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Chapter 5

The strong wind whipped at Yan Chaosheng’s clothes as Liu Shuang held onto his sleeve.

“Husband, let’s take a walk in the ghost realm and return to the palace later, alright?”

Yan Chaosheng put away his long spear and didn’t respond immediately.

Following behind him, Fu Heng couldn’t discern the demon lord’s mood. No one had expected the battle with Feng Fuming to last five days. Now that the gates of the ghost realm were wide open, demons from all over were coming to pay tribute, and he should be heading back to the palace to manage affairs, not indulging in personal matters.

But for Liu Shuang, the time she had alone with Yan Chaosheng was too rare. She had waited for him for five days, and once they returned to the palace, he would again become the ruler of the two realms, not just her husband.

If she didn’t seize the moment, once Yan Chaosheng got busy, she might not even have had the chance to give him the gift she had painstakingly made. She touched the headband she had woven with all her spiritual energy in her pocket. It had been too long since she had spent good time with him.

With an unchanged expression, Yan Chaosheng brushed her hand away, his tone reverting to the usual cold demeanor of the demon lord. Casually wiping the blood of Feng Fuming from his hands, he said, “Another day. Su Lun, take the madam back.”

With that, he was about to leave with Fu Heng.

Su Lun glanced at Liu Shuang, who was left standing there, clearly disappointed but still obedient and quiet. He sighed internally and said with a smile, “My Lord, the banquet won’t start for another two hours. We, your subordinates, will handle everything. It’s your birthday today, and the ghost realm will be exceptionally lively. Madam has rarely had a chance to explore. You should take a break and let Lord Fu Heng take care of the rest. I’m sure he won’t disappoint you.”

He glanced at Fu Heng with a fox-like smile.

“Right, Lord Fu Heng?”

Fu Heng’s mouth twitched internally, cursing the cunning fox thousands of times. His stern face twisted for a moment. “Yes, I will ensure everything is arranged properly, and there will be no trouble.”

“See, Lord Fu Heng has assured us. If he fails, he will be punished. My Lord, why not take a tour of the ghost realm with the madam?”

Yan Chaosheng remained non-committal. Liu Shuang’s face was pale from lack of rest, looking fragile. When Su Lun spoke on her behalf, she looked at him with large, watery eyes that seemed to speak.

Yan Chaosheng knew that even if he refused, she would only be momentarily disappointed. The next time she saw him, she would be happy again, her eyes lighting up.

There was no need to coax her; she could cheer herself up.

He lifted his gaze slightly and, for some reason, suddenly said to her, “Today is a day when all the ghosts are out on the streets.”

Liu Shuang was momentarily stunned, then understood his meaning; her eyes filled with joy. She shook her head vigorously. “With you here, I’m not afraid.”


Without looking back, Yan Chaosheng said coolly, “Fu Heng, if any demons cause trouble, bring me their heads.”

Fu Heng looked at the elegant and refined dog, Su Lun, who was shaking his fan.

Fu Heng was grinding his teeth, clasping his fist, and saying, “Understood.”

Black silk banners hung from every eave in the ghost realm.

Once a year, on this day, the usually gloomy ghost realm was at its liveliest. Yan Chaosheng was a beloved ruler, having brought peace and prosperity to the realms of demons and ghosts.

He was like an emperor founding a new dynasty, deeply loved by his subjects.

As Liu Shuang walked through the streets of the ghost realm with Yan Chaosheng, she saw ghost children running about. Those they passed had faint smiles on their faces.

She felt proud of Yan Chaosheng, her heart warm and almost bubbling over.

It was her first time walking through such lively streets in the ghost realm. Unlike the human world, the colors here were darker, and even the items sold included artifacts made from bones.

Everything fascinated Liu Shuang.

She didn’t actually dislike crowds. It was just that her immortal body was out of place in the ghost realm. Anyone could tell she wasn’t a ghost, and without protection, she could easily be in danger. Knowing how busy Yan Chaosheng was, she didn’t want to cause trouble for him, so she stayed obediently in her courtyard.

After walking a short distance, she already felt many covetous gazes on her. To the ghosts, she was like a piece of delicious cake.

Yan Chaosheng’s cold glance swept over them, and the ghosts, many of whom had never seen him before, were intimidated by his powerful aura and quickly looked away. He was still in his battle armor, giving off a strong, murderous vibe from a distance. In the ghost realm, strength was respected, and soon, those ill-intentioned gazes disappeared.

Yan Chaosheng realized that Liu Shuang hadn’t followed. Turning back, he saw her staring at something.

In a dark blue corner building, a beautiful female ghost with half her chest exposed was kissing a male ghost passionately.

His little immortal consort was watching.

Noticing Liu Shuang’s gaze, the female ghost blew her a provocative kiss. Startled, Liu Shuang quickly ran to his side. “Husband.”

Yan Chaosheng knew her upbringing was different. Her mortal mother had taught her all those fake courtesies. Mortals mostly feared and loathed ghosts, and despite his rule, he couldn’t change people’s minds. He couldn’t just kill all those who thought differently.

Cool and aloof, he said with a hint of mockery, “Scared already? In a hundred years, hasn’t anyone told you that demons and ghosts are promiscuous? If you’re really scared, go back…” After all, scenes like this were common in the ghost realm.

Before he could finish, he realized it wasn’t what he thought.

Her eyes were full of curiosity.

Yan Chaosheng paused, his tone hardening. “What are you thinking?”

She asked, “Husband, can we…” She looked at his long, pale fingers hidden under his battle robe, then held out her own small hand, indicating she wanted him to hold it.

He scoffed lightly.

“Undignified. I am the demon lord.”

Liu Shuang thought for a moment, then bought a white jade mask from a nearby vendor. Standing on tiptoe, she placed it on his face. She looked him over; even with his face covered, the demon lord still exuded an air of nobility.

“Now no one will recognize you.”

Liu Shuang couldn’t see the expression on the face behind the mask; she could only see his pitch-black eyes, as cold as the starry night.

The two of them stood still for a while, and then her hand was enveloped by an icy, pale hand. Liu Shuang’s mouth couldn’t help but curve upward, though she tried hard to suppress it. There are some ghosts who aren’t promiscuous.

They walked to the busiest area, and Liu Shuang remembered the ornate box in her pocket. “Husband, I have…”

She hadn’t finished speaking when a maid hurriedly kneeled before Yan Chaosheng. “My Lord, something terrible has happened! Without the life-bonded jade bamboo, the Mingxi pearl can’t suppress it; the master is in trouble!”

Liu Shuang was stunned. She had never seen this maid before; she wasn’t a ghost but exuded an immortal aura.

Yan Chaosheng’s tone was icy. “What?”

Liu Shuang felt his hand loosen, and in the blink of an eye, Yan Chaosheng had disappeared with the maid.

He had forgotten her, giving no explanation or comfort, not even a backward glance.

The white jade mask fell to the ground at Liu Shuang’s feet, making a crisp sound. In the ghost realm, there was no scorching sun, only a bone-chilling wind that blew against Liu Shuang.

In the shadows, many dark eyes locked on her instantly. A cold air surged from behind, accompanied by a foul stench.

Liu Shuang turned around in panic to see a ghost in a cloak reaching out to her, laughing sinisterly. “Since he’s not by your side, we won’t be polite.”

He drooled as he said, “Such a fragrant immortal aura.”

It wasn’t just him; other ghosts also surged forward, eager for a share. Liu Shuang had never seen so many ghosts in the palace, as if she had suddenly fallen from broad daylight into a terrifying abyss.

Countless pale hands reached for her, some merely skeletal. Liu Shuang tried to conjure an immortal spell to fend them off, but she had poured all her spiritual energy, along with her love for Yan Chaosheng, into the ornate box. She had almost no strength to resist, and she was quickly grabbed by the neck and dragged forward.

Someone said, “Wangzhen, if you devour her alone, aren’t you afraid of that ghost coming back to settle the score?”

The ghost, named Wangzhen, laughed grimly. “What’s to fear? If he really cared about her, would he have left her here?”

His words struck a chord in Liu Shuang’s heart that she least wanted to touch. Her face turned pale as she looked at the white jade mask lying on the ground, not far away.

Everything had happened in an instant. Yan Chaosheng had abandoned her.

Her expression was blank and bewildered, as if she were in an absurd dream. But the hand on her neck, freezing her skin, told her it was no nightmare.

The ornate box in her hand was knocked to the ground.

She hurriedly reached out, instinctively wanting to protect it. But the box was thrown open, and the headband she had made fell out.

She watched helplessly as countless feet trampled over it, turning the bright blue into filth.

The hand around her neck tightened, the bones nearly digging into her flesh. She could only stare at the trampled box without uttering a cry.

Just when Liu Shuang thought she might die, the ghosts seemed to sense danger and scattered in all directions.

A fan sliced through the ghost’s throat that was holding her, causing it to scream and dissolve into black smoke. The fan returned to its owner’s hand.

Su Lun said, “Madam…” His tone was a mix of pity and sigh.

Liu Shuang didn’t speak; crouching down and coughing violently, she picked up the dirtied headband. She tried to dust it off but couldn’t get it clean.

Su Lun conjured a brocade robe and draped it over her.

“Madam, the wind here is strong. Shall I escort you back?”

She nodded, as calm and unobtrusive as she had been every day for the past hundred years, not causing trouble for anyone, walking behind him.

With his back to her, Su Lun’s smile faded, and he spoke with a forced and strained tone, even to his own ears. “Please forgive me, madam. There’s been a major incident in the ghost realm, and that’s why the demon lord rushed back. He left me and Chang Huan to protect you, so you won’t be harmed. Today was my fault for letting you get hurt. When we return, I will accept any punishment you deem fit.”

Liu Shuang remained unresponsive for a long time.

Su Lun didn’t dare to turn around. Despite being a thousand-year-old demon, he was actually afraid of seeing a tear-streaked face.

After a long while, a very soft voice came from behind him.

“Lord Su Lun.”

When Su Lun turned around, he saw a pale little face.

To his surprise, there were no tears on her face. She clutched the dirty headband tightly and asked him in a tone so earnest it was almost heartbreaking, “Does my husband not love me? Have you been lying to me all along?”

Even though she was naive and innocent, she knew that loving someone was not like this.

One wouldn’t leave coldly at a single word, abandoning her to be surrounded by wolves.

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