newfound respect, speculating which noble family of the dynasty still possessed such skill.

Shang Gu was surprised. She hadn’t expected that her ventures into the mortal realm for wine competitions would draw attention like this.

“Innkeeper, today’s wine duel is between you and me. Why bring up those old matters?”

Shang Gu waved impatiently, splashing a few drops of wine.

“Are you going to drink this Flowerless Wine or not?”

“Oh! Yes, yes!”

The tavern owner was merely curious, but seeing the wine spill on the ground, he felt a pang of regret and hurriedly reached out to catch it.

“I’ve been eagerly waiting to taste it!”

Little did he know, before he could catch it, a hand reached out from the side and deftly took hold of the wine jar.

The owner of the Qin Chu Tavern missed his grab and looked up, only to be stunned.

Clad in white, the young man wore a belted robe. With ink-black phoenix eyes and a strikingly handsome appearance, he exuded an unmatched elegance.

Standing beside the young man in gold colored clothing, the slender hand held the wine jar, and he gazed at the owner of the Qin Chu Tavern.

“Though my younger brother may still be inexperienced and young, it’s needless to snatch away the cherished heirloom that has been cherished through generations at the tavern. There’s no need to escalate the competition any further; we’ve admitted a loss.”

With that, he nodded slightly at the owner of the Qin Chu Tavern, one hand holding the wine and the other gripping Shang Gu’s still-dazed hand, and walked away from the crowd.

With an otherworldly air about him, wherever he walked, the crowd parted ways.

Watching the departure of these two brothers, the tavern owner felt both happy and regretful. He was happy that he could finally keep the last cask of the family heirloom, but regretful that the Flowerless Wine was extraordinary, something he had never tasted in his life.

It was a great pity!

Bai Jue, adopting the demeanor of an aloof deity, disappeared into the bustling streets of Chang’an, leaving behind a crowd of onlookers and admiring aristocratic children.

When Shang Gu was pulled away from the Qin Chu Tavern by Bai Jue, she hadn’t come to her senses. It was only after a few steps that she realized it.

She looked with interest at the hand holding hers.

Wondering if this fool had finally figured out that the Flowerless Wine was brewed by her?

Had he understood her intentions?

Would he bravely confess?

When he turned around, what would he say to her?

This was too sudden; how should she respond?

Should she be reserved or bold in her response?

Should she just take advantage of this auspicious day and drag him back to the Gu Palace to settle things?

As Shang Gu, True God, who had lived for over a hundred thousand years, took this rare stroll, her mind raced with a thousand thoughts, her heart fluttering with excitement, yet her face remained composed, giving nothing away.

As they walked halfway down the street, with the hand she held growing warmer, Bai Jue suddenly realized he was holding the hand of another True God.

Turning back calmly, under Shang Gu’s expectant gaze, he finally uttered the first words.

“Nonsense. The Flowerless Wine is brewed with the divine energy of Zhiyang. If you use it to drink with mortals, they might extend their lifespan by hundreds of years at the least or ascend directly to immortality at the most. You’ve caused chaos in the cycle of life and death. The boundary between ghosts and immortals has been disrupted. After presiding over both realms for tens of thousands of years, how can you still exhibit such childish behavior?”

As he spoke, he casually straightened out Shang Gu’s slightly disheveled clothes.

Bai Jue was always calm and composed. Even when advising Shang Gu like this, his demeanor remained gentle. However, the protective tone in his words and the intimacy in his actions, which Shang Gu hadn’t noticed in the past, are now clearly perceived.

Although not a single word she expected came out, Shang Gu listened with a heart full of joy. She tugged at Bai Jue’s sleeve, momentarily casting aside the dignified and unrestrained demeanor of a realm ruler, revealing a rare hint of her youthful playfulness.

“Just let these people have a bit more good fortune. Since they’ve brewed such good wine, they deserve this blessing.”

If someone with such brewing skills were to die early, who would brew wine for Bai Jue?

Shang Gu had a clear understanding of this matter. If not for Bai Jue inadvertently blocking her, she would have been happy to continue nurturing these mortals.

Bai Jue knew Shang Gu’s unconventional ways, and considering her youthful nature, he refrained from reprimanding her further.

“Where did you get the Flowerless Wine? Did you get it from Zhiyang?”

Just a moment ago, Shang Gu was full of ambition and enthusiasm, but now, realizing that Bai Jue hadn’t yet understood her intentions, she suddenly became bashful, pretending to laugh it off.

“Yeah, that’s right. Over these years, I don’t know what’s gotten into Big Brother. He’s been solely focused on brewing wine. I had nothing better to do, so I asked for a jar to take down to the mortal realm for a drinking contest.”

“If you want some, just come to my palace. He sends a jar every year, and there are still four or five left in the wine cellar. Why bother asking him?”

Shang Gu was lazy by nature. Normally, a drinking contest was fine, but spending ten years in the mortal realm searching for wine was clearly out of character. Could it be…

Bai Jue knew about his own preferences, and suddenly his heart surged with disbelief, followed by ecstatic joy.

Could it be that Shang Gu was collecting good wine for him? Just the thought of it caused ripples in his heart, which had remained calm for millennia, leaving him feeling a bit unsettled.

Shang Gu, fearing that Bai Jue would catch on, nodded repeatedly, trying to change the subject.

But unexpectedly, Bai Jue’s voice turned serious, and he asked directly, “If you don’t like wine, why engage in drinking contests in the mortal realm?”

Just as she feared, Shang Gu took a deep breath, hoping to conceal her true feelings, and hastily replied, “You and the others all enjoy wine. I’ll win more in the mortal realm to offer as a birthday gift when I return to the god realm.”

“All enjoy wine?”

With just that one word, “all,” Bai Jue’s eyes deepened, suppressing the emotions that surged within him.

His ink-black pupils returned to tranquility.

He remained silent for a while, until Shang Gu sensed that something was amiss. Then he stepped back, his gaze calm and serene.

“I see. Then I’ll be looking forward to your birthday gift this year.”

Among the four true gods of the ancient god realm, aside from Bai Jue, Tianqi also enjoyed wine.

He had initially thought she was acting intentionally, but perhaps he had read too much into it.

Before Bai Jue could even mock himself, his hand was grabbed by someone. Shang Gu hadn’t reverted to her divine form yet; she still appeared as the young man from earlier.

Holding Bai Jue’s hand, she smiled sincerely.

“Rare to be in the mortal realm. Today is the Lantern Festival; let’s explore the human world together before returning to the god realm.”

She said, pulling the youth into the bustling crowd. Bai Jue, caught in her genuine smile, tightened his grip on her hand and didn’t let go.

On the fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival, the saying “reunion in the mortal realm” has always held true since ancient times.

In the ancient god realm, within the Star Moon Mansion, Yue Mi watched the scene from the water mirror while cracking melon seeds, shaking her head, and sighing deeply.

She was both frustrated and annoyed.

“These two wooden heads! I’ve gone to great lengths to matchmake for them, but they still can’t figure out their feelings… Their combined age is older than the entire god realm! I wonder what they’ve been eating all these years…”

The Star and Moon Goddess lamented to herself. Time flew by, and soon it was nearing the birthdays of Bai Jue and Tianqi.

Shang had instructed the guards in the palace to send all the good wine she had collected over the past ten years from the mortal realm to Bai Jue’s palace, along with the nine casks of fine wine won at the Qin Chu Tavern.

The wine carts was brought out of Shang Gu’s palace and paraded through the streets in three carts, dazzling the eyes of the entire divine realm.

Shang Gu thought to herself that although she couldn’t compare to Bai Jue’s thousands of years of silently guarding and waiting, she had saved up ten years of dowry, which should give her some confidence to propose.

So, she lay in the Star Picking Pavilion, waiting for Bai Jue’s birthday, hoping for an auspicious day to bring him into the palace happily as her husband.

When Bai Jue heard the news, although he was surprised and delighted, he dared not repeat his past mistake of misunderstanding.

After a moment of contemplation, he instructed the guards.

“How many gifts has Tianqi Palace received? report it to me.”

Shao Qing, the guard, reports:

“At the hour of the tiger (3-5 a.m.) yesterday, three carts of wine were delivered to the back door of the Tianqi Palace. I heard the gatekeeper say that they were all top-quality.”

The guard reported cautiously, not daring to raise his eyes. There was silence at the top, and finally, there was a sigh.

For the sake of the person she truly likes, he was actually used as a cover-up.

For some reason, in the 137,800th year of the Ancient Calendar, the true god Bai Jue went on a journey to the mortal realm the day before his birthday and did not return for several years, with no one knowing his whereabouts.

Shang Gu’s ambitious plan to seek a husband ultimately failed, leaving her to spend her days in the Star Moon Mansion in disappointment and sighs.

For some reason, Yue Mi has been particularly disdainful towards her lately, throwing all kinds of side-eye her way.

“Ugh, it’s so hard! Why is it so difficult to chase after a husband? Men’s hearts are like needles at the bottom of the sea~ Where on earth did he run off to~”

Every day, Shang Gu would ask the same question.

Yue Mi leaned against the corridor, looking northwest, unable to help but mutter to herself.

“If I had known your method was so unreliable, I wouldn’t have bothered learning from you. I quietly devoted myself to grinding an iron rod into a needle. I’ve given away three carts of fine wine without a single splash. I traversed the three realms, roamed the eight wildernesses, toiled for more than a decade, and he didn’t even return to the realm for his birthday…”

The direction in which she looked was none other than the Tianqi Palace.

Shang Gu’s heart was set on the distant Bai Jue, so she didn’t hear Yue Mi’s grumbles, only waiting for Bai Jue to return to the god realm and reveal her true feelings, bringing her beloved back with her.

The two waited in the Star Picking Pavilion for several years, but Bai Jue and Tianqi never returned.

Whether it was destined or not, before Tianqi’s birthday that year, he guarded the Qiankun Pavilion alone, knowing that tribulation of chaos was about to descend upon the world. Since then, he has never returned from the lower realm.

Instead of waiting for Bai Jue to return first, Shang Gu received news that Tianqi had activated a world-destroying array in the lower realm to destroy the three realms.

Worried upon hearing Tianqi news,the True God returned to discuss countermeasures.

From that day on, the goddess Yue Mi no longer wore her frivolous smile or indulged in her penchant for looting and plundering treasures.

On the eve of Shang Gu’s decision to sacrifice herself to save the three realms, she and Yue Mi drank together in the Star Picking Pavilion.

Yue Mi asked her, “Why haven’t you said anything since Bai Jue’s return?”

Shang Gu remained silent for a long time before finally replying, “As a master of one realm and a true god of the three realms, there are some things that must be done. If it’s inevitable to lose, it’s better not to know at all.”

She then turned her head and looked at Yue Mi beside her.

“There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you for years.”

“What is it?”

“You don’t like alcohol, so why did you ask me for Flowerless wine that year?”

Yue Mi was taken aback for a moment, then fell into a long silence before finally smiling and saying, “Who would have thought even a block of wood like you could have a moment of enlightenment? No need to guess, it’s just as you suspected.”

The fact that True God Tianqi enjoyed good wine was well known throughout the realm.

She turned and walked away, leaving behind the ethereal voice of the Star and Moon Goddess on her long steps.

“Like you, I never found the right opportunity. These years have slipped away and been wasted. Shang Gu, whatever happens, look after him for me.”

Shang Gu didn’t understand the meaning behind Yue Mi’s words.

If she had, she wouldn’t have spent the next tens of thousands of years filled with regret.

The next day, she did not succeed in sacrificing herself.

The Supreme God, Yue Mi, along with a group of gods, perished in Tianqi’s world-destroying array in the lower realm.

The only survivor to return to the Ancient God Realm was an inconspicuous little phoenix. At that time, she was not yet the Empress Wuhuan, just a simple divine beast under Shang Gu’s command.

On the day the news arrived, it was a sunny day. Shang Gu held the jar of Flowerless wine that had been taken by Bai Jue many years ago, gazing at the Moon and Star Goddess’s mansion, drowning in sorrowful drunkenness, with no one daring to dissuade her.

And thus began the beginning of all the stories that followed.

The true god Shang Gu sacrificed herself, sealing the Ancient God Realm. True god Bai Jue survived alone in the world, beginning a long wait and vigil of over sixty thousand years.

Over sixty thousand years later, when all the dust had settled, Tianqi, amidst the boundless sky, retrieved the three-hundred-year-old memory from the statue that had weathered for tens of thousands of years.

He never understood why there was a tear in the goddess’s statue, which had been gone for sixty thousand years.

He always thought that it was left by Yue Mi for Shang Gu.

There were many things he never knew. Sixty thousand years ago, and sixty thousand years later.

What Shang Gu said was right.

“If it’s destined to be lost, it’s better not to have it at all.”

This was not only the choice of Shang Gu and Bai Jue, but also Yue Mi’s final decision and letting go.

But ultimately, it was too regrettable.

Shang Gu finally waited for that sentence: “I am Bai Jue’s.”

But what about Yue Mi?

The three carts of wine that she carefully collected over ten years have been sealed in the wine pavillion of the Tianqi Palace, untouched for over sixty thousand years.

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