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Chapter 46-Part 1

Ma Ruian still accepts compliments from everyone.

Although he should have gone to the pharmacy to study long ago, he couldn’t bear to leave. The feeling of being praised by everyone was extremely pleasant, and subconsciously, he wanted to stay a little longer.

Sure enough, someone next to him continued to praise him in various ways: “With Master Rui’an here, who dares to cause trouble at the pharmacy? The Ma family’s business will surely be smooth, making a thousand credits a day.”

As soon as the words fell, a lazy voice sounded: “Get out of the way; I’m going to smash the place.”

Ma Ruian’s smile froze on his face.

Just praised, but unexpectedly slapped in the face the next second.

The person speaking even shrank to the side and dared not utter another word, secretly cursing his bad luck. He thought that with the reputation of the Ma family, no matter who was in charge, no one would dare cause trouble.

Therefore, he boldly spoke out.

Unexpectedly, a fool really came to cause trouble!

The person regretted deeply, thinking that praising was not good; there would be no trouble if he didn’t praise.

He couldn’t help but think one step further: when Master Ruiming was present, no one had ever caused trouble.

Now, not to mention pleasing Ma Ruian, he was definitely going to be blacklisted.

Ma Ruian didn’t know what to say to the customers in the store, so he asked with a dark face, “Who wants to smash the place? Come out.”

A person walked in leisurely, fearless.

It was Zhao Min.

He looked Ma Ruian up and down and raised an eyebrow. “Has someone else taken over the Ma family’s affairs?” When he used to come to the Ma family, there was clearly a handsome young man receiving guests.

Without waiting for an answer, Zhao Min said to himself, “It doesn’t matter who is in charge. I’m here to challenge; call someone out, and let’s have a match.”

“You want to challenge me just like that? Who do you think you are?” Ma Ruian laughed in anger.

Zhao Min was holding a briefcase and was about to open it. Upon hearing this, he paused and looked up in surprise. “Don’t you dare accept?”

It had been a long time since he had come, and he didn’t expect that the Ma family wouldn’t even dare deal with people who came to challenge the Ma family.

He remembered clearly that once when he bought medicine at the Ma family’s pharmacy, someone happened to come to challenge, and the person in charge at that time laughed and said that the Ma family never refused a challenge.

Whether it was bragging or not, it sounded confident and full of momentum.

After a pause, Zhao Min hesitated. “If you refuse, it would be much simpler.”

Hyped as “the opponent the Ma family dares not face,” it should attract a lot of attention.

However, if this were the case, would the Ma family have declined? Even a random stranger who came to the challenge couldn’t be faced.

Zhao Min frowned. If that was the case, the plan needed to be revised.

“Dare not? Who said I dare not? How could I not dare?” Ma Ruian was even more annoyed.

It was his first day in office, and before he could establish his authority, an annoying guy showed up.

Ma Ruian even began to suspect whether this person was deliberately brought by Ma Ruiming? Intentionally embarrassing him.


Zhao Min could confirm that regardless of whether the Ma family had declined or not, the person in front of him who seemed to be in charge was very naive and innocent.

The words he said were quite childish.

Just saying confidently, “Let’s have a match, and I’ll make you cry as you leave,” could show confidence.

Or he could remain silent and let the other seemingly customer-like guys on the side cheer, which could effectively undermine the opponent’s confidence.

But he insisted on asking three rhetorical questions in a row.

Zhao Min didn’t think the Ma family was powerful at all; instead, he felt like the other party was anxiously hopping.

Zhao Min scratched his nose.

His initial opponent was this old fox, Qi Xing.

He was afraid of falling into a trap, so he was cautious at every step, being careful with every word and ensuring thorough consideration.

He had never encountered such a naive opponent before.

It felt like bullying a child…

“Since you’re not afraid, let’s have a match.”

Zhao Min didn’t beat around the bush, he said directly.

As he opened his briefcase, he took out bottles and jars and said, “Let’s start with the Ma family’s signature—Golden Wound Medicine. The second match will be the detoxifying medicine, and the third match will be the scar removal ointment. Best of three wins.”

Zhao Min smirked; the Tangmen now had three formulas, and he brought them all to compete against the Ma family, determined to make a name for himself in one battle.

Ma Ruiming’s attention was drawn by the commotion, quietly watching from the corner.

After watching for a while, he knew that Ma Ruian was in for a tough time.

The opponent was very strong and adept at setting verbal traps.

Whatever Ma Ruian said he dared not do, the opponent took it as his agreement to the challenge.

Ma Ruian probably hadn’t even realized what was going on yet.

Ma Ruiming shook his head with a sigh.

Such a fool definitely didn’t calculate his brain. Being in power was probably just sheer luck.

He sneered inwardly; the grudge of pushing him to his death and stepping on him to rise to power, he must repay. But not now…

Ma Ruiming glanced lightly at the crowd; Ma Ruian should be busy trying to handle the newcomer frantically.

Being lifted up high by others yet lacking corresponding strength, he would soon understand what that experience was like.


Disastrous, defeat!

Unstoppable sweat dripped from Ma Ruian’s forehead. His face was ashen, his lips trembling, but he didn’t know what to say to turn the situation around.

Three matches, all lost.

With such results, it seemed useless, no matter what he said.

The customers whispered to each other on the side.

Ma Ruian’s ears were sharp, catching snippets of their conversation, making his eyelids twitch.

How should he wrap things up? Ma Ruian was at a loss.

Zhao Min put the bottles and jars into his briefcase, then calmly said, “The Ma family? Nothing special. I’ve opened a new pharmacy opposite your place, called Tangmen. If you have any doubts, feel free to come over. In a few days, the works of our chief pharmacist will be auctioned off. Um, if I remember correctly, doesn’t Jupiter hold an auction every mid-month?”

After muttering to himself, he turned to leave.

Ma Ruian suddenly woke up from his daze, loudly calling for the guards in the shop and ordering them to catch Zhao Min.

Stopping his steps, Zhao Min chuckled. “It seems you’re even dumber than I imagined.”

He snapped his fingers, and immediately two burly men came in.

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