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Chapter 140

Lin Xun scratched his head, looking even more flustered. “Th-th-th-then, you’re really good at counting.”

“You’re too kind.”

“No, really.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”



“Uh, how about we count the leaves on the vines over there? I’ll take this side, and you take the other side.”

“Okay. Junior Brother Lin is really interesting.”

These two, bored out of their minds, actually started counting the centipede’s legs together. The elders sighed, and whether male or female, watching this scene inevitably left them speechless.

As long as they didn’t embarrass themselves, the embarrassment fell on others.

Even Zhen Xiao couldn’t help but twitch his mouth.

“Whose genius idea was it to put these two together?”

Ji Yunkai, beaming with pride, raised his hand. “That would be me!”


While it was bustling outside the mystic mirror, within the hidden corners of the secret realm, it was much quieter.

Ning Ning was a bit stunned; her mind was filled with countless thoughts in an instant—

How did they suddenly get so close? No, not just close; they were actually touching.

Had Pei Ji’s brain been fried by the demonic energy? Wasn’t he supposed to be beating her up right now?

And this plot development was completely different from what was supposed to happen, right?

Her thoughts were a tangled mess, but she had to admit that Pei Ji’s words were incredibly impactful.

He usually had a cold and hard demeanor, never showing weakness to anyone. But now, his voice was half-hoarse yet still held that uniquely clear and pleasant tone of a young man. The way he softly pleaded, it sounded like he was both begging and whining.

The fortress in Ning Ning’s mind crumbled instantly, and she softened her stance without hesitation.

Pei Ji’s palm was frighteningly cold, like unyielding iron. The distance between them was really too close. Although her vision was filled with darkness, she could still smell the fresh plant scent mingled with the water vapor from his body.

His breathing was heavy and urgent, carrying a gentle warmth that mingled with the cool water vapor around them. Occasionally, their breaths intertwined, making her ears feel both hot and itchy.

As his breathing gradually calmed, Ning Ning finally spoke softly, with a hint of uncertainty, “Are you feeling… quite uncomfortable?”

After saying it, she couldn’t help but think, Wasn’t that a stupid question? Given his condition, how could he not be uncomfortable?

She couldn’t see what Pei Ji looked like at that moment, but after some thought, she clenched her wet skirt with her fingers and made a decision.

When Ning Ning raised her right hand, it was full of the cold water from the pond. After wiping it haphazardly on her clothes, she hesitantly reached forward.

She moved carefully, and when her hand touched Pei Ji’s back, she could clearly feel his spine stiffen instantly, and he stopped moving completely.

“When I used to feel uncomfortable, my family would comfort me like this.”

Ning Ning’s movements were clumsy, and as her palm brushed over his prominent bones, she couldn’t help but tremble a little.

“…I don’t know if it will help you.”

The warmth and softness of her hand were unbelievable. As she gently stroked his back, it felt more soothing than the flowing water.

Pei Ji’s breathing slowed, as if even his previous heavy panting was an unforgivable disturbance.

His mind had been filled with dark and complicated thoughts, but with this unfamiliar touch, they all dissipated, and he couldn’t remember anything.

He had grown up with endless scolding and beatings. As he gradually learned to fight and wield a sword, his life became cold and hard, never having experienced such gentle gestures.

“Everything will get better; don’t be afraid.”

Ning Ning’s voice was very soft, like a dandelion brushing past Pei Ji’s ear, dreamlike and unreal.

“You’re not scary, and I won’t be afraid of you—so it’s okay to put your hand down.”

It’s okay to put your hand down.

Even if she saw him looking so scary… it would still be okay?

He stood there in a daze, and before he could react, he felt a sudden but gentle warmth on his wrist.

Ning Ning used her free left hand to hold Pei Ji’s wrist, and with just a gentle touch, she guided his hand down, revealing her bright and fair face.

Their gazes met directly.

Ning Ning smiled, her lips forming a delicate arc. Her round almond eyes lifted slightly and sparkled brightly, like the clear moon hanging over distant mountains. She gave him an unguarded smile. “This is good! Actually, you’re very good-looking.”

It felt like something struck his heart, making his chest feel heavy.

This time, Cheng Ying was speechless. After letting out a long “ah,” it fell silent, probably hiding somewhere in the sea of consciousness, rolling around freely.

As for Pei Ji…

Pei Ji’s throat moved as he swallowed. He turned around, his face impassive, his voice steady, with no hint of emotion. His black hair concealed the blush on his ears.

“Let’s go.”

“Are you okay now?”

Ning Ning followed behind him, her tone cheerful. “Oh, by the way! You really should eat more. When I touched your back earlier, it was all bones. It almost hurt me.”

Touched his back.

Earlier, his reckless behavior was largely due to the influence of demonic energy. Now that the black mist had dispersed, Pei Ji had regained his senses—

Oh, and he had even acted childishly, asking her to stay with him.

The unfamiliar sensation lingered on his back, and Pei Ji suddenly blushed again, hurriedly turning to glance at Ning Ning.

The young girl was staring at him seriously. As if trying to hide something, he lowered his head, submerging his entire head into the water.

Cheng Ying tutted repeatedly and sighed, “What do you think you’re doing? It’s like covering your ears while stealing a bell. Do you really think that by dunking your head in the water, no one will notice you’re blushing? I’ve seen it all, Pei Xiaoji.”

Ning Ning, confused by his actions, called out, “Pei Ji?”

The water remained still, producing a few bubbles that floated up like small, clear pearls.

Not long after, Pei Ji stood up from the water as if nothing had happened. He took a thin blue-black shirt from his storage pouch and gently placed it on Ning Ning’s head.

“Don’t catch a cold.”

His clothes were always meticulously folded and carried a faint scent of soap.

Ning Ning smiled as she accepted it. With a mischievous thought, she took a floral embroidered cloak from her storage pouch and tossed it directly onto Pei Ji’s head.

“You too.”

The two of them walked ashore, one after the other. Thanks to Pei Ji’s shirt, the cold wind blowing through the wet fabric didn’t leave Ning Ning shivering.

When she finished putting on the outer garment and looked up, she saw Qiao Yan standing dumbly by the roadside.

Qiao Yan felt conflicted.

She had been aimlessly wandering around, never expecting to stumble upon such a scene.

Imagine a man and a woman chatting and laughing as they emerged from the water, both soaking wet and putting on clothes. What had they been doing before?

What kind of passionate chaos, unaware of the world around them, could have caused them to mix up each other’s clothes and walk so brazenly on the main road?

The romantic antics of cultivators were truly beyond ordinary understanding.

Pei Ji obediently donned a light pink women’s cloak; his handsome face was pale as a sheet, and his expression was dark and grim as if he were a corpse.

Ning Ning extended her arm in a halting gesture, but because the outer garment was too large, her hand didn’t even show.

“Miss Qiao, let me explain!”

Qiao Yan solemnly apologized, suppressing her inner turmoil, and ran off with her face covered.

Ning Ning: …

Ning Ning poked Pei Ji’s arm: “So, who’s going to explain tonight?”

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