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Chapter 305: The Sect Leader Wakes Up Grumpy Every Day (53)

Shen Mubai naturally didn’t know that Jun Jiuling’s illness had already been cured. Seeing him stay silent, she thought he was sulking, so she tried to coax him: “Ah Ling, be good. Let’s not talk about this anymore.”

Jun Jiuling felt a surge of jealousy in his chest, but he didn’t want to show it, so he continued to pretend. Sweetly but with a hint of sourness, he said, “Bai bai, I want to sleep with you tonight.”

Hearing this, Shen Mubai quickly replied, “No way!”

Jun Jiuling pursed his lips and asked, “Why not?”

Seeing him acting willful again, Shen Mubai felt a headache coming on. “Didn’t we agree? If you keep this up, I’ll get angry.”

In the past, Jun Jiuling would have compromised by now, but instead, he stubbornly stared at her with those eyes and said, “Be my wife, or sleep with me. Choose one.”

Shen Mubai, “…..”

Jun Jiuling kept his gaze fixed on her.

Shen Mubai had countless curses in her heart but couldn’t drive him away. After a moment of deadlock, she reluctantly gave in, “Alright, alright, just for one night.”

As for what would happen tomorrow, she’d deal with it then. At worst, she’d be misunderstood again. Things couldn’t get any worse.

Jun Jiuling felt intense jealousy but had to use this approach to get closer to the girl, silently gritting his teeth.

The two of them nestled together, Jun Jiuling’s large hands tightly holding her waist. His male scent seemed to envelop her completely. Shen Mubai felt his warm breath on her neck, making her inexplicably uneasy.

“Don’t move.” Jun Jiuling’s low voice came from behind, tinged with restrained urgency.

Shen Mubai felt something hard pressing against her and felt extremely embarrassed, her face heating up.

Her mind raced with various thoughts. When she realized Jun Jiuling was just quietly holding her without making any other moves, she slowly relaxed, assuming it was just a natural physical reaction and that he didn’t really understand.

This is why the naive and foolish will always remain naive and foolish, never learning their lesson.

As sleepiness washed over her, Shen Mubai finally couldn’t resist and fell asleep.

She expected to sleep until morning, but she woke up thirsty before dawn.

Getting up, she noticed that Jun Jiuling was no longer beside her.

Pouring herself a cup of tea, Shen Mubai drank it down, wondering where he could have gone.

She went outside and tentatively called, “Chunhua?”

Wu Er’s rough voice responded, “Madam, do you need something?”

Shen Mubai had a vague premonition but didn’t want to believe it.

It wasn’t until she lay back in bed and heard the low conversation between Wu Er and Jun Jiuling, followed by the door opening, that she became sure.

Her breathing hitched for a moment, and she forced herself to stay calm and closed her eyes.

A warm, firm body pressed against her, and Jun Jiuling’s large hand rested on her soft hair.

Shen Mubai couldn’t pretend anymore and said, “Sect master?”

Jun Jiuling’s hand paused, and he responded in a low voice.

Shen Mubai opened her eyes and asked, “Are you… better?”

Jun Jiuling calmly replied, “Yes.”

Shen Mubai couldn’t quite describe her feelings at that moment, so she just said dryly, “Oh.”

They were silent for a moment.

Jun Jiuling quietly pulled her into his arms and then said softly, “Sleep.”

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