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Chapter 13: The True Happy End

Two months had passed since the failed bombing incident.

It was a clear afternoon.

I sat in the garden chair of the townhouse I had just purchased, feeling exhausted. Noel sat in the chair opposite me, charmingly calling out for snacks, “Snacks~ snacks~♪ I want to eat~♪”

A maid we had brought over from the Gasstark family had prepared tea and snacks.

“Mireille-sama, today’s tea is Camellan tea from the Principality of Saula.”

“Oh, isn’t it one of the world’s three most famous teas? You must have been very enthusiastic about it.”

“The snacks are Le Tana’s Extra variety, a famous confection from the Principality of Tanan.”

“…The snacks are also quite luxurious, but did you really have that much budget left?”

“No, both are gifts from His Excellency, the Marquise of Gasstark.”

I spat out the tea I was drinking in surprise… A behavior unbecoming of a noble lady.

“A-a present from my brother again?”

“Yes. Gifts from His Excellency arrive without fail every day. I’ve been informing you each time, but you said recently, ‘You’re busy, so I don’t have to report the trifles.'”

“Ah… I did say that, didn’t I?”

Every single day, I’m overwhelmed by managing my own territory.

Back when I was helping my brother manage the Gasstark territory, things were manageable to a certain extent.

And now, I bear the title of…

“Mireille de Gloriosa, Countess.”

“Ah… how did my life end up like this?”

Two months ago, for preventing the bomb incident, His Majesty the King granted me the title of Countess and a territory.

Additionally, I was given a new surname, “Gloriosa.”

In this country, it’s extremely rare for a commoner who has achieved remarkable deeds to be ennobled and become a noble.

In such cases, they are always given the surname “Gloriosa,” meaning “Glorious Flower.”

…What I’m trying to say is that I’m treated as a noble of common birth.

To avoid raising questions about my lack of blood relation to my brother, we decided on a story: my parents adopted me, a commoner’s child, and treated me as their own.

It seems they manipulated the registry books in a suitable town within the Gasstark territory and tampered with the nobility records kept by the church.

And thus, according to the King’s edict, I was granted my title and the Gloriosa surname simultaneously.

“Mireille, it’s about time for Mireld to arrive.”

“Oh… Is it already that time?”

Lost in thoughts about what happened two months ago, Noel brought me back to reality.

“Are you going to answer him today?”

“Huh? Answer what?”

“His pro-pose.”

I felt my face burning. “Um…”

Seeing my indecisive attitude, Noel pouted and mumbled discontentedly, “Even though you like him…”

“Mireille, your heart is obvious. It’s about time you gave an answer.”

“Uh… But…”

“Shall Noel answer on your behalf?”

“N-No, you can’t.”

Truth be told, I haven’t given my brother an answer to his proposal yet. It feels awkward, so I always dodge the question, leaving it unresolved.

Because, you know…

We’ve always been siblings, so suddenly confessing or proposing feels embarrassing.

Feeling embarrassed about the fact that a non-blood-related man and woman were living under the same roof, I purchased a townhouse in the capital a month ago and left the Gasstark family estate.

“Indeed. It wouldn’t hurt to be a little more independent.” Surprisingly, my brother readily agreed.

“I’ll try to visit you every day,” he said, and true to his word, he made time to visit my townhouse every day regardless of his official duties. He whispers affectionately to me without shame, doesn’t pressure me for an answer, just says, “I’ll come again,” and leaves.

And so the days go by in repetition.

Between the challenges of managing my territory and the awkwardness of my former brother’s courtship, I’m completely exhausted.

As I lay sprawled on the table,

“Ah, Mireld has arrived.”


As I lifted my head, my field of vision was filled with deep red roses.

I ended up burying my face in the bouquet that was being offered.

“Kyaa! Oh, brother!”

“You seem quite tired. It’s not very becoming to sprawl on the table like that,” my brother said, with a slightly teasing smile, as he handed me the bouquet.

“This one’s for Noel,” he added.

“Flowers~!” Noel, who received a small bouquet, jumped around happily. Being a flower spirit, she loved flowers.

“Mireld, shall I step out for a bit?” she asked.

“That would be helpful,” he replied.

“Alrighty then!” And off she went.

It was a completely familiar exchange.

“Now then,” my brother, watching Noel’s retreating figure with a gentle smile, suddenly turned his gaze towards me, making me tense up.

“Are you starting to feel like giving me an answer soon?”

“W-What do you mean by that…?”

He chuckled at my obviously evasive response.

“Anyway, you seem heavily fatigued. If you’re unfamiliar with managing your territory, it’s advisable to increase the number of aides. I have some connections, so if you have any preferences, I can introduce you to as many as you want.”

“No, thank you. I’m fine. Especially since I’m still inexperienced, I want to experience everything myself.”

“You’re still as diligent as ever,” he murmured, smiling softly.

His ice-blue eyes narrowed gently, and his platinum blonde hair fluttered in the breeze. I couldn’t help but be mesmerized by his captivating aura.

—To be proposed to by someone like him is truly an honor.

To keep postponing my answer to his proposal is nothing short of impolite.

But he just smiles and waits for me.

Actually, I’ve loved him for a long time. Probably since I was a child.



When I call him ‘brother,’ he seems a little lonely. …Maybe he’d be happy if I called him by his name? But it’s just too embarrassing.

Recently, he stopped calling me “you” and started addressing me as “you” in a formal way, so I asked him why he changed how he addresses me.

He said he wants to become ‘strangers’ with me.

He doesn’t want to be siblings anymore; he wants to be a man and a woman who are strangers to each other.

He wants to become strangers, fall in love, and then become a family again.

He wants to become a family under the name of husband and wife.

Even though he gave me such straightforward words, I couldn’t help but feel embarrassed and remain silent.

Even now… I can’t confess my feelings honestly.

“…I’ve received a title. If I were to marry someone, what should I do with my territory and title?”

I want to say ‘if I marry you,’ but my mouth automatically says’someone..’

“There are plenty of precedents for that. Some ladies maintain their titles while delegating the actual management of their territories to local governors. There’s also the option to relinquish the title, but it would be rather rude to return the bestowed position so soon. It’s probably best to maintain it through delegation and, in the future, ensure there are at least two heirs and pass on each territory to them.”

“T-Two heirs… Is that so…”

Once again, I blushed, and the conversation fell silent.

Feeling embarrassed under his gaze, I couldn’t help but lower my head in shame.

(Am I really this timid…)

As I deeply lowered my head, he suddenly asked in a lonely voice.

“Or perhaps… Do you have another ‘favorite’?”


Surprised by the unexpected question.

“You referred to someone you love as a ‘favorite,’ didn’t you? You told me before.”

“Yes, I did say that.”

“Besides Noel, do you have another favorite? …I don’t want to think about it, but could it be one of the three men who came to visit you in the middle of the night during that bombing incident?”


“The sons of the Orton Viscount family, the De Reveille Marquis family, and the Cromwell Marquis family—all three seemed to have some affection for you. It’s quite a trusting relationship for them to come willingly and help you in the middle of the night, even in an emergency.”

My brother’s face quickly turned sinister. It’s been a while since I’ve seen that expression.

“Hey, what are you saying! Those three are just… friends from our school days!”

“I’ve heard that each of them has a fiancée. Be careful not to do anything inappropriate. …You don’t want to end up like Isla Donovan, do you?”

“Don’t say such ominous things! Besides, their fiancées are actually my close friends. We’ve been a tight-knit group since our school days! …Stop making weird insinuations, brother!”

For the first time in a while, I found myself angry with him.

As I blushed and panted heavily, he relaxed his shoulders and began to smile.

“You look more like yourself when you make that face.”

He lightly patted my head and slipped away.

“Sorry, I may have been too hasty in my suspicions and burdened you. I will never force you. If you have another ‘favorite’, it’s your freedom to choose that man. …But he must love you more than I do, and he must be superior to me at the very least.”

He left, saying he would give me some space since he visited me almost every day.

Awkward, embarrassing. But I couldn’t bear to let him go.

Just when I didn’t know what to do, feeling my body heat up, I suddenly felt a warm gaze on me.

Startled, I turned around, and from the top of an oak tree several meters away, I noticed Noel staring at me intently.

That intense gaze was definitely reading my heart.

(Hey… Noel! Stop, don’t read my mind!)

Looking exasperated, Noel gestured urgently, urging me to go.

“Come on, Mireille! Hurry! Say it!”

…I get it already!


Chasing after him as he moved away, I grabbed his hand.


How embarrassing.

“I accept your proposal… because you’re my ‘favorite’!”

My face felt like it was on fire, but I stared straight at him.

He, who was once my brother, looked at me with surprise, his eyes wide open.

“I’ll love you forever.”

With a beaming smile, he hugged me tightly.

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