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Chapter 40-Part 1

Since they were staying at a post station, the room wasn’t warm enough, providing a perfect excuse to keep their robes on.

Jiang Xiurun only removed her outer robe, keeping the thick inner jacket on.

Feng Liwu didn’t comment on Jiang Xiurun’s fear of the cold, and they both just chatted for a while on the bed, separated by a single pillow.

What was supposed to be a late-night conversation by candlelight felt more like an interrogation for Jiang Xiurui.

Given Feng Liwu’s nature, he would always try to control every variable. At this point, Jiang Xiurun had nothing to hide, so she truthfully confessed about her activities of drawing plate designs and carving radish stamps.

Feng Liwu listened for a while, then, unable to resist, held Jiang Xiurun’s hand under the dim light for a closer inspection.

At that moment, the candle in the room was blown out, and in the darkness, Jiang Xiurun felt a strong hand firmly grasping hers, with calluses gently rubbing her slender fingers.

However, this touch was not suggestive or romantic. Suddenly, the prince said, whether seriously or not, that if her hands remained so dexterous at creating forgeries, it would be better to break each finger.

Jiang Xiurun quickly forced a smile, not daring to pull back her hand, and promised to mend her ways and never forge anything again.

Seizing the opportunity, Jiang Xiurun asked about the situation of the hostage princess from Bo State. However, Feng Liwu had kept her confined at the post station, waiting to deal with her after retrieving Jiang Xiurun. As for the hostage princess’s name and identity, he couldn’t be bothered to find out.

As they continued talking, somehow, they got closer and closer until the pillow separating them disappeared entirely.

Jiang Xiurun found herself pressed against the bed and the wall by the prince, who draped an arm over her.

When the prince buried his head in her neck, he soon fell into a peaceful sleep, his breathing soft.

Jiang Xiurun was troubled. In both her past and present lives, she wasn’t used to having someone next to her while she slept.

In her past life as Qin Zhao’s mistress, she avoided sharing a bed with him whenever possible. The Qin family had strict rules, prohibiting their members from indulging in such behavior outside. This saved her a lot of trouble.

Who would have thought that in this new life, she would end up sharing a bed with the Crown Prince of Qi first? She didn’t dare push him away, but she felt uneasy.

However, the many nights of fleeing had left her without a good night’s sleep. Now that she was caught, it seemed like everything was settled. She thought she would be sleepless for the night, but she soon fell asleep, influenced by the calm breathing of the person next to her.

But as she slept, Feng Liwu slowly opened his eyes.

In the moonlight streaming through the window, he carefully observed the young boy curled up in his arms.

The more time he spent with him, the more the Crown Prince couldn’t help but feel that the fragrant, soft bundle in his arms didn’t seem like a boy at all.

At this moment, by the moonlight, he could clearly see the small Adam’s apple hidden by the collar. Feeling slightly uncomfortable, the Crown Prince pulled back a bit.

But after a while, Feng Liwu tightened his arm around the boy, closing his eyes and nuzzling the boy’s neck and cheek. He thought, reassured: Since he has an Adam’s apple, he will probably grow a beard… When the boy’s face is full of beards, this urge to be close to him should stop…

With this thought, the unspeakable secret in his heart seemed to heal on its own without needing any further concern.

While the Crown Prince and his entourage were hastily returning to Qi, news about Liu Pei from Liang finally arrived.

Perhaps due to his constant fear and anxiety after attempting to assassinate Feng Liwu, Liu Pei had been wearing soft armor made of gold. When the heavy arrow struck, it was deflected.

However, the force of the arrow was too great, piercing the soft armor. Although Liu Pei survived, he was seriously injured and bedridden.

This was completely opposite to the past life. In this life, Feng Liwu was lively and energetic, while Liu Pei would be confined to medicine and healing for a long time.

Upon returning to the Crown Prince’s residence, everything seemed as usual, as if their half-month escape had never happened.

But when Jiang Xiurun saw her room wrecked, she began to understand the prince’s fury upon discovering her escape.

Feng Liwu had not allowed anyone to clean up the courtyard, leaving it as a reminder of the chaos.

When the prince finally brought back the runaway tutor, he personally showed her around and then calmly said, “Even if I have the tolerance to forgive once, if it happens again…”

Jiang Xiurun quickly interrupted the prince before he could finish his harsh words, obsequiously promising that she would stay in the Crown Prince’s residence forever and not go anywhere, always enjoying his favor.

Such a messy courtyard was uninhabitable.

Feng Liwu assigned her a new courtyard.

But for now, there was another urgent matter: to visit the hostage princess from Bo State, who had not yet completed her confinement.

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