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Chapter 302: The Sect Leader Wakes Up Grumpy Every Day (50)

Seeing him like this, Shen Mubai couldn’t say anything and had to leave.

Originally, she thought Jun Jiuling would understand from now on, but he acted as if nothing had happened.

After leaving Jun Jiuling’s room and taking a bath, Shen Mubai rolled around on the bed with a headache. “Ahhh, system, what should I do?”

The system replied coldly, “You deal with the mess you made.”

Shen Mubai said pitifully, “I didn’t do it on purpose.”

The system didn’t bother to respond.

After thinking for a while, Shen Mubai, who thought she would have trouble sleeping, soon drifted off.

In the middle of the night, someone slipped into her bed.

Half-awake, Shen Mubai rubbed her eyes and instinctively asked, “Are you hungry?”

The body next to her paused and then replied awkwardly, “Not hungry.”

Shen Mubai didn’t notice, yawned slowly, and mumbled, “You haven’t seemed very hungry lately.”

The person beside her stiffened, then spoke in a muffled voice, “…Bai bai.”

Shen Mubai, “Hmm?”

Hearing the girl speak so gently, Jun Jiuling felt a pang of jealousy. “You’ve never called me by my name.”

Shen Mubai thought about it and realized it was true.

Feeling guilty, she softly said, “Ah Ling?”

A wave of jealousy surged in Jun Jiuling’s chest, darkening his eyes. His breath hitched for a moment, but he forced it down and responded in a low voice.

Shen Mubai thought Jun Jiuling seemed a bit strange tonight, but drowsiness overcame her, and she wasn’t thinking as clearly as she would during the day. She yawned again and said, “You can only stay for a while tonight; I’m very sleepy.”

A muffled response came from beside her, and a hot body pressed closer, wrapping her tightly in its arms.

Remembering what had happened today, Shen Mubai initially stiffened, but then she relaxed, knowing this was Jun Jiuling at night.

In her eyes, although this was also Jun Jiuling, he was much easier to get along with than during the day. Whether in behavior or speech, Shen Mubai always treated him like a child.

This made the psychological burden much lighter, and Shen Mubai felt at ease.

The embrace beside her was firm and warm. Shen Mubai, half-asleep, drifted off again, reminding him, “Ah Ling, remember to go back to your own bed.”

As the girl’s soft breathing filled the room, Jun Jiuling stared intently at her face. His eyes grew darker, and a cold, ambiguous smile formed on his lips. “So gentle with him, yet so resistant to me?”

Although he understood after regaining his memory that they were the same person, the swirling black emotions in his chest couldn’t be quelled.

He stared at her soft lips and, in a moment of vengeful impulse, bit down hard.

When Shen Mubai woke up in the morning, her mouth hurt. Using the copper mirror in the room, she saw the mark and almost burst with anger.

She guessed that he had been hungry and had bitten her mouth like it was a piece of candy.

Feeling frustrated, she opened the door to find Yun Niang giving her a suggestive look. Shen Mubai, feeling guilty, instinctively covered her lips.

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